View Full Version : Stove top hood, useful for casting

04-27-2023, 02:20 PM
Have an offer to get a free range hood.
Does an up venting help with lead casting fumes?
Maybe both up and a side vent?
Thanks Ed

04-27-2023, 02:57 PM
Not much lead vaporizes at casting temps, but a hood with an exterior exhaust will help to remove smoke, odors and some other nasty stuff. It’s free, give it a try.

04-27-2023, 03:01 PM
I used one to build a casting station. Love it. It may not be a professional chemical hood, but it does the job. I added a kicker fan to the 4" exhaust tube. Vents outside. So far I don't have issues with lead in my blood, which I do, in fact, get checked by the Doc, when I get my annual physical.

04-27-2023, 03:39 PM
I apologize, meant this in the general tools, not in the star corner. Maybe a mod could move it?

04-27-2023, 04:45 PM
I know a guy on another forum that casts a lot and he's aware of ventilation. He told me once about buying the lead detection items at a paint store. I believe one may be like a crayon and you put a mark on what you think may have lead on it or in it. He said he detected lead all around his casting area, mainly in the area above the pot. He claims that the smoke that comes off the melt especially after you flux the melt carries away extremely small particals of lead. You don't have to necessarily vapourize lead to have it carry away. I've never tested for it.

04-27-2023, 05:35 PM
I build a small enclosure for a bath fan that works well to vent the smell and flux smoke. Plexi front to keep the smoke in.


Winger Ed.
04-27-2023, 06:46 PM
They're pretty common.

The sooner your vent turns and goes outside the better.
The farther it has to lift fumes & such straight up, the less effective it will be.