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View Full Version : Everybody wants photos it seems .............

Jack Stanley
04-21-2023, 01:12 PM
I'm getting old and have been disposing of my "stuff" . When I started this project , I would describe sale items in a condition that was perhaps not as good as the item actually was . People would post "I'll take it" , they'd send a postal money order or a little cash . They'd get the item and were really happy with it .

Now it's a little different , perhaps technology is so easy for many and of course who doesn't like to see a nice picture . But ....... more and more buyers want to see a picture and don't trust anybody ..... let alone old codgers like me . I can understand that I would like to see stuff too ... but I still know that technology can be a real pain for some . Because I'm one of those that it's a pain !!

My avatar , I think it's still over there by my name is a picture of a rifle I built up from parts a long time ago . How long ago ? ....."so long ago , ice was a mile thick in Michigan:bigsmyl2:" No really it was back when Photobucket was FREE . It was still a pain to get pictures there , for me anyway . No digital camera and I'd have to use a real photo from a real camera and scan it in and ....... I forget the rest of it .

That's part of the problem I never did post that much because it was , and still is a hassle . Now that brings me around to something you might be able to help with . Now I have a little digital camera , not sure if I still have the cable to hook to the computer though :sad:Problem is a FREE photo hosting site that is old-forgetfull-codger friendly . I can turn the computer on , send a PM and even make a post but beyond that I need help .

Any ideas for a FREE photo hosting site ?

Thanks for reading the rant , Jack

04-21-2023, 02:01 PM
Jack send me a PM and I'll gladly host any pictures you want.

But if you are just seeking an answer, I use https://www.flickr.com/.

Winger Ed.
04-21-2023, 02:20 PM
I post a few pictures, but on S&S, I usually don't.

Pictures will post here.
When making a post, go down to 'advanced', then go down from there to 'manage attachments'
Click that and it'll tell you how to take images off your computer (I put them on desktop)
And upload from there.

When I sold some dies, or .338WBY brass I just listed it as 'it looks like polished once fired .338Wby brass' or
'It looks like a RCBS .300 Savage die set'.

I've been thinning out the herd too.
I don't go too far out of my way for those whose entire posting history is 'I'll take it', a S&S listing, or 'bump'.
There are so many on S&S who otherwise contribute exactly nothing to the site or discussions--
Most of what I'm thinning out, I just give it away to regular contributing members.

04-21-2023, 02:22 PM
I use postimages.org

Half Dog
04-21-2023, 03:01 PM
I’m finding that the more I use technology, the less I like it. I have an iPad and phone and if I need more I’ll do without. Hang in there, people are helpful.

04-21-2023, 03:11 PM
You don't have to use an on-line image service. Transfer the image from your camera to your computer then find the forum of choice. During your comment hit the image button (third button from the right at the top of the comment pane) and one of the options is to download a photo. Click that and it will prompt to browse. Find the file that your desired photo is in, click on it, then press download.

That's pretty much it. Your photo should show as a link within the comment and once you post the comment the photo will appear.

04-21-2023, 03:24 PM
Do you have the skill to text someone a picture? If so, text it to me or someone else here, and we could post it here for you in a thread referenced by your name. jd

04-21-2023, 04:17 PM
Sometimes I can post a picture directly from my computer, but for some reason at other times it will not upload. I use Imgur to host photos for this and other sites.

04-21-2023, 04:42 PM
In some cases the image file is too large for this site and needs to be resized. A good free photo imaging software is IrFanview. It will facilitate resizing images.

04-21-2023, 04:46 PM
I use postimages.org

Me too. I’ve tried a few and this one worked the best for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

04-21-2023, 05:04 PM
It’s nothing personal but you have to understand it seems like the way people are today I won’t buy anything without having a picture of it unless I know the person. If I had a dollar for every time somebody posted something for sale here and elsewhere that when I actually looked at the item was nowhere near what was described! (I would say the majority of the items I have purchased used have been from a local site that allows me the opportunity to meet someone and actually see the item before I purchase it). Before I purchase something from somebody that’s gonna be mailed to me I check out their profile I ask other people that might have had dealings with this person. In short I do my research I’ve been burned too many times. I even had someone ship something to the wrong address! I had proof that he sent it to the wrong address! I had my text that I sent to him and he texted me back the address he sent it to, unfortunately he had already shipped the item. When I requested a refund he refused telling me that I should just wait it’ll probably show up sooner or later! Fortunately I had used PayPal and I had to go as far as lodging a complaint to get a refund for an item that was shipped to the wrong address and I never received! Once again this is no reflection on you but I don’t trust anybody I don’t know anymore.

Now as for how to post photos. I do it through my smart phone I don’t use a web photo hosting site. It is relatively easy to do, you don’t have to be some carnet Nettwerk administrator. It can be accomplished with very little guidance from someone that’s done it before. The biggest mistake everyone makes is to not downsize the photo! If the photo is too large it will not go through! If you would like me to try and assist you send me a PM and we can set up the time when neither one of us is in the middle of doing something else. Hope this was useful.

04-21-2023, 05:33 PM
I remember taking pictures , with a small camera and someway putting them on my computer ... then load from that file right onto CastBoolits ... No host or hosting site was required ... just your computer and a camera .
But that camera broke and we got a new computer and everything changed ...
As soon as I learn how to do something ... it changes ... and I can't do it anymore ...
I hate that !

04-21-2023, 05:50 PM
I remember taking pictures , with a small camera and someway putting them on my computer ... then load from that file right onto CastBoolits ... No host or hosting site was required ... just your computer and a camera .
But that camera broke and we got a new computer and everything changed ...
As soon as I learn how to do something ... it changes ... and I can't do it anymore ...
I hate that !

Maybe this can help someone

First click here

Then click here

Then you just find where your picture is saved on your PC. I find it easier to keep them on my desktop. You can delete them once you are done using (uploading) them. Double click on your picture or single click and then click open.

Then click here

When done correctly your picture will appear as this in your post. If you see it just click Reply and it will show up.

Anyone that doesn't know how to do it go ahead and try my steps there. If you run into an issue, post it and I'll walk you through the problem.

Jack Stanley
04-21-2023, 06:30 PM
Thanks guys and yes I really am that helpless on the computer Stopsign what you posted just now should be a big help showing the right buttons to click on .

I think first I'll need to search in this computer and see if I have pictures stored from the last computer . The old one was a Dell and this one is an Apple .

Poppy42 , I understand where you're coming from and don't want to get burned . I invite anyone to ask about me , None of them have told me I did wrong . So maybe my strategy of description has worked . What is maddening is some of the stuff I have I set on the table at the gun show . So many guys like what is there and say things like "that's a great price, I'm sure you'll get it " ...... just before they walk away . Anyone who's tried to clear out good stuff they have at a gun show knows what I mean .

It sounds like what I've learned here today is that at least for this sight I don't need a "photo hosting sight" ??


04-21-2023, 07:08 PM
A quick and easy way for pictures are to use your phone and email yourself the pictures. Then go on your computer, go to your email, then save them to your desktop.

04-21-2023, 09:12 PM
Thanks guys and yes I really am that helpless on the computer Stopsign what you posted just now should be a big help showing the right buttons to click on .

I think first I'll need to search in this computer and see if I have pictures stored from the last computer . The old one was a Dell and this one is an Apple .

Poppy42 , I understand where you're coming from and don't want to get burned . I invite anyone to ask about me , None of them have told me I did wrong . So maybe my strategy of description has worked . What is maddening is some of the stuff I have I set on the table at the gun show . So many guys like what is there and say things like "that's a great price, I'm sure you'll get it " ...... just before they walk away . Anyone who's tried to clear out good stuff they have at a gun show knows what I mean .

It sounds like what I've learned here today is that at least for this sight I don't need a "photo hosting sight" ??


That would be correct.

04-21-2023, 11:18 PM
You are not alone. This site has also been somewhat of a challenge for me.

After selling a couple of guns, I decided to sell the rest elsewhere. Guns need too many good quality pictures.

I cannot believe folks want pictures of bullets, molds, scopes etc etc from regular members who have been here for years. If I were to get a request like that I would ignore it.

Der Gebirgsjager
04-21-2023, 11:21 PM
A lot of us here are old timers also, Jack, and can understand the problem(s). A lot of these same guys are offering to help you, so take a couple of them up on it. You know the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words."


04-21-2023, 11:49 PM
I'm getting old and have been disposing of my "stuff" . When I started this project , I would describe sale items in a condition that was perhaps not as good as the item actually was . People would post "I'll take it" , they'd send a postal money order or a little cash . They'd get the item and were really happy with it .

Now it's a little different , perhaps technology is so easy for many and of course who doesn't like to see a nice picture . But ....... more and more buyers want to see a picture and don't trust anybody ..... let alone old codgers like me . I can understand that I would like to see stuff too ... but I still know that technology can be a real pain for some . Because I'm one of those that it's a pain !!

My avatar , I think it's still over there by my name is a picture of a rifle I built up from parts a long time ago . How long ago ? ....."so long ago , ice was a mile thick in Michigan:bigsmyl2:" No really it was back when Photobucket was FREE . It was still a pain to get pictures there , for me anyway . No digital camera and I'd have to use a real photo from a real camera and scan it in and ....... I forget the rest of it .

That's part of the problem I never did post that much because it was , and still is a hassle . Now that brings me around to something you might be able to help with . Now I have a little digital camera , not sure if I still have the cable to hook to the computer though :sad:Problem is a FREE photo hosting site that is old-forgetfull-codger friendly . I can turn the computer on , send a PM and even make a post but beyond that I need help .

Any ideas for a FREE photo hosting site ?

Thanks for reading the rant , Jack

You don't need any host site to put pics in a post.
You can upload them directly from your computer.
The process can be explained in less words than your Original Post.

Where most have trouble is when they get the "file is too big" message when trying to upload a pic and don't know how to edit a photo and make it smaller.
You mention having a digital camera and hopefully you have mastered getting the pics off your camera and into the File Explorer on your 'puter.
Digital Cameras take high resolution pictures that are too large of files to upload into a post and must be resized smaller.

Making That Pic File SMALLER
Find the pic in File Explorer (on your 'puter), you should have the view set to Larger Icons so the pic file appears as a miniature pic.
Get the cursor over that little pic file and RIGHT click the mouse.
A menu will appear and left click on the word "edit".
The pic will open in "Paint" and you will able to "resize" it. (it'll be BIG!)
Click the "Home" tab in Paint (near the top left).
Under that "View" tab is a box icon labeled "resize" (click it).
A window will open that has a box labeled Horizontal: with the number 100 (that means 100% size).
Click in that box, back space to erase the 100 and type-in "20".
This will also change the vertical: box to "20".
Hit enter or click the "OK" button to resize the pic to 20%, save it and close it.

Note: Cameras today have a lot of storage space so I don't cut/paste the folder off the camera, but COPY/Paste into File Explorer, and leave the originals in the camera storage.

Learning to use the right click and drop down menu will change your world.

Others have posted how to upload pics but what I have described will make the pics small enough to add as images rather than thumbnails.
Edit: WoW, OK, just read where you have an Apple...
Sooooo, nevermind. [smilie=b:

04-22-2023, 12:26 AM
A quick and easy way for pictures are to use your phone and email yourself the pictures. Then go on your computer, go to your email, then save them to your desktop.
I keep an email I sent to myself in my inbox.
To get a pic off my phone, I just "reply" to that email on my phone and attach (phone) pics to it, then send it.
I then open that email in my 'puter and download the phone pics...done.
I can even just save it (pics attached) as a draft (on my phone) then access it on my 'puter.

04-22-2023, 11:47 PM
Selling the good stuff at guns shows is a waste of your time. These guys going there all want it cheap, and cheaper and why they go to shows. Not every show is like this but most are now. The Net and lots of good clear photos is the best way to sell the good stuff. There are many buyers who want that good stuff but they are not found at guns shows much, why is a mystery but pre computer and Net they were all there! we had a good time too!

04-23-2023, 02:57 AM
You have a Mac...that's great, it doesn't get any simpler.

04-23-2023, 03:19 AM
Here is a page that allows you to do bit compression on pictures.

Jack Stanley
04-23-2023, 08:25 AM
Don , I don't think I've ignored anyone asking for pictures yet , I have on other sites though . I tell 'em NO PICTURES and they just breeze by that .

While looking for the cable to connect my camera to the computer . I didn't find one that fits but I did find another camera and a cable that fits that one . So maybe all is not lost , I've got the battery charging for that . Unfortunately today is a mix of snow/rain here in the land of falling waters . Pictures may not be up to par . First thing is to figure out how to use this "other" camera and go from there . I really prefer natural lighting but I may have to use what I have .

I'll keep you guys posted , Jack

04-23-2023, 09:19 AM
I use postimages.org

I think this is the easiest way to go!

04-23-2023, 09:37 AM
Keep in mind, that the photo may be too large to download. If that’s the case, I usually select medium from the bottom of the photo, and it works fine.

Bent Ramrod
04-23-2023, 11:06 AM
Once you’ve mailed your phone picture to yourself and dropped it on your screen, go to Shrinkpicturesdotcom (use the period). The service is free for one picture at a time. Click on “Resize,” click on “Browse” and follow directions. Limit the size to 300-600 pixels (or whatever they are), hit the resize button, wait a minute, rename the result and move it to your desktop.

Get on this site, start your thread, hit “Manage Attachments” and follow the directions. On this site, you can hit “Preview” and see your picture before posting. Other sites based on YABB don’t allow this; do your corrections on the draft and post directly. If you try “Preview,” you’ll see your text but the picture will disappear.

Castboolits has limits on how much space you get for pictures, but when the sale is done, you can delete them and get the space back.

I’m an utterly incompetent technophobe, at least with any technology involving bites, bits or electronics, but I can do this, so anyone can.

04-23-2023, 04:28 PM
A quick and easy way for pictures are to use your phone and email yourself the pictures. Then go on your computer, go to your email, then save them to your desktop.

This is probably the easiest, and I'll correct the rotation of the photo on the phone before I try and send it, it takes just seconds. My phone also asks if I want to resize the photos before emailing them, three options 70%, 30%, or 10% of original. I almost always choose 10% there is more than enough resolution with the newer phone cameras to get a good image.

04-24-2023, 03:13 PM

Maybe ??

Are those to big ??


Whatever you are doing is not working.
Pictures are not visible, yes, could be too big.

Jack Stanley
04-25-2023, 07:15 PM
I managed to get two pictures to Flickr ..... can't seem to get them here .


04-25-2023, 10:36 PM
I really like this Boolit and have turned several buddies on to the site. My photo skills still need honed as my downloaded photos end up 90* out of wack on the page and I can't figure out how to rotate them. The photos appear upright on my photo site. Only when I try to import them to an info discussion or the Swap page they turn and lay down on me. There has to be an RKI Moderator on the Boolit that can help us old timers! Oh an RKI is a Reasonably Knowledgeable Individual ! Thanks!

04-26-2023, 12:40 PM
I really like this Boolit and have turned several buddies on to the site. My photo skills still need honed as my downloaded photos end up 90* out of wack on the page and I can't figure out how to rotate them. The photos appear upright on my photo site. Only when I try to import them to an info discussion or the Swap page they turn and lay down on me. There has to be an RKI Moderator on the Boolit that can help us old timers! Oh an RKI is a Reasonably Knowledgeable Individual ! Thanks!

Uploading pics, directly from your 'puter, as well as resizing/editing/rotating a pic has been covered within this thread already.
All you need to do is read those posts and follow along, having multiple windows open and "alt/tabbing" between them makes any process go along easily.
If you have questions along the way, just ask.

There's no reason to pull the "old timers" card as an excuse.
Know that I am way north of 70.

04-26-2023, 07:58 PM
How can it be that men who learned to cast and reload cannot master posting photos? Methinks it is more don’t want to than can’t.

04-26-2023, 08:30 PM
How can it be that men who learned to cast and reload cannot master posting photos? Methinks it is more don’t want to than can’t.

:not listening:
Yes 'puters came along late in my career and all my co-workers my age were petrified, with most vowing to never use them.
Once I saw how powerful 'puters were (Cad/Modeling/etc. software), I jumped in with both feet, took courses at night and soon had engineers, with doctorate degrees, asking me about some things I had done, and to solve problems for them.
Before that my problem-solving skills were limited to a four-function calculator. :oops:

Jack Stanley
04-26-2023, 08:48 PM
As the photo on my avatar shows , I was once able to move photos . Then Photobucket started charging a fee and I stop and the how to do it has changed ......How many times . So yeah , I'm new all over again and it's more frustrating this time .

So I guess step one is , does anyone have an Apple computer AND a Flickr account ?

Thanks , Jack

04-26-2023, 09:24 PM
As the photo on my avatar shows , I was once able to move photos . Then Photobucket started charging a fee and I stop and the how to do it has changed ......How many times . So yeah , I'm new all over again and it's more frustrating this time .

So I guess step one is , does anyone have an Apple computer AND a Flickr account ?

Thanks , Jack

No Apple here, and you don't need a flicker account.
I have to ask though, with limited knowledge of 'puters why did you switch from windows/Microsoft to Apple?
I'm guessing only about 5% of computers today use Mac.

Did you know you can use windows 10 software on your Apple?
Good luck on your quest, hopefully someone will jump in and help you out.
Maybe OS OK...

04-26-2023, 11:02 PM
I don’t trust anyone - not even a moderator or a honcho. I used to trust people, but then I got burned.
I thought about buying a gun here. The seller had good feedback. But $1,200 would be a heck of a way for someone to make their exit from this forum. I couldn’t bring myself to buy it.
Then you got hackers…

Jack Stanley
04-27-2023, 08:48 AM
OK , Thanks all


04-27-2023, 12:36 PM
I'm retiring from a 20 year IT Technician's job at a high school district in So Cal at the end of June. After July first. I would be willing to help anyone who needs computer help. Other than casting, powder coating and reloading bullets, I'm not going to have much to do. I sure don't want to use up the few hundred pounds of lead I have the first week I'm home so I'm gonna need something else to do. lol I became a member of Cast Boolits a long time ago and because of life, I stepped away until recently when the firearm flame started burning hot again and I bought Rossi R92 357 20". Need food for it so dug out all my equipment from storage. I live in an RV full time and it has been a small challenge and have a good set up now.

04-27-2023, 01:44 PM
OK , Thanks all


OK, here's a bunch of utube vids about uploading pics with a Mac:
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=How+to+Upload+an+Image+to+a+F orum+with+Mac+


04-27-2023, 01:49 PM
For resizing and further manipulation of pictures I use iRfanView. It is free and runs on WIN XP through 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit available. He has his own website, so be sure to download it from there.

Even if you use it only to resize images it is well worth grabbing and learning the basics of it.


Jack Stanley
04-28-2023, 09:24 AM
Yesterday while talking to the guy who has kept my computers going talked me through emailing a picture and he got the photo just fine . So it's one small step for a caveman ...........


04-28-2023, 10:15 AM
Yesterday while talking to the guy who has kept my computers going talked me through emailing a picture and he got the photo just fine . So it's one small step for a caveman ...........


YEP...While watching the Guy doing it, you think.."Simple! Easy peezy!"


Now a day later you attempt it & you think..."What the heck did that Guy show me?"

04-28-2023, 12:34 PM
They make these things called pencils. They help old guys remember things the next day. :(

04-28-2023, 04:26 PM

04-28-2023, 05:23 PM
I'm getting old and have been disposing of my "stuff" . When I started this project , I would describe sale items in a condition that was perhaps not as good as the item actually was . People would post "I'll take it" , they'd send a postal money order or a little cash . They'd get the item and were really happy with it .

Now it's a little different , perhaps technology is so easy for many and of course who doesn't like to see a nice picture . But ....... more and more buyers want to see a picture and don't trust anybody ..... let alone old codgers like me . I can understand that I would like to see stuff too ... but I still know that technology can be a real pain for some . Because I'm one of those that it's a pain !!

My avatar , I think it's still over there by my name is a picture of a rifle I built up from parts a long time ago . How long ago ? ....."so long ago , ice was a mile thick in Michigan:bigsmyl2:" No really it was back when Photobucket was FREE . It was still a pain to get pictures there , for me anyway . No digital camera and I'd have to use a real photo from a real camera and scan it in and ....... I forget the rest of it .

That's part of the problem I never did post that much because it was , and still is a hassle . Now that brings me around to something you might be able to help with . Now I have a little digital camera , not sure if I still have the cable to hook to the computer though :sad:Problem is a FREE photo hosting site that is old-forgetfull-codger friendly . I can turn the computer on , send a PM and even make a post but beyond that I need help .

Any ideas for a FREE photo hosting site ?

Thanks for reading the rant , Jack

What kind of camera is it????
Most come with a program to download pictures and manipulate the same.
I use the Fuji program to play with the picture.
Came with the camera.
Download to a "New picture" folder on the desktop.
You could also just download to the desktop.
Once you do it a few times, is does become easier.

Jack Stanley
04-28-2023, 08:56 PM
They make these things called pencils. They help old guys remember things the next day. :(
Exactly right , and I write down the steps that work .
