View Full Version : Empty boxes to store APS primer strips?

08-04-2023, 04:53 PM
There really isn't a subforum for this subject but I have a feeling us 310-nuts just also might haqve some insight into this arcane area! Has anyone found a source for boxes like the CCI brand APS loaded primer strips? I love my RCBS APS hand priming tool and I have hundreds of strips but once they are loaded, th primer boxes are too short to store the strips. Somewhere, someone makes a box that much be close to the size I need, thy just don'y know that it is AN APS primer strip box.

Wouldn't be that difficult to make them I guess if you could find a suitable card stock source.

08-04-2023, 06:45 PM
How long are they?

Maybe a pencil box would work, I was in Walmart today and they had plastic pencil boxes about eight inches long for ninety seven cents.


08-04-2023, 06:47 PM
I measure them at 6 11/16 X 2 1/16 X 1 10/16.
Most excellant suggestion, I have a couple of candidates already. Typical of my constrained linear thinking, not considering similar instead of exact replacement. Thank you!

08-04-2023, 07:38 PM
Unline has boxes that are 7x3x2..... But you may have to buy 100 at a time:-D

08-06-2023, 11:02 AM
Take some strips and make a search at local Wally Mart , look in every aisle ...
things like pencil and crayon boxes might work ... boxes for storing butter ... look in housewares , plastic container section , art's and crafts , Back - to - School ...
Sporting Goods ,.. you never know what you will find that will work .

My boxes that I store lubed and sized boolets , clear plastic with snap on lids ... are Crayon boxes , from school section !!!

Don't find what you want ...try Target and / or Home Depot .

08-06-2023, 12:42 PM
I'm sure someone on here has a 3D printer, they would be able to make whatever size you wanted. You want to post a WTB ad.

08-06-2023, 02:20 PM
I went to a store recommended by a client. It was called THE BOX STORE. It sold empty containers of every type. I was surprised how expensive they were. And empty.

I was in the Philipines and saw these nice mahogany boxes with cigars inside. Beautiful wood and workmanship. I'd but one every time I went to town. Cheap. I'd get back to the ship and the officer of the deck would question whether there might be contraband in the cigars. I'd open the box and throw the cigars over the side. Cheaper than empty boxes at THE BOX STORE.

I'd go to the grocery store and buy some of those expensive cookies that come in the fancy pressboard cartons. When I got home I wouldn't throw them over the side. Share them with the wife and get her hooked. She'll think your tastes have matured and you've grown as a person. You'll have primer strip cartons out the wazoo.

10-12-2023, 10:26 PM
Business Card Boxes: Business cards typically ship in a light cardboard box that measure a nominal 7-inches long x 3 1/2-inches wide x 2-inches high and has a slip-on top. That is what I use to store my APS strips in. You will get seven rows across and a whole bunch high :smile:. They are a perfect fit.

Very inexpensive and you can typically buy them locally from a print shop that makes up business cards, or do a google search and order them on line.

10-12-2023, 10:47 PM
1 plastic shoebox for loaded, one plastic shoe box for empties.

10-13-2023, 08:10 PM
I use various size white corrugated mailers.
50 7x3x2 can be found with delivery run 28.95 + sales tax for your state.