View Full Version : This is an "old song" but...

Captain O
08-25-2023, 06:00 PM
Many among us that have carried handguns for employment (Law Enforcement/Security Officer/Military/et.al.) have drawn the conclusion that these arms are used to poke holes.

The deeper the hole, the better.
The more the hole bleeds, the better the end result.
Any hole is better than no hole at all.

These are the primary reasons that I have to justify the use of a "micro pistol". With the proper loads, even the lowly .25 ACP can accomplish the task.

As we all know, in a civilian setting, breaking off the attack and surviving the encounter are the primary goal(s) are the prime directive. If the malefactor dies from his/her injuries, it is an added bonus.

I quote George Herbert by repeating the old axiom, "living well is the best revenge". Surviving the encounter is the primary requisite to fulfill this old tenet.

08-25-2023, 08:22 PM
Just a drill with a really long bit, to poke holes with.

08-26-2023, 12:18 AM
I subscribe to Keiths "the bigger the hole, the faster the boat sinks" theory!

Captain O
08-26-2023, 04:52 PM
Just a drill with a really long bit, to poke holes with.

Yes, SIR! The deeper the hole, the better.