View Full Version : 45 APC Shield

Cheap Trick
04-22-2023, 10:59 PM
Recently I picked up a Smith and Wesson shield pistol in 45 ACP. I have a 230 grain truncated cone, Lee mold that I successfully use for my 1911, so I cast up 200 bullets, tumble lubed with 45/45/10 and proceeded to lead up my bore after about 30 rounds. I always have used the tumble lube sparingly on the pistol bullets but never had this trouble before. Maybe I should have lubed twice, like I do for my 7mm bullets. I ordered some chore boy scrubbers, powder coating and a toaster oven and coated some bullets. When the tumble lubed bullets run out, I have some powder coated ready to load. The tumble lubed bullets are accurate but messy in the bore. I'm aware that I should slug the bore, but the bullets passed through the sizing die to easy. What would make this batch, cast smaller than ever before?

Der Gebirgsjager
04-23-2023, 10:46 AM
I read and re-read this carefully. I don't see where you sized the bullets? Do you shoot them "as cast", which is possible for some of Lee's molds in many pistols? I've successfully used Lee's tumble lube on many pistol bullets. Ugly, but effective, and have experienced no leading problems at all. I size most cast bullets for uniformity in performance. If they're obviously undersize I'd throw them back in the pot.


04-23-2023, 10:57 AM
Different alloy. Maybe more lead - less antimony/tin. Lower temperatures. Tighter grip on the mold handles. These could account for bullets "passing through the sizing die too easy." When you say, "this batch, cast smaller than ever before," did you measure them, or just assumed they were smaller because they sized easier? If the same bullets shot okay in your 1911 but not in the S&W, it might be a barrel problem and not a bullet problem. Powder coating may be the easy solution.

Cheap Trick
04-24-2023, 10:06 PM
Thanks for the advice guys, the powder coated bullets will hopefully help.