View Full Version : Revoving old bullet lube

04-06-2023, 11:30 AM
I inhereted on old Herters Luber/Sizer and it's about half full with lube thats like cement. I'm wondering what is the best way too cleal it out. Any help much appreciated. Thank you.

04-06-2023, 11:32 AM
Heat - then hopeys#9, #9 just takes time to dissolve olde lube..

04-06-2023, 11:39 AM
Over the years, I've cleaned several Lyman 450s and the best method I've found is to dissasemble as far a possible, hang the lubrisizer body over a some sort of drip pan and, using an electric heat gun, apply heat to melt out the old lub. Allow to cool before rinsing thoroughly with paint thinner. After that, lubricate moving parts, reassemble, and refill with fresh boolit lube.


04-06-2023, 11:39 AM
Yup, heat should get most of it out. I've never tried Hoppe's #9, acetone is cheaper and I always have a can in the paint cabinet. It's my go-to cleaner for removing lubes.

04-06-2023, 02:48 PM
Take it apart screws and all and put a solder iron in the cylinder and walk off. I've rebuilt 4 in the past 8 years.

04-06-2023, 04:06 PM
I use a heat gun to melt the old lube out. I suspend the lubrisizer over a 5 gallon bucket to catch the gunk.

04-06-2023, 07:48 PM
The best way I have found is to use a propane torch for heat. You don't have to run it wide open like you're trying to thaw pipes just a bit over staying lit.

Works better than boiling for me.


04-07-2023, 04:17 PM
Another good way is a old pot , lube sizer body (remove all the parts you can ) , cover with water and put it on a low boil ... the boiling water will melt the old lube and it will float to surface . You won't burn anything and nothing will catch on fire .

Also Ed's Red Gun Solvent is great for dissolving and cleaning off old lube .
My last lube/sizer I cleaned with Ed's Red and didn't have to boil it ...
Ed's Red cuts the old lube like magic !

04-07-2023, 09:01 PM
Most lubes will melt(become liquid) with heat...those that won't melt, will become more pliable.
So, if you aren't able to melt it out, the next thing I'd try, is to heat the bottom of the sizer to a temperature around 140º...don't get it too hot, then with the press mounted to a bench with no size die installed, then install a partial stick of new lube, and squeeze the old lube out. Again don't get it too hot, or you'll have a mess.