View Full Version : Audio Books

04-26-2023, 03:06 PM
Found this search engine for Audio Books. My eyes often get tired reading so I may give these a whirl.

https://www.bookshare.org/cms/?gclid=CjwKCAjwl6OiBhA2EiwAuUwWZZkZAL5q0me255wnogQ ld_Dgb3CED3wKHByPWDcVOL1W6YCf3vuZRBoCGQYQAvD_BwE

I did find O.E. Rolvaag's Giants in the Earth, a great fictional saga of Norwegian settlers on the North Dakota Prairie. He was a professor at St. Olaf College when he wrote it I believe and it was written originally in Norwegian. Was so popular in Norway that they decided to translate it into english which was quite a task.
Highly recommended if you have not read it.

04-26-2023, 03:44 PM
I have been using LIBBY audio books for a little while. It's linked to a local library. So far have been happy with it.

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04-26-2023, 08:56 PM
On good day at the range, bunch of us were talking about a book.
One of them goes "I've read it on audio book"
We all looked at him funny.

04-26-2023, 09:13 PM
I use them when I drive, or in the deer blind. It is hard for me to focus enough to actually 'read a book, audio books are great!

04-27-2023, 10:35 AM
I pick them up at second hand shops, or check them out of the library for long trips. If I'm doing short trips, I don't like having the story broken up into a month long series of short clips.

04-27-2023, 04:27 PM
My wife loves to listen to audio books. Library has a lot if you have a CD player, or lobby if all electronic access. Amazon has a lot free if you have a prime account

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04-27-2023, 04:29 PM
Listening to "The Coming Fury" right now. Great way to multi-task. Out walking the dog and listening to a book is right up my alley.