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11-22-2023, 07:39 PM
Here in Oregun;
Harney County Circuit Judge has made his decision. Measure 114 that was passed last year, would have been one of the strictest gun laws across the United States. I won't go into detail, as it is posted on net. The judge, Robert Raschio has has made the decision that measure 114, is unconstitutional to the Oregon Constitution. YESSS!!! Of course it will be appealed. Eventually go to the Oregon Supreme Court, and then on to the United States Supreme Court. But, for now, it is a victory for the pro-gunners here in Oregon.

Der Gebirgsjager
11-22-2023, 08:10 PM
And, very likely can be considered a victory for gun owners all over the U.S. of A. The ruling is very well constructed, fortified with lots of history, case law, and expert opinion, and can be read at the link included in this letter from OFF (Oregon Firearms Federation). It will no doubt be cited in other cases challenging anti-gun legislation in other states.


Judge Robert Raschio in Harney County has declared Measure 114 to be “facially unconstitutional by a finding of clear and convincing evidence…”

Our congratulations and gratitude go to Tyler Smith and Associates and attorney Tony Aiello who, virtually single handily, took on a scrum of Oregon State lawyers and defeated this odious attack on liberty.

Our thanks also go to Judge Raschio who took a brave stand in the face of a full frontal assault on gun rights by Oregon’s establishment leftists.

We have just received the decision and have attached it for your review. We will have more to say about it in the coming days. But for right now we wanted to share this positive news with you in time to give you one more thing to be thankful for.

While this good news buys us time, there is no doubt that the state is already working on an appeal to the ruling which will cost Oregon taxpayers even more millions. And keep in mind that Oregon’s Appeals Court includes Judge Jim Egan who has stated, in an unhinged rant, that gun owners are racist anti-semites. So there is still a long and expensive fight ahead. As we know, the totally compromised FBI has their fingers on the scale and, at the request of Oregon’s Department of “Justice,” broke the rules to offer Oregon a “grace period” to conduct fingerprint checks required by Mz 114 but which the FBI already admitted they were not allowed to conduct.

The fight for gun rights in Oregon will continue

Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving.

Oregon Firearms Federation

Judge’s Ruling:

You can view this post in a browser here: https://www.oregonfirearms.org/happy-thanksgiving-measure-114-declared-unconstitutional


11-22-2023, 08:16 PM
Glad to hear of this. I've only kept up peripherally with whats going on over there in Oregon, but knew it was mighty bad for yall, and thus for everyone in the firearms community. Glad that things are starting to be worked out in the right direction.

11-22-2023, 08:51 PM
I believe the 4th curcuit just struck down a similar one in Maryland. This will help as well.

Texas by God
11-23-2023, 12:28 AM
Great news, indeed.
I wear my O.F.F. cap daily in solidarity for the oppressed gun owners in Oregon.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-23-2023, 12:37 AM
Thank you.

Martin Luber
11-23-2023, 09:32 AM
We must hang together or we will hang separately…

Good news thanks

11-23-2023, 09:54 AM
Thank heavens above for Donald Trump Supreme Court appointees. At least we can think we legal gun owners/shooters will get a fair shake if it makes it that far. Not a left or right, but a fair shake is getting to be an anomaly today.

elk hunter
11-23-2023, 10:41 AM
The anti-gun people will keep on trying hoping to break our will or our bank accounts. We're stuck with funding both sides of this fight. I believe that politicians that propose and back unconstitutional measures should have to pony up the funds personally to defend their beliefs just as we do.

I'll get off my soapbox now.