View Full Version : Black Bear Rug Opinions

06-15-2023, 04:34 PM
I don't know where else to ask this, and figured cast booliters are well rounded and some folks here would have some knowledge.

I'm going to have a rug made from the black bear that I took in Alaska a couple weeks ago. Originally my plan was for a cleaned and bleached skull and a simple flatskin tan as the most economical option. I figured on throwing the flat skin over the back of the couch or something.

Well I got lucky and took a really nice bear. It wasn't due to any special hunting prowess on my part, I just passed up a smaller bear and was rewarded by a big boar coming into the bait later on. After shooting him, my Alaskan friends up there essentially said stuff like "that's a BIG bear", "it has perfect fur", "I've never shot one that big", and "that's the black bear of a lifetime". The point being, the consensus was it was an exceptional bear for the area, had perfect fur that hadn't been rubbed, had a large head and thick neck, and white chevrons on the chest. Essentially my Alaskan buddies all said my bear checked all the boxes for stuff they are looking for in a bear.

So with the urging of my friends (enablers), I decided I'd spend the extra money and go for a full on rug (roughly 4X the flatskin price). It's not price I'm asking for advice on because I've already got the skin in the hands of a taxidermist.

My question is I need to decide on exactly what options I want in the rug. Mainly: open mouth and mean looking, slightly open mouth (panting), or closed mouth for the face. I don't think of a black bear as ferocious, so I think a snarling wide open mouth would look unnatural. I'm contemplating a closed mouth rug so it looks more natural, plus I'll be displaying the skull with actual teeth nearby. Also if I've got it on the floor, I worry about stubbing a toe in the mouth.

Other options to consider include sewn in D rings for wall hanging. Still I'll most likely display it on the floor (not to be walked on), or over the back of a couch or chair.

What so you folks? Does anyone have other input on what options to consider for a bear rug?


06-15-2023, 04:50 PM
Bear hung on wall with big smile on his face and a Krispy Creme doughnut box in his mouth.

06-15-2023, 08:57 PM
or maybe a lower leg from a manakin?

We had a family friend who had his made up with the open mouth, big roar look.

I guess it depends on your "decor" and how your are going to display it . . . . and if your married, how much your spouse is going to tolerate "in the dwelling you two share".

If it was me and after 51 years with my wife, she "might" allow it to be displayed in the garage. At one time, I had an opportunity to buy a mounted Bison head . . . . I thought hard on it . . . . for about two minutes and I mentioned it to my wife how nice it would look in the living room. I quickly abandoned the thought. My Mama didn't raise no fools and I know which side my bread is buttered on! LOL

Congrats on your successful hunt and enjoy that rug when you get it . . . I'm sure lots of good memories every time you look at it or run your hand over it and a great thing to pass on to your kids if you have any. Enjoy!

PS - I hope you will post photos of it when you get it - would love to see it!

Winger Ed.
06-15-2023, 09:28 PM
Very good Sir.
A house just isn't a home without dead stuff on the walls.

'Hair on' being 4x the flat hide rate is right at what I paid for a deer hide to be done that way back in the 70s.

However; a bear's shirt on the wall is a bit much. I'd drape it over a couch.
And probably with the mouth closed. No particular reason, I'd just do it that way.

06-15-2023, 11:19 PM
I live in an area with some BIG black bears. (We've had several in the 500-700 LB range.)
I get to see a lot of mounts, since my neighbor is a taxidermist.
I'd opt for the closed mouth type,, and add the D-rings,, just in case.

06-16-2023, 12:04 AM
Many homes in Alaska have a bear rug hanging on the wall
If you put it on the floor, the dogs will pee on it.

06-16-2023, 08:59 AM
I would use it as a blanket on the bed. But then I am not married.

06-16-2023, 09:07 AM
I am also a closed mouth guy… but because you are going to have this for a lifetime, I would get the rings for wall hanging sewn in… it makes a difference if you ever do decide to hang, and also makes it convenient to store if you ever need to. Not only that, your next of kin may want to hang it at some point,

06-16-2023, 09:30 AM
That sounds like a nice Bear! Congratulations!

I had mine done with the mouth open and with the "D" rings. Mine stays on the bed in the spare bedroom and I've never used the D rings, but they are there if needed.

06-16-2023, 05:35 PM
on the floor with a good looking red head. if married over the couch back and forget the red head unless she is the 2-3 year old grand-daughter.

06-16-2023, 07:40 PM
Nice bear; Congratulations; my wife lets me keep my bear rug, in a box, in storage, in the basement.........

06-16-2023, 09:35 PM
I've got a couple with the head in place. As a wall hanger, they are fine. A rug with he head is an obstruction to trip over or go around. If you have a big house, it can work. Tight spaces get even tighter otherwise. My dog loves to sleep on one of mine and the other is a wall hanger. A third with the hair on is just tanned and not good for much, however without the head it's easy to get around. As for mouth open or closed, it's really more about what you want. Congrats on a good one.

06-17-2023, 08:35 AM
Wall hanger, for sure. I can't see myself walking around on a really nice item like that.

And congrats on your successful hunt!


06-18-2023, 02:00 PM
Thanks for all the stories and advice fellers. I’m going with a closed mouth rug with red and black backing. The taxidermist had example pictures of both styles of mouth and the different color backing he offers. I showed my wife and my boys to get their input. Fortunately what they agreed on was what I also wanted so we all have similar taste.
The taxidermist said he doesn’t do D rings for hanging because they get knocked off easily and he recommends finish nails through the backing for hanging.

The rug will probably get moved around some with the living room floor, over one of the couches, or as a bed covering in the guest bedroom. The only animals in the house are already dead and we’ve got ample room to walk around the rug so as to not tread on it. No small kids either to spill on it but eventually will have to think of that for future grandkids.

I’m very happily married to a wonderful woman who will let me have a bear rug. The dead animals upstairs is just a recent development though. All previous animals have been relegated to the basement gun room. Last year was a watershed moment when she let me hang the African trophies upstairs and now she seems to have accepted future dead animal parts upstairs.