View Full Version : Not a bad morning.

Ed Barrett
02-08-2009, 03:40 PM
The weather here in St. Joe got a break, Friday and Saturday it got up to 70. There was Ice on the river 2 weeks ago! Had some wheel weights I aquired over the winter, got about a third of them made into ingots. Would have done more but I had some "honey do's" to take care of.

home in oz
02-08-2009, 03:54 PM
Yep, something I need to do, too.

02-08-2009, 07:11 PM
Did a bucket of wheelweights this afternoon, myself.


02-08-2009, 10:06 PM
Weather eased for a couple of days, but I guess we're getting rain and snow mixed for the next few days.

It is about time to smelt some of the winter bounty, especially since I now have my 462 560 Mastodon Thumper!:drinks:

02-08-2009, 11:37 PM
I did the last of my aquired range scrap today also. It may be a while before I get anymore but I have enough now to make a lot of boolits. I am going to venture out to an outdoor range and check to see if there is any available scrap there.

St. Joe, I've been there a few times. My son works for a comapny in St. Joe.

Ed Barrett
02-09-2009, 10:27 AM
Finished up the rest of the wheel weights last night, came to just a little shy of 500 pounds. Should go well with my 300 pounds of wheel weights and 250 of stright lead.

02-09-2009, 10:34 AM
I have got to get some WW melted down into ingots so that I can free up a couple of buckets in order to haul back some more WW's. It is a vicious, never ending cycle. I guess that is what happens when one catches the casting bug.

Best wishes from the Boer Ranch,


02-09-2009, 11:03 AM
i smelted about 15-1600lbs of clean WW last week and all the buckets are empty!!! does this mean i must look for more? yes more more more more !!!!!!!! i think it time to go pray to the casting pot now!!have fun clint:castmine:

02-09-2009, 06:42 PM
The weather here in St. Joe got a break, Friday and Saturday it got up to 70. There was Ice on the river 2 weeks ago! Had some wheel weights I aquired over the winter, got about a third of them made into ingots. Would have done more but I had some "honey do's" to take care of.

One question, what is all that brown stuff on the ground? Our ground is covered by 2 or 3 feet of some cold, white crap... [smilie=1:

02-09-2009, 06:57 PM
Nice looking lot of silver gold:drinks:

Ed Barrett
02-10-2009, 01:10 AM
One question, what is all that brown stuff on the ground? Our ground is covered by 2 or 3 feet of some cold, white crap... [smilie=1:

I've always heard if people didn't like the weather they wouldn't live there. Up on the top of the bluffs the west wind blows all the snow off pretty quick, that's why you have so much. <G>

02-11-2009, 08:48 PM
One question, what is all that brown stuff on the ground? Our ground is covered by 2 or 3 feet of some cold, white crap... [smilie=1:

Don't know about the brown stuff. The "cold, white crap" is Global Warming residue.



02-12-2009, 09:13 AM
Not bad Ed! I figure every day my feet hit the floor and my name isn't in the divorce or obituary col is going to be a good day. If after that the day involves casting, loading, or shooting, it is going to be a great day. And if the shooting with cast involves 5 shot groups at 100 yds it is going to be a wonderful day.

mold maker
02-12-2009, 09:41 AM
6 days in a row of 70+ weather. WWs all smelted. Range lead still locked in mud.
Guess I'll just have to send some more down range to add to the cycle.
Aint life grand.