View Full Version : Deer lure

08-25-2023, 06:27 AM
What do y'all think about the various deer lures on the market. There's all sorts of little bottles of stinky stuff and they're all guarantied to bring in the bucks...

I've never tried such a thing. Back in the day I used stiff called "fresh earth." I'd put in on my hunting clothes the night before then seal them up in a plastic trash bag. In the morning my jeans and jacket would smell like dirt. Of course that was many years before I learnt that deer are red/green color blind but see blue and yellow very well. My blue jeans and denim jacket must have stuck out like a sore thumb in the woods.


08-25-2023, 07:19 AM
Never had any luck with deer lures. IMO, they are just Snake Oil. I'm mainly a bow hunter. Need to get up close and personal. I try hunt the wind. However, that's not always possible, with variable winds. Best thing, IMO, was the invention of Scent-Loc clothing. However, you must be smart, concerning scent control. My hunting clothes are stored in air tight dry bags. I only dress outside. When I'm done hunting, they go right back into the bag, unless they get wet. I reactivate them, in a clothes dryer, about every two weeks. I hunt most mornings, October though December.


08-25-2023, 07:21 AM
9 miles from NY city town population of 120,00 + all i have to do to lure herds of deer is to plant a vegetable garden - attracts herds daily -

08-25-2023, 07:32 AM
I use deer lures and always do good , it takes them off minded for where I sit on the ground. I use a gland lure and one that have apple in it. If want to know what makes let me know.

08-25-2023, 09:18 AM
To my knowledge, Deer lures are no longer legal here in Va. I wash all of my clothes in 3-Large hand fulls of baking soda, & shower with de-scenting soap. Since I started this & quit smoking about 17 years ago. The deer seem to not know I'm there unless straight down wind after sweating getting up a mountain. Then they just slow down & start looking around, They don't seem to spook much. I have been known to cut up an apple & place it in the fork of a tree or two. -06

08-25-2023, 11:08 AM
I use deer lures and always do good , it takes them off minded for where I sit on the ground. I use a gland lure and one that have apple in it. If want to know what makes let me know.

YES Please ??

08-25-2023, 11:12 AM
I rub my outer close and gear with "wind fall apples". Been doing this for a very long time. Fresh fruit markets also have over ripe apples free.
Every season I have deer track me, lick my tree pegs, logs I purposely step on....
So go for free "naturally" or pay to play with something else.

08-25-2023, 11:27 AM
Never had much luck with any of the deer lures that contain real scents/urine however sometimes they will work. Zero luck with the new synthetic lures that they have developed. I've had better luck with gruint calls than any scents.

Wheelguns 1961
08-25-2023, 11:35 AM
Tink’s #69 works during the rut. On at least two occasions, I have had bucks come into my scent, and stop exactly where I wanted them to. Buck down! I don’t mess with it any other time. I just use some old pill bottles with cotton balls stuffed in them. Put some Tinks on top, and wait. When you are done, just replace the lid and go.

08-25-2023, 11:43 AM
deer lure....just plant an apple tree.....draws them in like a magnet.

Winger Ed.
08-25-2023, 12:47 PM
I've had good luck smashing a apple or two by rubbing it on a tree.
Being smashed, it gets more of the smell out onto the wind.

I'd seen baits for them that seemed like corn mixed with molasses and pressed into as small block.
To get to the same place and save a dollar or two, I've poured a jar of molasses on a tree or fence post.
Deer will stand there and lick it until it's gone.

I never went to extremes on my clothes though.
I'd always thought the 'cover scent' idea didn't work.
I figure if the wind is right, they'll smell me no matter what I do.
I figure it's sort of like putting perfume on yourself when you're sweaty and stink....
You smell like BO and perfume. Even a person can smell both.

On a deer's vision, I'd heard that the way we see certain things glow under a black light- like a white T shirt:
they can see that effect in the daytime.

08-26-2023, 07:36 AM
YES Please ??

I use these 2 . Pete Rickard's Apple-X and Indian Buck lure . If you can not get these you can use Buck Stop lures that are Gland lure and Apple lure . Both brands works for me . What I do is make up 4 cloths for each of the 2 lures and make it about 12" x about 1" close to that then , you roll up one end that way you have about 6" left and sew up the roll part have it about 1" wide when done . Also mark the cloth what ever you like with a marker that way you know what lure is on it and have a small bottle to put the cloth in when not in use .After you go near a deer trail and where your stand is you hang the cloth for how far you will shot . No matter if it is a muzzle loader or bow or crossbow, and you will have 2 cloth on each site you put them you put one lure on one cloth and the other lure on the other space them about 2 to 3 feet apart, I normally put 3 sites out to where I will shot , one set to the right and in front and to the left , the 4th I put it at times away from where I sit , I hunt from the ground and use what is in the area for my cover and make sure I have a clear path to shoot . The lure will draw them in but also take them off you, as long you do your part . In the back of the card that Pete Richard's give you a idea of how you could set it up . I do not use any cover scent or and camo . I keep it simple. Main thing is know where the deer trail or run is and find a spot you can sit out of site and like if you have a part of a hay field that they travel that is corn is on one side and beans other the other side of the hay strip , you have one set on 2 corn stocks and the where the hay strip is you have 2 sticks about 2 ft long and space them and hang another set then hang on the bean plants anther set , If you do not have a place near you to set the last set do not worry about it as long you have cover. This been working for me for all the years I been deer hunting with a muzzle loader and crossbow and always have the deer come in as close as 5 ft.. As long you do your part. I hunt on the ground and sit on a pad. I also just wear the insulated coveralls that you would use for work outside when the temps are low , they are brown. otherwise just blue jeans and what ever I wear on top. Do not leave the cloths out after you done at your stand . Put them in a container that you mark the same as you have on the cloth and store them in there till you use them next time. I use old med bottles that is big enough to hold all the cloth , the cloth I use is made of cotton, like a old T shirt that is no good . But wash it before you use it .

08-26-2023, 08:18 AM
9 miles from NY city town population of 120,00 + all i have to do to lure herds of deer is to plant a vegetable garden - attracts herds daily -

One picture says 1,000 words :) The fenced garden -- with high wires added to slow down (one can never stop them!) hungry deer! This is in centre of village; my back yard.317384

08-26-2023, 10:10 AM
08817 - no hunting or weapons allowed for years -

08-26-2023, 11:51 AM
The question is Deer Lure.....I had a brother in law who could not stop smoking while hunting. Heck, even I could smell the dang cigarette smoke a hundred yards away at another position........He always got the biggest buck.

08-26-2023, 12:05 PM
08817 - no hunting or weapons allowed for years -

Looks almost like my yard, I am sitting in the wood 100 miles from home trying to shoot a deer and have 7 deer standing 5 yards out from my back door, in a gun free zone ??? Also, turkeys, pheasant's, ducks, Canada geese and grouse. Now if I could just get them to get into the freezer, they kick and squeal so much ???

Charlie Horse
09-02-2023, 10:22 AM
If you just want something to eat, vanilla draws does like a magnet.

There used to be a product called Blackhawk Buck Lure. I would put some on a paper towel then wipe the soles of my boots in it. Then I'd put the paper towel in an outer pocket. Does would come in from downwind. I once had a buck track me like a bloodhound. He came all the way to the base of the tree I was in. (Then I missed him.:( He was so close I shot under his belly.)

09-02-2023, 10:40 AM
gland lure works.

09-02-2023, 07:57 PM
I've seen lure work on bucks during the rut. Beyond that, not so much. In re: this topic, there is a fine book by Theodora Kroeber, "ISHI - Last of His Tribe" and another "Ishi - of Two Worlds". (IIRC). Ishi was literally the last survivor of his tribe in california. He came to live in a museum and was befriended by (can't remember which) - Pope or Young of the Pope & Young record trophy thing. Anyway, Ishi taught the archery skills and hunting skills to which ever one, P or Y. Before a hunt, he would wash down with plain water. Not that I'm an "Ishi", but now I do the same and have very close encounters with game that just don't seem to notice me. No soap, no shampoo, just hot water and a vigorous, top to bottom, application of a wash cloth. Clothes washed in plain water, too. YMMV

09-02-2023, 08:58 PM
I haven't bowhunted in years, which is the only time I worried about it. When I did do anything, only shower with plain water and a paste of baking soda. My clothes, plain water, and about a week before, leaves and detritus of the area I hunt closed up with the clothes. Like Ed, where it made sense, I used apple - fruit, blossoms and leaves.

35 Rem
09-05-2023, 10:47 AM
I've had some seeming success with various deer lures but then tried the same scent again and again with no success so don't bother with them any more. One thing I have done that doesn't directly corelate with attracting a buck into your rifle's sights at a specific time but it does get them stirred up and using the general area more. That is to find real scrapes and use a stick to stir the dirt up real good the way another buck would, then pee in it yourself. They think another buck is invading their area and you will see a lot more frequent freshening of the scrapes for several days. Be careful that you throw the stick well away from the area so they don't smell the scent of your hand. They can't distinguish between human and deer urine.