View Full Version : New priming tool recommendations please

06-22-2023, 08:43 AM
I’ve been using some Lee round tray hand priming tools for years. They are wearing out now. I thought what the heck and bought a new red one with the stair step apparatus. What a plastic *** it is! I looked on fleabay and old well used Lee priming tools are going for more than the new attorney appeasing trash.

I started reading reviews of priming tools on midway and all of them have enough bad reviews to give me hesitation. I know some bad reviews might be operator error but still...

So what can I buy now that is well made and works properly?
Thanks in advance!

06-22-2023, 09:23 AM
Barry, I use the RCBS posi-prime and have for years. I also have and use the old Lee priming tool that uses screw in shell holder but they are becoming harder to find and more expensive to boot. I also have a sinclair priming tool but they sell for way over a hundred dollars but they are adjustable for depth of seating of the primer. Of the 3 types I have, I think I prefer the RCBS posi-prime but they too are very hard to find. I do not like the priming tools that have a feed tray on them, I just never got the "hang" of using them. I bought two of them of different brands and ended up selling both to get rid of them. my experience anyway, james

06-22-2023, 09:27 AM
There are many threads on this site re priming tools: I suggest you do a search? Sadly (to me ;)) you did not indicate if your replacement needs be a hand-held device, or a bench priming too.
I have two RCBS bench priming tools, and would never ever consider using anything other. I keep one set up for large primers; the other for small. There is a great video on it -- https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-mnet-001&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mnet&param1=6246&param2=84501&p=RCBS+bench+priming+tool&type=type9045647-spa-6246-84501#id=4&vid=c8c238d4c149f513a348ec1891f06057&action=view -- which you may wish to view. I never have used the primer function of presses -- and attribute my (knock wood) almost non existent ftf or misfires greatly to my use of this tool. As a sidenote, too, I view it as one of the safest means to prime brass.
My recommendation...

06-22-2023, 09:28 AM
Most of my old Lee Hand Priming Tools (Round Trays) are RIP. I detested the RCBS Press Primer arm that would throw primers across the room at times; so I went to a Lee Ram Prime Priming Unit for Single Stage Press a few years ago.

Price is pretty good at: https://www.titanreloading.com/product/lee-breech-lock-ram-prime/

06-22-2023, 09:38 AM
I have older Lee's, RCBS Hand Priming Tools set-up for large and small primers, a K&M Priming Tool and the recent Frankford Arsenal Priming tool. I like the RCBS Hand Priming Tools better than the others, though I still use the older round Lee, setup for different shellholders. It is a little more difficult to change shellholders on the RCBS than the Lee's and Frankford. It uses standard reloading press shellholders but does work very well. The Frankford Arsenal works well, is precisely adjustable, but is very heavy compared to the others. Have not tried the RCBS Universal Priming Tool or the newest Lee. I have used several different 'Ram' primers on loading presses, and the Lyman Tong Tool also, but if just one, I would stay with the RCBS Hand Priming Tool.

06-22-2023, 10:45 AM
Since I acquired the Lee Ram Priming unit, many years ago, I have not had a single misfire from primers not seated deep enough! (It seems that as the Lee hand primer toggle link is worn or "indented", primers will not always fully seated.) The Ram unit solved the "weak link" problem. I have also found the primer seating attachment atop of the Co-Ax press to work as well, just not as adaptable or fast.

06-22-2023, 12:20 PM
I have 3:

An RCBS hand primer that took the place of the ram prime (without the feeder setup) I started out with (a definite upgrade). The only issues I have with that is the switching between big and small it can be a bit tricky to get all the pieces back together and even with RCBS shell holders sometimes the plastic feed adaptor/guide is a bit tough to get back into place if the shell holder is not machined just right.

An RCBS bench prime. Other than the annoying floppy primer feed tube it is my standard go to and used the most. No issues what so ever.

the last is a old Lachmiller with an RCBS adaptor kit. Works great but is limited to the appropriate OEM shell holders if they can be found or a large hole RCBS shell holder. RCBS has a current model of this style still available. It works great, the downside is the one primer at a time feeding like a ram prime. This one is permanently relegated to doing 30-06 low volume priming.

06-22-2023, 12:21 PM
There are many threads on this site re priming tools: I suggest you do a search? Sadly (to me ;)) you did not indicate if your replacement needs be a hand-held device, or a bench priming too.
I have two RCBS bench priming tools, and would never ever consider using anything other. I keep one set up for large primers; the other for small. There is a great video on it -- https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-mnet-001&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mnet¶m1=6246¶m2=84501&p=RCBS+bench+priming+tool&type=type9045647-spa-6246-84501#id=4&vid=c8c238d4c149f513a348ec1891f06057&action=view -- which you may wish to view. I never have used the primer function of presses -- and attribute my (knock wood) almost non existent ftf or misfires greatly to my use of this tool. As a sidenote, too, I view it as one of the safest means to prime brass.
My recommendation...

This, and I also have 2, but since caliber conversion is less effort than changing the shell holder, each a 5 sec process, I just keep one as a spare. Primed 2500 pieces of 45acp last week.

06-22-2023, 12:36 PM
There are many threads on this site re priming tools: I suggest you do a search? Sadly (to me ;)) you did not indicate if your replacement needs be a hand-held device, or a bench priming too.
I have two RCBS bench priming tools, and would never ever consider using anything other. I keep one set up for large primers; the other for small. There is a great video on it -- https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-mnet-001&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mnet&param1=6246&param2=84501&p=RCBS+bench+priming+tool&type=type9045647-spa-6246-84501#id=4&vid=c8c238d4c149f513a348ec1891f06057&action=view -- which you may wish to view. I never have used the primer function of presses -- and attribute my (knock wood) almost non existent ftf or misfires greatly to my use of this tool. As a sidenote, too, I view it as one of the safest means to prime brass.
My recommendation...

I did search and got about 1700 threads for priming tool. I’ve read more times than I can count “this thread is xx years old” and could live happily the rest of my life without seeing something along those lines again.

I intentionally didn’t specify a style in hopes of getting more replies of what works well. I’d prefer not to handle tiny little primers one at a time, but if all the modern offerings are sloppy and inferior, I might just order the ram prime for the Lee classic cast press and do it the slow way. My, how I wish we had a time machine and could go back and get discontinued things.

Hindsight really is 20/20

06-22-2023, 12:59 PM
Lee shell holders might be compatible with this.

06-22-2023, 01:03 PM
I tried 3 (maybe 4) different hand priming tools, several times. None were comfortable, none fit my hand, and if I seated 50 primers without fiddling with the tool, I would celebrate. I have used hand tools a lot since the age of 10 and know how to use them, but hand hand priming tools just don't fit my hands. I got a ram prime many years ago and since using it I have had zero FTFs due to seating. I have an old single stage C press with the ram prime mounted and use it more than my RCBS Bench Prime (don't get me started on that poorly designed "tool"). I have old beat up fat fingers and picking up small items can be a pain, but I place a paper towel on my bench and dump primers on it. Easy to pick up small primers and rarely fumble with any. Yes ram primes can be slower but so is FTF or needing double strikes or "tap and rack". I have used most primers available with a ram prime and have been able to get 100% good priming even with the "troublesome" makes. (some primers I find work better by "sensitizing" or preloading them, easy with a ram prime)...

06-22-2023, 01:21 PM
The rcbs bench priming took is hard to beat. Use the pickup tubes that hold about 60 primers and off you go. I use several priming tubes loaded up and I think it is pretty easy and have good seating pressure. I’ve tried the hand priming tools by both lee and rcbs and they are for me too much hassle. Just my thoughts


06-22-2023, 02:53 PM
the old style LEE with the round reservoir is the best i have ever used - tried their new style + i gave up + gave it away in a few weeks - been building up a reserve of the old style i find at estate sales + flea markets + never paid more then $5.00 for one - they should outlast me -

06-22-2023, 03:23 PM
This one will use your Lee shellholders.

06-22-2023, 06:35 PM
Have said it before and I am still a fan of the RCBS Bench tool.

06-22-2023, 08:31 PM
slow, costly, indestructible and very accurate, if you follow the instructions_

06-22-2023, 08:40 PM
Back in the 1990's when I was living in the barracks (no reloading there) and using various friends tools; I tried both the Lee round tray and the RCBS hand priming tool. The RCBS fit my hands better than the Lee, although it was a bit more money (I think the price tag on mine reads $22.95).

Swapping from large to small primers isn't all that difficult, and I can't remember ever having a shellholder that wouldn't work with it, even Lee's that are supposed to give problems.

I have not tried the newer one that has the "universal" shellholder.


06-22-2023, 09:16 PM
When I got back into shooting and reloading I searched long and hard for a good hand priming unit.

What I ended up with was the RCBS Universal primer. No shell holders, switch on the fly from .32acp to .444 marlin with no issues.
But you did have to change the shaft that seats the primer. Well after a year or two I saw here where some people were smart enough to buy two.

Set one up for small primers, set one up for large. Pistol to rifle does not matter.

Well it took me a few months but I found one for sale used for about half the cost of new. Was missing the large part, but that was no sweat. Switched mine to large, left the new one setup for small. Hey presto life is dang easy.

I will say if you use it a lot you might want to put a smidge of imperial sizing wax on the main central push shaft. Makes a big difference.

I love mine, and normally I buy more Lee tools. But these are worth what they cost. Will never use anything else.

The old guy who taught be how to reload looked at a box of my reloads and was amazed.

"Bill those primers look like factory rounds, they are all set to the same depth, they are perfect"
So next trip I brought my RCBS universal with me, and 100 9mm brass, all prepped and ready and a box of 100 CCI small pistol primers.
It was a good hour and he really enjoyed it. RIP Bob, miss ya.

06-22-2023, 09:49 PM
+1 for the RCBS bench priming tool

06-22-2023, 10:44 PM
slow, costly, indestructible and very accurate, if you follow the instructions_

This is in my field kit with a Buchanan press, but at the bench I much prefer the RCBS universal bench primer, in spite of the feed tube bouncing about.

Land Owner
06-23-2023, 05:28 AM

RCBS Universal Priming Tool


1.) Spring action to return lever arm and primer tube for the next case.
2.) Handle enlarged and softened
3.) Pat Marlin Rock Dock plate for quick install and removal from the bench.

Progressive press speed increased by off-press priming...ymmv
"Feel" of primer seating remains.

06-23-2023, 07:36 AM
Another +1 for the RCBS bench priming tool.

06-23-2023, 08:08 AM
I've used many of those mentioned here. I switched to a 21st Century hand priming tool five or so years ago. Best so far, even if it's one-at-a-time priming, a method not nearly as slow as I had remembered from my early handloading days.

06-23-2023, 08:21 AM
I know this is not a dedicated priming tool, but my Hornady LnL progressive press does a fantastic job of priming. I use it for priming all of my brass. Since it is a progressive, I load as many as I need up to 100 and off I go.

I know some people have had a difficult time with the priming, but if you keep it clean, I've found no problems with it. I haven't found a need for a separate priming tool.

06-23-2023, 10:48 AM
Does anyone recall a warning about not using Federal primers in the RCBS Universal Priming Tool? I think it had to do with primer sensitivity and/or possible chain firing in the tube.

I like that tool, also the RCBS hand primer and the old Lee hand primer with the screw in shell holders (mine circa early 70's).

06-23-2023, 07:51 PM
I read the manual for the RCBS Universal tool and I have not found where it excludes any bonafide factory primers:


Same for the RCBS hand tool I use:


I do recall a safety warning from Lee for one of their tools regarding Federal primers and maybe some others as well.


06-23-2023, 08:18 PM
Does anyone recall a warning about not using Federal primers in the RCBS Universal Priming Tool? I think it had to do with primer sensitivity and/or possible chain firing in the tube.

I like that tool, also the RCBS hand primer and the old Lee hand primer with the screw in shell holders (mine circa early 70's).
I don't remember any warnings regarding the RCBS tool (there may have been some) but do remember the warnings about using Federal primers in the Lee tools.

Since I used mainly Winchester or CCI primers, I didn't worry about it. Now I use what I can find.


06-23-2023, 11:19 PM
I don’t think a chain fire is likely with the rcbs bench tool. The stack of primers is away from the priming process, and the case mouth is above the bottom opening of the primer tube. The force from a primer that detonated while being seated would exit upward from the case…so don’t be looking straight down into the case.

06-23-2023, 11:37 PM
I prime pistol caliber ammo on my dillon 550’s and Lyman T-2 turret presses. I like using the old round lee autoprime for my rifle reloading. I’ve done repairs to the pot metal handles with jbweld and aluminum but have found some spares for when I can’t repair them any longer. Tried the RCBS tool but found the ergonomics wrong for me.

06-24-2023, 07:22 AM
The Frankford Arsenal hand tool works good, it’s not the most ergonomic though. Recently I picked up 5000 Ginex SPP’s and the only thing that would seat them without putting some kind of dent/ding in the primer cup is the newer Lee hand primer. The Lee tool is kind of a PITA but if you hold it properly and operate it consistently and pay attention for misfeeds it’s ok to use, but a little tough on arthritic hands after a while.

06-24-2023, 09:49 AM
Regarding Federal primers, back in '91 they did a recall on two lots of large pistol primers (#150). They were found to be overly sensitive. The notice I have is in Handloader #152, Jul/Aug '91.

This recall is likely where it all started about not using Federal primers. And of course once started, never dies.

As an aside, I've loaded thousands of Federal large & small pistol primers on a 550B. Without incident. I still use them today and have no worries about them.

If interested I can take a picture of the notice and post it.


06-24-2023, 10:42 AM
Another who switched to the RCBS Bench tool. I have a bunch of hand primers I need to sell.

06-24-2023, 10:48 AM
Over the last 50+ years I have tried most of the options available and I always go back to the RCBS bench primer.

06-24-2023, 01:12 PM
Anyone here use the RCBS Ram Priming unit? I picked one up not long ago for small lots of ammo. Other then the lack of primer feed tube it is similar to the RCBS bench unit.

Will find out within the next week how well it works. Need to put together some .223 light loads.


P.S. the ram priming set up is for single stage presses or maybe a turret press

06-24-2023, 02:04 PM
As almost everyone, I started reloading with a Lee press which came with a ram prime.

Which I never used at the time, preferring more 'advanced' tools, starting with a Lee hand prime [ round tray ] , then a Hornady hand prime, and lastly a APS press mounted priming tool from RCBS. All did the job, none were flawless.

Over the years, I developed a preference to prime on press with either the APS priming tool, or the priming capability of the press. I went through a few of those as well, the primer slide on the Big Boss worked very well.

Of those tools, I kept the RCBS APS press mounted primer, because it was the only one that could control seating depth. It has the annoying habit of jamming up every once in a while, needing to be disassembled and re-assembled [ years later I still haven't figured out why ], so I kept a lookout for either a second one, or another priming tool that could control seating depth.

I considered the RCBS bench prime tool, but looking at the vidoes, I realised that the primer tube flopping around would just irritate me, and there is no hard stop for primer seating depth.

I also considered a Lee Bench prime, but it has no hard stop for primer seating depth.

I could probably drill and tap something into either of those, but I remembered the Lee Ram prime I use to have but never used, and thought it would not be a bad idea to get another one and try it out.

It works very well. I keep a dedicated Lyman Spartan with the Ram prime set to the seating depth I want. It's not the fastest, but every primer goes in right way up and exactly right. An oversize pair of tweezers prevents fumbling fingers from mis-seating and dropping primers.

06-24-2023, 02:10 PM
Anyone here use the RCBS Ram Priming unit?

If you bought it second hand, strip it down and give it a good clean. There should be no oil or grease inside it. A puff of graphite powder is all it needs.

When I got mine second hand, it was jamming up [ much more often than it does now ] and I alleviated that with a good clean. Someone oiled it, and it collected gunk inside.

And if there is any resistance at all, stop, don't force it. Something is out of whack. I have to take mine apart and put it back together, then it runs fine for a while. I still haven't figured out how the two red primer punch bushings work.

06-24-2023, 04:47 PM
I picked it up new, has the typical coat of oil, but no big deal.

Not sure what you mean about the red primer punch bushings. Sounds like something that the previous owner came up with.


06-25-2023, 04:19 AM
I assumed, maybe wrong, that you are referring to an APS press mounted primer as a RCBS ram priming unit ?

RCBS also makes a simple ram prime, like the Lee.

06-25-2023, 07:04 AM
As almost everyone, I started reloading with a Lee press which came with a ram prime.

Which I never used at the time, preferring more 'advanced' tools, starting with a Lee hand prime [ round tray ] , then a Hornady hand prime, and lastly a APS press mounted priming tool from RCBS. All did the job, none were flawless.

Over the years, I developed a preference to prime on press with either the APS priming tool, or the priming capability of the press. I went through a few of those as well, the primer slide on the Big Boss worked very well.

Of those tools, I kept the RCBS APS press mounted primer, because it was the only one that could control seating depth. It has the annoying habit of jamming up every once in a while, needing to be disassembled and re-assembled [ years later I still haven't figured out why ], so I kept a lookout for either a second one, or another priming tool that could control seating depth.

I considered the RCBS bench prime tool, but looking at the vidoes, I realised that the primer tube flopping around would just irritate me, and there is no hard stop for primer seating depth.

I also considered a Lee Bench prime, but it has no hard stop for primer seating depth.

I could probably drill and tap something into either of those, but I remembered the Lee Ram prime I use to have but never used, and thought it would not be a bad idea to get another one and try it out.

It works very well. I keep a dedicated Lyman Spartan with the Ram prime set to the seating depth I want. It's not the fastest, but every primer goes in right way up and exactly right. An oversize pair of tweezers prevents fumbling fingers from mis-seating and dropping primers.

The Frankford Arsenal hand tool is adjustable for seating depth.

06-25-2023, 08:59 AM
I assumed, maybe wrong, that you are referring to an APS press mounted primer as a RCBS ram priming unit ?

RCBS also makes a simple ram prime, like the Lee.

This is the one:


Note that you can seat primers via the 'feel' method. Or, set the primer seating depth to a hard stop.


06-25-2023, 12:42 PM
Thanks to y'all who set my memory straight on the fed primers.

06-25-2023, 04:35 PM
Like the OP said, my old lee round handhelds failed and no replacement. Why has lee done this to reloaders? does anyone out there have fist hand knowledge why Lee stopped producing them? I use my press now for priming, an old Rockchucker with tubes that work well just slower is all. I refuse to give RCBS my money for their overpriced tools, especially after they would not stand behind my defective electric powder measure. All is well in the reloading room.

06-25-2023, 04:56 PM
Like the OP said, my old lee round handhelds failed and no replacement. Why has lee done this to reloaders? does anyone out there have fist hand knowledge why Lee stopped producing them? I use my press now for priming, an old Rockchucker with tubes that work well just slower is all. I refuse to give RCBS my money for their overpriced tools, especially after they would not stand behind my defective electric powder measure. All is well in the reloading room.

iirc - they had a few reports of primer detonation - watch the S+S forum here - you just missed 1 yesterday - when Lee discontinued them i started buying them at estate + garage sales, usually for $5.00 or less - now have spares but my origial still going strong - you also see them on ebay at mostly inflated prices - again iirc one of the detonations was cause by trying to seat large primer in small pocket - never a problem with mine in decades -

06-25-2023, 06:16 PM
Like the OP said, my old lee round handhelds failed and no replacement. Why has lee done this to reloaders? does anyone out there have fist hand knowledge why Lee stopped producing them? I use my press now for priming, an old Rockchucker with tubes that work well just slower is all. I refuse to give RCBS my money for their overpriced tools, especially after they would not stand behind my defective electric powder measure. All is well in the reloading room.

Lee prides themselves on safety, but I think they overdo it sometimes.

06-25-2023, 07:43 PM
I found the lee with the folding tray to work pretty well as long as you only put about 10 primers in it at a time. for bulk reloading I just do it on the hornady LNL AP

06-25-2023, 08:55 PM
I haven't worn out or broken my round-tray Lee yet, (after using it since about 1996), but waiting in the wings is a near identical hand-held tool sold by Hornady. Uses regular shell-holders, and is better-stronger than the Lee.


Bench mount and press mount leave me cold. I like to sit comfortably in an easy chair while priming a batch of cases.

06-25-2023, 09:38 PM
+1 for the RCBS bench priming tool


06-25-2023, 10:49 PM
I tried the Lee Ergo prime that came with the square trays. It's gone now. it didn't take long for me to get tired of that. I wasn't of the mood to pay for the fix. Then, I bought a FA hand primer. It works well but I still prefer the RCBS bench primer.

Land Owner
06-26-2023, 09:48 AM
Forgot to mention - the Sinclare SST primer uses its own shell holders and NONE other than Sinclare will fit. I called and talked to the "Sinclare Guy" (owner), asked him why not allow use by other Mfg's shell holders and his reply was, "Why should I?"

OK. Have it your way. For more than other primers, you can own a stainless Sinclare, provided you purchase an additional stainless Sinclare shell holder for every caliber (some brass being equal) you intend to prime. I would have bought a Sinclare SST primer, if it had accepted my existing shell holders...

06-26-2023, 10:57 AM
Not familiar with Sinclair SST but I have one of the older Sinclair primer tools and it uses Lee shell holder, the flat type. james

Lloyd Smale
06-26-2023, 01:23 PM
The Frankford Arsenal hand tool is adjustable for seating depth.

i used lees for years and bought the frankfort arsenal unit and love it. its built like a tank. ive worn out many lee's but i doubt anyone could wear this thing out. five star rating from me.

06-26-2023, 02:00 PM
Tried out the RCBS Ram Primer unit (mentioned a few posts back) in a single stage RCBS JR3 press last night. Did five .223 cases with Win SRP, worked a treat.

Set the ram height to allow for the 'feel' method of priming. I'm used to that as the only other priming tool I've used is the 550B.

Needless to say it worked a treat. It isn't real fast as each primer needs to be manually placed into the ram cup. But the feel to seat the primer was there, and they seated without issue. Smooth light easy down push on the handle was all that was required.

For small lots I can recommend this priming device. For larger lots, I'll just use the 550B. It has the primer feed system that is also enclosed in a steel blast tube. This is important to me as a primer is an explosive device.

Get a tray of them, or an aluminum tube of the them going off in your face/lap. Well, it isn't a good thing. And it has & does happen. About a year ago I did a 'net search on primer blow-ups. Not good, occurred way too many times for me to take a chance.

Happy reloading, stay safe.
