12-11-2023, 04:41 PM
@Moiecol started this thread about a 3D printer Powder Trickler: Since the thread was started we later found this 3D printing sub-forum, so I figured I'd post my print here.
Moiecol was so nice to send a link for the stl file I wanted to print it myself. This is the link Moiecol sent for the file on thingiverse:
As the programmer says the hole in the body will need to be reamed with a 10mm drill bit, but I found a 13/32" actually a better fit. Here's the 3D print I did with IMR-3031 powder - it trickles nicely. As well as the 40 yr old RCBS trickler I've been using for more years than I like to count.
Rather than reaming the hole to 10mm, I suspect it would work good to scale the tube down by 2% or so to make it fit. Since the body takes a couple hrs to print while the tube is <1/2 the time I might work with the tube to reduce the size. Since the thread was started we later found this 3D printing sub-forum, so I figured I'd post my print here.
Moiecol was so nice to send a link for the stl file I wanted to print it myself. This is the link Moiecol sent for the file on thingiverse:
As the programmer says the hole in the body will need to be reamed with a 10mm drill bit, but I found a 13/32" actually a better fit. Here's the 3D print I did with IMR-3031 powder - it trickles nicely. As well as the 40 yr old RCBS trickler I've been using for more years than I like to count.
Rather than reaming the hole to 10mm, I suspect it would work good to scale the tube down by 2% or so to make it fit. Since the body takes a couple hrs to print while the tube is <1/2 the time I might work with the tube to reduce the size.