View Full Version : Who Says Girls Can’t Shoot?

04-16-2023, 04:39 AM

G W Wade
04-16-2023, 06:41 AM
Just a little training, they love spending time with Dad, too GW

04-16-2023, 06:51 AM
I used to teach firearm safety course for a small village in NW Minnesota.

4 years out of 5 the top shot of the class would be a girl.
Back in those days my eyes were still good and I was at least I thought a very good shot.
Some of those girls would give me more competition than I really wanted.

Randy Bohannon
04-16-2023, 07:16 AM
The difference is girls pay attention to what has been said and directions given without preconceived ideas. Boys have it all figured out in their minds that being a boy means they know without any experience .

04-16-2023, 07:46 AM
nobody that ever met my wife !

04-16-2023, 09:02 AM
I have always found women much easier to teach to shoot. Teenage boys are the absolute worst. They know everything.

True story. I spent some time teaching a 5' tall 100 pound Korean colleague the basics of pistol shooting. A J frame .32 long with wadcutters was the instrument. She then took the Illinois concealed carry course. She never got the permit just wanted the training.

Her boss a 6'3" 280 pound former high school football player took the class with her. He shot a loaner Ruger .22 semiautomatic. His target looked like a long range shotgun pattern. Hers had a nicely centered group. As we were looking at targets during a ceasefire she said "Don't worry boss. I'll protect you." It was a big hit up and down the firing line.

04-16-2023, 09:12 AM
My late wife was a great shooter. If I practiced and worked at it consistently and frequently, SOMEtimes, I could shoot better than her. But not much. And she never practiced.

One day, I was shooting bowling pins at 50 yards with a lever action 30-30. I was doing pretty well with it. Once, I got set up at the bench after setting up the pins and was ready to shoot when all of a sudden, I heard shots ring out from my right. Four shots and all four pins down. They were direct hits, too, not just bullets disturbing the ground under the pins. I look up and there she is, grinning ear to ear with her GP100 in hand.


I set up the pins again. Of course, I was as proud of her as could be!

She was also the one who could same-hole six out of six rounds from that gun at 25 feet. Something I've never been able to do consistently.


04-16-2023, 09:19 AM
Certainly not me!. I know several women who are very fine marksmen and thoroughly proficient in operating their equipment.

04-16-2023, 09:22 AM
My wife is right handed but is left eye dominant. She can’t shoot a long gun to save her life - but she is a crack shot with a pistol, and has proven it time and again. She was home alone a few years ago when a rattlesnake got into the yard and bit two of our dogs. She grabbed my Colt SAA in .44 Special and shot off his head. I keep snakeshot in some guns but she grabbed the one with Elmer Keith loads.

04-16-2023, 10:37 AM
We have some excellent lady shooters in this area. At a BPCR 1000 match a lady won, and a couple guys were griping about it. I told them if they didn't like it, all they had to do was out-shoot her!

04-16-2023, 11:03 AM

Just one of the many things I loved about the young lady who became my wife was that she could out-shoot me with my pistols. Didn't care for my .45acp or .44mag, but was scary accurate with a Charter Arms .38spl snubby.

04-16-2023, 11:39 AM
I enjoy posts like this.

Having taught "Ladies only" clinics for over 20 years now,, I can easily attest to the fact that many ladies are or can be very good handgun shooters.
It was mentioned above,, they come to a class, w/o per-conceived notions, open their minds, learn & do NOT have the male macho attitudes many men exhibit. I loved the post about the little Korean lady & her boss. I've experienced many funny, yet similar comments over the years from "my" ladies.

NEVER, EVER underestimate ladies in anything.

04-16-2023, 11:45 AM
I have always found women much easier to teach to shoot.

My 2nd wife I taught on a 45ACP 1911, she fired her first raggedly little one hole group at the 75 round mark. Less than 2 boxes of full power 45 and she does that??? Sheesh! I went right downstairs in the LGS and promptly shelled out the cash for a nice Lew Horton limited edition Combat Stallion (lightweight officers with satin stainless slide and light green anodized frame, real pretty gun).

I had given her a Colt Gov't 380 for a wedding present, but I hid all the ammo for it so she would carry the 45 with her and not be tempted to compromise because of the lighter weight.

04-16-2023, 12:04 PM
Shooting is one of a few sports where woman can compete with men on an equal footing. Better fine motor/muscle control really gives them advantage and unlike men, they have NOT learned to shoot by watching John Wayne/Clint Eastwood/Chuck Norris/Sylvester Stallone...

04-16-2023, 12:04 PM
The difference is girls pay attention to what has been said and directions given without preconceived ideas. Boys have it all figured out in their minds that being a boy means they know without any experience .

^^ this ^^

04-16-2023, 12:20 PM
Women have better fine motor skills than men. There are some assembly line jobs that are practically only for women.

04-16-2023, 03:18 PM

04-16-2023, 05:34 PM
The difference is girls pay attention to what has been said and directions given without preconceived ideas. Boys have it all figured out in their minds that being a boy means they know without any experience .

+1. I've taught a number of girlfriends and my wife to shoot both handguns and rifles. Same story every time

04-16-2023, 09:04 PM
Went to a range once with my shooting buddy and my wife. I was working with a then new to me Mosin Nagant.

I looked up and saw my buddy had his Beretta 92fs in her hands and was explaining what is where.

He had a 2 liter bottle of water at the 25 yard berm. She squares up, lets fly, hit dead center but about an inch below the bottle.
Next shot drills the bottle dead center. Poof, its gone, water spray and shreds of plastic. It was the first time she'd ever shot a 9mm, first time with that gun. And I don't think she used the sights. In fact I'm pretty much dead positive she didn't use them at all.

She is a wicked good shot when she wants to.

She really fell in love with my Red Dot sights.
With a .40sw Hipoint carbine she cut a 1 inch circle out of the 2 inch shoot and see target at 20 feet.
Handed me the gun and had a grin from ear to ear. "Ohhh I like that sight! But do they make that gun in a caliber that won't punch my shoulder so much?"

2 months later she had her own 9mm Hipoint carbine, and 2 months after that she got a replacement Ruger Mk III 22/45 with a rail and a Red Dot on it for her birthday.

Milky Duck
04-17-2023, 12:54 AM
on hunting show here the other week four ladies all between 20-35 3 of who hadnt shot much at all 1 hadnt ever fired rifle...4 shots resulted in 4 dead thar,closest was over 300 yards furtherest closer to 600 yards.... the rifle was set up,dialed in,they were instructed what to do..and they did as told..... there are a few ladies over here who will cleanly take animals out waaay further than I would dream of doing.... I made mistake of letting wife have a go at ducks with the wee 410...she dropped two mallard drakes with the single shot.......Ive done that with parries many times overthe years with .12ga but not two mallards wit h.410....

04-17-2023, 01:09 AM
My granddaughter shooting a full size 1911 at 10 yards. 15 years old313079

04-17-2023, 07:09 AM
You see many male egos go down, when they see a women out shoot them. I say if a girl or women you teach to shoot and shoot better then you , it means you taught her well. Like anything else .

04-17-2023, 10:59 AM
Thanks for those videos - really enjoyed them! Nice to see and the way it ought to be!

04-17-2023, 11:15 AM
I was sighting in a new scope on my AR-15, using the 50 yard lane at first to get it on paper. One of the clubs 22lr competition shooters was there so he started calling my shots... even after I told him I could see them just fine in the 9x scope. Got on paper in 3 shots, went to the 200 yard lane and zeroed it. Went back to the 100 yard(less walking, I had just had knee surgery a week before) to do some fun shooting. He had moved to the 100 yard and was doing about a 3" pattern... I put 5 dead center in one ragged hole... he had been watching and he packed up and went home LOL

Went to the pistol lanes one day, local PD were using half so I asked if t would bother them if I used the other half. Got the okay so I loaded up and started running the 6" flip down plates at 25 yards... they were over there missing 80% of their shots. Ran the plates 6 times with 1 miss when I noticed silence from them... they were staring then packed up an left. The new rookie they were teaching to shoot came back 5 minutes later and asked me to help him get better. I corrected some bad things he was doing, looked at the *** used Glock they issued him that was so worn out it wasn't safe... I told him to get a new pistol, it will help accuracy. He did and met me a week later. I had him hitting 80% of his shots and told him to practice weekly if he wanted to get even better. PD only shoots twice a year he told me. I laughed and said that is why they miss so much. He kept practicing, joined the range pistol comp team and s now one of the better shooters.

He asked me how much ammo I went thru... I told him a minimum of 1k rounds a month, some months 2k-3k.

BTW the pistol team is currently 3 women and 2 men LOL I used to be on it but as my back gets worse I can't handle all the standing around during matches.

04-17-2023, 09:34 PM
Who Says Girls Can’t Shoot?

Fools and idiots.

04-17-2023, 10:29 PM
I have trained many junior girl in precision rifle, air gun, .22, along with some centerfire rifles, many set national Reckords, some went on to college, on shooting scholarships. All young ladies are fine shots, just need a little training. The only problem for them, is finding a gun that matched their outfit....

04-17-2023, 11:18 PM
I was a PMI (Primary Marksmanship Instructor), for the Marine Corps and taught one or two platoons of female recruiters.
The best way I can describe it, a blank sheet of paper. Males had 1/4 to a 1/2 sheet of not always good things learned/taught. Females they almost always showed up with a blank sheet of paper! Much easier to train, no bad habits!

04-17-2023, 11:21 PM
The difference is girls pay attention to what has been said and directions given without preconceived ideas. Boys have it all figured out in their minds that being a boy means they know without any experience .
As a USA shooting air pistol coach, this was my exact experience. Also the dad's of boys seem to know every thing about shooting and were not receptive to learning as much as moms. When moms brought their children, they were much more coachable in how to help their children when practicing at home.

04-18-2023, 05:19 AM
The number two shooter at last year’s Quigley was a 13 year old girl

04-21-2023, 12:07 PM
I tell this story to my granddaughters...

When my wife was a little girl
her big brothers took their 22s out and did boy things.

"Daddy! I want to go shooting too!"

So her daddy took her to his country club
taught her to shoot skeet.

Big brothers found out, had to go too
but quit when little sister never missed.

She still can outshoot me.
So can our daughter and granddaughter.
There's something about Swedish blonds,
must be their viking heritage ...

04-21-2023, 12:44 PM
I had the privilege of taking Joe Nava's CCW certification
in the last years of his life. He was a great old man.
Joe wrote a NRA book 50 years ago.
Hosted a local radio show, "Shooter's Corner".
He recommended .357 hardcast for bears.

The class was a dozen teen boys,
an old housewife and an old man-- me.

Fairbanks housewife's husband had passed on
so she wanted a carry card.
She said she had never shot a pistol.
Moose, yes, pistols, no.
(Fairbanks was an education for me, for sure)

With Joe's coaching she drilled the qualification target
six holes in the middle with Joe's old .357
I was delighted to shoot Joe's old S&W
but I had one flyer in the white
so the grannie outshot me.

The boyos could not shoot a group with their 9mms
they qualified but were unteachable.
To them Joe was just a tired old man.

04-21-2023, 06:57 PM
When my daughter was 5 years old, I bought her a German parlor rifle that had been rechambered from .22 BB cap to .22 short. Even though I consider it a feather weight rifle, at the time she couldn't hold it up. She would sit backwards on a chair and use the back as rifle rest. I taught her to line up the sights and the rest was all on her. She always shot tiny groups.

Later on I made some mouse fart loads for my .357 mag revolver but again she couldn't hold it up. I wrapped my arms around her and supported the butt of the gun and she would aim and shoot it. I took a section of 2x6 to use as a target base and propped it up on stump then put small cut off pieces of 2x4 on it for targets. I told her to knock over all the targets so she shot the board they were all standing on. I reset the targets and told her I bet you can't do that again, and well she did putting the next round less than 1/2" to the side of the first one. This was at about 10 yards. After that, I told her to shoot them one at a time...

About 6 years later a friend of mine took me and my daughter to Tri-County gun club outside of Portland. My friend Chuck was a Practical Pistol coach and and alternate on the US Olympic bullseye team. Before we shot rifles, we went to the IPSC pits where he coached my daughter with his Glock 19. Again she only needed basic instruction and at about 10 yards, with a weaver stance she worked that Glock to make around a 3 inch group. Chuck said he'd never seen anything like that...

I made the mistake of letting her try my M1911 when she was around 9 years old. The first round startled her and she wasn't sure if it was too much recoil or too much of a surprise over my knock off HiPower we had been shooting before. So he tried one more round and it was too much recoil. For the next few years when she would talk about it the recoil in the story would grow by leaps and bounds until it was like a fire breathing dragon. We were out shooting shortly before her 12th birthday and I told her if she would try it again and didn't like it, I'd never bring it up again. Well she shot over 200 of the 400 rounds I brought. These were cast boolit loads but still a respectable powered load. The next time we went shooting, I had cranked up the Dillon and made a bunch more of these and after a few mags, I offered her a handful of 230g hot FMJ loads. She looked up at me with a dead serious look and said "if I like this, you had better have more." I let her shoot half the box and saved the rest for myself.

As an adult she was dating a Marine and when he and his buddies got back from Iraq they all went out and bought M1911's and offered to take my daughter with them shooting. She shot so well that she embarrassed 3 Marines to the point they wouldn't take her shooting with them again. The now former boyfriend admitted to me that she out shot them but year later while talking with my daughter about it, I discovered that he had never told her.

She can still out shoot me with a handgun but for now I still have a slight edge over her with a rifle. I regret that I never had the bux to get her into competition shooting. I also didn't have the bux to get her a Glock 19. I planned to giver her one for the Christmas after she had first shot one but in between those 2 times, the Klinton gun band went into effect and Glocks skyrocketed in price. I bought her a Russian commercial Makarov in .380 acp. By a strange twist of fate, that Mak is now worth more than the Glock she wanted at the time. These days she prefers my M1911 over all other handguns.


Texas by God
04-21-2023, 07:42 PM
Who Says Girls Can’t Shoot?

Fools and idiots.

This sums it up.

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