View Full Version : photobucket

05-08-2023, 09:16 AM
anyone else get an email from photobucket that their account has been deactivated ? - requires a monthly fee to reactivate it -

05-08-2023, 09:26 AM
I have gotten multiple e-mails from them threatening to deactivate my account. I ignore them because there are plenty of free photo hosting sites. I use postimages.org.

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05-08-2023, 10:41 AM
I thought this was years ago? I just moved off them when they went to pretty stiff hosting fees, but that was many years ago, at least for me.

05-08-2023, 11:11 AM
I thought this was years ago? I just moved off them when they went to pretty stiff hosting fees, but that was many years ago, at least for me.
No, back then you could still host there for free, but a watermark would be on all your pics. Now there are no free accounts, fee only. I went to imgur when they changed their fee structure, but it is so freaking liberal (comments side) that I may just try to find a better host.

05-08-2023, 11:17 AM
No, back then you could still host there for free, but a watermark would be on all your pics. Now there are no free accounts, fee only. I went to imgur when they changed their fee structure, but it is so freaking liberal (comments side) that I may just try to find a better host.

Back then, my photos were all deleted, actually. Just looked back over an old post on a bread site, made in 2009. This was when the post was made. Can't remember when they moved to a fee structure, but it was some years later. Only noticed when I saw this pop up - this is what happened to all my posts on the web based on Photobucket.


Maybe they got a ton of flack and moved over to the "watermark" thing, not sure. The fees they demanded were ridiculous.

05-08-2023, 12:24 PM
I've got an old Photobucket account from waaayy back that I never use, and would like to close out.

I wonder if I need to go through some deletion process, or just not worry about it. There are tons of pics of mostly gun related stuff. Anybody have advice?? jd

05-08-2023, 12:39 PM
I've got an old Photobucket account from waaayy back that I never use, and would like to close out.

I wonder if I need to go through some deletion process, or just not worry about it. There are tons of pics of mostly gun related stuff. Anybody have advice?? jd

I just stopped using the site and they deleted all my photos, replacing any linked photos with the image you see above. Probably up to 10 years ago. Are you sure your photos are still showing?

05-08-2023, 01:31 PM
I just stopped using the site and they deleted all my photos, replacing any linked photos with the image you see above. Probably up to 10 years ago. Are you sure your photos are still showing?

Yeah, I went there the other day to check it out. I totally forgot just how I used to get the pics from there to a forum page. Don't need it for most anymore, or at least with my Macputer that I've got now. jd

05-08-2023, 02:12 PM
I seem to recall getting a email from photobucket a year or so ago. I just ignored it.
I see most of my photobucket photos are still in the Lyman 45 thread, but they changed the watermark. It's bigger and in the center of the photo, instead of a small one on the bottom.

see second post.

05-08-2023, 02:47 PM
I just stopped using the site and they deleted all my photos, replacing any linked photos with the image you see above. Probably up to 10 years ago. Are you sure your photos are still showing?

also stopped using them when they stopped photo hosting + limited storage amount, but i left by albums there - have 2 separate accounts, but just received notice on 1 - all photos are still there - lot of work to transfer them elsewhere - just wondering if they have actually deleted any accounts -

05-09-2023, 09:01 AM
Old free accounts are limited to the number of photos allowed. . Any over the set amount are there, but cant be used or linked to. unless you pay$$$.

The orginal owner sold it to current company. My very large collection of photos became useless.

Its not easy to delete accounts.

Contact tnem- Please make sure to include both your username and the email address tied to your account when contacting us.
If you don't have a Photobucket account or can not access your account, please contact us at support@photobucket.com

Avoid Photobucket.

05-10-2023, 04:04 AM
Years ago I had a Photobuket account because I thought I needed it... then they said i had to pay for their service!
So I asked myself, "Self, what can they do for me that I can't do for myself?"
After a bit of research I found the answer... NOTHING!!!

So tell me... What service does Photobucket (or any other photo hosting site) provide that you can't do with your own computer?

And the answer is... NOTHING

So why are you still messing with them?


Outer Rondacker
05-10-2023, 06:56 AM
Same as others. Heck I have forgotten that name even.