View Full Version : Lube Stop Ring Casr Bullets

old turtle
12-04-2023, 01:40 PM
Does anyone make a tool for lubing stop ring bullets? At present I am just smearing the lube in.

12-05-2023, 08:28 AM
Called tweezers.
You can heat your bullets up with a flame and then dip them into your lube.
The lube will melt and then place upright on grease proof paper.
When cool there will be a little puddle of lube at the base.
Wipe the base on rag before loading.

Finger lubing works with a real soft lube as you mentioned.

I ‘have been known to cast a bullet then wait till I’m waiting for the next on to solidify then pick up the somewhat cooled bullet.
Dip it in the lube then stand it up to dry.
I keep my prelubed ones in pistol mtm boxes etc till I want to load them using one case etc.

Hope it helps

old turtle
12-05-2023, 01:38 PM
Thinks, i would not thought of warming the bullets. I have a nice German rifle in 8.15x46r. it is a target rifle but not a Schuetzen rifle. I think it may have been made for the Running Boar matches. it has a set trigger and is very accurate. I love single shot rifles.