View Full Version : Would folks want a timer?

02-13-2009, 02:45 AM
Based on a idea given to me by no_1 and his example, I made some 12 hour timers for my cement mixer tumbler and my two Dillon 2000's.
These things have been so useful for me that I was wondering if others might want me to make some for them.

The thing costs about $25 in parts. It is made with a 6 foot (9 foot $2 more) 14 gauge appliance extension cord, a steel handi box, 14 gauge solid wire internally, and a 12 hour timer that can handle 1 horsepower. The front plate is stainless. Fully grounded. Outlet is high grade boxed type, not the cheap loose ones.

It is built like the proverbial outhouse. They should last for decades.

So, the real question is, would anyone want one of these things? I could make them, or I could make a tutorial with pictures for folks, or both.

I I made them, I would have to charge 6 dollars more than parts plus shipping.

Let me know what you think, and if you like the idea, I'll make a tutorial or start selling them in the swap section depending on the answers.


The one shown has walnut media dust all over it.



Tom Myers
02-13-2009, 08:07 AM
Fantastic Idea.
I've lost track of the number of times I have been distracted and left my tumbler running all night.
Sure does make for clean shiny brass though.

By all means, please show diagrams on how it is done.

I am sure there will be enough of those who do not care to make things that will keep you busy making timers of that quality for them.

Right now I don't have two hobby nickles to rub together, but when I get more play money I will be happy to pay you to make one

Tom Myers

02-14-2009, 03:26 PM
92 hits and one reply.

I guess that means I'll make a pictorial on it!

I'll pick up the parts this weekend.


02-14-2009, 04:32 PM
I kind of had that idea too but didn't find a timmer until recently. Haven't put it together yet! I was thinking of making one for the wife. She has a bad habit of leaving the curling iron plugged in!

02-14-2009, 05:26 PM

Nice timer setup. I believe it looks better than mine!
Hopefully you will get some sales. I believe it could also be used on the lube-sizer heater. Anyone ever leave their lube heater on overnight? (I have)


02-14-2009, 06:02 PM
This would also work for a boot dryer. Sometimes, I let that plugged in for days until I remember about it.

02-15-2009, 01:03 AM
I have been using a cheap lamp timer with my tumbler for a number of years. It works great...

I remove the "on" peg so that it won't start again if left for more than one day.


mike in co
02-15-2009, 01:16 PM
i have two dillon large tunblers also. after burning up the motor in one in less than 6 moths it was obvious that lack of a timer was an issue. they often went full load for hours on end. by the way electiral parts only have a one yr warrantee.
so i went to home depot and looked around . it was at the holidays and lots of lite timers available. the bad news, shortest time was 2 hours...one hour too long. so went to the elctrical section. they have a 1hour and a 15 min timer...15 too short -one hr...perfect. a 4x4 box a duplex grounded outlet, and the timer in one box. the down size is the timer has next to no stop at the one hr mark, it is easy to over run and then the timer is toast.
i have one in the shop(gargage) and one in the armory( a reloading room in the basement).

for the record, rcbs sidewinder has a built in timer. i use mine for moly coating only, too small too slow for production brass work.

housedad: what cement mixer did you get and how did it work for you ? how much volume per time ?

02-16-2009, 01:13 AM
The Kobalt brand from Lowes. Fill it with about 110 to 130 lbs of walnut. does about a 5 gal bucket of brass (YMMV) at a shot. Need 3 1/2 to 5 hours a load depending on condition of brass. Do not over fill with brass. if you hear the brass clunking and clinking loud, it is too much brass.

See this:
