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01-22-2006, 08:55 AM
Well, this is an Off Topic forum, so here goes: What is a Hostile Witness? BCB

01-22-2006, 09:03 AM
Well, this is an Off Topic forum, so here goes: What is a Hostile Witness? BCB

My daughter is a forensics tech with the San Bernardino PD. I think that's what she's called when she gets a subpeona to court on her day off 8)


01-22-2006, 10:02 AM
A witness propounded by or in the employ of an adverse party or who demonstrates actual hostility.

Or you can google for a definition and get

Definitions of hostile witness on the Web:
• A witness who displays antagonism toward the party who called him to testify, or who is a witness for the opposing party. The examining party is allowed to conduct direct examination as if it were cross-examination.
• adverse witness: a witness whose relationship to the opposing party is such that his or her testimony may be prejudiced against the opposing party; "a hostile witness can be asked leading questions and cross-examined"
• A witness who is called by and who testifies for the opposing party or, less frequently, who, when offering testimony adverse to the party who called him, may at request to the judge be termed a "hostile" witness, which means that the witness is then subject to direct questions in the form of a cross-examination.

01-22-2006, 05:44 PM
Thanks for the replies…I guess sometimes there are different definitions for the same word!!!!!!!!!BCB

01-23-2006, 01:01 AM

Gotta go to court on Tuesday, screwing up my Burrito Shoot attendance and depriving Glen or Buckshot of my weekly $1 entry fee, and the entertainment that flows from watching me try to keep up with them.

01-23-2006, 06:34 AM
Ohhhh, I get it now, Deputy Al falls under Buckshot's defination of Hostile Witness...BCB

01-23-2006, 09:47 AM

Gotta go to court on Tuesday, screwing up my Burrito Shoot attendance and depriving Glen or Buckshot of my weekly $1 entry fee, and the entertainment that flows from watching me try to keep up with them.

You need to move outside of subpoena range!

01-23-2006, 02:00 PM
No kidding, Wills!

Most of that is about over with--I have this one (kidnap/murder), another murder case, and an attempt murder left to go--and that should be just about all. Higher-profile cases take longer to get into court--motions, delays, attorney changes, whatever. Cases like these 3 would mean appearance anyway, complete with plane flight and hotel stays--so living nearby kinda pays off--except that it's in CA.

The utter viciousness of the people involved in these cases demands that I assist as needed, as a matter of conscience and duty. I did volunteer, after all.

01-23-2006, 02:11 PM
Even so, its' a shame you dont get paid for working after you retired.

01-23-2006, 02:25 PM
That ain't the "bite"--I don't care about the money, really. My big gripe about subpoenas was and is how they often screw up vacations, hunting trips, and fishing trips--especially in September and October. Most of the attorneys and magistrates take summer vacations, so once the kids are back in school the courts get busy with a vengeance--messing up a number of trips I wanted to take over the years. Same story in April and May--a push to get cases under way or completed before vacations start "decimating" court officer attendance.

Ah, well.

01-23-2006, 02:46 PM
Hostile witness story:
I was called to testify for the prosecution in a drunk driving case. The defense attorney was over a barrel (it was an "open and shut" case, but the defendant insisted on a not guilty plea) and his tactic was to try to damage the credibility of the prosecution witnesses. He kept badgering and interrupting me and I finally stopped talking and looked the judge right in the eye. She asked if there was a problem and I replied that I was merely remembering a bible quote in an effort to stay calm. The defense attorney looked at me with a smug look and asked: "Oh, and what quote would that be?" With an even smugger grin I answered, "Go ye forth and multiply!" He went a bit ballistic and totally lost it, shouting objections. As soon as she had dried the tears of laughter and caught her breath, she said, "Overruled. He answered your question. If you will cease badgering him, you may continue." "No more questions, Your Honor!" The defendant was declared an Habitual Offender and his right to drive was permanently revoked. She came into the shop several months later, recognized me instantly, told me it really made her day and that it had become one of her favorite stories to tell her collegues - none of them could top it. She said I was the only person she'd even known to "flip off" an obnoxious lawyer without forcing her to find in contempt for language or gestures, and the first time in the ten years she'd known the lawyer in question that anyone had been able to shut him up.

01-23-2006, 06:56 PM
Lawyer stuff


01-23-2006, 11:31 PM
Deputy Al

A few years back we signed up for the Mid American rendevous 6 months early. I still have the medallion, but I didn't get to go. I got subpoenaed on a B and E case and spent the first three days of Rendevous sequestered on a bench outside the courtroom. At 3 pm on the third day the Co Attorney sent out a note that no more witnesses would be called as the case had been plea bargained. I made it a point to call him on every coroner call for the next three years and I still owe him. My wife and kids never forgave ME for lousing up THEIR vacation.

01-25-2006, 09:26 PM
I guess I got lucky.;-)

I was subpoenaed to testify in a civil case in Federal District Court in San Jose, AFTER I had retired. Lawyers for "my" side said I had to be there in late October. I told them that I'd be in Colorado at that time, high on the mountain chasing the whiley Elks and Deers and would check back with them upon my return in November! Our trip had been planned a YEAR earlier, the tags (all draw only) were only good for THAT season, and the Marshall would find me "not at home."

I'll be danged if they didn't find a way to get me in, out of order, to testify the week BEFORE I left!

BTW, our side WON a $2 Million judgment, plus interest. One of the few times I've seen "justice" done in civil court.:)

Not that I"m a sceptic, or cynical, or anything like that.:bigsmyl2:

01-25-2006, 10:04 PM
They can usually find a way, if motivated.