View Full Version : Opening day of trout fishing but

Dancing Bear
04-01-2023, 06:37 AM
April 1st! Opening day of trout fishing here in NYS. Used to go every year with my son and sometimes with my daughter. Good memories.
Today heavy rain nows, high wind warning, thunderstorms later. So I stayed home drinking my coffee and posting here.

04-01-2023, 07:09 AM
Many many years ago I would have gone regardless....now days a good cup of coffee on bad weather days is the rule for me....what is the trout limit per day and what are the restrictions as to length, slot etc?

Teddy (punchie)
04-01-2023, 07:49 AM
yea we were going to go but bad weather here to. Cleaning things and looking at web,

04-01-2023, 09:48 AM
Ours opened today as well. And I too used to be hard core in that I'd be out there no matter the weather. After over 50 years of this,, I developed a saying; "We'll have bad weather on opening day,, and never plant anything until a week later."
Well, today,, just before daylight,, the storms started. And will continue until about lunchtime. I'm right again. Oh,, and I too grew out of the "gotta be out there no matter what" long ago.

04-01-2023, 10:46 AM
April 1st! Opening day of trout fishing here in NYS. Used to go every year with my son and sometimes with my daughter. Good memories.
Today heavy rain nows, high wind warning, thunderstorms later. So I stayed home drinking my coffee and posting here.

If you live in Rochester, NY, you have GREAT trout fishing year round. There are many, many Lake Ontario tributaries that hold trout all fall, winter, and spring. Sandy Creek and Oak Orchard are very close to you. Nothing like hooking into a ten pound (or more) on a fly rod using actual hand tied flys to get the adrenaline going. The season’s open year round if you want to fish for trout.

04-01-2023, 10:47 AM
Sorry about your weather.

04-01-2023, 10:50 AM
April 1st! Opening day of trout fishing here in NYS. Used to go every year with my son and sometimes with my daughter. Good memories.
Today heavy rain nows, high wind warning, thunderstorms later. So I stayed home drinking my coffee and posting here.

With age ... Comes wisdom !

Enjoy your warm dry day ... that is exactly what I would be doing !

Dancing Bear
04-01-2023, 11:49 AM
Many many years ago I would have gone regardless....now days a good cup of coffee on bad weather days is the rule for me....what is the trout limit per day and what are the restrictions as to length, slot etc?

Limits and methods vary on different bodies of water. https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7917.html#Download

And yes we can fish anytime but April 1st is a tradition.

04-01-2023, 12:03 PM
MN opens in 2 weeks... there is still ice on most of the streams and rivers... Minnesota main fishing opener(Walleye, Northern Pike...) is mid May. Trout stream near me is place and catch each year, not many fish survive in it over summer(water gets to warm)

04-01-2023, 12:31 PM
I have never been trout fishing, It is on my bucket list, I guess I will be self taught. I have access to the North and South Carolina mountains. Nothing like a trout breakfast! I am looking forward to learning. I will bribe the locals to see what they can offer, Think that will go well? LOL

04-01-2023, 12:56 PM
Colorado doesn't have a season you can fish for them and all fish year around.

We have the nutty ones that will fly fish if they can get to open water even when snowing. Me, I wait till it stops snowing.

04-01-2023, 01:44 PM
Same here. As a kid we would go no matter what the weather. Snowing, line freezing in the rod eyes and still have a blast. I haven’t fished in years, but I bought my fishing license last month and promised myself to go this year. Retired, but with 2 houses and 125 acres to manage I spend more time working now then when I worked for a living. Made a promise to make some play time this summer.

Outer Rondacker
04-01-2023, 04:06 PM
Same here. As a kid we would go no matter what the weather. Snowing, line freezing in the rod eyes and still have a blast. I haven’t fished in years, but I bought my fishing license last month and promised myself to go this year. Retired, but with 2 houses and 125 acres to manage I spend more time working now then when I worked for a living. Made a promise to make some play time this summer.

Stick with it. I did the same thing five years ago. Got the new house built by my two hands and only my two hands. Paid for and still have yet to make time to fish or hunt. Please stick with it. I told people I would be going no mater what this year so if for the first time I say NO when somebody ask for help with a project its for my own good.

04-01-2023, 04:23 PM
If you can dig worms (garden Hackles) that is all you need to know/Ed

04-01-2023, 05:10 PM
OK Rondacker, we should promise each other to go and then come back here and share our trips.

04-01-2023, 08:27 PM
I like idea of catch and release. But its fpuled up a tradition as old as time...

We still have an opening day. But SO FLIPPIN many streams are now catch and release it dont matter cause there is mo season with catch and release here... So the long winter anticipating opening morning is gone and has been for years here in Connecticut...


04-02-2023, 08:27 AM
My only problem with catch and release is that sometimes the hook is in so far there is no saving the fish( I know you can just cut the hook, but....) Kind of a waste to release a dead fish.

04-02-2023, 08:47 AM
Second Sat in April at home. As a kid I remember many a frozen opening standing on the Clyde River trying to catch a salmon. Even managed to get one, once. All the ponds and beaver dams still frozen over.

04-02-2023, 09:36 AM
Dancing Bear, here’s one (of about a dozen) I caught on Sandy Creek off the Redman Rd., just north of Holley, NY. It was just around the end of March several years back. Used a fly rod and a hand-tied fly patterned after an egg sac. No need to wait till April 1st. This has to be right in your back yard…or pretty close to it. I’m not big on taking pictures, but my Dad took this one when we both hooked and landed fish in the same hole at the same time. Get out there and catch some!!!

04-02-2023, 10:25 AM
super6,,,,,,,,,,,, "I have never been trout fishing, It is on my bucket list, I guess I will be self taught. I have access to the North and South Carolina mountains. Nothing like a trout breakfast! I am looking forward to learning. I will bribe the locals to see what they can offer, Think that will go well? LOL "

I'm in the lower edge of NC mountains,, with a few trout streams. No bribery necessary. Sadly,, most of our streams are "stocked" due to all the fishing. The remote, hard to access & private property streams with natives are closely guarded by those of us who know & aren't shared. But I can show you a fair amount about trout fishing if you wish & are close enough.

04-03-2023, 09:34 AM
My only problem with catch and release is that sometimes the hook is in so far there is no saving the fish( I know you can just cut the hook, but....) Kind of a waste to release a dead fish.

A fish that bleeds is a fish that is dead. I fish pike a lot, and if they are bleeding at all, they go home with me.

04-03-2023, 10:11 AM
First Saturday and they before we can go out and keep them here. Catch and release I think started January 31. Reminds me, I need to put a couple more no trespassing signs up that the county plow guy knocked over. From what I understand he used to fish on my property (trespass) and ran a few over. I get a lot of trespassers. No public access on my property for a couple of miles but people like to pull over on my private property and walk across my field to fish. They always leave a bunch of trash and garbage everywhere to boot. I posted it last year for the first time since I’ve owned it in 15 years. Literally had people yelling and swearing at me, wanting to fight me because I posted my property! Everyone of them were offered a lease to cross my land to fish trout… and, of course, none of them had any interest. I think only five people ended up getting citations last year. They all parked right next to my signs, and one knocked one down and walked across my property to fish. I just took pictures of their vehicles and their license plates with them fishing. Hopefully the stupidity settles down this year because I’d really like to go down and fish on my private property in peace without people lined up and down my property the fish the creek. What blows my mind is there’s public access a few miles down the creek on each way, but they never go to fish there and they never walk up and down the creek to my property which is perfectly legal one I don’t have an issue with it. I think just most people are lazy and are getting a free load if they have an opportunity. And for some reason nobody wants to pay my taxes to fish? Anyways, I’m done with ranting and excited to go down and fish my creek. I caught a couple of dandies down there last year. My biggest was 26 1/2 before everybody started going down and thinking it was public property. I’ve been catching and releasing trying to make sure to build a trout population back up little bit since my area has been getting raided over the years. With all the overfishing it’s hard to catch anything over 11 inches the last couple years so I haven’t even been fishing my own property. I think the biggest issue is every time I go down the fish there’s at least three people, wind up and down my creek trespassing that parked on my property and walked across it. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. So I normally go down to public property and fish while people trust pass and fish on my property.

04-03-2023, 11:05 AM
Tripplebeards,, you are absolutely correct about SOME people & their attitudes towards trespassing, trashing etc.

That said,, not everybody is like that.

As a kid,, we all fished the STATE stocked river locally. If the property owner posted the property,, then the STATE would NOT stock fish there. I do not know if you are a state stocked section or not. And way back when, there was a woman who'd "allow" people to fish on her side of the river,, yet after opening day, she'd harass fishermen. It too was legal to wade into the property, and as long as you stayed in the river,, you were legally allowed to fish. She would harass everybody. I hadn't had my driving license too long, and parked in a legal place, got my waders on, and went fishing. When I got to her place,, she came out cussing me & such. I TRIED to politely tell her I was within the law, but she said she was calling to police. I said; "No problem." After a bit & no real fish action, I went back upriver, and collected the 1/2 gallon empty glass liquor bottle I'd set out. I was putting up my stuff, when the county deputy sheriff came up. She came out cussing & raising all h*** at me again. She was basically screaming, and the cop was trying to get her to calm down. She claimed that "fishermen trashed up her place." I calmly asked the cop to come to my car, and opened the trunk. I showed him the trash I'd collected out of the river. Then I firmly and I mean firmly, told him to properly educate her about MY legal rights and that I was NOT littering, but instead, collecting trash others had left.

My point,, Not all fishermen are like the types you described.

And, if your property is state stocked,, then you may have to discuss your options with the Wildlife commission in your area. Remove your property from the stocking program, post it, and the folks who trespass will quickly learn that there aren't any fish to be caught there.
If it's wild native waters & such, then you need to keep enforcing the no trespass with the use of the game wardens & prosecuting the offenders.
In NC,, if you want to post your property,, you are allowed to paint the boundary with purple paint. No signs necessary. It's the law, AND keeps people from tearing down signs.

04-03-2023, 11:26 AM
I had a game warden out there last year to confirm I could post it since there’s no public access to get to the stream, except for miles away. They used to stock it when I was a kid in the 70s but not anymore. The game warden said I could post it and have zero issues and if somebody does trust pass to give them a call and make sure to take photos which I did. The only ones I’ve had problems with are the people that have no respect for my property and don’t care and pull over onto it and walk down to fish right next to the signs. To me, it’s about the same as breaking and entering. To me, it’s like coming to your house and walking through the door and sitting down and eating the food in your fridge raider and watching TV and throwing my trash on the ground while I was uninvited. Yes, I agree there are good people but the ones that show up to fish after I put up signs are not good people. Those are people that probably a repeat offenders, and most I’ve found out have had prior records. It is legal to come walk down my creek as long as you have entered from a public access area, which is miles away. If someone has enough energy to do that more power to them, then I have zero issues with that. It’s the people that have balls enough just to pull over and park next to mine or trespassing signs and walk across my property to go down and fish. I didn’t buy private property and have to pay taxes every year to invite the public and my property free of charge. It’s just like me showing up in your backyard and hanging out in your house uninvited. Yes, it makes me look like an a hole to the people that wanna go out and fish on my private property free of charge. That’s the whole reason I worked three jobs and ate ramen noodles for years until it was paid for. I bought this property so I can have my own private little piece of heaven that is mine alone and I can go down in peace and quiet and fish without anybody bothering me or standing on my property. If not, I would go fish public land like everyone else and stand elbow to rear end with with all the other people. I don’t believe it is a lot of have to post your private property here. The problem is this people have been treating my Land as public fishing grounds way before I was born. So, putting up signs, took care of 99% of it. It’s just the bad seeds that are showing up with zero respect for me on my property but they’ve all been cited. Or at least the ones I’ve caught. The sheriff and warden told me to take photographs of the license plates of whoever is down by the creek. It is worked 100%. I haven’t seen anyone trust passing since the last two guys got nailed on the last holiday weekend. I’m sure word gets out in a small town. And if somebody really wants to go down and catch a couple a 10 inch trout for a trespassing fine. I think they got nailed on average for about $350 or $450. Are maximum fine it’s up to nine months in jail in 10 grand for trespassing.

When I first bought the property, I had zero problems with people going down there and fishing. I even tolerated all the trash I picked up and beer, cans, and bottles. Through the last couple of years of going down there daily doing some property management and food plots I had three different fisherman on three different occasions come up from the creek and yell at me cause I thought I was coming down to fish on my private property and said they were here first. On all occasions each one ran up to my truck while I was parked on my private property swearing and cussing at me. So, after being harassed on my own private property, a few times I had enough. So yes, there are a few good fisherman out there and if you come up and ask me, I probably still will deny you of the bad taste, but I’ve had in my mouth from the others. Or if someone decides they want to pay my couple grand a year in taxes, they can fish my property…along with myself and my relatives I allow to fish.

I’m not a big fan of the catch and release season either. They started that probably about 15 or so years ago. Yes, set above about a bleeding trout dies they do. Don’t know about you guys but a lot of the trout I catch ends up, swallowing the hook, and they go belly up and they are done. The blue herring have to eat too but to me they’re just too fragile of a fish for a catch and release season. Either open it up in January and a normal season four to keep them or just go back to the old opening season date for keeping. To me, it makes no sense either when a fish swallows the hook and you have to release it because you know it’s gonna die anyways and it’s not gonna go to a good cause. Their way to tasty to release unless you’re going down and fishing them every day, filled you possession limit, and then you don’t need that many anyways.

Outer Rondacker
04-03-2023, 12:14 PM
OK Rondacker, we should promise each other to go and then come back here and share our trips.


04-03-2023, 06:22 PM
Time to start tying flies again.

04-03-2023, 09:39 PM
Start painting targets on vehicles trespassing on your property.

04-03-2023, 09:40 PM
Tripplebeards,, you are 100% correct in how the BAD ones act & seem to be the worst of things.

I just posted to share that not all fishermen are like that.

And I do respect YOUR property & your choice to post it etc. I hope my posting above didn't upset you. It was not my intent. I was just sharing a little about those of us who are not like that. (PS; I own property too & have little tolerance for those who trash or otherwise think they have "rights" on my property.)

04-05-2023, 08:28 PM
Nope..it didn’t upset me. I just was headed down the day I first posted here because someone ran over two of my no trespassing signs and I was on my way to replace them and already riled up.lol. I had a guy that was parked about a mile down the road that day on my neighbors property with no permission and fishing. He drove by while I was putting my replacement signs out shaking his head and giving me a dirty look. He was heading down the road to where there was public fishing a couple miles away. I would assume he didn’t wanna waste the gas?

04-05-2023, 09:56 PM
Glad you weren't upset. My thoughts were just to point out a different thought process.

And I too have had plenty of experience with the types you seem to have problems with. But I had to laugh several days ago at something I saw on an old TV show. Cheyenne. In it,, a bad guy said; "Everybody has some kind of vice. Mine are laws. I see a law, & I have to break it." I laughed a lot,, because I KNOW a guy just like that. He enjoys trying to skirt as many laws as he can. Well, the smaller ones, He's smart enough not to steal, or do serious crimes. Trespassing, hunting a little out of season, catching a few more fish than allowed, slipping in on a married woman, making a little REAL moonshine, & a host of other things he feels "infringes upon his own idea of fun." Luckily,, he's grown old, and can't do nearly as much as he used to do. He's not mean, or anything,, in fact quite the opposite. He's actually very fond of kids, babies, etc. And never, ever hurt an old person or kid in his presence. There will be a fight. He will defend those kids or old folks. I like to tease him that he's now an old guy who needs someone to protect him. I get a fairly good cussing when I do that.
If you were around his area,, and posted a creek he'd been fishing for years, you'd be a target for him. He'd NOT tear down your signs,, but he'd surely try to see if he could sneak into your place w/o being caught. He delights in trying to outfox someone.

But the people you described,, getting mad, or being destructive, or littering,, Nope,, not good at all. Good luck with your slice of heaven!

04-06-2023, 01:15 AM
Ours opens the second Saturday of may for streams. I used to love fly fishing and went often, the last few years I've barely even gotten out. My oldest grandson turns 12 in may and joined a local fly fishing/tying club this spring and has been tying flies getting ready to go. I told him I would get his younger brother a fly rod and the three of us would make it a weekly ritual on my days off to get out and fish.

Outer Rondacker
04-06-2023, 05:37 AM
Oh thank god now I have a place to park at Tripplebeards house. Trying to find parking is such a pain.:bigsmyl2:

Well I will not need to go to the streams if the rain keeps up I can just drop a line in off my deck.