View Full Version : reusing fired primers!

05-30-2023, 04:58 PM
Does anyone make a kit to remake fired primers? I am getting a interested in doing this as I have quite a few fired primers that I kept after depriming fired cases. james[smilie=s:

05-30-2023, 05:14 PM
I use a punch, anvil, to reshape

A pick to remove the primer’s anvil

Tweezers to set the primer’s anvil into the reshaped cup. And the back of the punch seat it

Sharpshooters/ 22reloader kit for the compound

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05-30-2023, 05:20 PM
Everything you need to know.

05-30-2023, 05:21 PM
One thing.
Segregate your primers.

05-30-2023, 06:30 PM
noe makes resizing dies, the ardvark site is good but mark and marshals meewee site has everything their ardvark site has and 3times as much real world knowledge, they have live tutorials if you have good bandwidth.

P Flados
05-30-2023, 11:02 PM
The aardvark guy (Mark) is the biggest proponent of getting folks started in non-corrosive primer reloading. He leads the Mewee site.

There are two threads here that are a good read



05-30-2023, 11:44 PM
Thank you very much guys and keep it coming. I am learning from these reads and will continue to learn until I feel comfortable enough to buy the tools and start remaking primers. You guys are awesome!. james

06-28-2023, 10:31 PM
I made all my own tools for reloading the center fire primers. Just use a strong thin pick to remove the anvils and punch the dents out of the old cups.

I used a 1/4" thick piece of flat metal to hold the empty cups and drilled holes of the proper diameter just deep enough for the top of the cup to be just over flush with the top of the metal. A smaller hole is drilled on through in the center of those holes so that the primer can be punched out when loaded.

Measuring dipper made by soldering an empty primer cup to a short piece of solid copper wire. After pressing down the primer compound with a punch, I place one drop of 5/1, Acetone/Duco Cement in each cup. I use a paper punch to cut out paper (I actually use toy cap gun caps - Legend brand) to press down onto the still damp but not wet compound.

I use an arbor press to press in the anvils.

I make a non-corrosive compound by doing simple chemistry with Lead Nitrate and Sodium Hypophosphite to make Lead Hypophosphite. Then the Lead Nitrate powder combined with the Lead Hypophosphite powder is impact sensitive.

I have had a few problems with one of my striker fired pistols needing a second strike. A stronger striker spring fixed that issue. I have not had problems with hammer fired guns.

Like was mentioned above, segregate your spent primers so that you can be certain of the size and hardness of the metal. LR is taller and harder than LP, and although SR and SP are the same size, their hardness varies, so for better velocity deviation and consistency, the proper used primers need to reused for the same purpose.

It is time consuming to reload primers, but certainly doable. I do it just because I can.

P Flados
06-28-2023, 11:35 PM
For those considering going the EPH-2x path for primer reloading, lead nitrate is currently being sold by Lab Alley with no hazmat.


They were the best source for typical orders, but they were charging a steep Hazmat fee ($40) that jacked up the price quite a bit.

I do not know why they stopped, but I took advantage of the change quickly when I found out (I monitor the MeWe group on primer reloading).

I worry that they will figure out that their system had a glitch and then start charging the hazmat again.

EDIT: Just saw a MeWe post that Lab Alley is doing a "free hazmat" until Friday. Sounds like time is running out on this deal.

They also have a 5% off first order promotion, Discount Code: GOOGLE5OFF.

06-29-2023, 11:36 AM
I would highly recommend acquiring a Primer Resizing Die Set from NOE.


Also buy a large size tweezer set:


Also buy a set of Hemostats to hold the Primer Cups when picking the Anvil out. (Wear a Leather Glove on the hand you are using to hold the hemostat - keeps from getting bit if the primer pops out of the Hemostat).


Also; buy a dental Pick Set to pick out the anvil from the primer cup.


And; order a tray with sides to use while "Picking Anvils" so they are less likely to go flying across the room; and for use in catching "Spillage" when loading primer mixture into the Primer Cup. I cut a piece of parchment paper to fit in the bottom of the tray; I can then pour the captured primer mix that spills out back into my Primer Mix plastic pill jar container. I mix over this same paper in the tray doing the "Diaper Method". Also, throw the paper out as needed as the residue that builds up on the paper could be explosive if exposed to severe shock. I am including an example; not exactly like what I use; but closest I could find to provide a link:


06-29-2023, 12:02 PM
For those considering going the EPH-2x path for primer reloading, lead nitrate is currently being sold by Lab Alley with no hazmat.


They were the best source for typical orders, but they were charging a steep Hazmat fee ($40) that jacked up the price quite a bit.

I do not know why they stopped, but I took advantage of the change quickly when I found out (I monitor the MeWe group on primer reloading).

I worry that they will figure out that their system had a glitch and then start charging the hazmat again.

EDIT: Just saw a MeWe post that Lab Alley is doing a "free hazmat" until Friday. Sounds like time is running out on this deal.

They also have a 5% off first order promotion, Discount Code: GOOGLE5OFF.

I tried that site and signed up for texts for 10% off 1st order. The 10% code they give does not work for the product. I then used the GOOGLE5OFF. That took a couple of dollars off but the $30+ shipping is a no go. I cancelling everything and stopped the texts. Oh well.