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10-19-2023, 02:57 PM
don't know much about green tea. i use loose tea every morning. want to switch to green tea mixed with regular loose tea. there is a vast varity of green teas out there. any ideas as to what might be the best for your health??

10-19-2023, 09:17 PM
My wife likes the Lipton Matcha Green tea in with a couple of other tea's in her iced tea.

As far as health benefits you maybe better off going with a green tea supplement from a reputable company.

Winger Ed.
10-20-2023, 12:49 AM
Being a big tea drinker, I tried to find out what's what with green tea.
I didn't have much luck and didn't really like the flavor of it to start with.
So I gave up and just take a daily name brand from the grocery store, 'old guy' vitamin.

10-20-2023, 02:12 AM
I like Green tea.
Drink it almost every morning.
Yamamotoyama brand.
Suppose to be good for high blood pressure, help with weight loss, energy boost, antioxidant, and other stuff.
Recommended two to three cups a day.
I drink only one in the morning.
No idea if it works or not, but I like the taste.

10-20-2023, 08:07 AM
I'm a big tea drinker (black tea - never got started on coffee) but green tea is not my thing. My daughter in law likes them and has given me a variety to try; about all I can say is the Lipton variety is the best of the worst. I am going to stick to my dark teas...

10-20-2023, 08:11 AM
I like tea but don't drink it much.
I prefer coffee, strong, hot, and black, strong enough to float a mule shoe.

Wayne Smith
10-20-2023, 08:30 AM
I'm a big tea drinker (black tea - never got started on coffee) but green tea is not my thing. My daughter in law likes them and has given me a variety to try; about all I can say is the Lipton variety is the best of the worst. I am going to stick to my dark teas...

I'm with you, Lapsang Suchon is my favorite. But I like Gunpowder Green as well, it's a smoked green tea.

10-20-2023, 08:56 AM
Been drinking it for years (decades actually). It's like drinking 'flavored' water but I like it for hydration. I do the decaf version after the morning 'caffination' (coffee). As for 'benefits' stick to water! Green tea is a beverage, NOT a health 'food'!