View Full Version : Yankees in Texas

09-05-2023, 12:35 AM
In a few weeks, we're flying into San Antonio and driving to Del Rio (and back). Should we hide our Bars-tin accents?
Gotta pack my carpet bag for the trip. Looks like a pretty good ride. I've traveled around the West alot but never made it to Texas. Back East, Texas has a certain aura attached to it. Wish I could see more of it.

Losing my mind - this should have been posted in Our Town. Can it be moved?

09-05-2023, 01:35 AM
When this Arizona desert rat and my blushing bride visited small town Texas last year, we were blown away by just how darn NICE everyone is! Of course, this is out by Henderson in East Texas, and I happen to love small towns. I don't know your route, but if you go anywhere near Kilgore, they have the East Texas Oil Museum out there and it is really cool.




Winger Ed.
09-05-2023, 02:30 AM
Nah,, you'll be fine. A large part of our economy is geared towards tourists,
we want them to have a good time, and tell all their friends to come visit too.

Ya might want to swing through the Alamo while you're in San Antonio.
In your travels, I'd encourage eating anywhere except the 'Burger Biggie' drive through restaurants.
Nothing wrong with them if you like a meal of grease and salt. Plus, you probably have them back home.

Try the smaller Mexican sit down places. You can get Mexican food made by real Mexicans.:bigsmyl2:
That, and the smaller Bar-B-Que joints. They are the only places to get beef done right.
You can spot the really good places--- the building looks like it's about ready to cave in,
the cooks will be older, and weigh about 300 pounds.
If ya see 'Texas Twinkies' on the menu-- get a couple. They're addictive, and not like anything else.
Both kinds of places are the real deal, and they got it figured out.

You might get the impression people aren't in some big rush here.... It's because they're not.
I'm a native, and now days, I try to drive straight through, or just stay out of the big cities all together.
They're sort of like Los Angeles without the Palm trees.

Take your time, look around, enjoy your trip, and don't be bashful about meeting & talking to people.

09-05-2023, 06:26 AM
Move to Our Town as requested.

09-05-2023, 07:11 AM
Thanks for moving the post. If I have trouble navigating a forum, I should let my wife do the driving in Texas.
"Texas Twinkies"? Hmmm. My friend and I moved to SLC in the 70s. He went horseback riding with a bunch of locals that he met, and they told him to ask for a "stump broke mule" at the ranch. He didn't know, so he did. Pretty funny.
Love that open western country. We visited AZ last year, and we'll probably go back this fall. That was almost an embarrassing trip. We hiked to the Devils Bridge (late October). Great hike but I was having a hard time with my stamina. A month later I had a heart attack (at home). Imagine croaking at the Devils Bridge?

09-05-2023, 07:14 AM
I got to visit Texas for the first time last year and we had a great time, roaming all around between Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, and San Antonio. The Hill Country is quite lovely, although a bit rugged compared to what we're used to in the east.

I'm sorry to report that, at least based on my limited time there, Austin is indeed almost as bad as has been reported elsewhere, and appears to be a bastion of urbanite left-wing hipsterism. It was the only place where I didn't get a welcoming unspoken "hey ya'll" from pretty much everybody. But it was at least tempered a bit by the vestiges of Texas sensibility that is entirely lacking in the cities of the east.

09-05-2023, 07:37 AM
Since you’re going to Del Rio you should drive a little further west to Langtry ( the hang out of Judge Roy Bean). I believe the State of Texas has made it a maintained historical site. The old saloon was still in tact when I was there, years ago. The “Judge” was quite a colorful character.

09-05-2023, 07:44 AM
I think that people's attitudes towards other people have everything to do with claustrophobia. Cram people into tight spaces (cities) anywhere and problems begin. Eastern cities are no worse than large western cities. Get into the mountains of VT, NH, ME and people relax.
With 80 mph speed limits out West, I don't think I ever saw a tailgater. Back here, tailgaters drive me nuts.
Yep, I'm looking forward to those wide open spaces. Not looking forward to being 10 miles from the sun.

09-05-2023, 08:39 AM
6th. Gen Texan here with family or friends every whip or stitch down any road in Texas. I hope you enjoy your time in Texas. We are a diverse state, but the differences can be subtle and may pass unnoticed by the random Yankee. You will have tailgaters in San Antone. Welcome/Bienvenidos!

09-05-2023, 08:45 AM
When this Arizona desert rat and my blushing bride visited small town Texas last year, we were blown away by just how darn NICE everyone is! Of course, this is out by Henderson in East Texas, and I happen to love small towns. I don't know your route, but if you go anywhere near Kilgore, they have the East Texas Oil Museum out there and it is really cool.




I am from New Orleans and relocated to Longview after Katrina and the reason we stayed is because we were welcomed with open arms!
Longview is right next to Kilgore and we have visited the Oil Museum and I highly recommend it!

09-05-2023, 09:06 AM
I can only speak from my experience, having grown up in florida I didn't have any of a southern accent I got offered a corporate job in north Louisiana. many of the guys I worked with would go deer hunting every year in Texas. every day. I worked that job having to deal with all kinds of people and every day, every single day of those 14 months 10 days and 2 hours ii would hear from at least one person, "say, you aint from around here. You aint no damn yankee are you?" I didn't feel comfortable there till a month or so in when I was befriended by an icon of the area and master gunsmith and trap/skeet shooting instructor Marvin Williamson. After that it got good being asked to join the moose club and invited to crawfish boils and hunting trips and I ended up marrying the prettiest girl in Monroe.

09-05-2023, 09:16 AM
I used to visit my mom in Breckenridge; former oil town that is now full of retirees. If you go to Austin you will meet some very nice people from California.


09-05-2023, 09:24 AM
My brother (15 yrs older than me) was in the Army in the late 50s, early 60s, stationed in Texas someplace. He came home on a leave and gave me a T shirt with a map of Texas on the front. That was a long time ago but I remember that T shirt.
We'll only be in Texas for 4-5 days but exploring it is definitely on my bucket list.

Texas by God
09-05-2023, 09:41 AM
It’s only supposed to be 103 or so so welcome to the cool spell!
Don’t forget to get a chicken fried steak.
If you imbibe, try a Shiner Bock.
If you arrive without a gun; we’ll give you one[emoji16]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-05-2023, 09:45 AM
I was wondering about firearms. I've never brought a gun on a trip. My son said that, statistically, Del Rio is safer than his town in NH.

09-05-2023, 09:54 AM
I was wondering about firearms. I've never brought a gun on a trip. My son said that, statistically, Del Rio is safer than his town in NH.

Probably true, but as you get near the Rio Grande, those aren't all Texans wandering around.

09-05-2023, 11:07 AM
Do not do like my buddy from ND did, and decide to drive the border, in a black suburban with dark tinted glass.....his tourist drive got much longer, as he got stopped about every 30 minutes by the BP..... :-) I love tourists.

Anyway, if you go west on I-10 to Borne, then around the north bypass route back to the east side, to I-10 you will go through the north hill country, little towns and some very fine restaurants. The Seguin area was settled by Germans, so you have German names, restaurants, etc. There is a western wear place outside of SA that specializes in the authentic western clothing, as used by re-enactors and SASS shooters etc., can not recall the name off hand, but worth seeing.

Del Rio, across the border, is the actual location for the 1,000+ wat old blaster AM radio station's tower their powerful signal could be heard all over the US late at night in the 50s-60s. If you get to Del Rio early enough the gas station is still open as is the Dairy Queen.

09-05-2023, 11:20 AM
Don’t miss the Alamo and the River Walk in San Antonio. West of there, toward Del Rio, is pretty grim. Take a side trip through the hill country if you can, and enjoy your trip. Texans are friendly folks, so don’t worry about that.

As far as taking a gun goes, your choice, but I take one on every trip I go on.

Winger Ed.
09-05-2023, 11:37 AM
I was wondering about firearms.

A quickie search for 'Texas firearm laws' will show them.
In Texas, 'concealed' means exactly that.
We have plenty of burglaries, theft, etc. However; crimes against strangers and 'road rage' is really pretty low.
Even non-residents can carry a concealed hand gun, and it's a good guess that when out in public,
about 1/3 of the adults around you are carrying one. People over about 40- it may be higher.

I've had people, like immigrants from Calif. tell me, "If you're carrying a gun, I don't need to".
I tell 'em, "Yeah, but it's for my protection, for yours--- not so much".

09-05-2023, 04:31 PM
"Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there" might be true of anywhere.
I live for now in the Sonoran desert, been a warm wet summer 3" rain so far.
I am a refugee Yankee, so far on seven road trips across Texas I found friendly people
that were glad to see me come, glad to see me go.
On the Florida Georgia line on Rt95N is a famous sign
Leaving Florida
take a friend

In my language there is no "R": Q,ah,S,T
so I am assumed Democrat, villagers pick up rocks.
Or maybe it was the MAGA hat...
I had to learn to use articles and conjugate verbs
because liberals only live in the present, no past, no future.
"I see deah in yoah field yestiddy, can you shootim?"
Works in Alaska but not in the deepsouth.

Do not ever say y'all, you all, all y'all, or all you all, y'all likely be shot.

Without the letter "R" my Spanish is hopeless, my high school Spanish useless.
I can understand Wal-Mart Spanish fairly well, but never speak it.
Wife found a little old dog at the pound, had no name, no teeth, mostly feral.
So I said "Ven aqui Chico Chihuahua" he came to me said "Hola?" so Chico he is now.
Siente se? He giggles when I say Perro bueno. (Gringo muy estupido)
High school shoulda taught me English, dint.
Umass taught me calculus and chemistry, but not how to write.

Arizona has refugee Californians, with accents of their own.
Easy to tell them from the Viking-fan Minnisotans.

09-05-2023, 04:48 PM
Wife and I just came thru Del Rio from SA a couple of weeks ago. Hwy 90 is my favorite drive home from SA, usually no traffic, just easy cruising, watching the landscape go by. You will be fine, most here are more irritated by the people coming from the south than the ones coming from the north. Where I'm at it's rare to hear what I call a Texan accent, seems everyone here is from somewhere else, but when I do it is most enjoyable to listen to. Enjoy your trip!

Needed to edit: 100% what Winger Ed said, small towns are the best, and don't be afraid to say hey to the guy pumping gas next to you. some of my best conversations have been there or standing around at HEB.

Winger Ed.
09-05-2023, 06:05 PM
Where I'm at it's rare to hear what I call a Texan accent, .

We don't have an accent.
However; I've found that people from other places do.

Another exception:
I was in Mexico City, Mexico some years ago.
Those South Texans down there have such a hard accent,
you'd think they had a different word for everything.

09-05-2023, 07:03 PM
My wife has such a Boston accent that people around here make fun of her.
We were at a Crow Reservation a few years ago and the female Crow guide kept staring at my wife when she spoke. The girl said that she could listen to her accent for hours.

Winger Ed.
09-05-2023, 07:51 PM
My wife has such a Boston accent that people around here make fun of her.
We were at a Crow Reservation a few years ago and the female Crow guide kept staring at my wife when she spoke. The girl said that she could listen to her accent for hours.

I used to work with 2 guys from Boston at 2 different duty stations.
They were a hoot. I could sit and listen to them read the phone book.

One guy was assigned to NAS Dallas when he rotated back from Japan.
While on leave, his Dad told him he might want to try and get out of those orders.
During WWII his Dad came through Texas on a troop train.
He told his son that all the pick up trucks he saw in Texas had guns in the back window.

P Flados
09-05-2023, 09:28 PM

In addition to Mexican food and Texas BBQ, there is one fast food choice in Texas that is "special".

I am a Texas native that now lives on the East Coast. In conversations with my relatives in Texas, it appears that many people like me tend to have a similar "routine". When we land in Texas, we hit the nearest Whataburger to the airport on the way to our next destination. And it seems there is always one "on the way" regardless of travel direction . There are 57 locations In San Antonio:


It is really not that "great", but it has become something to look forward to every time I go back.

09-05-2023, 10:04 PM
My Florida friends explained Yankees as folks east of the Dakota's , north of Virginia and with states in the west and north of Texas being another kettle of fish. Gp

09-05-2023, 10:39 PM
I got a 3 yr old dog in December at a shelter in NH - he had been a stray in Texas. He loves it up here, especially the snow and cold.
I get weather updates almost every day from my sister in AZ. I don't know how you do that heat.

09-05-2023, 11:15 PM
I spent a lot of time working with a partner company in Texas, and yes, I am a Damn Yankee (and proud of it). Being from Maine....everyone is a southerner.
I remeber telling someone at work that my boss from the Boston area had a southern twang and they asked me if I had heard him...thats not a southern twang. I said, when you grow up in Maine....it's a southern twang. I was working for my company oin Pennsylvania and my Grandfather (of he "Finest Kind...Ayuh type) asked if I was still working on the deep south (Pennsylvania).

When working in Texas...they would tease me about being a damn yankee. So I decided to try and fit in better (and tease them back) ....went to Sheplers and got me some cowboy spurs and wore them in to work with my docksiders and polo shirt. Oh they had a fit! They agreed to stop teasing me if I hung up the spurs. Seems that was sacrilege!

Winger Ed.
09-05-2023, 11:31 PM
I spent a lot of time working with a partner company in Texas, and yes, I am a Damn Yankee (and proud of it). Being from Maine....everyone is a southerner.

I used to work for a company headquartered in New Orleans.
They considered everyone North of Interstate 10-- which runs just above/through New Orleans as a Yankee.

If ya ever wear 'em again--- remember not to squat while wearing spurs.

09-06-2023, 12:41 AM
They considered everyone North of Interstate 10-- which runs just above/through New Orleans as a Yankee.

I was raised El Paso, Biloxi, Gainesville, Fla. I mentioned that folks North of I-10 were Yankees to some folks in Va. and NC. It didn't go over real well. If they pick hash browns over grits is a better determination. Or ask for scraple.

09-06-2023, 07:04 AM
An old army buddy called me a michigan gritter , cuz I would have grits for breakfast every morning, while at Benning.

09-06-2023, 08:18 AM
We were in a restaurant in Minot, ND a few years ago. I ordered a turkey dinner, and asked for cranberry sauce on the side. What is a turkey dinner without cranberry sauce? What is peanut butter without jelly? Anyways, the waitress was confused - why would you pour cranberry juice on a turkey? No, sauce, not juice. No one had ever heard of cranberry sauce.

If we visit next year, it'll most likely be to Oklahoma.

09-06-2023, 09:12 AM
I live three miles from the Rio Grande River in Deep South Texas. Everybody North of the Border Patrol checkpoints (Sarita and Falfurrias) is some kind of foreigner or yankee.

Good Cheer
09-06-2023, 10:00 AM
We live a thousand miles north these days.
A family member up here asked me if I missed Texas.
I had to tell her that no, I miss what Texas used to be.

09-06-2023, 10:09 AM
Dad was stationed in NH for 4 years when I was little. When he was transferred I was teased because of my accent as it was pretty thick and some couldn't understand me. Fast forward 50 years and went back to NH for a quick visit with the wife, to see fall colors. Went to the home town and walked in a restaurant and just listened to people talk. Wife was looking at me, wondering what they were saying most of the time. Pretty thick accents. Had to smile and say I understood every bit of the conversations. Walked over to a group of guys having morning coffee and got some funny looks at being interrupted by a "tourist". When I told them I used to live there and wasn't the street I lived on just around the corner and down a few blocks (it had been 50 years). They kind of smiled then and said the street hadn't moved. I was no longer a "tourist" to them.
I guess I am part Yankee and part Southerner (bunch of family from Texas, Grandparents lived in San Antonio). Air Force brat, so not one place as "home", but Oklahoma (other Grandparents) and Texas come close. Loved the Hill Country and almost moved there, but the heat/humidity was a bit more intense than I cared for.

09-06-2023, 10:27 AM
NH- must have been Pease. I can see it from the hill at the end of my street.
Two of my grandkids were born in Minot.

09-06-2023, 11:34 AM
My Florida friends explained Yankees as folks east of the Dakota's , north of Virginia and with states in the west and north of Texas being another kettle of fish. Gp

Western Minnesotans have the Dakota accent... not the long drawn out O Minnesota accent the eastern and northern part of the state has!

09-06-2023, 01:05 PM
An old army buddy called me a michigan gritter , cuz I would have grits for breakfast every morning, while at Benning.

Some folks realize the error of their ways.

09-06-2023, 01:12 PM
In a few weeks, we're flying into San Antonio and driving to Del Rio (and back). Should we hide our Bars-tin accents?
Gotta pack my carpet bag for the trip. Looks like a pretty good ride. I've traveled around the West alot but never made it to Texas. Back East, Texas has a certain aura attached to it. Wish I could see more of it.

Losing my mind - this should have been posted in Our Town. Can it be moved?

I think the naitives are more concerned with their visitors from the south. As always, listen more than you talk and don't drink too much.

09-06-2023, 03:09 PM
317696317697 Just got back to Mississippi from San Angelo Texas for the annual opening day Dove Season. White Wing's were really flyin this year. Took the grandson with me, who lives in Midlothian, where the steel mill is that myself and my son ( he still works there) for 20 years. I meet up every year with old work mates and other retiree's like myself. I was stationed at Ft. Hood 66-68. I wasn't born there, But I got there "As soon as I could" All the grandkids born there. Used to have extended family in Longview and spent a lot of time there over the years. Went to the museum the first time I visited.
Somebody's driving to Del Rio, you better make time to visit Judge Roy Bean's old place. " The only law west of the Pecos"
San Antonio Texas? You better visit sacred ground...........................and pay your respects.

09-07-2023, 09:18 AM
I didn't know Yankees were allowed in Texas??? I thought they all came to Florida, was I mistaken?

09-07-2023, 09:34 AM
I've been to FLA twice. I do not like it. In fact, I look forward to the colder days when all the Snowbird Yankees leave for FLA.
I'm looking forward to visiting Texas. I've read every Louis L'Amour novel twice, seen every John Wayne movie, Lonesome Dove, etc and I'm curious about the Texas places with intriguing names. Maybe I should bring my repro Colt Walker as an ice breaker.
I gotta say, my favorite place that I visited, so far, is the Badlands in SD.

09-07-2023, 09:39 AM
We live a thousand miles north these days.
A family member up here asked me if I missed Texas.
I had to tell her that no, I miss what Texas used to be.

Every place changes as time moves on. There has been changes in Texas, but the core remains. I am a 6th. Gen Texan, my kids are 7th Gen and Grandkids are 8th. Gen. We have all married Texans did not interbred with non-Texans. Some of us have sojourned in other places, but have all come home untainted.

09-07-2023, 11:32 AM
Every place changes as time moves on. There has been changes in Texas, but the core remains. I am a 6th. Gen Texan, my kids are 7th Gen and Grandkids are 8th. Gen. We have all married Texans did not interbred with non-Texans. Some of us have sojourned in other places, but have all come home untainted.My great grandfather had a country store back here in the Ozarks in the mid to late 1800's. I inherited his account book. Now and then an account would be closed without full payment, and was marked GTT. I finally figured out that it meant: "Gone To Texas".

Winger Ed.
09-07-2023, 03:15 PM
I didn't know Yankees were allowed in Texas??? I thought they all came to Florida, was I mistaken?

The refugees from there and Calif. have scattered out all over.
As long as they stay in the big cities, I'm OK with it.

Years ago, there was a letter to the editor of the Dallas paper.
It was from an out of state refugee. He said he noticed the drivers on the Dallas free ways were incredibly rude.
He talked to several of his neighbors, also from out of state and they agreed with him.

Somebody wrote back and asked-- "If you and your neighbors are from out of state,
what does that tell you about the people on the free way"?

09-07-2023, 04:46 PM
One thing about big D traffic, I always felt I was in a Nascar qualifying race. And I never resented the traffic leaving DFW after coming home.
Bumper to Bumper but always moving at 80MPH..........

Winger Ed.
09-07-2023, 05:33 PM
Bumper to Bumper but always moving at 80MPH..........

There was a news story awhile back where they set up a 'speed reader' on the LBJ free way that goes around
Dallas in a circle. They found 100% non-compliance with the speed limit.

Texas by God
09-07-2023, 11:30 PM
“Try to get there first- you’ll fit right in”was always my advice to anyone driving in Houston or Dallas. Otherwise you’ll get run over.
Fort Worth is only 30 miles from Dallas but way less urgent traffic wise.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-08-2023, 12:54 PM
In Alaska, driving on unsanded ice, when the light turns green,
we wait for the people sliding through the red light.

In Tucson on wide perfect roads, when the light turns green,
we wait for the people flying through the red light.

Seriously look both ways.
In both places the intersections are glittering with Ford bits.
In both places car insurance is expensive.
But of all the places I have lived, Florida is the worst for driving. They crazy.

09-08-2023, 01:55 PM
Be careful what you believe from reading cowboy novels. 5 of the top 10 cattle production operations are in Florida currently. for a long time Florida was in the in the top 5 producers in the nation. Most of the range wars that so many of the westerns feature happened in Florida. I don't like the heat here either.

09-08-2023, 02:29 PM
1st time we went to FLA was 1980, in a Chevy Chevette with no AC (drove from MA). Not a fun ride. We camped right in Disney World (before Epcot). Not bad, but...
2nd time we went to Pensacola (Navy base). Nice place but even more humid than New England.
I have a sister in FLA and I've never been to her house. Another sister in AZ that we visited. Hot and humid vs hot and dry.

Martin Luber
09-08-2023, 02:45 PM
Don’t forget many of us yankees are just like you; we’re conservative and politically persecuted by citidiots and politicians.

We’re fighting hard but at some point we may have to go somewhere with like minds and sensibilities.

09-08-2023, 07:03 PM
Kilgore, they have the East Texas Oil Museum out there and it is really cool.


Been there. Great place.

09-09-2023, 09:46 AM
I didn't know Yankees were allowed in Texas??? I thought they all came to Florida, was I mistaken?

The East Coast Yankee refugees go to Florida. The California Yankee refugees come to Texas.

09-09-2023, 11:13 AM
Well that explains everything I would hate Florida also if one of only two experiences was Disney World. The most miserable place in the state, and slap full of Yankees.

09-09-2023, 01:37 PM
Naw, I don't hate FLA, just can't stand the heat. We camped in Disney World at a nice campsite. I'm just not into theme parks. Canobie Lake in NH is my limit. Pensacola was good, except for the swampy humidity. We stayed on the base (or part of it), saw a great air show, but we didn't travel around much. We just finished off a "heat advisory" in most of New England, but I'm sure hot parts of the country laughed at it.

09-10-2023, 04:44 PM
Don’t forget many of us yankees are just like you; we’re conservative and politically persecuted by citidiots and politicians.

We’re fighting hard but at some point we may have to go somewhere with like minds and sensibilities.

Our problem is folks from the north trying to change things to the way they had it up north.

We got a town next to Raleigh named Cary. It stands for Confinement Area for Relocated Yankees. But like any infestation, you can't keep it confined. The whole county is infested and with the increased roadways they've started in on the surrounding counties. And they breed like rats,

Winger Ed.
09-10-2023, 04:47 PM
Our problem is folks from the north trying to change things to the way they had it up north.

I just smile when they start that.
But it's human nature. I've seen people try to instantly 'Americanize' people in other countries too.

09-10-2023, 04:56 PM
It stands for Confinement Area for Relocated Yankees

Keep 'em. Attract as many as you can. If you can't take the winters up here, you're not a Yankee.

Winger Ed.
09-10-2023, 05:05 PM
Keep 'em. Attract as many as you can. If you can't take the winters up here, you're not a Yankee.

If you immigrate up there:
I've heard you can't call yourself a 'Mainer' until you've spent one winter there.
However; after you've spent a second winter, you're now considered a 'Maniac'.

09-10-2023, 05:38 PM
I'm from Mississippi and have lived in Texas since 1981. I'm married a girl from Waco 45 years ago. Rural areas and small town Texas reflect old time values. The guy from NYC or Boston will be made to feel welcome here. You can bring your handgun and be legal. In case you broke down on the road, having it will be comforting. Big cities are just that--big cities. You have to avoid certain areas.
When I visited NYC a few years back, I met many nice people. I try to be a nice person and have learned that nice folks attract other nice folks.

09-10-2023, 05:51 PM
I've lived in my town since 1983, but I'm not considered a "townie" since I wasn't born here. My kids are townies, but they'll never move back - never, ever.
I'm thinking about bringing a handgun, but it sure seems like a hassle dealing with the airlines.

09-11-2023, 11:50 AM
Our problem is folks from the north trying to change things to the way they had it up north.

We got a town next to Raleigh named Cary. It stands for Confinement Area for Relocated Yankees. But like any infestation, you can't keep it confined. The whole county is infested and with the increased roadways they've started in on the surrounding counties. And they breed like rats,

Attributed to the late Lewis Grizzard, writer for the Atlanta Constitution:
"Here, we don't mind if you come down here, buy a house, take our jobs, marry our women. Just don't tell us how they do things in Cleveland."

09-12-2023, 04:50 AM
You plan on crossing the border? Cuidado amigo! (Be careful friend). Lots of western history here. Alamo and many other Spanish missions and fortifications are located across the state. Ft McKavett(restored military post) housed the Buffalo Soldiers (about 140 miles west of SATX). Texas Ranger museum in Waco. Nimitz museum in Fredericksburg. Too much to list.
Lots of reading (first person history) about early Texas History. Six years with the Texas rangers by James B Gillette and The Boy Captives by Clint Smith and others can be found on the net.
Enjoy the ride as we spend lots of time in the truck. My favorite hunting spot is 435 miles from home!! Travel safe!!

09-13-2023, 11:53 AM
word of advice follow a few common rules and you'll enjoy your trip a lot more.
#1 bring your best boots,( we still have lots of killer snakes in West Texas)
#2 Fill your GAS TANK before leaving the beaten path ( Interstate highways ) always keep at least 1/2 tank most towns close with the sunset.
#3 Pack drinking water with you every place you go out west
#4 Watch for deer on the roadways (lots of wildlife west of I 35 you'll count a few dozen every night after you pass SA.
Welcome To Texas :bigsmyl2:

09-18-2023, 09:45 PM
Back from Texas. I like it. Big and empty. The mornings outside were fabulous - nice breeze, warm air but not hot. We didn't venture out from the Laughlin Air Base much, mostly because we rented a stolen car from AVIS. We got stopped driving to Del Rio (State Police, Border Patrol) because the car was reported stolen. Kinda funny. Both agency cops were great. They told us we'd probably be stopped again. They contacted AVIS, who contacted us a day or so later and told us that the plates had been cleared. We toured a little bit - Val Verde Winery, downtown Del Rio, little drives. We left and headed back to San Antonio today (Monday) and sure enough we got stopped in Ulvade. Border Patrol followed us, Ulvade Police stopped us (for making too fast of a left turn). They thought we were about to run from them. Anyhoo, the plates and car were still reported as stolen. They let me off with a "warning"...warning for what? Too fast of a left turn. I never told any of the agencies that I was a retired cop. What's the point.
AVIS - you can stick it. We refused to pay for the rental and they agreed.
Anyways, we did have a good time. I'd like to see more of Texas. Del Rio is not exactly a tourist location.

Winger Ed.
09-18-2023, 11:20 PM
Del Rio is not exactly a tourist location.

Glad ya enjoyed it.
A lot of places in Texas are great to live in,,,, to visit as a tourist, not so much.

09-19-2023, 12:35 AM
I liked Del Rio because it wasn't a tourist destination. It was the real deal. It's a place where people live and work. Friendly people in restaurants, stores, etc. I'd like to see the tourist traps and the scenic areas. Deadwood, for example, is a tourist trap, but it's cool.

Winger Ed.
09-19-2023, 01:33 PM
Next time you're in the neighborhood, swing through Fredericksburg.
It's at the top of the Hill Country and just down the road from San Antonio.

It's pretty tourist orientated. I wouldn't say a tourist trap with jacked up prices, just busy with people from out of town.
In the Fall, across Main Street will be a big banner that reads "Welcome Hunters".

And signs in the motel rooms that say
"Gun cleaning rags are available at the desk. Please don't use our towels".

09-20-2023, 05:23 PM
Back from Texas. I like it. Big and empty… Del Rio is not exactly a tourist location.
If it’s any consolation, No Country for Old Men was shot there being a sleepy border town.
As a lot of folks have mentioned already, you can be several hundred miles in any direction & you’re still in TX! Be it the arid west, central hill country, piney woods, east prairie, gulf coast/bayou or pan handle…still TX!
Glad you enjoyed it

Winger Ed.
09-20-2023, 06:28 PM
As a lot of folks have mentioned already, you can be several hundred miles in any direction & you’re still in TX!

As a little kid, we lived in New Mexico for awhile, then a few years in El Paso.

We'd go on vacation to my Grandparents in Mississippi every year or so.
Back before the interstate hi-ways were done, it was a loooonnggg trip.

I'd ask a couple times a day, "Are we still in Texas"?
It seemed like after two or three days, the parents would finally say 'No, not any more'.

Then I knew we were almost there. All we had to do was cross Louisiana, and half of Mississippi.

09-20-2023, 09:38 PM
We were looking for some place to drive to. Eagle Pass seemed interesting - maybe an hour away. My son said, "Ah, maybe not." I can see why now.
We got lucky with the cops and the stolen rental car. It could have gone bad. The State Trooper who stopped us said that we'd have a good story to tell. He also said that we'd probably get stopped again. We did.

Winger Ed.
09-20-2023, 11:20 PM
. The State Trooper who stopped us said that we'd have a good story to tell. He also said that we'd probably get stopped again. We did.

State Troopers-- and Game Wardens here don't have any big incentive to write real tickets.
When they do, they go to the Justice of the Peace. Whatever fine the judge puts on ya stays there in their jurisdiction.
None of your fine money goes to the state.

But they are rather generous about handing out warning tickets.
No action is taken on them,
but it shows their boss they're on the roads doing real Police work, not just hanging out somewhere.

09-21-2023, 06:20 AM
I was more concerned with getting hauled away to the hoosegow for driving a car that had been reported stolen. If the wrong cop had stopped us, it could have happened. But, the police agencies in that area - state, local and Border Patrol - definitely have more important things to do. They all used common sense. The Uvalde cop told us how rental cars are used for smuggling, etc. Yeah, bad time and place to be driving a "stolen" rental car.
We found a fantastic bakery on the way to Del Rio - Haby's Alsatian Bakery in Castroville. Definitely bought way too many goodies - pies, cookies, coffee cakes. That bakery, and the Val Verde Winery (oldest winery in Texas), stuck in my mind (and arteries).
Looks like we're heading back to AZ this fall. Maybe I'm not a Yankee.

09-21-2023, 06:43 AM
And if you want to know the history of the first oil wells in the world, you should visit thr Venango Museum in Oil City, PA!

09-21-2023, 11:02 AM
AVIS is notorious for reporting rented cars as stolen... I have seen this story many times!

09-21-2023, 11:08 AM
Apparently, the car had been stolen and recovered, but the different agencies weren't on the same computer systems, so it was showing as being stolen on one, and not the other. Or something like that. But, Avis assured us that it was all cleared up, then we got stopped again.