View Full Version : Band of Brothers is on Sundance Channel

06-06-2023, 03:44 PM
Watching Band of Brothers!

06-06-2023, 06:05 PM
That's one that never gets old, I think I've seen it three or four times!

06-06-2023, 06:24 PM
I've lost count how many times. I used to participate in the forum devoted to the late Wild Bill and his comrades. Not to name drop but in another life I knew David Schwimmer (Sobel). Sad story about Sobel's suicide, for the son he burdened with such an act, but, as would be their nature, warming story to know they took his son in at one of their reunions, and made sure to tell him that were it not for their dad, they wouldn't be what they were.

The defense of Bastogne is testament to what citizen soldiers trained to excellence can do. Hitler banked on an indolent and decadent bunch of slobs, and he bet wrong.