View Full Version : trespassers in hunting season.

12-11-2023, 07:28 PM
a couple things got me thinking about this. my property is well posted and have only had 1 incident several years ago. but on neighboring property ive been seeing people truck hunting. do you have to deal with trespassers during hunting season?

12-11-2023, 09:08 PM
You could talk to them but these days I don't know. Might be safer to just let the local police know about it. Since it's on the neighbors' property he should probably be the first to know.

12-11-2023, 09:27 PM
You could talk to them but these days I don't know. Might be safer to just let the local police know about it. Since it's on the neighbors' property he should probably be the first to know.

This here. If the neighbor doesn't care there's not much you can do except start thinking about what you'll do when they start it on your property. They'll get around to that sooner or later.

12-11-2023, 09:30 PM
Depending on what your local laws are, you could involve your local game warden.

12-11-2023, 09:45 PM
My property is land locked with a 1.5 mile easement to get to my gate. I found signs of a poacher about 10 yrs ago. After talking to neighbors, I decided it must have been the contract crew for the electric co that were on my neighbor's place. Took their lock off my gate and didn't see any other signs of trespassers until last month. Gave the combination to my neighbor to let someone from the electric co change the meter. The next time I was there, I found a fresh beer bottle on the trail to one of my blinds. I changed the combination. My neighbor has been finding beer bottles and noticing other strange things. Maybe we'll get him on a game camera. Hunting on private property without permission in TX is a felony.

12-11-2023, 09:52 PM
I confronted a trespasser once. He was sitting on the very corner of my neighbor’s property but his field of fire was across our land. I drove up to the fence with the tractor and just sat there, staring at him. The guy got the message pretty quickly and beat it - I never saw him again. With that said, I’ll call the game warden if we ever have another problem.

12-11-2023, 10:02 PM
All good responses and great info. As a new resident on a small (4.3 acres) piece of family property (40 acres total), other family members have horses and a few cows with a long easement for gas transmission lines. We have a separate gate for the gas personnel which they can access as well as certain family members. It's too small a place for hunting but may be a good place for hiding and drinking. I'll have to ask for permission to paint the corner posts purple as regulated.

I partially moved in, still waiting on the shop and carport to be erected on the slab so my mess has a place to stay, but I'm already loving the move to outside the city limits.


12-11-2023, 10:57 PM
I have enough cameras on my place to find out if someone is coming in. Gates are posted with signs. In Texas, a fence is essentially a "notice" to an intruder, therefore by way of the fence the intruder is asked to leave or not enter at all. Texas penal code 30.05 criminal trespass. If trespassing with a gun .........severity escalates.
I too look for out of place things......trash, tracks, spent brass, lost or forgotten articles, etc. Ain't found none yet.
Contact the Game Warden.

12-11-2023, 11:00 PM
I stopped and spoke to this guy yesterday. he was sitting in his truck with a binoculars and a scoped rifle right next to him. I approached and said oh I thought you was xxx the land owner, and didn't want to create conflict so I asked him if he knew xxx the land owner and told him how he could get in touch with him, land owner is a prominent professional with all kinds of google information about him and his phone numbers in the big city about an hour away. so , I let the guy know my property line is about 100 yards away to his left and he was on xxx's land. didn't want to piss him off, I'm a new comer here and these local's have been here for many generations.

12-11-2023, 11:37 PM
Well hidden game cameras,, in odd places can get good info. Use that,, and call the game wardens. Let them deal with the legalities. Confronting a potentially armed person can become dangerous if the poacher or trespasser isn't the "best" type of person.
Properly posted land,, good gates, and such can help. It's much easier to prosecute an offender if they get caught.

Several years ago,, I had a home break-in. I had cameras,, and got several pictures of the thief. I had a 4'x8' billboard made of the thief & his car. I put the billboard up along the highway, (and yes,, it was also on my property,) On it,, it said; "Wanted; Questioning for theft. Contact the local Sheriff Dept." Along with that,, and the posting of signs on my property about cameras,, I am "known" in the community" for being able to "catch" trespassers because I have cameras,, and many LEO friends. The word went out in the community about this thief & my cameras etc.
As the saying goes; "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!"

12-11-2023, 11:39 PM
I stopped and spoke to this guy yesterday. he was sitting in his truck with a binoculars and a scoped rifle right next to him. I approached and said oh I thought you was xxx the land owner, and didn't want to create conflict so I asked him if he knew xxx the land owner and told him how he could get in touch with him, land owner is a prominent professional with all kinds of google information about him and his phone numbers in the big city about an hour away. so , I let the guy know my property line is about 100 yards away to his left and he was on xxx's land. didn't want to piss him off, I'm a new comer here and these local's have been here for many generations.

You will discover the locals think they have access to any land they have used for decades. Especially true if the land owner is absent most of the time. I do not envy you.

12-12-2023, 01:51 AM
I'm a lot less forgiving. I have my land well posted and it is crystal clear that it is private with no trespassing allowed. I personally enjoy catching folks driving their UTV's or fancy 4x4's in. I enjoy blocking their vehicles in while they are trying to evade me when I call the police. Pretty satisfying to see them trying to come back after dark to discover that they ain't leaving without the benefit of a sheriff's escort. Walkers are fun also, they tend to try and hide - find them with a thermal and greet them with a smile on their way to the deputy's car.
Doesn't take too many before the general public gets the message.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

12-12-2023, 03:48 AM
I'm a lot less forgiving. I have my land well posted and it is crystal clear that it is private with no trespassing allowed. I personally enjoy catching folks driving their UTV's or fancy 4x4's in. I enjoy blocking their vehicles in while they are trying to evade me when I call the police. Pretty satisfying to see them trying to come back after dark to discover that they ain't leaving without the benefit of a sheriff's escort. Walkers are fun also, they tend to try and hide - find them with a thermal and greet them with a smile on their way to the deputy's car.
Doesn't take too many before the general public gets the message.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

The owner of one of the ranches I worked for was pretty lenient and generally let some motorcyclists ride on his land until they started cutting the fenceline to get in. We'd block them in and confiscate their equipment, then have them arrested. Never seen so many grown men and women cry. Been quiet for a couple of years years now!

12-12-2023, 09:27 AM
You will discover the locals think they have access to any land they have used for decades. Especially true if the land owner is absent most of the time. I do not envy you.

Took me a few years to "persuade" the locals that I live here now. The property (81 acres) was bank owned on a foreclosure when I bought it. The former owner was a member of a family that is/was around forever. When they kept hearing shooting (no matter if mine or others) they assumed it was me. After a few "conversations " they got the hint. Finally had it out with the last of his family members earlier this year which should finally close that book after almost seven years. Good luck and make sure they know itis YOUR property and you will not tolerate trespassers.

12-12-2023, 10:06 AM
not so much a problem as years ago. I was the first to "post" the property. We were swamped by city hunters. A couple years later my neighbor had a few heifers tied to a tree and shot. The next day everything and everybody was posted. Nowadays you can snap a cell phone pic and let the authorities deal with it. Back tag has a very traceable number, better pic than mug shot.

Martin Luber
12-12-2023, 10:36 AM
License? Hunting SEASON, posted signs, nah

We have people who eat venison year round. Nothing stopping them

white eagle
12-12-2023, 11:07 AM
States still use back tags?
We (Wis) got rid of those a few years ago
DO you still register at a registration station?
We call in to register from cell phone
you are rite if they are willing to trespass they are willing to poach and steal from us all

12-12-2023, 11:19 AM
FL has a simple trespass law, you must have written permission to be on property. A fence is premafacia evidence of no trespass. Trespass on agricultural property with a firearm is a felony, the violator is subject to detainment by the owner or their representative.
I have 1 1/2 mile of 5 strand well maintained fence and sprayed fence line which I ride 3 times a week on a 48 volt electric cart, with a very visible 6mm AR-15 in a vertical rifle rack. I usually ride criss cross also after a tour around the perimeter. I have 16 cameras and signs every 100 yards, "Notice agricultural property under 24 hour camera surveillance". Cuts down on the confrontations about 99%.

Before we bought the place it had a burned to the ground 3,000 sq ft house on it and the entire place was used to dump construction debris and unwanted stuff. Plus it was used for clandestine night assignations, that all came to a screeching halt. Took the wife and me months, plus a D-8 and a track-hoe, to clean it all up. Today it is a tree farm that looks more lke a park than the dump it once was.
We found that if you leave land un-attended or not watched over, others will take advantage. Neighbor up the road 2 miles found 3 families of squatters living on his land, made themselves right to home.

12-12-2023, 11:28 AM
Listen lady, I know it’s your deer, but just let me get my saddle off and you can have it. LOL

Whole Bunches
12-12-2023, 12:03 PM
I only have a small hobby (with goats) farm and am surrounded by 6 property owners. All the surrounding property owners have permission that if they shoot a deer on their property and it makes it onto my property, they can come retrieve it. While I haven't hunted deer in years, I do enjoy squirrel hunting and eating. I have permission to hunt squirrels on all their properties, just have to let them know I'll be there. None of my neighbors hunt squirrels. One neighbor does limit my squirrel hunting to the first 2 weeks of squirrel season and a certain part of his property so the deer feel no human pressure a month prior to deer season starting. No problem, his property, his rules. Another neighbor keeps saying why don't I come take a doe during doe days.

Knowing I have goats, I have permission to shoot (if safe direction to do so) any coyotes on surrounding property. No advance notice needed to shoot coyotes (2 neighbors have chickens). I've killed six yotes.

Another neighbor 2 miles away has his own 200yd range, lets me hunt squirrels all season, and gave me 24/7/365 access to his range/property and the combination to the locked gate. Life is good for this retiree.

12-12-2023, 12:52 PM
Not hunting related but I used to get snowmobilers riding across my front yard... where the snow blew clear they tore the crap out of the grass... so I put up a 4 wire fence, properly marked it with a sign 100 yards down the ditch, and had red warning flags on the wires.

Guy rides into it with his brand new sled ripping the windshield and him off it. Snowmobile ended up by my garage where it sat for a year as the court case went on. Yup he tried to sue me for a hazardous fence despite it being legally marked. I showed the sign in the ditch with a date code on the pic, same for the marked fence wires...

His defense "Well there was never a fence there so I can ride across that lawn whenever I please".

Judge finally had enough of his stupid motions, gave me a summary judgement of all court fees and ownership of the snowmobile since it was on my property. I sold the sled for parts(it was pretty messed up with wires wound up in the track, hood was wrecked, electrical was ripped up... guy hit the fence at 60mph). Guy also had to pay his own medical bills for the broken arm and ribs. And for damages to the fence! I put the fence back up and after 4 years the city banned riding sleds in town so no more coming in across peoples front yards. Sled owners could take alleys to the nearest trail around town, riders could come in to the bar via 1 of 2 marked trails in the downtown area. Now there are groomed trails that are very well marked.

Now I deal with kids on 4 wheelers ripping across my backyard... that is coming to an end. Sheriff has arrested 4 of them for being under age and no helmet, 4 wheelers impounded until the parents show up in court... all coming from 2 families who moved into town last year. 2 families who will not last here because their juvenile delinquent kids will land them in jail eventually. They moved into the same house, major complaints of drug use there, loud parties... just not a good scene. Families like that never last here, people will call the cops on them, often! They moved here from Minneapolis after Dakota county basically said they will go to jail if they come back...

12-12-2023, 03:47 PM
a couple things got me thinking about this. my property is well posted and have only had 1 incident several years ago. but on neighboring property ive been seeing people truck hunting. do you have to deal with trespassers during hunting season?

On my wife's property I have to deal with it all the time. We do run a few cattle on part of the property, but it is mostly people who drop off fighting dogs that can't fight anymore. We used to have neighbors out there that would let their kids hunt with out permission, but that ended a couple of years ago.


12-12-2023, 05:27 PM
On my wife's property I have to deal with it all the time. We do run a few cattle on part of the property, but it is mostly people who drop off fighting dogs that can't fight anymore. We used to have neighbors out there that would let their kids hunt with out permission, but that ended a couple of years ago.


The Law in this country does not allow for the proper treatment of animal dumpers. I could elaborate but I'll restrain myself.

Let's just say it won't go well if I get wind of it.

12-12-2023, 06:08 PM
Ammo’s costly and so is dog food. A guy I knew would always poach on mom’s 10 acres of woods. He tore down all the property flags and pulled out the stakes. Used night vision at 2-3 am. Michigan DNR never caught him. He’d drive his truck backwards up to the property line and drop off his hunting shanty facing into our land. Mom lost her place to the “wonderful” reverse mortgage people. I cuss out Tom Selleck every time he comes on the tube [emoji585]. I was sure his stand would end up boobytraped…..

12-12-2023, 06:12 PM
Ammo’s costly and so is dog food. A guy I knew would always poach on mom’s 10 acres of woods. He tore down all the property flags and pulled out the stakes. Used night vision at 2-3 am. Michigan DNR never caught him. He’d drive his truck backwards up to the property line and drop off his hunting shanty facing into our land. Mom lost her place to the “wonderful” reverse mortgage people. I cuss out Tom Selleck every time he comes on the tube [emoji585]. I was sure his stand would end up boobytraped…..

Well bless his heart and praise the Lord.

Either you know what that means of you don't.

12-13-2023, 07:58 AM
Over the years we have had much trespass for many reasons Snowmobiles ,Dirt Bikes, ATV's , poachers (if they are trespassing it is not hunting)and of coarse thieves . This fall I had atv's come into my other property they cut trees and moved log barricade to get in left Bud light cans littered on my land and the state land they came in from . A few T posts were driven deep in the ground a trail cam put high on a tree they returned but stayed out leaving more Bud light cans . The camera only got the front of one ATV no people were pictured that did not belong .
This place has had several issues I have gone out in my blind in deer season at sunrise to smell cigarette smoke and see tracks in the frost . Another time while I was still working I came up and found tracks rabbit hunters shot my garage and the old farm house shooting at rabbits . They were very bold drove in drive and next to house parking behind the house to hunt . I did find out and talk to that guy when he came in drive a couple weekends later. he backed out but I got in car and followed the tracks in the new snow and found him trespassing nearby. He denied everything I took film of him and his truck told him not to return. Not long after DNR caught him and arrested him on many charges , he was not local even but his family used to have property nearby.

My Grandfather owned my other land since 1953 I remember drunks driving though at 2&3 in the morning spot lighting in the 1970's I would grab the shot gun and fire one shot in the air , then two more so if a DNR officer was within hearing range he would come looking . The drunks would always leave quickly knowing they may get caught . Once we heard shots after they went though Trespassing after opening the gate next morning there was a deer along the two track head removed the rest wasted . The other end of the two track went out on state land same place that ATV's reopened this year .

12-13-2023, 03:31 PM
A few years ago, I was setting up to do some load testing on our club range...8:30 AM on a weekday and I had the place all to myself...when this guy with a shotgun wanders out of the woods behind the 200-yard berm, heading across the 300-yard lane. Now, our 8 acres is completely fenced with "Danger - Shooting range - No Tresspassing" signs hung every 25 yards. For a moment, I was sorely tempted to smack one of the steel targets in front of the 200 berm but, instead, jumped in my Jeep and drove downrange. The guy says he thought he was on public land...the nearest DNR Public Hunting area is 1 1/2 miles away, on the other side of a county highway and a year-around creek...and didn't see any of our signs. After he turned around and went back the way he came, I called the guy who farms the ground on both sides of our range to give him a 'heads up' and he said he was going to call DNR. Never heard any more about it but doubt if the guy ever came around again.


12-13-2023, 04:48 PM
We own 120 acres that is surrounded by parcels from 50 to 200 acres. All property is posted and the largest landowner doesn’t hunt or allow hunters. Since I hunt my land more than all my neighbors and they all know it they stay on their side of the earth. If you aren’t on your land fairly often, interlopers will sneak on. Basically they are no better than thieves.

12-13-2023, 07:22 PM
I go out to the property at lest one a week sometimes more often since we also have old drilling out there. In Wilson county I am registered as a range warden. That way I have authority on my wife's property. And yes I have arrested people. On the property. I also know the sheriff really well.


Frosty Boolit
12-14-2023, 07:19 PM
Texas penal code 30.05 criminal trespass.

I'd hate to find out about Texas penal code 30.06!

12-16-2023, 09:11 AM
^^^^ I do believe it may also be called S.S.S. !

12-16-2023, 09:32 AM
I own 320 acres of farmland managed for wildlife. While hunting it, every 2 to 3 years, I get advised by folks I don't know that I am on private property and that i should leave.
I simply ask them who the owner is and then tell them to call the owner who can then lay trespass charges.
They never call...

Gator 45/70
12-16-2023, 11:39 PM
I have a dead man crawling around on my hunting property with his eyeballs dragging in the dirt,
I tell all the locals' about the Marine whom blew his eyeballs out back in January 2014
Seems he shot a bit too far forward, Took him a month to die down at the VA's hospital in B.Rouge
Would tell yall about Heidi the love doll I found out there but I wouldn't want to bore yall to death or get the boot!