View Full Version : Something new

05-30-2023, 08:22 AM
Cindy goes in today for a trial of a spinal stimulator. Hoping to reduce the pain she has been dealing with.

Her spinal cord is in compression at L4. She has been getting random nerve impulses to her thighs which cause the muscles to cramp up.
Causing all kinds of pain and make it hard to walk.

She did find a surgeon who would like to take out the hardware from her old back surgery and extend it, effectively doubling it.
But she does not feel like she would survive that one, and if she did, would be unable to bend, twist, etc. Leaving her effectively chair bound or worse.
I tend to agree with her.

We don't know where this path is leading us, but it does not look so good down the path. Looks like we are headed into the Dismal Swamp.
And the sun is going down.

Procedure is at 1 this afternoon.

All prayers very much appreciated.

Bill and Cindy Jamison
Fargo ND

Pine Baron
05-30-2023, 08:30 AM
Prayers for God's grace and mercy for Cindy.

G W Wade
05-30-2023, 08:47 AM
Prayers and best wishes from me and mine to you and yours GW

05-30-2023, 10:03 AM
Prayers for God's grace and mercy for Cindy.And amen!

05-30-2023, 06:07 PM
Praying that the surgery went well and that she will have some relief.

05-30-2023, 07:37 PM
Cindy goes in today for a trial of a spinal stimulator. Hoping to reduce the pain she has been dealing with.

Her spinal cord is in compression at L4. She has been getting random nerve impulses to her thighs which cause the muscles to cramp up.
Causing all kinds of pain and make it hard to walk.

She did find a surgeon who would like to take out the hardware from her old back surgery and extend it, effectively doubling it.
But she does not feel like she would survive that one, and if she did, would be unable to bend, twist, etc. Leaving her effectively chair bound or worse.
I tend to agree with her.

We don't know where this path is leading us, but it does not look so good down the path. Looks like we are headed into the Dismal Swamp.
And the sun is going down.

Procedure is at 1 this afternoon.

All prayers very much appreciated.

Bill and Cindy Jamison
Fargo ND

MY PRAYS that she turns out so very much better than I did........

Teddy (punchie)
05-30-2023, 08:25 PM
That was where I had disc damage from the symptoms I had if is rough the pain in the leg is bad and I do a lot of stretching and exercise and stop working after so long. after about 8 hours I stop. Nothing to prove to anyone. I find something easy to do in the evenings.

I wish her all the best and thinking of you both.

05-30-2023, 09:27 PM
Cindy is home, smiling and a bit sore in the back but already dealing with less pain. She will be working with the factory representative this week fine tuning.

Looks like we might have just caught a break.

Pine Baron
05-30-2023, 09:34 PM
That's good news Bill. Praise God for answered prayer. Prayers for Cindy's recovery and successful path forward.

05-30-2023, 09:55 PM
GhostHawk Happy for you both. Hope Cindy keeps improving. Friend Debbie went through three back surgeries and thankfully she's much improved Almost normal now. Hoping the same for your Cindy. Gp

05-30-2023, 09:59 PM
This is FREE info, so please take it that way.

My Father had the rods put in his back over 20 years ago.
Initial results were just OK.
They then added the back stimulator. That had the worst recovery of any of his surgeries. Weird and VERY painful nerve pain all around his back and onto his stomach. It took 6 months of healing before the stimulator surgery proved useful. At best it did help in between pain pills. (After the recovery time)
He then went in and had the rods removed and longer ones put in.

Somewhere in this process the original back stimulator died and he had it replaced. It now has not worked in over a year. Dad is 89 and has been on narcotics for 20+ years.

I have a Dr that told me only 50% of patients show any improvement with the original rod surgery.
95% of patients who get the extended rods say their condition is worse.

I’m sorry to bring this bad news. I do not have any suggestions after the initial rods have been put in. My plan is to do ANYTHING to avoid the rod surgery. I have a very low opinion of those surgeons and then the addiction problems due to the pain meds.

Please consult and see what other option are available. Surgeons want to operate. See a pain Dr. That does not prescribe pain meds. They are available.

Good luck, this is a very tough situation.

05-31-2023, 08:47 AM
May God touch Cindy and those who perform the surgery.

Texas by God
05-31-2023, 09:26 AM
Prayers lifted for your wife and you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-31-2023, 10:08 PM
Woke up this morning at 5:15, Cindy had slept since 8 the night before. This is a GOOD thing.

By 6 AM she was out in the kitchen, washing dishes, and singing! She really only sing's when she is happy. I had not heard her sing for months.
This morning she was singing like a bird, had a big smile on her face.

And the pain meds are lasting longer, so she is slowly easing off on how many she takes a day.

Biggest issue is the adhesive on the tape they bandaged her with is itching like crazy. She is one of those gals who is sensitive to a lot of things.

BNE all I can say is I am sorry for your father. But thus far Cindy's experience has been good.

She has a doctor who would love to go in, take out the failed rods, loose screws, etc. Extend them down another 4 or 5 vertebrate's.

Cindy, myself, and everyone who knows her says don't do it. We don't think you'd make it or like the results.

Who knows where we go from here, its in the Lord's hands. Thy will be done Lord, on earth as it is in heaven.

Thank you all for the prayers and kind thoughts. I make a point of reading this thread to her after a couple of days.
Generally makes her cry a little.

God Bless you all!


Bill & Cindy

G W Wade
05-31-2023, 11:21 PM
Always happy getting good news. Keep it up. GW

06-01-2023, 05:56 AM
God knows what's best listen to him and keep up the prayers.

Pine Baron
06-01-2023, 06:31 AM
That is so good to hear. Praise our Heavenly Father for His daily blessings. After all, all we have is today. One day at a time.
May God bring His blessings and divine guidance to you and Cindy. In Jesus name . Amen.

06-01-2023, 07:19 AM
Great news!!!

Cannot believe I missed this post originally, but I guess my prayers were not needed this time.

06-01-2023, 07:25 AM
Woke up this morning at 5:15, Cindy had slept since 8 the night before. This is a GOOD thing.

By 6 AM she was out in the kitchen, washing dishes, and singing! She really only sing's when she is happy. I had not heard her sing for months.
This morning she was singing like a bird, had a big smile on her face.

And the pain meds are lasting longer, so she is slowly easing off on how many she takes a day.

Biggest issue is the adhesive on the tape they bandaged her with is itching like crazy. She is one of those gals who is sensitive to a lot of things.

BNE all I can say is I am sorry for your father. But thus far Cindy's experience has been good.

She has a doctor who would love to go in, take out the failed rods, loose screws, etc. Extend them down another 4 or 5 vertebrate's.

Cindy, myself, and everyone who knows her says don't do it. We don't think you'd make it or like the results.

Who knows where we go from here, its in the Lord's hands. Thy will be done Lord, on earth as it is in heaven.

Thank you all for the prayers and kind thoughts. I make a point of reading this thread to her after a couple of days.
Generally makes her cry a little.

God Bless you all!


Bill & Cindy

GREAT NEWS!!!! I pray the 'goodness' continues!!!!!

06-01-2023, 07:57 AM
Back pain is no joke. I injured mine early in life but the pain did not begin rearing it’s ugly head until I was in my 40’s. At 59 I am aware that bad posture while sitting, laying or lifting brings on the pain and stretching, exercise, using my brain instead of my back helps keep the pain at bay.

Prayers sent for your continued health and Cindy’s recovery.

06-01-2023, 08:04 AM
Glad to hear the good news.

William Yanda
06-01-2023, 08:26 AM
Prayers for God's grace and mercy for Cindy.


06-01-2023, 09:27 AM
Mark up another good outcome, it is sure not so for everyone. Glad Cindy got a good surgeon. Mine turned out well.
Sister sent me a note yesterday that her husband, the BIL has been diagnosed with degenerative spine syndrome L3-L5 involved. We will see, he is going to UAB. Next appointment is in July, busy folks.
Enjoy the happy time. Best.

06-01-2023, 09:38 AM
its good to hear that the implant is working for here. my doctor has been has been trying to sell me on such procedure for quite some time now.

06-02-2023, 05:06 AM
Praise God for a better outcome. My own daughter is dealing with back issues and arthritic issues in her hip at 34! It's real easy to get down, especially when you are a go getter. Good will see us through, even in dark times. Prayers sent.

06-02-2023, 07:47 AM
Heavenly Father, I thank you for Cindy's relief from pain. Continue your healing work, and send your Holy Spirit to be with both Cindy and Bill.


06-09-2023, 09:20 PM
Tuesday they removed the trial implant. The factory rep did a great job of working with her. Tested 5 different programs and multiple power levels.

After the trial electrodes were removed Cindy was in a lot of pain.
But by the next morning she was doing much better. Next was a visit to her doctor to find something other than Codine for the pain. She got a prescription Motrin which seems to be working. She is alternating that with the Codine as she slowly comes off the codine.

Surgery for the permanent implant is not scheduled yet, should be about 2 weeks.

Last couple days we have been busy removing our dishwasher (Bosch and not that old, heating unit died, 200$ for just the part) So we decided we could live without it.

I found a 4 drawer cabinet that was 1/2" shorter side to side, and maybe 7" shorter top to bottom. Got it built, drawers built, set it up on a couple of inch boards and screwed them into place through the bottom. Put one screw on each side through the side and into the cabinet on each side so it won't wiggle around.
Cindy has been having a blast clearing space of the counter, putting things away in drawers and organizing.

We actually even went out for supper tonight at a new bar b cue place close to the house.

Best I've seen her in years.

Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes, they are working.

Pine Baron
06-10-2023, 06:45 AM
Thanks for the encouraging update Bill. Prayers continue for a resolution to Cindy's condition.

09-24-2023, 10:21 PM

Final surgery is done, she is just about totally healed up.
Cindy's normal daily pain level has dropped from a 9-10 down to a 2.
She has been getting stronger, is walking more, is back driving herself.
She has been doing some rehab, she has a great person to work with who does not push her.
She is talking about joining the local YMCA and doing water aerobics 3 times a week.

Freed of the pain her mind is recovering, she no longer has to hunt for words to communicate.

In short, all those prayers were answered.

From the very bottom of our hearts a very deep and sincere thank you to each of you.

You made a difference.

We will be here if you need us, just ask.

Love you guys!

Pine Baron
09-25-2023, 06:56 AM
Thanks for the update Ghost. Thank God for answered prayer. Good news is good to hear. God bless you both.

09-25-2023, 08:05 AM
It is so good to hear that Cindy has been restored to more or less normal life. God is the Great Physician.


09-25-2023, 02:19 PM
So glad to hear it!