View Full Version : How bad is it in reality????

05-23-2023, 10:24 PM
Went I was young, I used to to melt lead in the kitchen to make fishing sinkers.
Neighborhood kids used to run through the mosquito truck smoke when it drove by.
Shared soda, food, and candy between friends.
Drank out of the hose.
In school chemistry class, we would play with mercury.
It would make coins really bright and shiny.
BBQ over charcoal or kiawe wood all the time.
Ate the fish we caught and the game we shot.
Did my fair share of drinking, before gout get me.
Never did smoke anything.
Never had any major illness, sickness, problems.
Except gout after I stopped drinking.
Back spasms and stomach problems from work stress.
Both that went away after I got out of there.
Except for a little to much weight, I'm as healthy as someone 10 years younger.
So, with all the bad things I did in my younger days, shouldn't I be dead of sickly????
Could the gooberment warnings of all these "bad" things, be just a lots of baloney????
Also, as far as I know, none of us from kid time, have any real health problems either.
I've also noticed that kids, these days, have all kind of health problems that us old timers just don't have.
The longer I live, the more I distrust anything the gooberment says.
When the wuflu lockdown was in full steam, I asked my doctor, "if the wuflu is so deadly, how come the homeless are not dropping dead all over the place???"
She couldn't give me an answer.

05-23-2023, 10:27 PM
Went I was young, I used to to melt lead in the kitchen to make fishing sinkers.
Neighborhood kids used to run through the mosquito truck smoke when it drove by.
Shared soda, food, and candy between friends.
Drank out of the hose.
In school chemistry class, we would play with mercury.
It would make coins really bright and shiny.
BBQ over charcoal or kiawe wood all the time.
Ate the fish we caught and the game we shot.
Did my fair share of drinking, before gout get me.
Never did smoke anything.
Never had any major illness, sickness, problems.
Except gout after I stopped drinking.
Back spasms and stomach problems from work stress.
Both that went away after I got out of there.
Except for a little to much weight, I'm as healthy as someone 10 years younger.
So, with all the bad things I did in my younger days, shouldn't I be dead of sickly????
Could the gooberment warnings of all these "bad" things, be just a lots of baloney????
Also, as far as I know, none of us from kid time, have any real health problems either.
I've also noticed that kids, these days, have all kind of health problems that us old timers just don't have.
The longer I live, the more I distrust anything the gooberment says.
When the wuflu lockdown was in full steam, I asked my doctor, "if the wuflu is so deadly, how come the homeless are not dropping dead all over the place???"
She couldn't give me an answer.

The treatments were worse than the disease.

05-23-2023, 10:28 PM
Dang - YOU are guilty of common sense, STOP IT......

Dave W.
05-23-2023, 10:41 PM
A kid outside playing builds up an immunity to different things. Most kids today live in too sterile an environment, they do not get a chance to build immunity's.

05-23-2023, 11:28 PM
The goobermint uses fear to control the population.

05-23-2023, 11:36 PM
You sir are from a generation that did not tolerate sloth. Unfortunately much more is tolerated now, and with a fancy name to give an excuse for being worthless.

05-23-2023, 11:36 PM
One wonders if fear could be a tool in controlling the goobermint?

05-24-2023, 07:18 AM
The less kids play in the dirt the more stuff they are allergic to.

05-24-2023, 07:55 AM
I think you stated it very well and voiced what many of us think about it all.

Brought back the memories of when I was a kid and being able to lay on your back in the tall grasses of the pasture, stare up at the sky and watch the clouds in the summer and just "ponder on things". Dad kept us busy on the farm but it was all good and none of us ever suffered from drinking from the same tin cup chained to the hand pump either. Most kids today don't have a clue and their parents aren't doing them any favors by giving them everything they want and not holding them responsible for their actions and over protection.

Thanks for the post . . . you hit the nail on the head.

05-24-2023, 08:23 AM
Well, the exposure to poisonous chemicals was still harmful; you don't build up immunity to lead, for instance, and you would have been better off without being exposed to it from engine emissions (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/03/220307162011.htm)
However, I think you guys are spot on about dirt, outdoor activity, etc. I'll also say (at risk of sending some people into an apoplectic fit) that number of injections given to infants and children has also increased dramatically over the decades. That represents alot of chemicals and other substances, and I don't think it is crazy to suppose that they might have some adverse effect on long-term health

country gent
05-24-2023, 08:37 AM
I remember when it was the thing to take young kids to play with others that had some infections like chicken pox since it was easier on the young and not as many side effects as when contracted when older. And since you could only have it once it was over and done

05-24-2023, 10:27 AM
As noted,, a different time and different attitudes. Natural immunities to many things require such type of exposures.
Mercury, or lead,, excessive exposure can cause problems.
But many of the common things you mentioned,, created such immunity.

And yes,, the "modern times" have gotten to where such types of exposures, and such have severely decreased. Plus the immunizations given,, can seriously affect us in general.

But,, I've studied these concepts a little. One thing is genetics. A person who comes from a strong genetic bloodline,, can be a lot healthier than someone who's bloodline isn't as strong. It's NOT a guarantee,, but it helps a lot.
My brother,, who will turn 74 shortly,, has a saying; "Vintage 1949,, All original parts!" Our sister,, (vintage 1951) can't say that. She's the one who's had stuff fixed, and has more health issues. Me? Vintage 1959, and all original parts.

But my brother & I were active, outdoors & such. He's a (2) tour Vietnam Vet. I'm a Vet. But we both had our share of childhood maladies & none serious. We both enjoy good health,, but we also know that even life has an expiration date.

05-24-2023, 10:46 AM
Go to a cemetery that is 100 years old and marvel at the number of graves where expiration date minus the born on date is less than 20 years!

05-24-2023, 10:50 AM
One wonders if fear could be a tool in controlling the goobermint?

Ban assault weapons!

05-24-2023, 11:11 AM
Playing games on a computer and watching TV, does not build healthy bodies. Period.
Exercise, work in the sun, fresh air is where the body gets what it needs not on a keyboard, he said typing....:-).

05-24-2023, 11:17 AM
I drank from hoses, rode in the back of trucks..could smell the skeeter fog... People nowadays just aren't as hardy in general I think.

05-24-2023, 11:56 AM
Go to a cemetery that is 100 years old and marvel at the number of graves where expiration date minus the born on date is less than 20 years!

Exactly! The trouble with trying to brag about longevity comes when we consider the folks who are already dead. My grandfather smoked Camel cigarettes (no filter) from the age of 16 until he was about 80 years old. He finally quit because my mother and grandmother were pestering him - then he died at 94 from a broken hip. He was one of those outliers who apparently was never affected by cigarettes - but how many more are in the graveyard from sucking on cancer sticks?

05-24-2023, 12:10 PM
As noted,, a different time and different attitudes. Natural immunities to many things require such type of exposures.
Mercury, or lead,, excessive exposure can cause problems.
But many of the common things you mentioned,, created such immunity.

And yes,, the "modern times" have gotten to where such types of exposures, and such have severely decreased. Plus the immunizations given,, can seriously affect us in general.

But,, I've studied these concepts a little. One thing is genetics. A person who comes from a strong genetic bloodline,, can be a lot healthier than someone who's bloodline isn't as strong. It's NOT a guarantee,, but it helps a lot.
My brother,, who will turn 74 shortly,, has a saying; "Vintage 1949,, All original parts!" Our sister,, (vintage 1951) can't say that. She's the one who's had stuff fixed, and has more health issues. Me? Vintage 1959, and all original parts.

But my brother & I were active, outdoors & such. He's a (2) tour Vietnam Vet. I'm a Vet. But we both had our share of childhood maladies & none serious. We both enjoy good health,, but we also know that even life has an expiration date.

Vintage 1960, all original parts but some are held together with titanium now LOL

05-24-2023, 12:14 PM
Exactly! The trouble with trying to brag about longevity comes when we consider the folks who are already dead. My grandfather smoked Camel cigarettes (no filter) from the age of 16 until he was about 80 years old. He finally quit because my mother and grandmother were pestering him - then he died at 94 from a broken hip. He was one of those outliers who apparently was never affected by cigarettes - but how many more are in the graveyard from sucking on cancer sticks?

Did he smoke before or after they started adding all kinds of chemicals to the tobacco? I don't think pure tobacco is all that bad(not healthy but not super bad either) ocmpared to what is added to a modern cancer stick..

"Reconstituted tobacco, referred to as “sheet,” is a major ingredient in modern cigarettes; sheet is manufactured from recycled stems, stalks, scraps, collected dust, and floor sweepings.7 Those materials are ground up, nicotine is extracted from them, and chemicals, fillers, glue, and other agents are added to the slurry. The sheet is then pressed out and puffed, with the previously extracted nicotine sprayed onto it, and ground into tiny curls before being incorporated into cigarettes at the desired level.7 Tobacco companies have studied nicotine extracts as a method to augment nicotine levels in cigarettes.8–14"


05-24-2023, 12:31 PM
Just to weigh in,
Third world nations, with poor sanitation, lousy medical care, food shortages and diets lacking nutrition, filthy drinking water; in short all the things we have come to regard as normal, have a higher mortality rate in the young population. But those who survive to adulthood have been exposed and are resistant to the worst nature can throw at them.
With all our scientific knowledge, medicine and cleanliness our bodies never develop antibodies to combat naturally occurring diseases.
Exercise and sunlight are critical to lifelong health.
Finally, look at the food selections available. Nearly everything we consume is laced with GMOs and antibiotics. Sixty years ago a grocery store offered fresh meats, vegetables and fruit. The frozen food aisle was twenty feet long, mostly TV dinners and frozen veggies. Today pre-cooked and ready-to-eat prepared foods make up 85% of grocery store sales, while the ingredients listed on these items reads like a chemistry experiment.
In the late sixties I read an article about how scientists had noticed Amish kids generally had little to no tooth decay and we’re generally healthier than most kids. Their studies found that it wasn’t because Amish kids didn’t eat sugary foods, they actually consumed as much or more sweetened foods as the general population. What they didn’t eat was commercially preserved foods.
The advances in food, medicine and hygiene that make our lives so easy and enjoyable come at a cost.

05-24-2023, 12:36 PM
Did he smoke before or after they started adding all kinds of chemicals to the tobacco? I don't think pure tobacco is all that bad(not healthy but not super bad either) ocmpared to what is added to a modern cancer stick..

"Reconstituted tobacco, referred to as “sheet,” is a major ingredient in modern cigarettes; sheet is manufactured from recycled stems, stalks, scraps, collected dust, and floor sweepings.7 Those materials are ground up, nicotine is extracted from them, and chemicals, fillers, glue, and other agents are added to the slurry. The sheet is then pressed out and puffed, with the previously extracted nicotine sprayed onto it, and ground into tiny curls before being incorporated into cigarettes at the desired level.7 Tobacco companies have studied nicotine extracts as a method to augment nicotine levels in cigarettes.8–14"


Well, he started smoking in 1918 and quit around 1978 or so. I expect the early cigs were straight tobacco and the later ones had chemicals added.

My point is there will always be individuals who can tolerate conditions that either kill or sicken other people sooner than later. We all live until we die but it's that time span in-between that be pretty painful.

05-24-2023, 01:58 PM
At work we had to get blood test every year.
Never tested high for anything.
Even if I was casting once a week.
We still had asbestos in the brake lining and clutches.
Had asbestos lined hot water pipes, and A/C cooling pipes.
In the beginning we never had any mask or special suits.
Parents these days are setting up their kid to fail as they get older.
I'm sure all the chemical they put into all foods are NOT good for us.
but gooberment said it's all safe.
And gooberment wouldn't lie to us.
When still working, I was sent to a class about stress and health.
Very interesting.
A study was done on food/stress/health in different countries.
Here we eat less meats, less alcohol, more healthy foods.
Also exercise more than other countries.
In Germany, they eat meats at every meal, alcohol at every meal, lots of cheese, and don't exercise much.
But they are way healthier than we are.
The compared the stress levels and found the Germans, as a whole, had almost no stress.
Couldn't say the same for us.
They didn't want to, but concluded that stress, and not diet, was the leading factor in poor health.
Our gooberment and insurance companies don't want us to know the stress is more a factor in health than diet.
Imagine all the claims for health problems due to stress there would be.
just ranting again, sorry:groner:

05-24-2023, 02:04 PM
I’m glad you are doing well. The important thing you didn’t do was smoke. Chances are you wouldn’t be feeling so good if you had.

05-24-2023, 04:08 PM
One wonders if fear could be a tool in controlling the goobermint?

Yes, fear trading is the most profitable business.

05-24-2023, 04:33 PM
Vintage 1960, all original parts but some are held together with titanium now LOL

Amish kids What they didn’t eat was commercially preserved foods.
The advances in food, medicine and hygiene that make our lives so easy and enjoyable come at a cost.

Me 1950 vintage, all original parts, a few removed.... None added.... Kids today do not have the opportunity to build immunity !
Playground is padded, can't play outside, stay away from sick kids, can't be out alone, can't explore nature, guns and hunting is bad, strangers are bad, life in somewhat of a bubble ??? Only know book learning, no actual experience in the real world. Right and Wrong are foren concepts.
Then people wonder why the gangs are razing the younger generation ??

05-26-2023, 10:09 AM
Kids don't know the fun of riding bikes they built from the dumps behind the mosquito spray truck, or drinking from hoses, eating fruits right from the tree or berries from the bushes, eating sandwiches with grease still on your hand or spraying 32 coats of laquer paint on a camaro with no mask and spitting out red paint for a week. Come to think of it, how did we survive? We didn't coddle our bodies which is why most of us don't move well nowadays and are in pain every day. Oh well, wouldn't change a thing.

05-26-2023, 12:42 PM
I'll be 67 next month.
besides being a little overweight, and having gout.
I'm doing good.
Really need to do more walking for exercise and try to eat less, but better than many younger people I know.
I'm thinking it was all those years of "immunizing" myself when I was younger.

05-26-2023, 01:05 PM
You will be fine, one day.

Now 65. At 31yo I had a stoke, later around 48yo heart attack, then 7 stents, then 5 valve bypass using my own leg vein. Numerous joint and other issues. Overweight, gout. I still cut grass, handsaw some and ax cut wood and trees. Climb ladders and trees, like a fool I might add. I am now very slow and deliberate.

I did what I wanted. Tasted every brand and type of alcohol, been a soldier with 2 tours in Germany. For 5 years spat out burned zinc smoke from plasma cutting along with metal primer from the paint booth area. I smoked for 10 years, chewed days work and cannonball. If I could remember I would could surely have cheated death a dozen times.

Maybe Grannie was right. She was a tough and loving woman to be with. She always said miserable folks never die, they just remain miserable. She was 2 months short of 100 when she passed. I know where my attitude comes from too.


05-27-2023, 03:07 AM
I remember back in science class, everyone played with the mercury.
Even the teachers put it in their hands to show what it could do.
These days a thermometer breaks open and Haz-mat is called, they shut down the whole area, kick everyone out for days, and have everyone tested.
Plus it's big news.
It has happened a few times here.
I just laugh.

05-27-2023, 09:17 AM
A kid outside playing builds up an immunity to different things. Most kids today live in too sterile an environment, they do not get a chance to build immunity's.

My siblings and I used to play football in the sewer. The funniest thing we ever did was let a nerf ball roll into the leach field and get soaking wet. Splash out there to get it and without wringing it out, throw it at your brother or a buddy and let it splash all over him as he tries to catch it in front of his face! They learned real fast to just duck out of the way and not let it hit them!

Fun times.

Played football in the cow pastures and if you tackled someone in a gooshy cow pie, you got extra accolades and cheering.

Sadly, we all got HEP A but aside from that, I rarely get very sick with anything.

By the same token, I know people whose parents wouldn't even let them crawl on the floor, much less play outside. Those kids are very sickly adults and catch every bug that comes around.

Anecdotal, I know, but story of my life, just the same.


05-27-2023, 09:21 AM
Exactly! The trouble with trying to brag about longevity comes when we consider the folks who are already dead. My grandfather smoked Camel cigarettes (no filter) from the age of 16 until he was about 80 years old. He finally quit because my mother and grandmother were pestering him - then he died at 94 from a broken hip. He was one of those outliers who apparently was never affected by cigarettes - but how many more are in the graveyard from sucking on cancer sticks?

Same story with my grandfather. Smoked from age 7 to age 77, if I recall correctly. Got diagnosed with lung cancer three months before he died and he was embarrassed that he was in the hospital.

Tough guy.


MT Gianni
05-29-2023, 08:39 PM
I spent a couple of years in a nation that had mostly lead pipes. There were some conditions of lazy eye that some folks thought were due to lead. Others thought they were inherited. It had everything from beautiful people to intelligent thinkers with no evidence that lead had harmed them in any way.

Randy Bohannon
05-30-2023, 09:46 AM
Kids grow better in dirt.

05-30-2023, 01:47 PM
I spent a couple of years in a nation that had mostly lead pipes. There were some conditions of lazy eye that some folks thought were due to lead. Others thought they were inherited. It had everything from beautiful people to intelligent thinkers with no evidence that lead had harmed them in any way.

Long as the water supply isn't acidic lead pipes are fine. Lead doesn't leech in neutral or basic water. Why a human can carry around bullet fragments for years with no ill effects.

06-03-2023, 06:35 PM

06-04-2023, 10:02 PM
I will be 84 Tuesday just had a heart cath and nurse said you are the healthiest 84 year old we have seen , and I still have al my teeth and have a full head of black hair. Athe stuff that will kill and cause cancer I have done or been exposed to. You ever think we have beed lied to for $$$$$$!