View Full Version : Need decanting die for 6.5 x55SE cases.

11-14-2023, 02:54 PM
I have a batch of 6.5 x 55SE cases that I can not decap.
The decaping pin is too large!
Who makes a decanting die that comes with a smaller diameter pin than my Universal decanting die?
Thank you!

11-14-2023, 04:05 PM
Used a good file while rotating the decapping pin in a hand drill to reduce the size for mine.

11-14-2023, 04:06 PM
A sizer die for the 6mm PPC has a small pin. You might be able to use the pin in your present die. I'm guessing you're decanting some whiskey to ease the frustration while trying to decap your cases. :-)

Check with the maker of your sizing die. If it is RCBS they will probably just mail a couple.

Also, are you sure they are not Berdan cases?

11-14-2023, 04:16 PM
There is a European size that is slightly smaller - not too surprising to run into it for 6.5 Swede brass.

I use a handheld decapper which has the option for a smaller decapping pin.

11-14-2023, 04:57 PM
I have encountered smaller than 'normal' primer flash holes in S&B brass, though I believe that this was with 22 Hornet brass. I would take a decapping pin and turn it down slightly using what tools you have on hand.

11-14-2023, 05:08 PM
I'm guessing you're decanting some whiskey to ease the frustration while trying to decap your cases.

Finally , the answer appears.

11-22-2023, 07:30 PM
You can basically decant any beverage. Smarty pants answer aside: Did you check to make sure that the cases aren't Bredan primed? I broke a decapping pins once because - who the heck expects 30-06 to be Bredan primmed?!

11-22-2023, 07:50 PM
Use the .057" or .062" pins



11-23-2023, 06:49 PM
When I have problems decapping, I use a small diameter hand held punch and a brass hammer with the cases either positioned over a narrow gap on a bench vise or with the cases in the shell holder on a block of wood.

If the cases do indeed have primer vents too small for normal standard diameter decapping pins, I'd drill them out to the proper diameter. I recently had to do this with new .35 Winchester cases from Quality Cartridge Company, after breaking a pin on the first case. If you go this way, take the time to inside de-burr and do a few quick turns with a hand held primer pocket uniforming tool. It's time consuming, but you'll only have to do this once, and then all of your cases will be the same without concern of having to switch decapping pins for odd sized primer vents.

11-28-2023, 02:53 PM
Many,many years ago I got a deal on Herters 6.5x55, made in Finland. Had this problem, got a new decapping stem with the small pin. Still works fine, in both size flashholes.