View Full Version : Another big score at Walmart!

Super Sneaky Steve
09-23-2023, 10:52 PM
Wally World coming through again! I just purchased 2,300 CC #11 caps as the whopping price of $5.62 per tin! No shipping or hazmat fees!

Yes, I cleaned them out. Sorry fall hunters in Livingston County Michigan, no caps for you!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.co%2Fimages%2Fa8f97e0 a451b640230e7a04e80262c30%2Fraw&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=7a58b1bd36882e986307c09470c6cbd25ed7b42981376c 7a01d0eccda84c9f6b&ipo=images

09-23-2023, 10:55 PM
......and this is why prices remain so high and availability so low. Good for you.

Super Sneaky Steve
09-23-2023, 11:15 PM
At least I'm not reselling them on gunbroker for $15/tin. All these will be sending balls down range. I've made caps and bought expensive caps. CCI needs to meet demand, that's not my fault.

09-23-2023, 11:45 PM
You should invest in the cap making tool, the muzzleloader hobby is dying, guns are plentiful, caps aren’t. Expand your hobby and make your own caps, they are much better.

09-24-2023, 12:11 AM
......and this is why prices remain so high and availability so low. Good for you.

Darned supply and demand! It's just too bad the government won't step in and regulate how many caps a person can buy! And price controls too! Dang greedy corporations, all they care about is that nasty profit stuff!

09-24-2023, 12:17 AM
I hoard and buy caps both. The more I buy, the more they'll make. The less they make, the more I make.

09-24-2023, 02:06 AM
Folks need to understand................ #11 caps are a seasonal item there at walmart. They only stock these for hunting season.
Plan accordingly.

09-24-2023, 09:48 AM
I've got mixed feelings about this, 'nuff said.

09-24-2023, 10:12 AM
Yes, I cleaned them out. Sorry fall hunters in Livingston County Michigan, no caps for you!

Sorry, but IMHO greed doesn't equal sportsmanship. :roll:


elk hunter
09-24-2023, 10:12 AM
Our Walmart doesn't stock guns or ammunition of any kind. For being a superstore it isn't all that super.

I did recently buy some CCI #10 caps from a not quite local, 3 1/2 hours away, black powder shop. I about choked when he said $13.95 a tin. I need them for my four Colts that I converted from the original #9 caps to #10's as I haven't seen a can of #9's in many years. When I started shooting muzzleloaders you could walk in to a sporting goods store and buy a tin of Remington or Winchester/Goldmark caps for $0.59 and pound of powder for less than $3.00. You could order a 25 pound keg of Dupont black for $12.50 and a few dollars shipping. The powder was shipped via Railway Express. While todays prices seem outrageous one must remember wages were a bit lower then, I was making $1.00 per hour.

Super Sneaky Steve
09-24-2023, 10:13 AM
You should invest in the cap making tool, the muzzleloader hobby is dying, guns are plentiful, caps aren’t. Expand your hobby and make your own caps, they are much better.

I've made plenty of them, but I can't say I enjoy the flea circus act of using tiny scoops and getting tiny amount of material into a tiny little cup. I really don't think muzzleloading shooting is dying. I think it's really taken off in the past few years.

09-24-2023, 10:16 AM
Hmmmm . . .. well, I guess you're the winner for "bragging rights", plus it's apparent how you earned your handle.

Huh . . . . $5.62 a hundred? That comes out to $129.26 for 23 tins of 100. When I started shooting BP 60 + years ago, caps were 25 to 50 cents a tin for Remingtons and a pound of DuPont BP was 75 cents a pound. Just before the world and this country took a nosedive - I bought 5,000 caps from a bulk supplier that I have purchased powder and caps from for years. 2,500 #10 and 2,5000 #11. Kind of amusing - my 5,000 caps cost me about $5.00 more than you paid for your 2,300 caps, which means in theory, that I could shoot more than two times than what you can at half the price. No brag . . . . just fact. The difference is . . . I have given away about half of what I purchased to a number of guys I know who wanted to shoot but couldn't because the shelves were bare - at no cost to them. Again . . . no brag . . . just fact.

So congratulations to you on your "big score" . . . . . I'm sure there are many others here, like me, that are happyy for your "big score" and I hope you enjoy each and every cap. I don't know why your post reminds me of one of my uncles when I was a kid . . . he was the one at family dinners who always kept the plate of sliced turkey and the bowl of mashed potatoes in front of his plate and refused to pass them down to others. Well . . . no matter . . . if I think about it enough I'll figure it out.

09-24-2023, 11:35 AM
Congratulations, Steve. You ruined Christmas. Happy?

09-24-2023, 12:16 PM
Our Walmart doesn't stock guns or ammunition of any kind. For being a superstore it isn't all that super.

I did recently buy some CCI #10 caps from a not quite local, 3 1/2 hours away, black powder shop. I about choked when he said $13.95 a tin. I need them for my four Colts that I converted from the original #9 caps to #10's as I haven't seen a can of #9's in many years. When I started shooting muzzleloaders you could walk in to a sporting goods store and buy a tin of Remington or Winchester/Goldmark caps for $0.59 and pound of powder for less than $3.00. You could order a 25 pound keg of Dupont black for $12.50 and a few dollars shipping. The powder was shipped via Railway Express. While todays prices seem outrageous one must remember wages were a bit lower then, I was making $1.00 per hour.

Have you tried asking the store mgr. to order a case of them for you?

09-24-2023, 12:43 PM
MOst stores and chains operate on an "Automatic Order" automated system. If they run off the shelf - they order more. For a seasonal item - it may or may not be a one time and out system.

I am not catholic; but I see some of the 7 deadly sins at work here in this thread:


a. Super Sneaky Steve - congratulations on your ability to get the items needed to enjoy your selected sport.
b. Others that are seeking Muzzle Loader Caps - Hopefully the supply at your location will improve.
c. All - if the industry will not support/meet your needs - Take care of yourself.

1. Prime all can be used in caps.
2. Sharpshooter 22LR Reloader has cap makers similar to old "Tap o Cap" . The #10 cap maker will work on #11 requirements (Such as my .50 Cal Hawken). https://sharpshooter-22lr-reloader.myshopify.com/collections/10-percussion-cap-maker

I am not Hindu - But NAMASTE to all.

09-24-2023, 01:17 PM
I'm going to check my local Walmart now, and buy everything they have, not because I need them, but just because I can and it'll irritate people who think it's their business to decide the virtue of my purchasing decisions. Which sin is that?

09-24-2023, 01:23 PM
I can offer another suggestion for those that are having a hard time finding caps. As I had said in a previous post in this thread and a few others, if you ask the store manager to order caps specifically for you most all of them will. Look at ordering them after June 15th, because they start stocking muzzleloader stuff middle to end of July. I know this because I used to work for Walmart as a transportation driver. Muzzleloader season here in New Mexico starts middle of September, so our local stores will start to put muzzleloader items out on the shelf towards the end of July. I hope this helps.

09-24-2023, 03:49 PM
Good score. Nice to see that Walmart is still stocking them on a seasonal basis.

09-24-2023, 06:34 PM
I hope the OP is proud of himself for sharing his greed with all you fellows looking for #11's this hunting season. Heck, he can shoot deer for all of you!

09-24-2023, 07:11 PM
Congratulations, Steve. You ruined Christmas. Happy?

The guy saw product that he wanted and bought it. Were you going to come to Michigan and buy it? Buy what you can when you can find it.

09-24-2023, 07:17 PM
The guy saw product that he wanted and bought it. Were you going to come to Michigan and buy it? Buy what you can when you can find it.

He shouldn't buy more of anything than I deem necessary for him to have. I pretend to be a constitution loving patriot, but I whine and snivel about free market activity like a Marxist.

09-24-2023, 07:20 PM
At least I'm not reselling them on gunbroker for $15/tin. All these will be sending balls down range. I've made caps and bought expensive caps. CCI needs to meet demand, that's not my fault.

Why go to gun broker? You can't market them here?

Shanghai Jack
09-24-2023, 07:50 PM
The guy saw product that he wanted and bought it. Were you going to come to Michigan and buy it? Buy what you can when you can find it.

+1 on that

09-24-2023, 08:05 PM
He shouldn't buy more of anything than I deem necessary for him to have. I pretend to be a constitution loving patriot, but I whine and snivel about free market activity like a Marxist.

I live nearby. He stole it from me!

09-24-2023, 08:08 PM
He shouldn't buy more of anything than I deem necessary for him to have. I pretend to be a constitution loving patriot, but I whine and snivel about free market activity like a Marxist.

well stated.

09-24-2023, 09:07 PM
I live nearby. He stole it from me!

Oh, it's true! Put him on the rail car for Siberia!

09-24-2023, 09:21 PM
I am not going to criticize anyone for making sure you got enough shooting supplies. 23 tins of percussion caps isn't really a huge amount if you do a lot of black powder shooting. I was pretty well stocked up on ammo before this latest ammo shortage but when it started if I seen some ammo for sale I bought it. These dry spells trigger your mind into hoarding a bit. I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.If you don't grab what you can for personal use the next guy is going to be buying it to resale on gunbroker.

09-24-2023, 09:32 PM
I’ve come to figure that with places like Wally World if you got the jingle for any shooting supplies in your pocket grab what you can when you find it, otherwise it will be at the next gun show table marked up 100%.

09-24-2023, 09:39 PM
I guess you all have never bought the last of anything on the store shelves when you wanted it and the price was good.


Toilet paper or eggs, for instance.

09-25-2023, 10:04 AM
I guess you all have never bought the last of anything on the store shelves when you wanted it and the price was good.


Toilet paper or eggs, for instance.

Very Well Supplied in our Storeage with both. Thank you.

09-25-2023, 11:07 AM
A few years back after the muzzleloading season I happened upon ten tins of CCI #11 caps at Walmart that were on clearance for a very low price, I ended up buying all of them. I ended up giving all but two tins away to people that couldn't find any caps. No regrets, I was happy, and they were too. I guess it's all what you want to do with your "score".

09-25-2023, 11:31 AM
I would think, if I were to do some kinda questionable "maybe" dirty deed, which I have on occasion. I would make sure NOT to brag about it.

09-25-2023, 12:13 PM
I would think, if I were to do some kinda questionable "maybe" dirty deed, which I have on occasion. I would make sure NOT to brag about it.

I don't consider buying percussion caps a "dirty deed" though.

09-25-2023, 02:52 PM
Taking more than your neighbors think you need is a crime against the state, comrade. To the back of the bread line with you.

Super Sneaky Steve
09-25-2023, 03:27 PM
I’ve come to figure that with places like Wally World if you got the jingle for any shooting supplies in your pocket grab what you can when you find it, otherwise it will be at the next gun show table marked up 100%.

You're right about that. It took me a year and a half to buy a Playstation 5 at retail price.

Anyone who really needs caps can still buy them, just not at retail price.

Fact is Walmart made the rules, they set the price and the purchase limit. In this case there wasn't a limit so it's fair game. Most of the time I loose the game when trying to buy stuff like this. Once in a while I win. That's how the game is played.

09-25-2023, 03:47 PM
Do you know what a "Struggle session" is, Steve?

09-26-2023, 01:46 PM
Do you know what a "Struggle session" is, Steve?

Yeah those are being proposed by elitists and their online shills now.
The Chinese commie thing will work right up until it meets real Americans.

As to caps and primers, the information I have available says a production line cranks out 200,000 primers per 8 hour shift so 600,000 per 24 hours. This excludes other lines per company and excludes no name small companies that produce primers under NDAs for the big names.

There shouldn't be any shortage of any primers whatsoever. Even with hoarders and scambroker resellers.

I get the feeling the "Produce only what is needed" save the environment WEF model of redefined existence has something to do with these so called shortages.

09-26-2023, 09:20 PM
Brimstone said it right. I for one firmly believe it is the government, not hoarders, not GB sellers. We are being lead down the trail of everything gun related becoming so expensive folks will one day just give up. Keep in mind the world and Joe Biden knows well how to disarm it's citizens, slowly but surely or by force. The 2nd means nothing to them and the NRA has no power at all.

09-26-2023, 09:38 PM
Our government is corrupt, top to bottom.

I firmly subscribe to a personal philosophy of becoming un-disarmable. Are you fellows aware of a newly proposed ATF rule which would require private citizens to report any quantity of gun powder stored at their residence and maintain records of such a minimum of five years?

Winger Ed.
09-26-2023, 10:12 PM
I'd figure the shortage of caps was that the places that make them, also make regular center fire primers.

They went all out producing primers to sell in loaded factory ammunition.
Sure, making/selling the caps is profitable for them, but not nearly as much as loaded ammo,
or selling to the factories that do- especially at a marked up price.

When loaded ammo supplies catch up,
the 'extra' primers for us will be more plentiful, as will percussion caps.

09-26-2023, 11:19 PM
Primers will be plentiful just as soon as our benevolent leaders are done with WWIII.

09-26-2023, 11:24 PM
Unless the percussion cap line is cleared out to make space for another 5.56 line...local maker here has dumped half of their reloader powder line to make military propellants.......they also make primers ,but will not consider selling them ,all primers go into loaded ammo.

lead chucker
09-27-2023, 12:12 AM
I was in Sportsmans WH a while back there was 4 pounds of H110 I thought about buying all 4 but figured 2 would do and maybe one or two guys that were looking for it would be glad to get it also. Not trying to act self righteous or any thing, it was also $40.00 a pound. I find my self shooting allot more black powder now any way.

09-27-2023, 12:37 AM
I was in Sportsmans WH a while back there was 4 pounds of H110 I thought about buying all 4 but figured 2 would do and maybe one or two guys that were looking for it would be glad to get it also. Not trying to act self righteous or any thing, it was also $40.00 a pound. I find my self shooting allot more black powder now any way.

+1 on this.

I shoot a lot of black. Once you're set up to tumble your own powder and cast your own boolits, the greater economy doesn't have to affect your shooting activities as much.

Making or reloading primers is more about availability than anything else. It's a time consuming endeavor, even at inflated prices, it's preferable to me to buy them.

09-27-2023, 01:53 AM
My source if you're interested is Ammunition Manufacturing by Frost circa 1990 via the NRA. Original copies are hens teeth and when found are $400-600. There are multiple PDF files and it is a wealth of information of compounds, cup and anvil stock thickness and geometry and of course much much more.

If you're a well read nerd and apt to retain information from thousands of sources over decades, the book might be more of the same as many gun rag writers have referenced his work (with or without siting) since 1990 in addition to other sources that share commonality thanks to industry standard.

I don't remember if he went over the dies, pneumatic feeders and automatic presses but that info is out there too if not in his book.

09-27-2023, 03:40 AM
That's excellent, Brimstone. Found a pdf on the internet archives. Thanks for the reference, much appreciated.

Virtually all my info so far has come from aardvark reloading

09-29-2023, 07:20 PM
“According to the concept, the tragedy of the commons, should a number of people enjoy unfettered access to a finite, valuable resource such as a pasture, they will tend to over-use it, and may end up destroying its value altogether. To exercise voluntary restraint is not a rational choice for individuals – if they did, the other users would merely supplant them – yet the predictable result is a tragedy for all.”


09-29-2023, 07:57 PM
“According to the concept, the tragedy of the commons, should a number of people enjoy unfettered access to a finite, valuable resource such as a pasture, they will tend to over-use it, and may end up destroying its value altogether. To exercise voluntary restraint is not a rational choice for individuals – if they did, the other users would merely supplant them – yet the predictable result is a tragedy for all.”


My observation of human behavior largely mirrors this concept. There are radical exceptions on both ends but most of us fall in the middle somewhere.

So people organize a government whose purpose is to ensure fair use of the resource and ensure security and penalties for violators. Forgetting that the government is made up of people who often can be cohersed into favoring an individual or group either by personal beliefs or some sort of personal reward. Or propose population control which only seems to have favor with those who have no intention of being subjected to the control themselves.

09-29-2023, 08:21 PM
Primers aren't a finite resource.
And thank goodness, considering they're a consumable.

Sheesh, I half expect someone to pipe up and demand the proletariat rise up and seize the means of production.

lead chucker
10-01-2023, 04:07 AM
Make your own stuff and dont worry about what every body else is doing. Caps are easy to make once you have the stuff which isn't hard to get.

Rick Hodges
10-03-2023, 06:41 AM
My local Walmart had CCI#11's on the rack for $5.62/100. I purchased 5 tins. there were probably twice that left on the rack.

andy h
10-03-2023, 09:17 AM
Over here in England CCI no11 are $16 to $24 a hundred , Swiss black powder is $122 a kilo and the own brand black powder of one of the only source's in England is $54 for 1.1 lb.

10-03-2023, 10:57 AM
Over here in England CCI no11 are $16 to $24 a hundred , Swiss black powder is $122 a kilo and the own brand black powder of one of the only source's in England is $54 for 1.1 lb.

The only possible way such simple items could be so expensive is through egregious taxation. Punitive even.

11-01-2023, 08:26 PM
I have purchased a tin of 2 at multiple Walmarts. Found a tin last week. I think they are probably out for the season. I hope multiple people bought from the Walmarts I did. I left most. Bought enough to last me a bit.

11-01-2023, 08:35 PM
They don't sell BP caps in our walmarts, at least I have never seen them.

11-02-2023, 10:47 AM
What Minerat said!

indian joe
11-03-2023, 05:58 AM
My local Walmart had CCI#11's on the rack for $5.62/100. I purchased 5 tins. there were probably twice that left on the rack.

If I saw caps for that price I proly dig deep and take at least a couple thousand - not gonna brag about it on here tho. Leave em on the shelf for the next bloke ?? nah he might be a real scumbag - if you gonna "do the right thing" take the lot - resell em to friends at cost..........................................

11-03-2023, 06:23 AM
I'm going to check my local Walmart now, and buy everything they have, not because I need them, but just because I can and it'll irritate people who think it's their business to decide the virtue of my purchasing decisions. Which sin is that?

i agree.im interesting in me shooting not some whinner who sits on the couch crying like a Karen.

11-03-2023, 09:32 AM
They don't sell BP caps in our walmarts, at least I have never seen them.

In Winchester, VA the Walmart got rid of all guns and caps and will only sell rifle ammo. Thought it odd and asked the lady who ran it why. She stated it was a corporate policy and I commented pretty odd considering the number if hunters in the area. Following year we happened to find a newer Walmart in the same city with a full gun section. I haven't been back to check for caps. Asked how come they have guns and not the other store. Turns out the lady running that department is not "customer friendly " and they had to many complaints so they decided to stop selling guns vs fixing the employee issue. That is what I was told so take it with a grain of salt but wouldn't be surprised. Just goes to show check all over wherever you are, you never know.

11-03-2023, 10:45 AM
Not percussion caps but was pleasantly surprised to see local Walmart had Federal 209ML primers in stock yesterday. Sportsman’s Warehouse had none.