View Full Version : 8 a.m., Monday morning, no snow, but.....

Der Gebirgsjager
11-27-2023, 01:28 PM

The indoor/outdoor thermometer says it's cold outside (large numbers on the top of the screen). The snow will be along--just another week or two. How's things at your house?


country gent
11-27-2023, 01:37 PM
Here in Northwest Ohio its 12:36 and 29* but no snow or rain. It is windy though

11-27-2023, 01:50 PM
18 degrees this morning. It snowed 3" yesterday and most of the snow melted but shaded areas still had lots of slush. Anything that didn't fully melt yesterday, refroze overnight and was slicker than goose poop this morning. I would be surprised if the hospitals didn't have many people with slip injuries show up this morning.

11-27-2023, 02:02 PM
WOW is it seriously 83 degrees in your house??? :shock::shock::shock:
We have our AC set to come on at 76
We been finally getting to the single digits and highs of mid twenties and a bit of snow. Its about time. Most of deer hunting was in the 60's so I didnt even go. Would have to shoot it and then butcher it immediately.

Winger Ed.
11-27-2023, 02:22 PM
It got down to 30 last night, but it's warming back up.
It's our usually wet & windy, and feels colder than a pawn broker's heart.

Der Gebirgsjager
11-27-2023, 02:23 PM
Well, yes and no as to the 83 degrees. The house is heated with a wood stove in a smallish office and it has a little fan sitting on the top that operates from the stove's heat, and a larger fan (not visible) that blows the warm air from the office into the kitchen and living room. So, at present, it is about 80 degrees in the kitchen and 78 degrees in the living room. It's cooler down the hallway in the bathroom and bedrooms, about 73 degrees. The house also has central electric heat, but since I live in the mountains and own a small bit of woodland it's much more economical to heat with wood, which is very pleasant. Us antique-type folks don't mind it being a little warmer, but I'll be the first to complain about it being 90 degrees in the summer!


I leave the electric furnace's thermostat set at 72 degrees so that if we have to go somewhere and the fire goes out it's still nice and warm when we come home. I just thought I'd share this morning's temperature with you fellows living in the banana belt. :-D Am I jealous? No, I love living in the mountains. It's home to me.

11-27-2023, 02:34 PM
23 degees, gray overcast, wind at 15 mph, just a dusting of snow.

Hey, since retirement, no getting up at 3:30am, no firing up a CAT dozer, loader or excavator, I really don't care about the weather!:grin:

11-27-2023, 02:43 PM
28 for us. Thanks to our 45 year old Lopi stove our log home is toasty warm throughout. love wood heat, the "Real solar energy".

11-27-2023, 02:46 PM
Our mornings have been in the high 20's or low 30's with some wind and cloud cover. The humidity makes it feel colder than that. Pretty mild compared to some of you other guys weather!

11-27-2023, 02:56 PM
Low to mid 40's here. High wind yesterday (20-30 mph) but no precipitation. Might get some rain later in the week.

Still no frost either - I might get the chance to cut some late season hay in a few days.

11-27-2023, 06:30 PM
12 degrees at 6am today. It's 48 and sunny at 2:30 pm. Almost no wind for a change.

11-27-2023, 06:54 PM
12 degrees this morning and made it to 32 degrees this afternoon. Snow later this week is forecast

Texas by God
11-27-2023, 07:44 PM
A nice 47 degree evening so far with no wind at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-27-2023, 08:12 PM
Mid 30's to low 20's here. Forgot what the sun looks like. Where's all this global warming they always talk about?

Outer Rondacker
11-27-2023, 08:36 PM
Mid 30's to low 20's here. Forgot what the sun looks like. Where's all this global warming they always talk about?

about the same

11-27-2023, 08:40 PM
12° this morning it is 37° @ 5:30pm. But we still have 6" of snow on the grass and ice on the sidewalk from Saturday/Sunday storm.

11-27-2023, 08:47 PM
Y'all keep them doors shut for as long as you can, don't need any of that cold and white stuff down here.

Thank you.


11-27-2023, 09:08 PM
29 degrees at about 1AM with frost on the windshields, 39 at 9AM.

11-27-2023, 10:43 PM
Cold in the mornings, frost on everything. By 9 we were in t shirts. We’re framing a house getting ready for what’s coming.

11-27-2023, 11:32 PM
27 thus morning, hit 46 this afternoon, down to 25 tonight and 55 tomorrow with above freezing rest of the week. To early to be this cold

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11-28-2023, 01:20 AM
Mid 30s at night and mid 40s to 50s during the day. Still riding the motycycle to work, but am wearing the heated gloves.

William Yanda
11-28-2023, 10:40 AM
We are a little bit East of the snow belt off Lake Erie. At 9:30, Tuesday, the outdoor thermometer reads 26 degrees and there is a dusting of snow. The driveway is white, and the lawn about half and half. I heard a snowplow go by about 5:30 this morning, first time this season that I recall.

11-28-2023, 11:33 AM
A little after 8 am this morning came back home to a brief snow shower. Hard to see in the pic but there was a wall of snow coming up the valley. I had never seen anything like that. It was cool. GF tried going inside for her phone to take a pic but it moved that fast. The other is Ruger looking at me like aren't you coming out to play with me?


11-28-2023, 11:57 AM
This morning at 0600 it was 12 degrees. At 0847 - A balmy 16 degrees. Forecast thigh today is 32 Degrees. Winter is late this year; but it is here now.

11-28-2023, 12:27 PM
Dropped t 7 last night for the low... pellet stoves heats when I am up, keeps my office at 80f LOL rest of the house is cooler!

Good Cheer
11-28-2023, 02:03 PM
Snow from day before yesterday is going away. 14 this morning.
May Bell is coming down with seasonally effected cat disorder. She asks to go outside, halts as the arctic blast from the corn tundra strikes her whiskers and mopes.
I'll break out the vacuum cleaner later and do something therapeutic.[smilie=w:

11-28-2023, 02:40 PM
Maybe top out at 30 degrees with a howling wind and lake effect snow here at 1700’ in Central NYS.

11-28-2023, 04:32 PM
14 degrees this morning and 3” of new snow.
Supposed to get 65mph winds later today so I will have some deep drifts in my driveway!
I hate a warm house! I keep the thermostat at 64 F


11-28-2023, 07:52 PM
YOYO weather around here lately. It's been bouncing back and forth between the single digits and the mid thirties. Heading down to zero tonight, but they forecast back up in the low forties by Friday. We got 6" last Wednesday but it's melted down and frozen into about 3" of crusty crud. Miserable walking.

11-28-2023, 09:01 PM
It was 14 degrees this morning under a Bright full moon when I left for the deer blind with about two inches of snow on the ground . I got to my blind at 7 am still dark and it was 18 in the blind high today was 26 degrees . Snow was on and off with bright blue sky between .

Der Gebirgsjager
11-28-2023, 09:14 PM
It's coming! 6" forecast for Thursday, 5.5" for Friday, a bit more over the weekend. Won't see bare ground again after that until next April. I'll attach a photo or two when it happens.


11-28-2023, 09:20 PM
Up in NW Wisconsin, about an hour south of Lake Superior, we woke up to about -10. Snowed a little in the last few days and it hasn't been warm enough during the day to melt it, but it is supposed to be up into the mid 30's most days this week. Had a completely brown deer season and snow free Thanksgiving this year, something that is becoming more and more common, it seems. I imagine the snow will be here in the next two weeks. The kids are getting antsy as the bikes and motorized summer toys are put away and the lakes are starting to ice up, but not enough to ice fish and no snow for snowmobiles.

11-28-2023, 09:44 PM
Ours has really changed from anything consistent to a saw-tooth of highs and lows. Last week (in Fahrenheit) it was 11* in early morning; two days later up to 61*F! Then, we had rain/snow mix in the low 30*s, followed by a couple of days in the 18*F to 24* range.
Right now it is 24*F as I type; Weather Underground suggests it will be a warm night, going down only to 20*F. Tomorrow's high is forecast at 28*F with a 50% chance of snow. When I came downstairs this morn (~6:15am) it was 17*F.

John Guedry
11-30-2023, 09:46 AM
It's 53 right now and supposed to start raining. Really gonna' get nasty.

Outer Rondacker
12-05-2023, 08:04 PM
As long as the fire is going inside the woman and I don’t care what’s going on outside.

12-08-2023, 08:23 PM
Got down to 69 last night the coldest its been since spring. Will be warming up in the morning then cooler early next week.

12-11-2023, 09:57 AM
Still a YoYo in northern Maine. It's been single digits at night and in the teens during the day for the last ten days, then yesterday it went up into the forties and it's raining, again. I really don't care for rain in the winter. I much preferred when everything stayed frozen from November until April.

12-11-2023, 10:23 AM
Nice crisp 30 degrees this morning - first frost of the season for this winter.

12-11-2023, 10:25 AM
Woke up to an unexpected dusting this morning. Only a couple of inches. Pretty.320852

12-11-2023, 12:57 PM
Ice fog last night, everything is white with frost this morning!

Eddie Southgate
12-11-2023, 01:22 PM
29 at 5:30 when I went out and 40 when I came in at 11:00 . Saw a 4 pointer and a 6 but am waiting on a big one so let them walk. Also saw a Coyote I shot a while back but saw him first and didn't want to screw up the deer hunting by shooting it.

12-12-2023, 09:47 AM
Last night was the coldest its been here since early spring. 59 low 74 high