View Full Version : Are there factory JHP bullets sold worth reloading?

06-04-2023, 03:18 PM
Is there a factory JHP for a pistol that are worth reloading? I was given a gift certificate and everything that I would want costs way to much and they don't have anything in the way of powder and primers.

The place did have a good selection of bullets rifle and pistol and I was looking at picking up some of the JHP to repair or just put all the money

Winger Ed.
06-04-2023, 03:44 PM
They are all very well thought out and are good for what they were designed for.

06-04-2023, 05:38 PM
Hornady XTP and Speer Gold Dot or Deep Curl expand reliably.

The 135 Speer Gold Dot in .38 Special expands above 750 fps.
The 250 Speer Deep Curl in .45 expands above 650 fps.

The Hornady XTPs require 850 fps+

06-04-2023, 05:46 PM
Hornady XTP and Speer Gold Dot or Deep Curl expand reliably.

Not to argue with you, but the older Hornady XTP didn't expand as easily. Remember a report where test crew got permission to shoot steer that were going to be slaugthered. The bullets that stood out were the Federal Hydrashok, PMC Starfire, and Speer Gold Dot. These were fired from a 1911 and of course the bullets were 230 hollow point 45acp. ALL of the bullets made it through the steer's skull. They ALL were dead when their knees buckled. Only one bullet went further then the skull and that was the Hornady XTP. It went down the neck almost to the shoulder. Two, the Hydrshok and PMC starfire were so spectacular that it hosed the shooter down with blood and brain tissue after blowing the eyeballs out of their sockets and he was 25 feet away. At the end they said they wouldn't use the Hornady XTP unless you had to shoot through a car door or windshield.

06-04-2023, 06:53 PM
OP did not state caliber or end use, however I have had very good luck with the .45 185 XTP in a Colt New Service popping hogs out of a tractor. .38 110gr loaded in the 9mm Browning Long made a nasty wound channel in a "Live Test" (dispatching a broken-down cow). Cow was DRT.

black mamba
06-04-2023, 06:57 PM
Another vote for the Speers.

Teddy (punchie)
06-04-2023, 08:09 PM
XTP .... speed is needed if not running them fast enough they don't expand.

Nosler is a very good hunting bullet in the magnums lead inside is harder.

Speer is softer maybe a good choice if slower then max speeds.

Sierra are hard bullets and can be good but I'm not huge on the pistol bullets from them for hunting. Now rifle I have a few I like to use over most for the price, 150 gr SPBT flying at 3100 FBS (3250 being the number) or better is a good game bullet and does what I like.

Nosler Partition Rifle bullets are good very good.

There are many many good J_words

06-04-2023, 11:47 PM
I’ve shot over fifty deer just with .357 mag using 158g and 180g Hornady XTP JHP bullets and to date haven’t lost any. I also use Hornady 180g in my .357 max and have had equally good results on another dozen or so deer. I’ve used other bullets and haven’t found any that performed better. Some about as good, but not better.

06-05-2023, 08:04 AM
Another vote for XTP's, Gold Dots and Hydra-shoks. Might depend on your caliber but I primarily carry 9mm and occasionally .40S&W.

I use this site to evaluate bullets:


They have done extensive testing using the same protocols. I have not found a better source for non-biased testing.

06-05-2023, 08:58 AM
If you are a hunter, A-Frame is a cut above the rest.

06-05-2023, 10:26 AM
I have always had good success with Hornady pistol bullets in my revolvers.
Fine accuracy and good expansion.

06-05-2023, 11:18 AM
Hornady XTP is my fave, but only in cartridges that have enough velocity to take advantage of them. I would much rather have a bullet that expands too little than too much. 115 grain XTP over 4.5 grains Bullseye is good for 1150 in my Glock 19, accurate, and easy to shoot. They expand nicely without turning into a sunflower, more like a good hunting bullet does. I think JHP's in low velocity and/or low bullet weight cartridges are totally pointless, i.e. .25, .32, and .380 Auto and .38 Special. These cartridges are at their best with a big flatnose.

Larry Gibson
06-05-2023, 12:07 PM
Hornady XTP and Speer Gold Dot or Deep Curl expand reliably.

The 135 Speer Gold Dot in .38 Special expands above 750 fps.
The 250 Speer Deep Curl in .45 expands above 650 fps.

The Hornady XTPs require 850 fps+

+1 on Speer GDs and Hornady XTPs. They are my JHP choice these days for use in 32 H&R, 38 SPL and 357 Magnum, 9mm, 41 Magnum, 44 Magnum and 45 ACP.

06-05-2023, 12:29 PM
I am also a huge fan of XTPs, though I hunt with my own cast bullets. XTPs generally penetrate 15-22 inches in gel, which is deeper than most other hollow points. They do this by having a smaller mushroom than a Gold Dot or a HST. They still mushroom to 50-55 caliber in 9mm or 357, which is much better than 45 hard ball, but they don't mushroom out to 68 caliber like a Gold Dot or HST.

Generally 12" is considered the minimum for self defense, but for self defense you have to realize that American's BMI has gone up considerably since the 12" minimum was decided on by the FBI in 1989. I would call 15" a good minimum to penetrate a large man, and many Gold Dots and HSTs barely make it that far.

06-05-2023, 02:38 PM
I am also a huge fan of XTPs, though I hunt with my own cast bullets. XTPs generally penetrate 15-22 inches in gel, which is deeper than most other hollow points. They do this by having a smaller mushroom than a Gold Dot or a HST. They still mushroom to 50-55 caliber in 9mm or 357, which is much better than 45 hard ball, but they don't mushroom out to 68 caliber like a Gold Dot or HST.

Generally 12" is considered the minimum for self defense, but for self defense you have to realize that American's BMI has gone up considerably since the 12" minimum was decided on by the FBI in 1989. I would call 15" a good minimum to penetrate a large man, and many Gold Dots and HSTs barely make it that far.

I always say two holes are better than one. I've also noticed that most flat point lead slugs will expand some though not like a JHP. I think this is why the FBI load has such a good reputation, it offers the best combination of penetration and expansion you can hope for with a low pressure cartridge.

06-05-2023, 03:26 PM
I keep buying bags of Winchester 125 grain JHP's for 38 Special / 357 Magnum caliber. A lot cheaper than the Hornady and Sierra ones that I bought previously.

06-05-2023, 04:09 PM
One would have to establish what is meant by "worth reloading". If for self defense one would have to do due diligence in studying what is out there and the tests done on them. If by "worth reloading" one means just shooting to practice with one would have to face reality. Most shooters need more practice than they get. So any bullet that will shoot well would do for practice. Something we ALL need to do more of.
So one would have to determine what is meant by "worth reloading".

06-05-2023, 04:38 PM
I would also like to put in a kind word for the Winchester 125 grain JHP's. I have had very good results in my 38's with +P loadings with WW-231 and more recently with Power Pistol.

06-05-2023, 06:30 PM

06-07-2023, 11:53 AM
One would have to establish what is meant by "worth reloading". If for self defense one would have to do due diligence in studying what is out there and the tests done on them. If by "worth reloading" one means just shooting to practice with one would have to face reality. Most shooters need more practice than they get. So any bullet that will shoot well would do for practice. Something we ALL need to do more of.
So one would have to determine what is meant by "worth reloading".

The Winchester 125 grain JHP's are quite accurate from my revolvers. I typically load them over a W231 load that is mentioned in my Sierra #8 manual that I bought new. Thousands of them have punched holes in paper targets.

For a self defense load I only use factory ammo. I don't think any prosecutor would give me a hard time about factory 148 grain Wadcutters from my Model 37.

06-07-2023, 07:29 PM
If you can find them, the Remington 158-grain SJHP is a reliable expander and doesn’t require much speed.

They are picky about seater profile. The bullet has a lot of soft lead exposed that deforms easily.