View Full Version : two dogs and a dead cat on trail camera

11-16-2023, 07:08 PM
I pulled the SD card on a trail camera I have had out for a month there was a dead black cat in front of the camera . The camera is about 400 feet north of my house on it was a lot of possum , next up was deer including a small racked 6 point and a spike with a tiny fork on one side , Raccoons 4 at once in one night image , two Quill pigs (porcupines) and two bobcat and a coyote . Most images were in the dark including me heading out to my blind . I have never seen these dogs but heard serval barking today and running south and west of my blind , it is deer season here second day .

From what I could tell from tracks the dogs caught the cat in a wet grassy area about 50 yards away and the scuffle ended at the camera . I have never seen these dogs and the further one seems to have a oddly shaped face ? Any ideas what breed they might be?


11-16-2023, 07:21 PM
Free running dogs don't usually make it back home where I come from especially during deer season! Plenty of domestic house cats get dumped here on the farm by city folks who don't want to care for the nice cute "kitty" once the cat matures. Cats are desert for the yoties. Ya see them for a few days and then you don't. Too bad people dump their unwanted pets.

11-16-2023, 08:22 PM
I had way more problems with dumped dogs than dumped cats. I had cattle and if they left them alone I returned the favor. First time I saw them chasing cows it was the 3 S's.

I did have a male cat of a neighbor's who insisted on pissing on my front door rug once. He got the same treatment.

If you've ever experienced cat piss you know exactly what the problem was.

11-16-2023, 08:46 PM
Shag and Nasty?

Ithaca Gunner
11-16-2023, 09:02 PM
Not at all common, but they look like they could be a mix with Irish Wolf Hound, not that it makes a difference. If feral, they're quite dangerous no matter what breed may be in them.

11-16-2023, 09:32 PM
Are you willing to chance a FAMILY member being bit and under going RABIES shots. What about GRAND kids..? They are up to NO GOOD..

11-17-2023, 07:27 AM
I have not had this many stray dogs and cats since the obama years when many people in the area lost their homes . I do know these dogs can be dangerous so can the feral cats . In 2010 I was charged by a 90 lb. Rottweiler in my front yard it was knocked flat by a Corebon 165 grain +P hollow point from .45 acp Just before animal control arrived. There was no problems the animal was feral a second dog was taken away it was someone's and was taken care of.
Cats have actually caused me more problems I do not mind these dogs killing one a bit. I have had cats piss all over the front porch and back porch they kill rabbits and grouse in the yard too . I have also had them poop on the porches for some reason and one attacked my dog then came after me . it took three .22 hollow points to turn the attack two more to anchor the thing I missed once . Stitches and shots on Wally ,my Corgi, cost me $150

When I get in town I am going to have a print made to show around I currently have coyote size traps out that will hold a dog and if they do belong to someone I doubt they will be returned but the owners will be warned . I am sure these are the dogs I heard running south and west of my blind yesterday morning but I am wearing hearing protection with amplification and am not sure how far way they were .
P.S. high winds and heavy rain this morning I think I will wait to head to blind ....

11-17-2023, 10:18 AM
I've only had one instance of two stray dogs on my property. Couple of yells and shots into an embankment and they never came back. Ranch 1/2 mile from our place (nearest neighbor) has a cat that comes around near our chickens. Scared it off twice, third time might be a bit more permanent if it goes near my girls.

Ithaca Gunner
11-17-2023, 11:01 AM
Cats are tough animals to put down with a .22rf. I've found a 12ga. to be a quicker solution, though much more noise.

11-17-2023, 11:18 AM
dogs and cats that were once pets seem to turn feral very quickly once they are dropped off in rural area. in the area where I am is very rural and there is a major river that has a low highway bridge over it and it is a haven for people to drop off unwanted pets. even the sheriff has come out to put down feral dogs for the old lady across the way. for years I tried to shoot a very wise old big feral tomcat, not easy at all. with the 22 I had a bunch of frustrating misses, cats being hunted in the wilds are fast, the closest I got I was able to get a couple #4 pellets into it with a full choked 12 gauge with my full power turkey loads. this cat was a big problem killing and maming several of my barn cats and completely wiping out several kitten litters. that cats gone now and the current problem is with coyotes and foxes.

11-17-2023, 01:11 PM
Coyote explosion here so feral dogs and cats do not have a chance... someone dropped off a at 2 weeks ago. It would come to me to be petted then run... it lasted 3 days... gone and it wasn't a cat named Frisbee laying in the street! I heard the 'yotes hunting the night it disappeared! They have a different howl and bark when hunting. None are coming into town yet... if they do I may have some pelts to tan this winter!

11-17-2023, 02:37 PM
No such thing as feral dogs out here. They are low on the food chain in our woods.

11-17-2023, 03:06 PM
I would NOT advertise what you are doing or what you have planned for the critters. Just do it quietly. Yes, follow the 3's rule.
You do not need to get involved with the legal system. And if not the legal system, then you do not want to be looking over your back all the time or checking for nails in your tires or bits of poision food waiting for your dog.
Dog owners who let their dogs stray, chase cattle or horses through fences, kill chickens etc. do not need to be informed of their animal's behavior. They already know.
Neighbors up the road had two golden labs that put some cattle through the fences, and they were later found in the pasture at ambient temperature. Wasn't me. BTW, I like dogs.
Forgot to mention. We have a cross breed of dogs now that are called Coydogs. Very difficult to shoot. No natural fear of humans. They breed over at the Indian reserve. Surprised? No.

Winger Ed.
11-17-2023, 03:19 PM
They have a different howl and bark when hunting. None are coming into town yet..

They have a language they communicate with the barks.
About dark, they'll just sing to let each other know where they are. Then there's a 'hey, come help me kill this' bark too.

If they aren't in your city yet,,,,, they will be.
In the city, here- I've found they are on the move and hunt in daytime too, but usually alone.

11-17-2023, 06:26 PM
I've a coyote who wanders across my property at odd intervals and usually leaves poop on my driveway. It's not steady dog, I've seen him every now and then when I'm either not armed or just not where I can shoot at him. So far no cows or calves hurt....

Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

Texas by God
11-17-2023, 07:15 PM
My late brother knew the law well concerning wandering livestock molesting dogs.
I never agreed with his hanging shot dogs on the fence; but he did it anyway.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-17-2023, 07:55 PM
I knew a farmer years ago that would drag them in the road and run them over when they got after his cattle . He said that way if someone looked for them it looked like a car got them . He did call a neighbor when his Doberman went after his wife told him to come get his dog it was bleeding in the yard . The guy called the police and ended up charged with causing his own dogs death by neglect .

11-18-2023, 10:39 PM
Pat, pat, pat. You seen my.....what.....

Winger Ed.
11-18-2023, 11:09 PM
We follow a family on youtube that is a animal sanctuary down near Houston.

Among the rescue live stock type animals, they have I think, 3 ostriches.
They also have a coyote problem. The other day, some stupid coyote got in the pen with the ostriches.
I'd heard they were vicious----- The male ostrich tore the coyote's head completely off.
Then he strutted around all the next day, proud of protecting his area from the predator.

11-19-2023, 12:04 AM
We follow a family on youtube that is a animal sanctuary down near Houston.

Among the rescue live stock type animals, they have I think, 3 ostriches.
They also have a coyote problem. The other day, some stupid coyote got in the pen with the ostriches.
I'd heard they were vicious----- The male ostrich tore the coyote's head completely off.
Then he strutted around all the next day, proud of protecting his area from the predator.

They are vicious! Have killed people!

11-19-2023, 11:25 AM
A problem in many rural areas. Both cats & dogs.

If feral,, sadly,, they can be a problem.

I spend a lot of time in the woods,, and I've seen cats & dogs. Most cats get a pass,, because I do not know if they are just someone's wandering pet. I'd feel real bad if a child has a beloved pet that just doing what comes naturally, wandering around exploring,, and I were to kill it. Dogs or cats.
Dogs,, I also try to judge their behavior.
I've had people bring dogs from out of state,, and release them to run deer in our woods. (Illegal too!) That happens,, the dogs get killed. By the same token,, many years ago,, I had a dog come to my deer stand, and lay down. She was lost. She found me. She had a collar, and I was easily able to get her to come with me to my truck. I called the owner, and the lady was not only overjoyed, she was surprised. That dog was a rescue,, and didn't take to too many men. She had wandered away from the owner's boyfriend as he was hiking in our area. That dog was a perfect little lady in my home, around my pets, and was very loved by her owner.

Dogs I see chasing deer,, get shot.

And I have enough coyotes around to where any cats that wander & stay around,, are allowed to live. I haven't had any issues with excessive loss of any other wildlife. Heck, I have video of a bobcat inside my barn chasing a rat.

Remove one type of predator, and a different predator will take it's place.

As for the picture provided by the OP,, those two dogs would be killed if on my place. Obviously doing no good.

I have rescued many animals over the years on my property. I've also had to kill several as well. It all depends upon the attitude and actions of the animal.

11-19-2023, 06:54 PM
Well today those two dogs ran into my property about 120 yards in front of me in my blind they were out of sight in a flash and I made two short barks. The dogs came right to my blind wagging their tails and friendly while I was pointing my 30-06 at them . I asked them what they were doing running around they kept wagging their tails and I told them to go home and they went back the way they came in passing by 20-30 turkeys not bothering one of the turkeys. There was a third dog with them a white standard poodle mix I thought was my neighbors so I took the picture and talked to her (1/4 mile north of me) . Her dog was in and all trimmed not the same dog but she knew who owned all three and has talked to the owner of the two dogs pictured they let them run all day long they come home at night (so far) . She also said another neighbor talked to the owners and told them next time they are there they are not coming home .
At night I have several traps out for pests including two coyote size traps (leg hold) I cover them during the day because of my own dog .
P.S. the local vet I use used to be very good at seeing a dog in an emergency they have gotten so big they tell people to go to vet clinic 80 miles away now! I called early to get medication that is no longer imported and rabies shot for my dog two months for a appointment!

11-21-2023, 01:56 PM
Here in the old folks village the dog walkers were throwing dog cookies to the coyotes to make them stop following. Didn't work, now we have tame coyotes. The yotes live in backyards eating dog food drinking on the birdbaths, sleeping on the lawnchairs, sleek well fed yotes. I took an unofficial poll, and found the majority of geezers, especially the shut-ins enjoy the zoo passing by, the caregivers keep the birdfeeders full, that keeps the rats, hawks, owls, snakes, chukwallas, gila monsters, and bobcats happy, every now and then a puma wanders through after quail eating the cracked corn. That's just what we need, a mountain lion in the backyard. Black bears haven't gotten this far, but cute bear cubs make the local news. A turkey vulture landing in the backyard looks like a Piper Cub on approach. May well be the yotes ate the javalina litters, I don't see small ones anymore. Of all the critters, californians are the invasive species.

So I live in Bambi's nature preserve, the wildlife has Fish and Game's full support. We can't shoot or bowhunt within a quarter mile of a house, so SWMBO produced a green laser with a dazzler lens, will leave a yote seeing green spots for a while. Yotes quickly figured out that I have a wrist rocket and that Swede has a laser. I can only hope she doesn't shine it at the border patrol helicopter, they would come and take it away from her. Don't point it at daddy either.

I was hoping retirement would be boring.

11-21-2023, 05:00 PM
Years ago i was playing with a laser pointer with the neighbors kittens a older cat they had paid it no mind at all . I pointed the red laser at the cats eyes shortly after it went blind. I do not know for sure I caused that but am more careful not to do so again with people or animal.
I recently had a Raccoon chase the laser while the bright green game light was on it as well , the game was over when the laser was on the shoulder and I pulled the trigger sending a 51 grain bullet at 3000 f/s through the coon .
P.S. this is also my retirement in the sticks of Michigan I never know what will turn up here at any given time , biggest safety risk is probably methheads that seem to not care what they do and a catch and release court in the county!

11-21-2023, 09:22 PM
About an hour ago I got a yote amidships with my wrist rocket at 50 feet.
I was walking my dog the yote walked right up looking for a cookie.
I betcha that yote is still running. Walmart has wristrockets for $8,
our yards here are covered with small smooth landscaping rocks.
One thing we don't have around here is cats, feral or loose.

11-22-2023, 06:05 AM
.429&H110 that is one way to give them the boot , I would worry about what would happen if one was rabid the slingshot will not deter them then .

For a while Florida was having terrible trouble with coyotes taking smaller dogs while people where walking them leashed ! I walk my 30 pound dog here off the leash but carry at least a .45 acp for such things I have shot two aggressive cats one with a .22 and I stopped carrying the lower power pistol .

I think we talked about where I grew (K-4th grade) up outside Luke AFB I only saw one coyote in five years , everyone shot them then.

11-22-2023, 02:17 PM
Even if there were powder burns on the coyote, I might still have to explain it to a grand jury.
A negligent discharge in AZ is a felony.
Around here we can have all the firearms we want, but must never ever shoot, ever.
Fish and Game will and did tell me, no. Sheriff says no. Not within 1/4 mile of a house.
How about a bayonet on a cane?
Vehicular assault? There are plenty dead coyotes in the road.
That's what we need, geezers chasing yotes with golf carts, there's a new sport.

If I could get permission, which I can't, I can apply for a "Special Permit" for coyote control.
Trouble with that is most people like their backyard coyotes.
Even a wristrocket could be "harassing wildlife". Kinda fun, though.

What is in it for me is I want my elderly disabled? wife to walk the dog, and she won't.

11-22-2023, 03:09 PM
Neighbor, a mile up the road, called this morning, needs to borrow my thermal outfit. He went out last night to investigate a disturbance amongst his livestock. 3 coyotes and four 3-400# wild hogs in the pasture.....five coons in the cow's shade tree. Sounds like you need some help. Geez.

11-22-2023, 06:00 PM
My sister saw two dogs get into a pasture with a herd of Elk. She said the result almost made her sick and She grew up on a farm.

11-23-2023, 02:09 AM
Even if there were powder burns on the coyote, I might still have to explain it to a grand jury.
A negligent discharge in AZ is a felony.
Around here we can have all the firearms we want, but must never ever shoot, ever.
Fish and Game will and did tell me, no. Sheriff says no. Not within 1/4 mile of a house.
How about a bayonet on a cane?
Vehicular assault? There are plenty dead coyotes in the road.
That's what we need, geezers chasing yotes with golf carts, there's a new sport.

If I could get permission, which I can't, I can apply for a "Special Permit" for coyote control.
Trouble with that is most people like their backyard coyotes.
Even a wristrocket could be "harassing wildlife". Kinda fun, though.

What is in it for me is I want my elderly disabled? wife to walk the dog, and she won't.

80 pound draw crossbow pistol, almost silent, mine buries the bolt up to the fletching in a bow target... https://www.amazon.com/Cocking-Crossbow-Arrows-Last-Punch/dp/B01N51UXMM?th=1 I use mine on gophers and excess garden bunnies...

11-23-2023, 10:15 AM
Dogs are no joke. Here in central Alabama, we have had 3 people killed by dogs in 3 separate incidents just this year. That doesn't count the attacks. We even had an animal investigator killed by a pack of dogs. Children and the aged are no match for a gang of dogs either-----without a firearm, that is. It seems like the more information in the news, the more Pit Bulls are garnered as "pets". If you do have to dispatch them, DO NOT post it ANYWHERE, especially on social media.

11-23-2023, 10:47 AM
We had a problem around here for a couple years with a pair of dogs.
i'd never see 'em till deer season, one afternoon after several years of them chasing deer.
I finally put a 320 gr cast from a 444 through the larger of the two.
perfectly legal here...
Haven't seen the smaller one since.
Stray cats cats get the same treatment, except they never get a pass.
Two so far this deer season.


11-23-2023, 05:48 PM
At the dog park this morning a hawk swooped over, checking out the little dogs.
I was the only one who saw it, old people don't see very well.
And they aren't looking.

Bow hunting within 1/4 mile (without permission) is hunting here. Air rifles are firearms, by law.
The coyote lovers are against it.
Air rifle vs rats (big grey rats) inside my walls is illegal.
Tell it to the rats.

The drawback to slingshot hunting is now the yotes see me and hide. They learned quickly, but.
They still sneak up behind the old ladies walking their little dogs and some of the little old ladies are carrying. We might just get a test of the legality of a little old disabled lady killing a coyote. (Nobody would care if she shot a mugger. Muggers are "any mammal" in the Fish and Game book, but the Sheriff would approve.) A bounced bullet could be bad, and the Bambi crowd would be unhappy about everything.
That's why the Good Lord made shotguns...

A concensus of our coyote haters seems to be to run them over,
and the coyotes seem willing to be in the road to co-operate.

11-23-2023, 05:50 PM
.429&H110 sounds like it is better here in Michigan then out there where I grew up! Despite the lies in the news a dog not wearing a current license is not protected and coyotes along with a host of other animals have been listed from game to vermin by the state! Hogs running wild here are declared enemies of the state too! A local reporter was very upset to report this when a guy drowned a bag of puppies at a boat launch and could not be charged with a thing! Of coarse a call for new laws was asked for but so far there have been none .

Others, on these running dogs I treat them as they treat me I have had to dispatch a few over the years same with cats if the hawks , owls , eagles ,bobcat and coyotes do not get them first . I witnessed a cat get caught it was a terrible was to go cat run across my front yard chasing a rabbit while I was in for lunch during deer season . The cat was hot on a cotton tail 10 yards behind the cat was a coyote, then another yote got out in front the rabbit did a 90 degree jump out of the trap , The cat turned and was face to face with the trailing yote . As the cat went into defense mode coyote 2 grabbed it by the neck pulling it back while coyote one grabbed it's belly and ripped it open . it was about 90 yards away and I had my Model 29 in a holster and sent a round gut shooting coyote 2 . Both of them run across the road one in bad shape . The cat was gutted still alive with a broken back I put it out of it's misery and buried it . There was some odd markings on the cats ears one ear was clipped straight. This often notes a female cat that has been fixed and released to a farm or somewhere else . However there was a "U" shaped clip of the other ear and three holes under it . My first thought was shotgun but each hole was a different size largest hole about a 1/4". If there are owners of these animals they are committing the worst kind of cruelty letting them run .

11-24-2023, 12:37 PM
I live in Indiana, moved here in 1986, the only coyotes here were big yellow ones. Then the saddle back moved in. From 1998 to 2003 my son and I killed over 300 coyotes, most with a .22. Have not seen one yellow coyote for many years. The coyote learned if they stayed outside the fence/pasture we didn't shot. Today they still walk outside the fence, as new pups were born the old coyotes showed the young to stay out from the fence. The property around us is owned by the Indianapolis airport so can't shoot on it.

11-24-2023, 06:06 PM
Coyotes are smarter than old people from California.
Throwing dog cookies at coyotes just doesn't work.
Easy to train coyotes with a slingshot. The coyotes are getting the message fast, they see me and run, like wild animals should. The greenie coyote huggers tsktsk, (they call me "The Alaskan", I met an Alaskan once, I'm really not, I'm a Yankee, but to Calies that's worse). They haven't called the cops about harassing wildlife yet. The Fish and Game website says to throw rocks at them, the coyotes I mean.

I grew up in the Peoples Republic of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
we were allowed slingshots! BB guns were outlawed in '68.
(NJ only allows little david's sling, they didn't want to try to legislate a thong,
they might have to seize them all and it would get ugly....)
And if I do say so, I am pretty good with a smooth stone out of a wristrocket.
I throw flat stones so the projectile whistles right over their heads.
Reload, whack. I left my chrony in AK; anyone ever chrony a rock? Flies flat at 50 feet.
These daytime yotes were getting too close. The whole pack comes through around midnight.
There is coyote poop everywhere, the javalinas eat it, keeps the place tidy.
My wife is annoyed if all this wakes up her dog, but a coyote pack in the dark is not a job for a slingshot.

11-24-2023, 06:12 PM
Coyotes and birds of prey are largely opportunity hunters. Remove the opportunity and they'll go elsewhere.

Just don't fall out a deerstand without someone knowing where you are. The official report will say the fall killed you. And no one can dispute it if you're deceased.

11-26-2023, 08:51 PM
Some people shoot dogs when its necessary.
Some people do it whenever they've an excuse.

I can respect one, the other is despicable.

11-27-2023, 02:48 AM
What is in it for me is I want my wife to walk my little dog.
They really need the exercise, need to join the dog walking parade.
I really really do not want her to shoot a coyote and neither does the Sheriff.
I love my Swede, and she carries a 38.
By the rules, she could shoot pretty much anybody anything, and be "reasonable".
Think about that when you disrespect a disabled old lady at walmart...
"She felt threatened" goes to the Grand Jury of geezers. Nol Pross.
It's a wonder they don't shoot more people.
But not coyotes, we like coyotes.

The yotes follow the dog walkers around because some of these geezers were throwing dog cookies at them.
That stopped because it is a $300 fine to feed the cute coyotes. Hello, rule of law. Thank you Sheriff.
So I have been having fun, and it is fun, tracking our backyard pets, and slingshoting their butts out of here. It's working, they've moved to the next old folk's village and other dog cookies. Coyotes should be afraid of people. There were three seen every day by daylight following people unafraid, a mother and grown daughter that ran together, and their old mangy male that really needs to be buried. If I get bit, I have Medicare. Oh does Medicare cover rabies shots? Doesn't cover snakebite. Good question...

It should be safe to walk a dog in an old folks village in the desert. It's too bad I can't just shoot varmints.
Been a good walk and an adventure for this old Yankee learning the desert critters and tracking them.
The javalinas behave themselves, they're a pack of pigs browsing, please don't feed them pumpkins...
I thought retirement should be boring. The rattlesnakes haven't gone to bed yet.
My wife hopes I don't meet the puma with only a stick, slingshot and a sharp skinning knife.
Not likely but Hey, that's all I was issued in Massachusetts, all legal here, no worries.
So far, the pumas are afraid of people. I hope the Calies don't feed 'em.

11-30-2023, 06:38 AM
Dogs are no joke. Here in central Alabama, we have had 3 people killed by dogs in 3 separate incidents just this year. That doesn't count the attacks. We even had an animal investigator killed by a pack of dogs. Children and the aged are no match for a gang of dogs either-----without a firearm, that is. It seems like the more information in the news, the more Pit Bulls are garnered as "pets". If you do have to dispatch them, DO NOT post it ANYWHERE, especially on social media.

Well said.

When I walk my 14# dog, there is a LCP in my front pocket.

11-30-2023, 02:54 PM
This morning was good to see three little old ladies with their broken down rescue dogs going around the mile together. My toothless chihuahua, a three legged terrier, and a belly dragging mutt, taking their mommies for a walk. Nice out at 10AM, 70F, I drove the car around the neighborhood looking for wildlife, could not find the yotes anywhere but plenty of geezers out. Coyotes like quiet, not a dog park.
It's a medical emergency if one of these geezers falls down and they routinely do.
That's life in the old folks village.

The Sheriff auxillery has a bicycle patrol that rides the washes and alleys and they are very interested in the puma, too. The Pima County Sheriff does a very visible job of patrolling, we are on one of the illegal trails that parallel Rt 19, Border Patrol flies a small plane that hovers nose into the wind, just hangs high up there without a sound, looks like a UFO with a small blinking red light. With modern optics in the desert air they can see from Nogales to Tucson, and keep track of the mayhem on Rt 19. I wonder if they could spot a puma with night vision.

I had forgotten what a great weapon at 50 feet a wristrocket is, 5/8" smooth stones are everywhere.
With practice two shots in three seconds, my early training is returning.
Sheriff said don't break any windows. Count on me...

12-06-2023, 03:36 PM
.429&h110 I remember those rocks on the desert well they were mostly black in my area I did not have a wrist rocket but did have a slingshot . I did get a wrist rocket at about 12 years old here in Michigan was never bothered by anyone about it . Years later I saw what Michigan's crazy laws were on carrying them I do not know if any of those laws have been repealed or enforced ? I heard coyotes out at 1:30 pm today it is cloudy but rare to hear them in daytime here.

12-06-2023, 06:28 PM
When I first read the title of this I thought you'd captured Fermin Garza and a mountain lion on cam.

12-07-2023, 08:00 AM
searching Fermin Garza did not help me get it , I did see it tied to front sights which have not been needed yet ...

I do not know how the dogs owners treat their dogs as they run all day from a mile away (next road) I have been told they return each night. Last day of deer season I had a lump of snow approach looking through rifle scope I discovered it was a nearly all white skunk and it was blind with a raised blue covering on the eyes . I saw this in many skunks and raccoons a few years back and contacted the DNR biologist who pretty much claimed I was full of it . My attempt at a head shot at 35 yards with 30-06 when low on the skunk hitting a rock and shredding the skunks underside making a stinking mess . Yesterday I saw that those three dogs had gotten into the carcass so they are now smelling terrible when they get home ! I guess I am glad I did not go back and bury the thing!

On a side note to those of you that also have to deal with skunks I have found that if you spray the area down with bleach it does kill the skunk smell well and may or may not harm grass and other plants depending on what they are .

12-07-2023, 11:52 AM
That's a good idea! Leave the skunks for loose dogs to roll in. The lazy owners should get tired of that!

12-08-2023, 05:58 AM
alfadan I was just being lazy in this case but it worked out . I could smell a faint skunk smell off my back porch this morning at 4:30 am when I let the dog out . The skunk is a bit over 250 yards from the house . I have found it best to bury the dead skunks far out or just burn them to keep the smell down .
I think it was summer of 2011 there was a huge population of skunks here ,and other places, I killed 13 of them in my yard in August alone my yard stank until October! That was when I started burning them rather then burying them .

12-08-2023, 09:30 AM
alfadan I was just being lazy in this case but it worked out . I could smell a faint skunk smell off my back porch this morning at 4:30 am when I let the dog out . The skunk is a bit over 250 yards from the house . I have found it best to bury the dead skunks far out or just burn them to keep the smell down .
I think it was summer of 2011 there was a huge population of skunks here ,and other places, I killed 13 of them in my yard in August alone my yard stank until October! That was when I started burning them rather then burying them .

Might be nasty being downwind of that burn site!

12-08-2023, 06:05 PM
dverna Actually I have found burning to be the best skunk disposal method and have had no smell from the fires I have used a HOT open fire but now use wood in a well vented burn barrel . I also burn my deer remains completely up in same barrel as I am seeing more and more evidence that deer are feeding on deer carcasses. This could be why we have CWD and why it is most common on deer farms .

12-11-2023, 09:58 AM
When I was young feral dogs would kill calves and sheep. 12-gauge no.4 buck stopped that.

12-11-2023, 10:29 AM
mc1911 when I was young some rural friend had their kids rabbits all killed in cages by dogs that ran free they asked for help it was 110 Sierra bullets that did the work two of us sniped them as they came into the yard and beyond as they left . Backhoe did the rest it was 1974 so I am guessing SSS worked just fine!

Later I found out the county was after the same group for an attack on a kid two dogs had licenses the others did not . They were not from within a mile and a half of were they were tearing up rabbit cages . A few years ago I started casting #4 buckshot and am very happy with how it works on vermin out to 50 yards .