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10-06-2023, 06:17 PM
Couple days ago now - Did my morning coffee at the Hardee's Liars Club, went to Sportsman's Warehouse to get my daily fix of 200 primers, home , turned on Newsmax and the brass tumbler . Cut the TV down so I could hear some video on laptop of Club member Josh Silby shooting in (and winning) the 2 mile shoot at the Whittington Center.(check out King of 2 Miles on FB)
Hear the dryer running in the basement - we don't even leave it plugged in. Hmm- maybe FIL needed to use it ?
Unlock basement door head down, there's a guy in underwear and socks in front of the dryer pulling clothes out.
My hand is now in my pocket gripping the pocket 9 as I ask him "What ...(can't say that here, I know) are you doing in my basement, dude?" He calmly replied "Washing my clothes" . I can tell he's not 100% at this point, so do not draw down on him. Me "What's your name" , Him "Ben" ,Me "Where you from, Ben?" , Him-"Virginia"(we indeed ARE in Virginia), Me- "Where in VA, Ben ?" Him,"Blacksburg" and he says he thought the house was abandoned, that's why he broke the daylight pane in the door/etc. Yeah, right ! Went back upstairs, dialed 911 , he dressed, packed his clothes, and booked back into the woods (I'm 900' or so off the pavement on 80 acres). Dispatcher lady wanted to know if I had a firearm, well, yeah. Asked me to unload and store before deputies arrived. Well, NO, told her the pocket 9 would be in my pocket where it belonged.
Furthur exam of the basement revealed he had indeed washed his clothes, the washer had to be rinsed out with Chlorox. He had removed bathroom mats from the dryer to make a bed of sorts along with an old blanket, drank a few bottles of the wife's water she shelves for power outages/etc. Had gone through all the "junque" boxes stuff strewed all over. Besides water, he stole a stethoscope ! I'd picked it up at the flea market for the nieces/nephews/grandson to play doctor with .
He did not fit description of anyone they were looking for, did not do any fingerprinting. Last I saw of him he was dressed in black(Johnny Cash fan?) with a black backpack heading into the woods.
Couple days later he's on camera stealing from a local grocery and a convenience store so the popo come show me a pic and ask if it's him, Yeah, if you guys ran his prints you'd know who he was, duh. He made the local news with the "if you see him call blah blah" .
Most nights one or the other of us go downstairs for something - that night we did not so we don't know what time he took up residence. Wife still freaked, I had to get up at 3AM next couple days to walk her to car(she goes to work at hospital EARLY !).
Most that know me are surprised he did not get shot , but hard to be afraid of a guy in shorts and socks.
It was apparent that he wasn't "right" and producing the 9 mighta prompted him to do something stupid, in which case, yeah, several 115 grain HP's headed his way . If I'd missed and hit the dryer, wife woulda done me in !
We useta have places to put folks like that before the world went crazy.
Do have a solid door on the basement now, something I shoulda done years ago .

10-06-2023, 06:37 PM
Wow, glad for you that ended well! It is something I think about everyday being 30 miles from the border and miles from the nearest neighbor.

10-06-2023, 06:38 PM
Just duh. They walk among us...

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10-06-2023, 06:38 PM
"We useta have places to put folks like that before the world went crazy."
In slang, they were called funny farms.
They were pretty much self-sustaining and the people who lived there grew their own food and dairy. It gave the people a sense of self worth.
I used to have to run service calls at one, so I know it was not just a bunch of right wing malarky like the left would like you to believe.
Liberal government regulations put them out of business.

Winger Ed.
10-06-2023, 06:44 PM
Pres. Reagan gets the blame for closing most of the mental institutions,
but it was actually some lawsuits from the ACLU (I think) that won their case about holding people
against their will if they weren't violent criminals.

10-06-2023, 07:11 PM
Don't know what I would have done!!!!!

Bright side, no "MESS" to clean up!

Glad everything turned out all right!

Recycled bullet
10-06-2023, 07:18 PM
That's awful man glad you found a way to peacefully resolve that situation.

Sent from my moto g power (2022) using Tapatalk

10-06-2023, 08:37 PM
Dern,, that's spooky. And yes,, due to the lack of actual places to keep & house such types,, we have a lot more incidents of this than we should have. Institutions used to be in place for those "just not right."

Glad y'all are ok,, and we understand the "freaked out" mentality. My better half still worries a bit.

We had a home break-in several years ago,,, while we were gone. My cameras revealed a "minority" type thug. Besides the damage to the door, he either kicked or stomped one of our pets who WOULD (before that day,) greet everyone at the door. She wasn't found until several hours after the event, still cowering.
Theft of a fair amount of stuff later, insurance helped a lot. The same thug hit (2) other places in our vicinity that same day. Not local, and from the investigation, an out of towner, likely part of a "gang." The large billboard I posted along the highway with his picture & car info got a lot of attention.

Then, less than 2 years ago,, I found the place where a "disturbed" type, homeless,, was camping on my property. He'd build a fire,, without ANY proper safety stuff. Luckily, small fires that didn't spread. He got a hillbilly education that he was too close to a gun range. Lots of nearby gunfire made him relocate. I still had to clean up his mess.

10-06-2023, 09:06 PM

10-06-2023, 09:17 PM
Glad it didn't end badly - for you. As you say . . . we used to have facilities for the mentally ill but I guess that makes e old if I can remember them. I think you handled the situation well . and it took a lot of restrain and a level head.

A few years back -I was in the basement reloading - wife was at the store - dogs upstairs started making a ruckus. I walked up to check and looking out the window, I see a salt and pepper team - a a girl and a guy - casing our house. I watched the guy walk back around the house and get in the car and then I watched the girl come around the front of the house. I was at the door about twenty feet away when I opened it up and confronter her. She was slick - gave me an excuse about trying to find somebody they'd met at a party . . . blah b.ah blah. I had my hand down and behind me near the door jamb whee she couldn't see it and I advised he rot get back in her care and get off my property . . . and followed up with . . . "you obviously are pretty stupid and you'd better watch yourself about doming on o people's property around here as most of us carry and it would be a shame if you met the wrong person and got shot." Her eyes got big and she quickly tot in the car and they drove off. I went in to town to have a chat with the township Police Chief. His first comment . . . "You have a concealed license don't you?" My answer . . .. "Yes . . . in both Michigan and Arizona'. He quickly replied . . . "If I were you, I'd start carrying all the time . . . even in the house." The next day, the salt and pepper team were arrested in another county - both Heroin addicts who had been breaking into houses to steal guns, jewelry and electronics - they were charged in three counties. That taught me a very valuable lesson about how things had changed so much. Had they broken in and I'd come up from the basement and confronted them in the house, I would have been no match for two people at the same time. Things can go wrong in an instant. Now, both in MI and AZ, I have a weapon within reach at all times. Sadly with the way this country has gone downhill and the boldness of those who think they candy what they want, incidents such as you experienced are on the increase. Nobody wants to have to take another person's life . . . but all you have to do is to turn on the TV every day and there is another assault or murder committed and the majority by those with some mental issues.

Glad you got through it and I hope your wife can find some peace about it eventually . . . having your home violated by an individual or individuals can be a traumatic thing for most people . . . especially when your mind plays the game "what if". Both of you be well and be safe.

10-06-2023, 10:55 PM
People are brazen nowadays. Wow. Glad nobody got hurt. The cops will catch the guy but then what? I pocket carry in my home every day. Keep the doors locked too.

10-06-2023, 10:59 PM
I hope you made the correct choice not to draw down on him. I believe I would scout your local surround daily until you are confident he is no longer in the area and not returning. If you find a camp, report it then document with photographs every day from the same spot which will help you noticed changes by comparing the new photos to the old.

Don’t forget to carry a shotgun in case you run into rabid animals that refuse to back down / yield / retreat when confronted.

Just my .02, YMMV


10-07-2023, 12:56 AM
You said you installed a "solid" door on the basement entry. Be sure to throw away those short screws that you install the door locking hardware with as they only go into the door molding and one kick the door is open. Install in there place 3 inch wood screws that will go into the door frame studs. will take several hard kicks to bust the door open giving you more time to prepare for defense.
Even if he is arrested, he will be back out before you can blink an eye. Nothing but a revolving door in most areas today for non violent crimes. Thank your lucky stars it was you that discovered him in the basement and not your wife.

10-07-2023, 07:30 AM
You said you installed a "solid" door on the basement entry. Be sure to throw away those short screws that you install the door locking hardware with as they only go into the door molding and one kick the door is open. Install in there place 3 inch wood screws that will go into the door frame studs. will take several hard kicks to bust the door open giving you more time to prepare for defense.
Even if he is arrested, he will be back out before you can blink an eye. Nothing but a revolving door in most areas today for non violent crimes. Thank your lucky stars it was you that discovered him in the basement and not your wife.

Good advice. We live remote also, no neighbors, etc. No basement either. I don't walk around the house armedbut there are several within a few feet throughout the house. We also have a 175 lb Great Pyrenees and an 80 lb German Shorth Haired Pointer. One bark from Ruger (GP) and he would have "soiled" himself. Glad you are OK. Reminds me to check my property too (81 acres).

762 shooter
10-07-2023, 08:01 AM
Find a way to carry everywhere.

Murphy is surprisingly brutal.


10-07-2023, 08:37 AM
Reading rabbit hole: "why were mental institutions closed". Google the phrase!

10-07-2023, 08:25 PM
Had a similar thing happen to me 2 and 1/2 years ago. But I did have to fire off shot get them to settle down. I too did install a better basement door.

10-07-2023, 08:56 PM
Still trying to get my wife to carry all the time, "But nothing has EVER happened out here, and it probably never will"...until it does. Good you came through that with nothing more than a broken window and rummaged stuff, though I'll bet that washing machine REEKED.

10-07-2023, 11:34 PM
That would’ve turned south real quick…presence of mind & recognizing he’s not all up there averted that.
BTW my pocket 9 carries 147g HPs…

Half Dog
10-08-2023, 11:59 AM
I can imagine things getting worse when these illegals begin to get desperate.

Der Gebirgsjager
10-08-2023, 01:47 PM
Good observation, Half Dog. The idiot Governor of Illinois was complaining to the Feds the other day that they've got 137,000 illegal migrants and that their resources are strained to the limit. The "sanctuary" cities are all complaining about migrants in the thousands----but they've come in by the MILLIONS! Where they are all going to is sort of a mystery right now, but they're bound to surface sooner or later, and probably everywhere there is something to take. I predict that home invasion homicides will increase, both perps and victims.


10-14-2023, 08:18 PM
I am glad it did not escalate, would have been a lot of trouble even with you in the right.

Several years ago I was laid off from work and home a lot. I was working in the garage and a van load of what I will call minorities came down the drive. One was on the carport and another getting out of the van. He almost jumped out of his skin and the other dove back in the van when I stepped to the door. The excuse was that they were selling house hold cleaning products and was even carrying a bottle of something. Didn't believe that for a second. Exchange was short and they backed a 100 yards to the road, very fast.

Didn't have anything in my hand but it was laying just beside me. We live a ways from town and although we have some pretty good guys a response would just be to mop up.

10-14-2023, 09:53 PM
Rather bold of dispatch to ask you to render yourself defenseless. Why? So the police can feel safe?

10-15-2023, 01:36 AM
Pres. Reagan gets the blame for closing most of the mental institutions,
but it was actually some lawsuits from the ACLU (I think) that won their case about holding people
against their will if they weren't violent criminals.

Instead they loose them upon the population and the police “protect them from harming themselves “. Screw the rest, just protect the crazies! We are just “collateral damage “!

10-15-2023, 01:32 PM
I'm not too keen on giving the government authority to round up and hold whomever it pleases for whatever reasons. Just one of those whacky pet peeves one may develop as a side effect of cracking open a history book.

10-15-2023, 04:56 PM
That dispatcher should be fired what you were told could get you killed before police arrive !

Hard to say what would have happened but if he ran of in underwear because of fear for his life maybe police could have found him before his next crimes! Some states that would not be legal to do but I am certain the story told to police of the possibly rabid mad man would make it legal in most states!

P.S. You may not like this a bit BUT.... I have NO FAITH in the short barreled 9 mm at all for stopping a drugged up person ! My son was shocked when he fired his with his best CORBON defense ammo into a 55 gallon steel drum and it was barely dented ! I know flesh is different but really a .380 pocket gun was as effective as the short barreled 9 mm! I had a box of 90 Hornady .355 XTP bullets (same as in Critical defense .380 ammo) that I loaded in .357 Magnum at 1500 f/s they really did not expand well in water at 1740 f/s they come apart in water and are very accurate from .357 Magnum. I loaded them with Alliant 2400 and could probably load a bit faster the load was book MAX. for a 110 grain bullet .

10-15-2023, 05:51 PM
I wouldn't blame the dispatcher. He or she was no doubt following procedure. Unfortunately, quite a few citizens believe in the magical, mystical powers of a firearm to protect themselves. Some do not have the presence of mind to put the gun on "safe". Others may feel the need to shoot at a fleeing criminal while the cops are there, causing the cops to wonder if they should return fire. Without knowing the criminal or the homeowner by sight, a weapon flashed may raise tensions considerably. If I have to call for an armed response to my home, I'm going to do exactly what they tell me to do.

No offense to the OP, he was perfectly within his rights, and it turned out okay.


10-16-2023, 12:02 AM
That dispatcher should be fired what you were told could get you killed before police arrive !

Hard to say what would have happened but if he ran of in underwear because of fear for his life maybe police could have found him before his next crimes! Some states that would not be legal to do but I am certain the story told to police of the possibly rabid mad man would make it legal in most states!

P.S. You may not like this a bit BUT.... I have NO FAITH in the short barreled 9 mm at all for stopping a drugged up person ! My son was shocked when he fired his with his best CORBON defense ammo into a 55 gallon steel drum and it was barely dented ! I know flesh is different but really a .380 pocket gun was as effective as the short barreled 9 mm! I had a box of 90 Hornady .355 XTP bullets (same as in Critical defense .380 ammo) that I loaded in .357 Magnum at 1500 f/s they really did not expand well in water at 1740 f/s they come apart in water and are very accurate from .357 Magnum. I loaded them with Alliant 2400 and could probably load a bit faster the load was book MAX. for a 110 grain bullet .

THIS is why I will keep my 30 round mags!


10-16-2023, 12:11 AM
I believe in the magical, mystical firearm in my hand, under my control, quite a lot more than I believe in the holy, sacred government.

Funny how even in gun forums, you find the "government, save us!" attitudes.

10-16-2023, 06:27 AM
Mary B I worked with a guy that was part time L.E.O. that later went full time Police then detective . Sometimes I would help him with his tests one of his materials discussed with full photos of a Florida shooting of a man with a knife who attacked police and injured 6 of them . The man was high on PCP that was the scourge of the time and was shot 27 times with 9 mm ammo! Seven of those hits were to head/face area his "center of mass" was a large hole his heart gone but no bullets hit the spine . When he finally went down it was from just having no blood left to power his muscles.
Somehow I doubt in that case my .45 acp would have been any more effective with the same hits.

10-16-2023, 06:31 AM
Wow! Pretty scary scenario. I think you handled it perfectly. The presentation of a firearm to someone who showed no aggression and was obviously mentally ill would have served no tactical purpose. Talking to them calmly yet firmly was the best way to handle it.

The perp left without becoming violent or causing any more harm and you were able to alert authorities about what happened. About as good as it gets.

Unfortunately, we now live in a world that has gone crazy and there is no longer any repercussions for mentally ill people to victimize others. In fact, the mentally ill have become a protected class and are celebrated by the media and society.

I have run into people in public that are clearly mentally ill and a danger to society at least once a week the past couple of years. We are quickly approaching a breaking point in society in which the government becomes irrelevant in terms of protecting it's citizens and the innocent are forced to become vigilantes due to the total collapse of the justice system.

10-16-2023, 10:19 AM
I believe in the magical, mystical firearm in my hand, under my control, quite a lot more than I believe in the holy, sacred government.

Funny how even in gun forums, you find the "government, save us!" attitudes.

I have no belief in the idea that the government will save us. it seems that everyone wants to talk about a criminal being high on drugs, but no one wants to talk about police being high on adrenaline. If you look up the effects of adrenaline on the body, it includes things like tunnel vision, and loss of some ability to discriminate. I think I will stay out of the way.

A LEO of my acquaintance told me once that in a celebrated case of an innocent man shot multiple times in a New York apartment building, the bullets were bouncing off the walls of the hallway, causing the police to think that they were being shot at, so they returned fire.

10-16-2023, 11:29 AM
Mary B I worked with a guy that was part time L.E.O. that later went full time Police then detective . Sometimes I would help him with his tests one of his materials discussed with full photos of a Florida shooting of a man with a knife who attacked police and injured 6 of them . The man was high on PCP that was the scourge of the time and was shot 27 times with 9 mm ammo! Seven of those hits were to head/face area his "center of mass" was a large hole his heart gone but no bullets hit the spine . When he finally went down it was from just having no blood left to power his muscles.
Somehow I doubt in that case my .45 acp would have been any more effective with the same hits.

Guy on PCP crashed a party I was at... 6 guys took him down and he was still fighting. I did a knee drop to his private parts, and I am not dainty, I was 6'1" then! He never felt it that day, bet his life sucked in a jail cell the next day! Finally piled 13 guys on him and wrapped him in duct tape and left him at the end of the 1/4 mile long driveway for the sheriff to pick up. Four of us waited for them and told them what happened, we all filed assault charges on the dude because he came out of his car swinging...We closed and locked the gate when we took him down there, cops wanted to go up to the house and we said NOPE nothing up there for you. His car is right there with no damage, he is right there with some damage... go drug test him and search his car. Told them get a warrant to come on private property... by the time they came back with one we had loaded the party on the bus and were across the field road to the standby site at another friends farm LOL Nothing at the first place, not even an empty beer can!

10-16-2023, 11:56 AM
Having been poor before and after joining the USMC; I lived at and recreated in a variety of locations where I managed to have my fair encounter of individuals where I chose to display a firearm. Fortunately I never had to fire at someone in the civilian portion of my life.

1. NEW MEXCIO. Twelve hispanic (probable illegal) hispanic youth at the lake compound come up at 2:00AM waking myself and a dozen friends camped out there. Asked them to leave; they responded this was "Our Hood", they tried to circle me and threaten me -knives and clubs present. A Dan Wesson .357 came out from the small of my back with discussion that 12 would not be going home. They departed, in the background afterwards friends shared that there were handguns, rifles, and shotguns pointing at the 12 from tents, sleeping bags, etc..

2. VIRGINIA: 1:00 AM in the morning; wife and I awakened by heavy banging on the door. Person yelling "I am going to kick your ____." We ignored; but all at once he was putting his shoulder into front door to try and break in; then hitting front door with a Crow Bar. I opened the door; Dan Wesson .357 in hand and shoved it into his face. He in a drunken/drugged surprise says "You aint Joe"; and after about 10 seconds turns and runs away, holding his crowbar in his hand.

3. VIRGINIA. Wife was at home alone. A known early 20's local thug tried to come into the locked back door. He yelled for her to open the door. She presented a Mossberg 20 gauge shotgun at his face through the glass of the Back Door telling hime to leave; he ran away. She called sheriff's office and reported the incident. Next day the Thug raped and killed a woman; tracked down in the woods and shot and killed by Sherriff's Deputies while attacking the Deputies.

These three stories are shared from quite some time ago as a comparison of what an Armed Law Abiding Citizen could/can do to protect themselves and theirs from harm when someone threatens/attacks. No shots fired; no flamboyant threats conveyed to the aggressor, just simple armed preparedness meeting aggression - resulting in the potentially violent agressor/s departing. Many, Many of these type stories were shared in the NRA's Armed Citizen section. The old saying has quite a bit of wisdom: When seconds count; the police are minutes away. The Supreme Court of the USofA back in the 1970's ruled that Law Enforcement has no specific duty to protect individuals, only society at large - Think about the ramifications of that ruling.

Winger Ed.
10-16-2023, 05:12 PM
Why? So the police can feel safe?

Pretty much.
Coming up to a unknown situation, it also makes telling the good guys from bad guys easier and faster.

For me, that'd be another time I'd say that being a LEO isn't for everybody.
Speaking for myself, I couldn't do it.

10-16-2023, 07:33 PM
I believe this was your guy:

Ed K
10-16-2023, 07:51 PM
As to the dispatcher’s request I almost don’t want to even get started. Don’t forget to unlock all your doors as well. I wouldn’t want to have to startle anyone while opening…

10-16-2023, 11:50 PM
That is exactly what you would be told here ....first nations teens who cannot be hurt in any way........except when they crash a stolen car ..............some have over 100 convictions ,they still walk free next day ...........they dont care about arrest ,in fact it may be the only decent meal they get that day.

10-17-2023, 09:12 PM
I believe this was your guy:

Nope - different guy/state. Had a callback from deputy yesterday, wondering if I(huh?) had any more info . Wanted to tell 'em if you'd just have run the prints you'd know who it was, as he's surely been arrested at some time.

10-19-2023, 02:11 PM
Pretty much.
Coming up to a unknown situation, it also makes telling the good guys from bad guys easier and faster.

For me, that'd be another time I'd say that being a LEO isn't for everybody.
Speaking for myself, I couldn't do it.

It would make me feel much safer if police could completely disarm themselves before interacting with me. Doubt any would entertain my feelings in such a way.

People forget; police are citizens just like the rest of us. They've been granted expanded powers of arrest and, unfortunately, qualified immunity but, other than that, they've no more right to require the disarmament of any law abiding citizen than you or I. Matter of fact, they've no authority at all absent reasonable, articulable suspicion.

I'm not any more keen to entertain their pet peeves than they are mine.

It's funny, we're told they exist to protect us, but then they ask us to render ourselves vulnerable for the sake of their safety. Police have no duty to protect the public, the Supreme Court has recognized this. All that "protect and serve" stuff? False advertising.

Officer safety is number one, don't you forget it.

10-19-2023, 02:42 PM
My other half and I both work from home. She is a massage therapist and I am a software consultant. She has a S&W 36 3" in her office and I have a S&W 36 2" on my desk.
We live in a rural area and are aware that we are in a mean world.
Thank God for the 2nd Amendment.

10-19-2023, 03:26 PM
We live somewhat near the southern border and I have seen illegals dumped at a hotel not 2 miles from my house. I walk around armed as does my wife. Never know when something will happen. I have a god sized dog in the back yard and small chihuahua in the house. I live in a cottonfield and I dont tolerate people trying to use my property as a turn around. I have signs stating: " NO TRESPASSING"
BEWARE OF DOG". Its worked so far.

10-20-2023, 06:49 AM
I have not reported the last 3 break ins because i live in Canada, I am a gun owner, and once police discover i am a gun owner they stop investigation of the break in and start to investigate me.
1) may we see your guns?
2) may we see your storage?
3) may we see your license?
4) can you possess that legally?
5) that gun was prohibited may 1, 2020. You get to keep it until we visit your home for other reasons - we may as well take it now. No we do not care that there is a challenge before the courts.
6) Gun owners run the risk for being charged with a criminal code offense even if there is no crime committed.

Right now in Canada it is not worth the risk of a search and seizure of my firearms if I report a break in/

Der Gebirgsjager
10-20-2023, 11:05 AM
Terrible way to have to live, 10x, but it seems as though we're only a few years behind your lifestyle.


10-20-2023, 11:39 AM
I have not reported the last 3 break ins because i live in Canada, I am a gun owner, and once police discover i am a gun owner they stop investigation of the break in and start to investigate me.
1) may we see your guns?
2) may we see your storage?
3) may we see your license?
4) can you possess that legally?
5) that gun was prohibited may 1, 2020. You get to keep it until we visit your home for other reasons - we may as well take it now. No we do not care that there is a challenge before the courts.
6) Gun owners run the risk for being charged with a criminal code offense even if there is no crime committed.

Right now in Canada it is not worth the risk of a search and seizure of my firearms if I report a break in/


10-20-2023, 11:49 AM
Funny story from yrs ago. Older guy kept shooting the bad guys that came through his basement door. Cops kept the guns he shot with for evidence. Finally down to his 22lr rifle. Got the last 2 with that. Tole cops he just sat at the top of the stairs and waited. Friends lent him guns after he lost the 22.

10-20-2023, 11:57 AM
Funny story from yrs ago. Older guy kept shooting the bad guys that came through his basement door. Cops kept the guns he shot with for evidence. Finally down to his 22lr rifle. Got the last 2 with that. Tole cops he just sat at the top of the stairs and waited. Friends lent him guns after he lost the 22.

This is a law enforcement problem, not a gun problem.

10-20-2023, 12:34 PM
For some reason post #45 reminded me of one of Son #3's response calls (He is retired now from Las Vegas Metro). And yes; this story is 100% true without elaboration.

Radio dispatch reports a Drive In Resturant is in process of being robbed. Son rolls on it with lights on. Gets there and no robber in store; but the Cashier says the thief took the cash register, jumped on his Bicycle with the cash register under his arm, and rode away. Son looks down and sees end of cash register tape stuck to some gum on the floor. He follows cash register tape that is unrolled on the ground, around the building, and onto property adjacent. There is one of those automated Gate Arms controlling vehicular departure from the property. Under the gate arm is a bicycle on it's side, the cash register (with some tape still in it - rolled out all the way back to the Drive In Resturant), and a male SUSPECT who was "Knocked Out" initially but slowly coming to. Son handcuffed the SUSPECT who claimed he "Just Found" the cash register.

I told my son that he should apply to be a Police Investigator.