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View Full Version : Microlon Gun Juice anybody us this?

09-28-2023, 12:42 PM
This was given to me by a friend, maybe a gullible soul.

Has anyone here used this stuff? Claims of higher muzzle velocity, improved accuracy etc....

Good stuff?? or Snake Oil??

Winger Ed.
09-28-2023, 07:13 PM
It's been around quite awhile and is some sort of lubrication/coating.

Being free- I'd use it, but may or may not buy it afterwards.
I figure it works for some folks better than others and was supposed to be a miracle cure all like molly coating
or cryo treating barrels was supposed to be in years past.

09-29-2023, 11:07 AM
It is a "Dry Film" lubricant ... the dry film is micro particles of Teflon .
The carrier is a synthetic "oil" that deposits the Teflon in the irregular surfaces of metal so both surfaces no rub with a film of tiny teflon ball bearings between them .

Basically it is RemOil ... but RemOil carrier is Mineral Oil , non synthetic ,
RemOils claim to fame is the dry film of teflon it leaves on the metal surface ...
kinda just a synthetic carrier RemOil type lube .

I know that synthetic oils were developed during WWII ... by Germany , that's a long time ago ... and using a lot of synthetic oils in auto's and guns ... they may be more expensive but I honestly believe convential oils and lubricants are better than synthetics . I drove 1 1968 Chevell with a small block V-8 (327 ) for 42 years ... I tried synthetics in one of the engines ... (it had three over it's lifetime) and it was the shortest lived ... in fact it didn't last long at all and all we did was drive to work and Sunday Drag Racing in street stock class .
After the try with synthetic I went back to conventional oils + STP oil treatment in the 327 motor and it was still running like a bat outta heck when I stopped driving and turned it over to my nephew .
I would say it's just RemOil w/ Teflon film and synthetic carrier ... and I don't see the synthetic oil being a big plus ... But Free is great so use it up and give us a report on the stuff .

Seems like all the "new and Improved" oils / lubes por up , get tried and fade away ... I have some Synthetic Gun Oils , three different ones , and they don't "oil / lube" that well ...just not as slickery when applied to gun parts .
There really isn't anything "New" when it comes to lubricants and old school may still be best ... at least it is for me.

09-29-2023, 03:01 PM
A friend of mine had given me some and I tried it in a couplf of my rifles. It takes a few shots to coat and stabilize the barrel and coat it fully. The velocity did show a slight increase and accuracy was about the same as prior to using it. The increase was marginal and the rounds needed to condition the bore were a waste IMHO.

09-29-2023, 06:03 PM
If you dig a little bit you'll find at least 2 or 3 threads when 50 or so members here were given samples to try . It was billed as prevention of lead fouling..... after strenuous applications hot , cold , nominally clean , stripped to white , comparative groups , bore brushes with white patches ,before , after , with paired loads , 5,10,25,50,100 rounds . Most found no advantage, several found that it made a known "lead fouler" worse but slightly easier to clean . I don't remember all the particulars from my trials but I do remember that there wasn't any significant gains . I went the bare white 5 coats heat dried 5 air dry my results had no change in dispersion, shots to settle down and group failures . I fired 150 rounds that included 25 to restore accuracy , 10 of a known aberration trigger , 15 random leftovers , 50 of a known good load . The fliers emerged on cue .

09-29-2023, 06:57 PM
gwpercle I remember some problems with the original Mobile 1 synthetic oil they told people to stop using it in cars that were seasonal as the oil dripped off of everything over a couple months and parts like the cam could rust.

10-01-2023, 08:28 PM
Sounds like Slick 50 in a smaller bottle.

10-01-2023, 08:36 PM
Anyone remember the name of that very popular gun oil about a decade ago, that after someone did some Lab analysis, it turned out to be Canola oil?

Winger Ed.
10-01-2023, 08:52 PM
I remember when Mobil One was in testing.

One of the places it was tested was several Squad cars for the Dallas Police Dept
when they had Ply. Furies with a 440 Magnum engine.
They put it in the new cars, then ran the engine to destruction with the original fill of oil.

When the engine blew up, if it ever did, they had some spare crate motors sitting in the shop,
paid for them to be swapped, and the new engine had more Mobil One.
Then the blown engine was shipped back to Mobil.
As far as letting an engine sit for any length of time, then see what happens probably never occurred to them.

10-01-2023, 10:19 PM
Anyone remember the name of that very popular gun oil about a decade ago, that after someone did some Lab analysis, it turned out to be Canola oil?


Winger Ed.
10-01-2023, 11:18 PM
There's a lot of companies 'pulling a fast one' out there.

I used to buy a spray can of anti-splatter once in awhile to make getting welding splatter balls off easier.
Right up until I read the label on one and found it to be exactly the same ingredients as PAM from the grocery store.

10-02-2023, 02:03 AM

No it wasn't Froglube, it had some tacticool branding, but there was no battle frog on the bottle.

10-02-2023, 02:18 AM
