View Full Version : Star Universal die question

04-30-2023, 09:16 AM
I have a Star Universal with 2 heads, one set up in 38 Special wadcutter and the other in 45 ACP. I was looking through the box that has the 45 head and everything that goes with it this morning and was a bit stumped by an extra sizing die that I had never noticed before. The primer punch stem is missing, but this appears to be a one piece die with no way to take it apart to put a new one in it. Is this how they were made? If you broke off the depriming punch stem, did you have to send it back to Star for repair or just buy a new die? Appears the die is useless the way it is, but can't hardly believe this is not repairable.

Any thoughts or info would be appreciated. Thanks.

04-30-2023, 09:22 AM
Boy, do I feel stupid. About 10 seconds after I posted the above I decided to take a BIG screwdriver and see what would happen. Guess what, a little 'pop' and the stem screwed right out.

Sorry, dumb redneck at work here.

04-30-2023, 03:06 PM
The good news is you found it and didn't buy one to find out you didn't need it. If yours doesn't already have it, the powder dump is magic and the pyrex powder magazine is the only other upgrade you need.

05-01-2023, 06:14 AM
OK, I've been using the press with both heads for about 30 years. What is the powder dump and how does it work? My powder measure is original and yes it is a PITA to empty.

By the way, the 45 ACP sizing die mentioned in my original post is just an extra in my box of spare parts. I have several extra powder slides along with an adjustable powder slide. I bought the press along with the 2 Hensley and Gibbs 6 cavity molds for the 38 wadcutter and 45 semi-wadcutter bullets. Been trying to wear all them out ever since.

05-01-2023, 11:31 AM

Folks make powder hoppers with a shut off valve at the bottom.

Be aware that most machine them with straight threads.

The original Star parts are a TAPERED thread.

Yes, the aftermarket parts will thread in. Constant use will bugger up the original tapered thread.

