View Full Version : Gordon Lightfoot Passed Away

05-02-2023, 11:58 PM
Gordon Lightfoot passed away May 1st



05-03-2023, 01:19 AM
WOW, so sad to hear. He was one of my favorite artists and I had seen a couple of his performances.

05-03-2023, 07:53 AM
I've been a fan since I was a kid back in the 70s..one of the first albums I owned was Don Quixote...great artist. He will be missed

05-03-2023, 08:31 AM
Besides his songs he did, he also wrote for others if I read correctly?

My father who was no fan of 70’s music even admired him because he named one of his D7 Caterpillars after him .... “Lightfoot”. He cherishes his cats and would not use a name lightly for them.

I have been trying to think of which of Gordon’s songs I like the best but have not been able to pick one or even a few.

In finally reading the history behind the song “Sundown” I find he lived it. Gordon had a wandering eye even when married but this one particular mistress had a wandering eye as well. He did not like that. At some point post break up, she was so far into drugs she was a dealer. At a particular party, she was involved with accidentally helping John Belushi out of this world.

She began bragging about it in interviews, the cops took note and she got the cross bar hotel for eighteen months for involuntary manslaughter.

I will take my boring life, thank you


05-03-2023, 09:11 AM
His music stood large in my life. He stands up there with John Denver, Carole King and James Taylor. At 84 IMO he was not that old. I will miss him, and I will continue to play his music in memory.

05-03-2023, 09:22 AM
He is regarded as a genius by other song writers, his works are put together with precision and the melody matches the word sequences like a glove, to write like that is rare. Early Morning Rain and If you Could Read My Mind are really well done. the Wreck of The Edmond Fitzgerald is recognizable by millions immediately at the opening. Sundown is a great composition. He won the Canadian Centennial song writing contest with, The Canadian Railroad Trilogy. He was voted a National Treasure of Canada by the Government of Canada and won multiple "Best" awards in countries around the world. His compositions were really meaningful to millions of people.

05-03-2023, 10:40 AM
Rip. Thank you for the awesome music!!

05-03-2023, 12:43 PM
I was a big fan of his in the seventies. We all have to go sometime. RIP.

05-03-2023, 12:45 PM
I've been a fan since I was a kid back in the 70s..one of the first albums I owned was Don Quixote...great artist. He will be missed

Ditto. I have have a bunch of his LP's. Sad. They don't make singer/songwriters like they used to that could tell a tale and bring you in along with them.

05-03-2023, 09:37 PM
He is regarded as a genius by other song writers, his works are put together with precision and the melody matches the word sequences like a glove, to write like that is rare. Early Morning Rain and If you Could Read My Mind are really well done. the Wreck of The Edmond Fitzgerald is recognizable by millions immediately at the opening. Sundown is a great composition. He won the Canadian Centennial song writing contest with, The Canadian Railroad Trilogy. He was voted a National Treasure of Canada by the Government of Canada and won multiple "Best" awards in countries around the world. His compositions were really meaningful to millions of people.

Yes, so true!

Whenever I hear or imagine his song, “Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald” I feel like I am watching the tragedy unfold before my eyes from start to end.

That level of professionalism permeates every song of his I have heard over the years. A real talent.

RIP Gorden Lightfoot


05-03-2023, 10:40 PM
Another fan. Saw him in concert in the late 70’s. Love his songs, and music.

05-03-2023, 10:48 PM
"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" - Gordon Lightfoot (HD w/ Lyrics)


05-03-2023, 11:21 PM
Good singer.
Smooth voice.
All the good ones are getting old.

MT Gianni
05-04-2023, 12:20 AM
When Calgary hosted the Olympic games he and Ian Tyson sang together. I think Gordon did Alberta Bound and Ian did Four Strong Winds. I have seen a couple of you tube versions but can't find the really good one now.

05-04-2023, 05:51 AM
"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" - Gordon Lightfoot (HD w/ Lyrics)


When I hear this song remind me of when I was in the navy and in rough seas because it was close to what for not serve meal most like box lunches all and went with it and one time the cook bought out desert and put it on the table to eat and took on heavy rolls and everything on the table and and table slide across the room and the desert went on the floor. We were sitting on the floor to eat our meals. It was in the North Atlantic .

05-05-2023, 06:02 PM
"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" - Gordon Lightfoot (HD w/ Lyrics)


When I caught the bus for Junior High at @ about 6:45 that song played on the AM every morning.

Silvercreek Farmer
05-05-2023, 08:02 PM
RIP. I’ve made many of miles with Gordon.

05-06-2023, 08:19 AM
Gordon Lightfoot and Tom T. Hall were two I always wanted to see in concert and never did they have both passed not but with their music will not be forgotten .

05-06-2023, 11:58 AM
Nothing more noisy than than a local watering hole outside the gates of a Steel Mill after shift change. Until, on the jukebox comes Gordon Lightfoot's prayer to the "Fitz", nothing but hushed voices and quiet til the end. I made the pilgrimage to White Fish Bay in 94' from half way across the country, in Feb no less, with some fellow molten metal steel workers, its our anthem and I still get misty eyed when it comes on.

05-06-2023, 12:05 PM
The Rectum Of Ella Fitzgerald
Song by Pete and Wayne


05-07-2023, 08:27 AM
My wife and I (who was my fiancee at the time) got to see him perform when he came to the university we were attending to perform. I guessing it was in the fall of 1971. I remember he had a couple of guitar strings break after a couple of songs, so he sat on stage and as he replaced them, he talked to the audience. He put on a fantastic show - around 2 hours. After the show ended, an hour break and then another show. We heard later that he felt so bad about the broken guitar strings that he did an extra half hour at the second show.

My wife grew up in the UP of Michigan on Lake Superior, so we both had great sentiment for his song about the Edmund Fitzgerald. We've loved his music and songs all of our lives and still do. It was sad to hear of his passing, but he brought a lot of pleasure and enjoyment to many folks through his talent.

Job well done Gordon . . . . you touched so many. Rest In Peace.

05-07-2023, 10:05 AM
A class act indeed!
