View Full Version : Expansion Industries Primers

05-27-2023, 07:11 PM
I got a run to bring a vehicle back to a customer that had the vehicle serviced and was told that I was going to Texarkana, Texas.
I have been hoping to swing by Hooks, Texas to take a gander at Expansion Industries.
Turns out the guy actually lives in Hooks and when I asked him about Expansion Industries he pointed across the highway from his house and said that they were right there!
All I could see was woods!
I was hoping for guys with little carts with signs saying “primers for sale “ along the road!
Very disappointing!

05-27-2023, 07:42 PM
OMG I started reading your thread thinking, I'll take 1M if you can get em :)

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05-27-2023, 08:39 PM
I got a run to bring a vehicle back to a customer that had the vehicle serviced and was told that I was going to Texarkana, Texas.
I have been hoping to swing by Hooks, Texas to take a gander at Expansion Industries.
Turns out the guy actually lives in Hooks and when I asked him about Expansion Industries he pointed across the highway from his house and said that they were right there!
All I could see was woods!
I was hoping for guys with little carts with signs saying “primers for sale “ along the road!
Very disappointing!

I think that is pie in the sky.


05-27-2023, 08:41 PM
Expansion and primers are DOA, at least for now, they have laid off workers and cancelled equipment…

05-27-2023, 09:55 PM
Expansion and primers are DOA, at least for now, they have laid off workers and cancelled equipment…
Thanks for the update!

05-27-2023, 09:56 PM
Expansion and primers are DOA, at least for now, they have laid off workers and cancelled equipment…

shocked, just shocked i tell ya

wonder how many people got took this time

05-27-2023, 11:06 PM
Does anyone know if any dirt has been moved, or cement poured, at their location? Or is it all still in the planning and begging for investors stage ? I hoped that something was actually going to happen with the project, and we would see some product in the near future.

05-28-2023, 05:40 AM
Yep, sounds about like several supposed industries back in MS that were going to be BIG. I mean, big back in the 90s. One stole some millions from small county that had $s to waste. And may have added some from the state development dept too. It got hushed up after about a year.... new primer plant is going up in Arkansas, but output is 100% tied to their ammo production plant close by. Fiocchi

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05-28-2023, 07:48 AM
Does anyone know if any dirt has been moved, or cement poured, at their location? Or is it all still in the planning and begging for investors stage ? I hoped that something was actually going to happen with the project, and we would see some product in the near future.

My understanding was that they bought an existing facility and were redoing it.

05-28-2023, 12:53 PM
shocked, just shocked i tell ya

wonder how many people got took this time

Not me. They got me last time, not again

05-28-2023, 02:50 PM
Yep, sounds about like several supposed industries back in MS that were going to be BIG. I mean, big back in the 90s. One stole some millions from small county that had $s to waste. And may have added some from the state development dept too. It got hushed up after about a year.... new primer plant is going up in Arkansas, but output is 100% tied to their ammo production plant close by. Fiocchi

Sent from my SM-S908U using TapatalkI am bummed, I didn't know this and assumed things would get better for the industry.... guess I shouldn't have expected any different than the auto industry here in Michigan....

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05-28-2023, 04:02 PM
Many of us were skeptical when "the news broke". It was so obvious it was a scam and to top it off, by a firm known for scamming.

IIRC they needed $100 million.

I wonder how much they pocketed?

05-28-2023, 06:52 PM
The report that they would be producing primers in 2 months sounded like pie in the sky!

05-28-2023, 07:23 PM
I was disappointed in them as well. They strung people along for years and years. If there was any actual work being done, it probably would have happened by now. I think Fiocchi will have their primer plant in the US up and running before long.

05-29-2023, 09:05 AM
Yep, they ran a powder scam in Richmond, VA a few years ago. I'm not surprised to hear they didn't keep their promises this time, either, but it is still disappointing for sure.

05-29-2023, 02:22 PM
Yep, they ran a powder scam in Richmond, VA a few years ago. I'm not surprised to hear they didn't keep their promises this time, either, but it is still disappointing for sure.

Pretty sure their outlet was nearer Lynchburg VA , not Richmond . Sold good powder cheap for a while, then took a lot of pre-paid orders online and disappeared ! I bought many pounds of ETR powder(still using some !) , wish I'd bought more at $15/lb. but got all mine FTF in their storefront . Guy created many different companies in several states with "Expansion" in the names . Certainly expanded his wallet .

05-29-2023, 02:30 PM
Expansion got new owners a few months ago, at least for the Texas plant, not sure about others.

They are trying to figure things out, let’s see how they land, i still have hope but is far off i do believe for primers…hope i am wrong.

05-29-2023, 06:28 PM
Pretty sure their outlet was nearer Lynchburg VA , not Richmond . Sold good powder cheap for a while, then took a lot of pre-paid orders online and disappeared ! I bought many pounds of ETR powder(still using some !) , wish I'd bought more at $15/lb. but got all mine FTF in their storefront . Guy created many different companies in several states with "Expansion" in the names . Certainly expanded his wallet .

Yes, I believe you're right - Lynchburg rather than Richmond. Sorry about that!

05-29-2023, 07:50 PM
Pretty sure their outlet was nearer Lynchburg VA , not Richmond . Sold good powder cheap for a while, then took a lot of pre-paid orders online and disappeared ! I bought many pounds of ETR powder(still using some !) , wish I'd bought more at $15/lb. but got all mine FTF in their storefront . Guy created many different companies in several states with "Expansion" in the names . Certainly expanded his wallet .

Yup. I have 8lbs or so of their powder which is CB-1 I think. Tight group data and no problem with it. It was the bait and switch price I was disgusted with

05-30-2023, 10:10 AM
Expansion Industries is a joke.

Nothing ever materializes from them but hot air and promises.

Green Frog
06-11-2023, 05:04 PM
If it’s the company I’m thinking of, they had a little storefront almost out to New London from Lynchburg. I stopped by and “met” the father and a couple of sons, one of whom was busily sorting 9mm reloads, oversized from usable, and packing them in 50 round boxes by hand. They talked a big game about their powder and their reloads… then they disappeared. A flash in the pan! :roll:

09-25-2023, 05:47 PM
I found this on Reddit today while looking for something else. It was posted about two months ago. I cannot verify the information in this post and I do not know the poster, but the pattern of behavior fits with Expansion's past crooked deals:

"As a former employee of expansion, i can say that they have laid everyone off except 5 people. We made primers for about a total of 3 months and that was to ship them to different companies to see how they faired against other brands. The company wasn't "bought out" necessarily what happened was an investor didn't like how the smissens failed to produce results (after the investor had spent millions on the project) so he decided to take over that was late December early January time after meeting him and he had assured us we where in "good hands" around the end of February (after producing some primers) they did a round of lay offs and got rid of all production excluding the supervisors, maintenance, and chemists. They began talks of bringing everyone back after the "upgrades" where done (we only had 1 cell producing primers at the time and the upgrades would bring more cells up) jump to the end of March and all of the supervisors where laid off (the only thing they where doing that whole time was sorting different caliber bullets that had been shipped to us via dallas) so all that was left was maintenance and management again constant meetings and talks of more upgrades and the investor got tired of throwing money at it and handed the company back over to Mr. Smissen as soon as he had it back he let all of maintenance go (without pay for the work they had done that week) and kept management including 1 security guard, 1 ground hand, 1 safety/shipping, 1 plant manager and 1 human resources. I have heard a few things about it since leaving expansion the last thing being they reached out to their old maintenance in hopes of them un wiring all of the machines so they can be shipped off. (They didn't pay them for the work they had done and then expected them to come back in and work for free.)

Don't support these crooks."

03-04-2024, 03:36 PM
Update! September of 2023 they filed for bankruptcy.


03-04-2024, 03:43 PM
Update! September of 2023 they filed for bankruptcy.


Who would have guessed?

03-04-2024, 04:22 PM
Update! September of 2023 they filed for bankruptcy.


Not surprising at all, given their track record. I expect the folks involved absconded with handfuls of development and incentive money.

Thanks for the update!

03-08-2024, 10:40 PM
I'm totally shocked that they ever actually produced any primers , now that's a really rare collector's item !

Plate plinker
03-09-2024, 12:34 AM
Not surprising at all, given their track record. I expect the folks involved absconded with handfuls of development and incentive money.

Thanks for the update!

Absolutely! Once a crook always a crook. Those involved had a terrible track record. Imagine if they put as much effort into being a legit business as they have put in work being less than upstanding?

03-09-2024, 09:41 AM
I'm totally shocked that they ever actually produced any primers , now that's a really rare collector's item !

Did they, in fact, ever produce any primers?

03-09-2024, 12:59 PM
Did they, in fact, ever produce any primers?

There was a YouTube video that showed what was allegedly some of their primers but they came from an unnamed source.
the primers that were produced were supposedly going to commercial manufacturers first,