View Full Version : removing geese

05-13-2023, 02:06 PM
i spread bird seed on flat stones in my back yard. there is a pair of canada geese from a neighbors pond that i cannot discourage from staying away. using a 22 cal blank gun. dosen't work on them anymore. i chase them and they will stay 20-30 feet in front of me. they have no fear. short of death; any advice?? was thinking about a air soft gun. besides eating the birdseed they crap everywhere

05-13-2023, 02:16 PM
in addition to my above thread; i don't know anything about airsoft guns. don't want to spend a lot, if it won't deter the geese with the "sting" of the projectile. does it sting? does it have a 30 ft. + range? any advice about the guns??

05-13-2023, 02:42 PM

05-13-2023, 02:53 PM
Mine field?

Recycled bullet
05-13-2023, 02:54 PM
Sure Sir it sounds that you may need a daisy slingshot.

With the Daisy slingshot the world is your ammunition. Personally I prefer to shoot things like pots and pans with 50 caliber lead balls and 73 caliber lead balls and if I was in the business of killing things I would do the same.

I can tell you for a fact that gummy bears , cat food, acorns, coins, gravel, whatever you've got laying around out of a slingshot will convince animals to leave the yard.

Recycled bullet
05-13-2023, 04:00 PM
You could tie up a one quart walmart saucepan on a piece of string and shoot at the cookware with powder coated lead ball and maybe the noise would scare the heck out of them make them go away???

Maybe set a Bluetooth speaker out on the patio and see what kind of music the birds don't like??[emoji85]

05-13-2023, 04:40 PM
They are like flying rats, once you have them they can't be discouraged unless you sick the dog on them every day or they migrate. Then they will be back next year only with their family. If you get lucky some one gets them during hunting season. If they are there year around then rename them Cousin Eddy.

Out here they tend to commit suicide and have to be buried very early in the morning before the neighbors are awake.

05-13-2023, 04:44 PM
Rubber snake?
I wonder if they’d go over a 2 or 3 wire fence made of monofilament?

Being protected I don’t think you can go so far as to shoot them even with airsoft.

Buzz Krumhunger
05-13-2023, 05:01 PM
Border Collie. The US Government/National Park Service uses Border Collies to keep geese off the Reflecting Pool at the National Mall. Airports and various cities use them too. Legal and effective. And the Border Collies love it.

Several videos on Youtube.

05-13-2023, 05:41 PM
They tried rubber coyotes on the base ball fields around here. It worked for about 2 weeks but after that they would land and be all around the decoys. The parks dept even tried moving them to different parts of the fields. Nope, did no fool the geese. The they tried spraying cougar pee on the field, it just added flavor to the grass as they still flocked into the field daily.

05-13-2023, 05:55 PM
Remember if you shoot em, only shoot one of the pair...they mate for life

Just kidding!

05-13-2023, 06:02 PM

05-13-2023, 06:20 PM
Pest elimination is the only answer. Smoked goose is pretty good.

05-13-2023, 06:53 PM
We hang the bird feeders on Shepard's hooks.

05-13-2023, 07:02 PM
Get an eagle. PCP air rifle would be cheaper and more selective.

05-13-2023, 07:49 PM
Geese can be disgusting.
If 22 blanks won't deter them, try 22 shorts.
Seriously, I like the sling shot idea, although I don't think I'd shoot anything at them that they can eat. No point in rewarding bad behavior.

05-13-2023, 08:07 PM
Me, I would try Tannerite, maybe 5 or so pounds of it. Should do the trick. If you got a fishing net you might be able to catch some of the pieces when they come back down. Well I think you get the idea!
Ole Jack

05-13-2023, 08:36 PM
Geese can be tough... you've got limited options if they're nesting on your neighbor's property. While susceptible to hazing, often times they'll just get used to whatever it is and without lethal reinforcement, you're not going to see any difference. Until that point, you can try ye olde dog tennis ball launcher, jet garden hoses, air horns if blanks aren't working, smacking them with a broom if they get up close. Also may be worthwhile reaching out to your local USFW office, they may grant permits to addle eggs for the landowner or other depredation permits to allow take out of season depending on your specific situation and may be able to provide you with other avenues. Another alternative is to actively avoid mowing a strip of lawn between your property and the neighbor, while this pair may be educated to the food source, your "next time" geese are lazy and will avoid thick tall grasses and early scrub in favor of mowed areas.

Just remember, at the end of the day, it's a goose. They can bruise you with a bite, but it's 15 pound bird if it's been packing down all your seed, don't let 'em back you down in your yard.

05-13-2023, 09:19 PM


05-13-2023, 09:47 PM
i encourage them to stay around, make enough off hunting fees to more than pay my property taxes, but they aint in my front yard either

Der Gebirgsjager
05-13-2023, 10:11 PM
Thanksgiving dinner?


Plate plinker
05-14-2023, 12:07 AM
Wrist rocket. Quite and deadly.

05-14-2023, 07:40 AM
They are like flying rats, once you have them they can't be discouraged unless you sick the dog on them every day or they migrate. Then they will be back next year only with their family. If you get lucky some one gets them during hunting season. If they are there year around then rename them Cousin Eddy.

Out here they tend to commit suicide and have to be buried very early in the morning before the neighbors are awake.

Sunrise Service.....and a cup of coffee works for me!

05-14-2023, 08:13 AM
I have to agree with Recycled. Pellets of dogfood into the chest at moderate power won't go through the feathers. I've had enough trouble getting #3 buckshot to go through.

Should sting and scare enough to convince them to depart. Might want to combine it with a loud noise like an air horn. Horn first then sling shot. On repeat visits the horn alone should work some of the time.

William Yanda
05-14-2023, 09:15 AM
Near Rochester, NY the geese near the mall were a problem. They oiled the eggs in the nest. That limited reproduction, but the adults still left evidence of their grass diet, and they only learned slowly not to play in traffic.

05-14-2023, 09:50 AM
We hang the bird feeders on Shepard's hooks.

Good idea. I lived on a small finger lake and they would almost cover the grass with their scat. I was able to tie fishing wire and hang aluminum foil pans across the access area as they would not cross it for some reason vs flying over it. Having a dog did help, but only when she was outside. They were the ex's dogs and were smaller than the geese. One way or another they have to go. They were always polluting the water to where it required treatment.

05-14-2023, 10:16 AM
You got a buddy with a black lab or golden retriever? Just have them chase them off a bunch of times and then hopefully a raccoon will eat their eggs. I’m sure that would discourage them from wanting to come back. I’m sure they have a nest somewhere close if they’re hanging out by you I would assume if the eggs are destroyed, somehow, they won’t come back to the nest.

05-14-2023, 10:22 AM
I’ve seen a lot of beautiful riversides destroyed by them and children attacked. I have no love lost on them unless they are coming out of the oven.

05-14-2023, 10:37 AM
i have hanging bird feeders. but, the doves can't perch on the narrow ledges. going to but a slingshot today (have to practice with it). some other good ideas also. thanks

Dusty Bannister
05-14-2023, 10:52 AM
Not saying that this is current and up to date and entirely accurate, but a starting point.


country gent
05-14-2023, 11:36 AM
The golf coarse and others have found if you take or brake the eggs the geese just lay more, If you shake them hard and put them back they sit on them until they realize they arnt going to hatch and by then its to late to start over. And after a "dead" nest they tend to move on.

05-14-2023, 11:42 AM
Country gent, that is called addling the eggs.

05-14-2023, 11:47 AM
Blowgun, silent... darts will penetrate the feathers... leave the string off or you will have an angry bird to reel in! https://slockmaster.com/products/the-fish-hawk

I use mine on the gophers... bait them with cat food to come close to the deck and PFFFFT...

05-14-2023, 11:50 AM
i spread bird seed on flat stones in my back yard. there is a pair of canada geese from a neighbors pond that i cannot discourage from staying away.

This is the problem. Stop feeding them. They're nesting at the neighbors pond and coming over to get the snacks you provide for them.

05-14-2023, 01:00 PM
Borrow a Jack Russel for a weekend

reloader X
05-14-2023, 02:04 PM
i spread bird seed on flat stones in my back yard. there is a pair of canada geese from a neighbors pond that i cannot discourage from staying away. using a 22 cal blank gun. dosen't work on them anymore. i chase them and they will stay 20-30 feet in front of me. they have no fear. short of death; any advice?? was thinking about a air soft gun. besides eating the birdseed they crap everywhere

We even have them here in Las Vegas anywhere there is a pond...and the cat ladies feed them of course

05-14-2023, 03:46 PM
Border Collie

Boeing hired a guy that came in with dogs every day to harass them. They made themselves scarce while the dogs were around and came back as soon as they left.

I’m afraid minerat has the only real solution. Unfortunately, if they don’t cooperate by committing suicide, it is illegal to actually kill them.

Recycled bullet
05-14-2023, 04:02 PM
Mary B is that a modified cold steel blow gun?

Those orange cones on the darts are unmistakable.

I have used mine to break beer bottles and kill rats.

That fishing blowgun is looking really neat.

05-14-2023, 04:33 PM
Only thing our 85# Doberman likes better than killing Ghogs,and possibly digging out Fox dens is......

Taking on those nasty Canada's. They think most other animals will back down to their "puffing up" trying to intimidate.... bwahaha,bring it is all I got to say. Coco will tear them in half. They are decent practice for archery tackle. Big expanding mechanical broadheads.... or so I've heard.

05-14-2023, 04:38 PM
Ah, the doberman...a chainsaw on a pogostick.

05-14-2023, 07:38 PM
got a slingshot today and dog kibble. shot at the geese and missed a lot. air horn is ordered

MT Gianni
05-14-2023, 08:03 PM
As long as there is feed there, you're conditioning birds to come and not fend for themselves in a season when they should be teaching that. If you must feed wildlife, do it in the winter season.

Chill Wills
05-14-2023, 08:05 PM
As long as there is feed there, you're conditioning birds to come and not fend for themselves in a season when they should be teaching that. If you must feed wildlife, do it in the winter season.

Yup. -My first thought too.

05-14-2023, 10:05 PM
Ok folks,, I'm saddened by the many illegal suggestions here. We are better than that. And doing such stuff only paints us the the very manner that the anti-hunters & anti-gun people say we are. BAD PEOPLE WHO BREAK LAWS!!!!!!!

I'm a licensed Animal Damage Control Agent.

Canada geese are a FEDERAL MIGRATORY GAME BIRD,, and as such,, are under not only State regulations,, but Federal laws as well. With that,, it follows that there are hunting seasons,, where killing them is legal with the proper license. Otherwise,, you have to try & deal with them in a NON-LETHAL manner. Even the addling or oiling of eggs is illegal.

Can they be a nuisance? Absolutely. Do they leave fecal matter in quantities that can create health risks for humans? Yes. Can they be aggressive & even bite/pinch people? Yes.

In my business,,, I teach people that the best way to deter any animal is to break the chain of the (3) main things an animal does all it's life. (1) Eat, (2) Sleep, (3) Reproduce. Fix things to where they can't do one of those 3 things,, and you will solve the problem. In this case,, feeding birds,, it's the food that's causing the problem.
And apparently,, the OP enjoys birds,, but says doves don't sit on his feeders easily. If feeding the doves is a priority,, then get different bird feeders. Rigidly mounted, elevate, and with a flat platform for the doves. An raised edge of the feeder platform helps keep most seed off the ground. A SIMPLY type of platform,, that can be added to many feeders is a "pizza" pan. Screw on, glue on, bolt on, or whatever,, a pan to the bottom of a feeder, and with it's edge,, most seed will remain on the pan. Mount it on a rigid 1" diameter pole,, about 4-5 ft off the ground,, and watch the birds, but the geese can't get to it.

There are also legal & safe chemicals that can be sprayed on grasses to deter the geese from eating there,, (and leaving deposits as well.) Check with your local Wildlife Agency for recommendations on that.

But I'd really appreciate it if the good folks here wouldn't even suggest illegal activities,, even in a hypothetical or round about way. We are better than that.

05-15-2023, 11:16 AM
Mary B is that a modified cold steel blow gun?

Those orange cones on the darts are unmistakable.

I have used mine to break beer bottles and kill rats.

That fishing blowgun is looking really neat.

No it is one this guy got famous pushing on YouTube. It is a blast to play with! .625" bore so need to have good lungs! First test a dart went thru both sides of a cardboard box and embedded 3/4 of the way in a flattened stack of cardboard. I can hit an easy 20 yards+ with it! On carp it is a blast!

05-15-2023, 01:51 PM
The chemicals you spray on the grass work very good. They are also very expensive.
The Canada geese around Saint Francisville do not migrate. They are here all year.

Recycled bullet
05-15-2023, 09:13 PM
No it is one this guy got famous pushing on YouTube. It is a blast to play with! .625" bore so need to have good lungs! First test a dart went thru both sides of a cardboard box and embedded 3/4 of the way in a flattened stack of cardboard. I can hit an easy 20 yards+ with it! On carp it is a blast!Fired at 100 PSI and striking the target at 10 yards a .625 Cold steel broadhead blow dart cannot be extracted from a piece of pressure treated lumber with pliers. I made a pressure vessel similar to a tire cheetah out of home improvement store sewer pipe metal threaded pipe and a really slow manual valve. I drilled the end cap and installed a valve stem and can fill it off at the shop compressor air hose.

Maybe I ought to bring that thing out it's been sitting behind the book shelf for years and actually fire it again. There was experiments with patched 490 ball that were promising.

My inspiration for playing with that was seeing a photograph of an air rifle in Dr Beeman's collection. If I remember correctly it was made in a French bicycle shop to shoot Nazis and steal their mp40s to kill more Germans in world war II. I think I remember reading it was a multiple shot pre-charged pneumatic that fired lead balls from a spring loaded gravity feed mechanism and that it was all made of polished brass and looked really cool.

05-15-2023, 09:34 PM
I agree ..stop feeding or elevate and control spillage and your like good

If all else fails




05-16-2023, 11:09 AM
Blowgun, silent... darts will penetrate the feathers... leave the string off or you will have an angry bird to reel in! https://slockmaster.com/products/the-fish-hawk

I use mine on the gophers... bait them with cat food to come close to the deck and PFFFFT...

I’ve hunted geese with 12 ga 3 inch BBs and I couldn’t bring them down without an under wing shot. Their feathers are really stout.

05-16-2023, 01:27 PM
I’ve hunted geese with 12 ga 3 inch BBs and I couldn’t bring them down without an under wing shot. Their feathers are really stout.

This is a razor sharp broadhead, slices right thru feather... it penetrates carp scales, they are like armor plate!

05-16-2023, 02:16 PM
This is a razor sharp broadhead, slices right thru feather... it penetrates carp scales, they are like armor plate!

Can you send me a link so I can see what it looks like? Thanks. I was thinking it was one of the old fashioned airgun darts.

05-16-2023, 07:41 PM
contender 1: if you had them crapping all over your lawn; you would not be concerned about what is illegal....

05-16-2023, 09:11 PM
Mary is right, blowgun darts come with a miniature broadhead on the shaft, and sharp.

They will penetrate a lot further than they look. They are not all that heavy but they get pretty good speed.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. _IaAJB9nQQLNlBG0cLqXbAHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=3f2f0b34b2baba17c5f4c523f0d6099c625f3a141207fe 4e461cfb6e44fe5ae2&ipo=images

05-16-2023, 09:35 PM
contender 1: if you had them crapping all over your lawn; you would not be concerned about what is illegal....

Having met the man I suspect that he’d find a way to avoid the issue rather than go to war with them. Think about how to make your yard inhospitable, and feeding birds on the ground is the opposite of that. You could also work to make another area more inviting for them.

05-16-2023, 09:50 PM
Didn't somebody make a shotgun shell that launched an exploding noise projectile? Blamo-ammo? Made to discourage birds without harming them. In some States, however, I do believe harassing wildlife can get you in trouble, too. Farmers use 'em to keep wildlife off their crops.

05-16-2023, 09:55 PM

Mu thoughts exactly. I've no sympathy for them at all and I'd not regret it for even a second.

05-16-2023, 09:59 PM
Mary is right, blowgun darts come with a miniature broadhead on the shaft, and sharp.

They will penetrate a lot further than they look. They are not all that heavy but they get pretty good speed.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. _IaAJB9nQQLNlBG0cLqXbAHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=3f2f0b34b2baba17c5f4c523f0d6099c625f3a141207fe 4e461cfb6e44fe5ae2&ipo=images

Then you run the risk of some worthless bird wandering around for a few days with that thing hanging out of it drawing sympathy. Nope. Bad idea.

05-16-2023, 10:01 PM
Geese, otters, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, etc

05-16-2023, 10:02 PM
Ok folks,, I'm saddened by the many illegal suggestions here. We are better than that. And doing such stuff only paints us the the very manner that the anti-hunters & anti-gun people say we are. BAD PEOPLE WHO BREAK LAWS!!!!!!!

I'm a licensed Animal Damage Control Agent.

Canada geese are a FEDERAL MIGRATORY GAME BIRD,, and as such,, are under not only State regulations,, but Federal laws as well. With that,, it follows that there are hunting seasons,, where killing them is legal with the proper license. Otherwise,, you have to try & deal with them in a NON-LETHAL manner. Even the addling or oiling of eggs is illegal.

Can they be a nuisance? Absolutely. Do they leave fecal matter in quantities that can create health risks for humans? Yes. Can they be aggressive & even bite/pinch people? Yes.

In my business,,, I teach people that the best way to deter any animal is to break the chain of the (3) main things an animal does all it's life. (1) Eat, (2) Sleep, (3) Reproduce. Fix things to where they can't do one of those 3 things,, and you will solve the problem. In this case,, feeding birds,, it's the food that's causing the problem.
And apparently,, the OP enjoys birds,, but says doves don't sit on his feeders easily. If feeding the doves is a priority,, then get different bird feeders. Rigidly mounted, elevate, and with a flat platform for the doves. An raised edge of the feeder platform helps keep most seed off the ground. A SIMPLY type of platform,, that can be added to many feeders is a "pizza" pan. Screw on, glue on, bolt on, or whatever,, a pan to the bottom of a feeder, and with it's edge,, most seed will remain on the pan. Mount it on a rigid 1" diameter pole,, about 4-5 ft off the ground,, and watch the birds, but the geese can't get to it.

There are also legal & safe chemicals that can be sprayed on grasses to deter the geese from eating there,, (and leaving deposits as well.) Check with your local Wildlife Agency for recommendations on that.

But I'd really appreciate it if the good folks here wouldn't even suggest illegal activities,, even in a hypothetical or round about way. We are better than that.

Illegal aliens are treated better than citizens, too.

Not impressed at all.

Texas by God
05-16-2023, 11:17 PM
Propane cannons are used by farmers nearby sometimes. I hear that they work- until the birds get used to them.
They’re loud. I hear them from two miles away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-17-2023, 08:51 AM
I was just thinking about those propane cannons. I wonder how expensive they are. What would neighbors think about it going off all the time?

05-17-2023, 08:59 AM
Seems like the solution is fairly simple - put up raised bird feeders and stop spreading the seed at ground level - some of the seed may be pushed off of a raised feeder but at this point, you're laying out a "buffet dinner" for them with a big "Welcome -Eat For Free" sign on it. You are creating a "slippery slope" - literally so be careful where you step! They can be pesky critters to get rid od - beautiful creatures but a real pain in the petutie.

05-17-2023, 10:37 AM
contender 1: if you had them crapping all over your lawn; you would not be concerned about what is illegal....

Actually, I would be VERY concerned about illegal activity.
Put aside the fact I'd lose my license & livelihood for a few moments.


Re-read that,,, FELONY!!!!!!!!

Kiss a lot of your rights goodbye!

And in my case,, I'd also lose my State license to deal with wildlife. There goes my livelihood.

Re-read my suggestions.

Elevate the feed, fix it to where the birds you desire to have enjoy the food and not a bunch on the ground. A $10 (if new,, $1 at Goodwill) pizza pan attached to the bottom of a bird feeder can easily do this.

I help people all the time with animal issues. Non-lethal, and eco-friendly.

And as I said,, we do not need the anti-hunters or anti-gunners seeing us do stuff, OR,, especially posting such stuff on the internet that suggests illegal activity. We are better than that.

To address a propane cannon. Effective,, but also requires the ability to man it on a daily basis to deter the geese when they arrive. Plus,, if you live anywhere that has close neighbors,, be prepared for backlash complaints about noise.

I have had jobs that required me to deal with Canada geese. And I have the respect of my customers, and no neighbors have complained. But we got all the necessary Federal permits and I issued State permits to accompany the Federal permit. All done legally, and effectively.

05-17-2023, 10:47 AM
I agree that illegal invaders are treated better than citizens. But we do have wildlife laws to follow as law-abiding citizens, if we wish to keep our freedom & rights.

Many feel the SSS method is good. You may do it, and get away with it. BUT,,,, in this day & age of cameras, nosy neighbors, and especially the open discussion on the internet can easily get you caught. The State of NC where I work & all, told me long ago; "If you do your job as if your work was to be filmed & put on the 6:00 news,, would you be legal & appreciated. Or would you become the subject of an investigation & charges against you?"

The comments about arrows, blow-guns, etc,, where a bird is injured will become BIG news if found by a bleeding heart type. And we all know the media loves such stories. Guess what,, if discovered,, you will face charges. NOT good suggestions.

If you are the type of person who feels that my information is not for you and believe you have every right to do as you please,, then when caught,, you'll have to face the legal repercussions. As the local Game Wardens like to say; "It's not a matter of if we catch you,, it's a matter of WHEN we catch you!"
My rights, and all are worth more than doing illegal stuff.

05-17-2023, 11:46 AM
Geese, otters, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, etc

Why Otters? Honest question. I don't have them around my area.

05-17-2023, 12:47 PM
Spray them with Dawn degeeser

05-17-2023, 12:48 PM
Can you send me a link so I can see what it looks like? Thanks. I was thinking it was one of the old fashioned airgun darts.

The big darts in the package, not the little one for a size comparison, they are wicked sharp


05-17-2023, 12:51 PM
Then you run the risk of some worthless bird wandering around for a few days with that thing hanging out of it drawing sympathy. Nope. Bad idea.

I have killed 20 pound carp with them! Shot to the head and DRT

Recycled bullet
05-17-2023, 02:07 PM
Petition your local legislator to draft and sign into law a bill declaring bird pooping to be illegal, then charge the birds with the crime. Poop on the other property line, or do the time. [emoji86]

05-17-2023, 03:55 PM
Maybe change your bird viewing preferences? Hummingbird feeders won’t attract geese.
Going off topic a little, I am generally not in favor of feeding wildlife, but the only time I got to see a wild marten was watching one make his daily visit to a bird feeder.

05-17-2023, 05:12 PM
I have several customer who use paintball guns to run off Geese. They say it works well

05-17-2023, 05:51 PM
You didn’t say how big of an area you have that they are landing onto. I have made life sized cutouts of dogs and put them on a pipe so the can swivel in the wind. It does help but you have to move the religiously. Birds are smart.
But, as an alternative, fishing line strung low to the ground, 4 inches off the ground or so, in a grid pattern about 12 - 15 inches apart. Drive some stakes to wrap the line around and hold it all taught.
The geese won’t see it but it will deter them from landing and go elsewhere.
I seen that used very effectively in outdoor seating restaurant’s on the water to stop seagull from coming in.
You just have to remember that the line is there on the ground or your going trip. But once detered they should stay away. Then you can remove it.

05-17-2023, 06:36 PM
OK....this may sound funny....but.....Powdered Grape Kool-Aide. Sprinkle it on the areas where you don't want them.... and they will leave. They hate Grape Kool-Aide.

The local Golf Course in my old PA town used to buy it in bulk and spread it on their greens.

[EDIT] OK...did a little research...here is the chemical in Grape Kool Aid that keeps the Geese away...you can buy it on Amazon.



05-17-2023, 06:43 PM
Actually, I would be VERY concerned about illegal activity.
Put aside the fact I'd lose my license & livelihood for a few moments.


Re-read that,,, FELONY!!!!!!!!

Kiss a lot of your rights goodbye!

And in my case,, I'd also lose my State license to deal with wildlife. There goes my livelihood.

Re-read my suggestions.

Elevate the feed, fix it to where the birds you desire to have enjoy the food and not a bunch on the ground. A $10 (if new,, $1 at Goodwill) pizza pan attached to the bottom of a bird feeder can easily do this.

I help people all the time with animal issues. Non-lethal, and eco-friendly.

And as I said,, we do not need the anti-hunters or anti-gunners seeing us do stuff, OR,, especially posting such stuff on the internet that suggests illegal activity. We are better than that.

To address a propane cannon. Effective,, but also requires the ability to man it on a daily basis to deter the geese when they arrive. Plus,, if you live anywhere that has close neighbors,, be prepared for backlash complaints about noise.

I have had jobs that required me to deal with Canada geese. And I have the respect of my customers, and no neighbors have complained. But we got all the necessary Federal permits and I issued State permits to accompany the Federal permit. All done legally, and effectively.

I guess I should run for Congress. Evidently they're immune from felonies.

Meanwhile I'd shoot the damn geese and tell no one.

country gent
05-17-2023, 06:46 PM
Bait an area for them where they wont hurt anything

05-17-2023, 11:02 PM
Back to Cold Steel blowguns…. They do make a stun [emoji457] dart that has a ball head. No penetration….no dead birds [emoji3085]. I have used them on tomcats bullying my own. 1 hit, never returned! Just don’t aim for the head!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20230518/fb333d083c393ce3a8ede0eb9fd703a0.jpg

Recycled bullet
05-18-2023, 05:18 AM
If you install a Philips screw into the stun-dart then you can break bottles.

05-18-2023, 05:57 AM
4 inch sheet rock screws penetrated 1/2" plywood. Stunned me how much they would go through.

05-18-2023, 01:10 PM
4 inch sheet rock screws penetrated 1/2" plywood. Stunned me how much they would go through.

Blow gun has turned into a lot of fun! Carp, gophers, rabbits in the garden... I had a couple mangled broadheads so I ground them down then cast a rubber ball around them for a dog and kitty deterrent... the yelp from a stray dog tells me it hurts. Had some huskies from up the road going after my neighbors chickens so I used it on them. They never stepped in the yard again.

05-18-2023, 06:59 PM
just got a delivery today of pretty loud firecrackers. can't wait to try them. will try the grape koolaid. i know all about raising the feeders. just don't care to do that (yet)

05-18-2023, 07:33 PM
Why Otters? Honest question. I don't have them around my area.

They decimate the fish populations inside lakes and ponds. They won’t quit until the fish are gone.

05-18-2023, 10:11 PM
Otters have a high metabolism,, and can eat 1/3rd their body weight daily.

Recycled bullet
05-19-2023, 05:12 AM
It's too bad that otters don't eat mosquitoes[emoji1787]

05-19-2023, 07:03 AM
just got a delivery today of pretty loud firecrackers. can't wait to try them. will try the grape koolaid. i know all about raising the feeders. just don't care to do that (yet)

BTW...it has to be the sweetened powdered Grape Kool-Aid....the chemical is in the sweetener.


05-19-2023, 04:52 PM
They decimate the fish populations inside lakes and ponds. They won’t quit until the fish are gone.

Otters run a route through a home range unless something interferes. The range can be be miles long. I have one that comes through my pond that runs up the CT River, up the Nullhegan then the North Branch to Unknown Pond and back down then hops over to the inlet, through the pond then down the outlet a little and back to the North Branch and onwards. I tracked it once years ago curious as to what it was doing after watching it float by eating clams as I watched it from my deck.

05-19-2023, 06:25 PM
They decimate the fish populations inside lakes and ponds. They won’t quit until the fish are gone.

Thanks, I had no idea. All I knew is they are cute and cuddly looking. How do they taste, any good recipies?

05-19-2023, 09:43 PM
They're in the same family as skunks and wolverines.... Probably not particularly tasty!

05-19-2023, 10:20 PM
Thanks, I had no idea. All I knew is they are cute and cuddly looking. How do they taste, any good recipies?

I never been lucky enough to kill one. They hit our lake mostly pre dawn when it is still dark. Been close enough to smell them and dang sure wouldn’t eat one. It’s legal to trap them but my trapping skills are non existent.