View Full Version : drying out damp PC powder???

Walter Laich
05-11-2023, 01:43 PM
I'm sitting here in Houston which has for the last few days had humidity over 80% with no end in sight.

got me thinking: if a person got his powder damp by using it in humid conditions what would be the best way to dry it out?

I have been known to up it high up on a shelf (5 felines share the house) and let the A/C do its thing for several days. Seems to work but not crazy about possible PC dust in the air

Any other suggestions?


05-11-2023, 01:58 PM
Silica Gel packs work well. Put them in with the powder seal shut for a few days.
Pull the silica gel packs out and stick in oven on 140-1540 degrees and you can dry them out and reuse

05-11-2023, 05:35 PM
if you can get sealable buckets like from a pool company and put it in the bucket with anhydrous calcium chloride from pool supply and leave it there for a while that can dry things out. I have used this to dry plastic filament for 3d printer. calcium chloride is the stuff they make damp rid out of but cheaper.

05-12-2023, 10:27 AM
if you can get sealable buckets like from a pool company and put it in the bucket with anhydrous calcium chloride from pool supply and leave it there for a while that can dry things out. I have used this to dry plastic filament for 3d printer. calcium chloride is the stuff they make damp rid out of but cheaper.

Is that the same as calcium chloride pellets like from Lowes and such?

05-12-2023, 11:48 AM
I’ve dried out clumpy smallness powder, put in frost free freezer open pan and it will dehydrate pretty well. Especially if SWmbo not around for a few days!!!!!

05-12-2023, 05:15 PM
I store my PC stuff in the AC environment, I can not keep it dry otherwise. Our humidity is real bad, also. I also keep it in an air tight screw on lid container.

05-27-2023, 07:17 AM
Agreed. In the future do the best to keep your main powder batch sealed and open the container in an air conditioned environment just long enough to transfer it into a container for use in one session. I've had a couple pound of powder in the humid Texas environment for a couple of years and the powder is as fresh as new. I used to use HF red and kept using it from the same container and even in the dry California central valley, it eventually started going "bad" with non-uniform pigment coverage. Fortunately the polymer still coated fully so even though they didn't look great, no one noticed at 1000 fps.

Doubles Shooter
05-27-2023, 09:20 AM
I keep my powder in doubled up Zip-locs as Smoke ships it. I keep the powder in using along with the BB's in 2 cup Zip lock screw top containers. Some of it has been in them for 2 years. Still coats great.

05-27-2023, 10:32 AM
When I first began PC, I 'lost' quite a bit of powder to humidity...like turned to rock-hard lumps that defied dehumidifying. Since then, have stored all my powder in old-fashioned Mason jars with silica gel packs.
