View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Tuesday, May 23

Pine Baron
05-23-2023, 06:54 AM
Good morning all. I can't pray enough, but I try. Have a safe and blessed day.

Under All Circumstances
by Greg Laurie on May 23, 2023

In my desperation I prayed, and the LORD listened; he saved me from all my troubles.
—Psalm 34:6

A fisherman who was a backslidden Christian went out in a boat with some of his buddies. Suddenly a storm came, and it was getting worse and worse. It was so bad, in fact, they thought they were going to drown.

So, the men turned to their Christian friend and said, “You’ve got to talk to God right now! Pray and get us out of this mess!”

He said, “Guys, I haven’t prayed in years. I haven’t been to church in a long time. I don’t want to pray.”

They kept pressing him, and eventually he agreed to do it. Reluctantly he prayed, “Oh Lord, I haven’t asked anything of You for fifteen years. But if You will help us now and bring us safely to land, I promise that I won’t bother You for another fifteen.”

At least he was honest. But we should never be hesitant to pray. We should see it for the privilege that it really is.

Writing to the Christians in Ephesus, the apostle Paul said, “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere” (Ephesians 6:18 NLT).

Notice Paul’s use of the words “all,” “every,” and “everywhere.” He told us important things about prayer, but he didn’t address the things people tend to focus on, like the best posture for prayer or whether to pray with our eyes open or closed.

The point is that we should pray when we are young, when we are old, when we are in trouble, and when things are going well. We should pray in any posture, in any place, at any time, and under all circumstances.

Someone has described prayer as the breath of the newborn soul. Prayer is good and needed in the life of a Christian.

05-23-2023, 07:18 AM
I firmly believe that he hears all prayers.

Like any good parent he does not often give us what we want, but rather what we need.

I know I was the goat who would not be led for 40 years. And I also know he watched over me. Guided me, helped me in times of trouble.
If I was neck deep in quicksand I could just about set my watch on some good Christian showing up, getting me out of the muck, taking me home, setting me down to a good meal, then a good nights sleep. And in the morning they would set me on my way again with a full belly and a renewed faith.

I guess my point is that if you are not up to your neck in quicksand, you should be out helping those who are. The LORD works in mysterious ways because he works through people.

05-23-2023, 07:36 AM
It is easy to pray when we need Him to help us out of our troubles. I try to pray more often for thanks for when my life is going OK.