View Full Version : Shingles vaccine

03-22-2023, 04:45 PM
I had my second shingles shot yesterday, talk about getting my posterior kicked. The lady said I might get mild flu symptoms. I felt awful and though I was going to freeze all night. I was better this morning, just a little weak. Anyone else run into this ?

On the bright side I went to the foot doctor for a follow up for foot surgery. I have a bunion on my left foot. The doctor didn't want to get into breaking bones and resetting then as it might cause more problems than it solved. She did clean out the joint and get rid of the knot that had formed. The stitches were removed and everything is good. My toe does pull to the side but it is much more comfortable with the sore knot gone.

When I first met the doctor I thought they had raided the local high school. She is young and a small lady but sharp as a tack with a great bedside manner.

03-22-2023, 04:51 PM
No problem with shingles shot and yeah I think I got underware that's older than some of my doctors.

03-22-2023, 06:01 PM
I remember having similar symptoms from my second shingles shot, although not as prominent as yours. Still much better than having the shingles, though!! Hope you feel better soon.

03-22-2023, 06:28 PM
Had shingles about 5 or 6 years ago. Was dang bad for a few weeks.... no fun at all.

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03-22-2023, 06:30 PM
I got the Shingles shots three years ago.
First one no problem.
Second one kicked my butt, three days of amplified flu symtoms.
That second shot was during a time of elevated tree pollen, which I 'can' get flu type symtoms...so I figured my reaction was a combo effect.

03-22-2023, 07:41 PM
Second one felt like I had broken my shoulder like a deep bruise. No flu like symptoms.

When I saw the commercial that Terry Bradshaw was in I always thought he was exaggerating the pain. I found out first hand he was probably downplaying the pain. I only had one spot on my forehead. Nerve pain was horrible, inside ear, jaw, side of head, back of head, shoulder... all on left side. I Ended up temporarily losing vision in my left eye also got sores / lesions on my cornea.

03-22-2023, 08:48 PM
Friends and Family that had shingles intimated that it was "Horrible", so when the VA said "here ya go"...there I went!!!
Don't remember any afterburn... Maybe mine didn't "Take"!!!!!!!

03-22-2023, 09:15 PM
I was vaccinated last year when my employer offered it free of charge. The first one put a goose egg sized, hot to the touch knot on my arm, and gave me the flu like symptoms. I was dreading the second one, but it was a cake walk.
My father had the shingles and had been strongly encouraging us kids to get vaccinated because of how badly it hurt him.

03-22-2023, 10:25 PM
Isn't shingles an expression of the chickenpox virus in us, possibly from the chickenpox vaccine most of us got when young? If thats so, why not just get another chickenpox vaccine to boost your immunity?

I had shingles about 4 years ago. Lasted about two weeks on the major symptoms, but think I still have minute outbreaks now and then, very localized and small

03-22-2023, 10:30 PM
No more vaccines for me after the last 3 years of covid madness.

03-22-2023, 10:47 PM
Had shingles in my early forties. Don know what was worse the symptoms, or the price of the prescriptions to treat.
Wife had a week long reaction to her first shingle vaccine. Didn’t go back for the second one.

03-22-2023, 11:18 PM
If you have had shingles before are you protected ?

03-22-2023, 11:18 PM
I felt bad for a day. But, worth not getting shingles.

03-22-2023, 11:37 PM
Guess I'm luckier then most. Had both Shingles shot, no reaction.

03-22-2023, 11:47 PM
I had both shots last year , seems like one in early November and the booster right before new years . Other than making my arm really sore for a few days , both times, I didn’t have any other issues. I was shocked when the lady at the pharmacy told me be sure you don’t wait until after the first of the year , because my deductible started over , she said each shot was almost $900.00 !!

03-23-2023, 07:17 AM
No issues with either the old/ineffective vaccine or the new double shot vaccine. Haven't had a case of the flu, since I was a child. I'm coming up on 72 year old.


03-23-2023, 07:35 AM
wife + i both 76 + got 2nd shot in February with no bad effects except wife had slight redness around injection area -

03-23-2023, 07:36 AM
I have had the original single dose shot and the newer 2 dose shot. The only reaction I had was some soreness in the shoulder where the injection was done. It could be said to have been pleasant compared to the case of the shingles I had about 15 years ago. I still get an itching sensation where the shingles originated.

03-23-2023, 08:16 AM
Me and my wife had the newest Shingles shot with no reaction a couple of years ago.

03-23-2023, 08:38 AM
Isn't shingles an expression of the chickenpox virus in us, possibly from the chickenpox vaccine most of us got when young?

<SMH> I don't think it's even POSSIBLE for someone to develop shingles from a weakened vaccine designed to protect against one of its "cousins", but I'm CERTAIN I've never even heard of it, much less seen it nor read about it. Making associations between shingles and a chicken pox VACCINATION (especially without evidence) is irresponsible and potentially dangerous.

03-23-2023, 09:21 AM
<SMH> I don't think it's even POSSIBLE for someone to develop shingles from a weakened vaccine designed to protect against one of its "cousins", but I'm CERTAIN I've never even heard of it, much less seen it nor read about it. Making associations between shingles and a chicken pox VACCINATION (especially without evidence) is irresponsible and potentially dangerous.

He asked a question for clarification. No idea how you made the jump to "Making associations between shingles and a chicken pox VACCINATION (especially without evidence) is irresponsible and potentially dangerous." We ask questions to learn.

03-23-2023, 09:31 AM
Had Shingles about 10 years ago. Hurt like the dickens. As soon as it started; went to Urgent Care. They gave me the "Shingles Shot" and it was gone two days later. Have not got any additional shots and do not intend to do so. Logic is similar to the Flu shot for me. I can get the shot and be miserable (Flu) for a week each year; or - I can get the Flu every 10 to 15 years and be miserable for a week. The math on not getting the Flu Shot works for me and I look at the Shingles the same way.

Last 3 years of observing the Massive Movement of CDC, NIH, etc... into dictating peoples lives has convinced me that not all "It's Good For You" shots actually meet that definition.

03-23-2023, 09:39 AM
I've never had a reaction to a shingles shot. Probably because I've never had one.

03-23-2023, 10:02 AM
I had the shot three-four years ago.
Felt like the flu the first day, then it on the second day it felt like every body part I've ever injured was targeted and aggravated.
But everybody I know who had actual Shingles said it was a whole lot worse than the shot.

03-23-2023, 10:14 AM
I spoke with a dermatologist last year, and she told me that they're seeing a substantial increase in the number of shingles cases. Apparently, there's a certain "vaccine" out there that's stressing your immune system to the point that your weakened system can no longer suppress the chickenpox virus that's in your body if you had it as a kid, which results in shingles outbreaks in adults.

03-23-2023, 10:19 AM
I had chills and body aches the day after i got the first shot. I had the same thing happen after the second shot.

03-23-2023, 10:31 AM
When I got Shingles, it took about two days to develop and I knew what it was and went to the Doc's office the next day. He prescribed an anti-viral and at the time, I was taking hydrocortisone cream and mixing it with Orajel, applying it topically, to numb the itching/burning sensation. Doc thought that was a good idea and to continue doing it. Breakout lasted about 10 days. Doc said I should be fairly immune from Shingles for about the next 5 years.

I haven't had the shot. Friend of my Grandfathers had shingles and it covered his entire head. He was in misery for over a month.

03-23-2023, 10:45 AM
The 2nd shingles shot stomped my butt for about 3 days. Felt like the old school, pre flu shots, flu. Battis is correct vis a vis the shingles etiology. Chicken pox is caused by a herpes virus (like small pox, genital herpes, fever blisters etc). Once infected, you are persistently infected, but your body keeps the virus "in check", but hiding in your nervous system. When your immunity slides for whatever reason, It emerges and causes nerve inflammation/ rash outside it's "hiding place". My doctor warned me that the 2nd shot might be problematic, but based on talking to people that had had shingles, I know it was worth it.

03-23-2023, 10:54 AM
If you have had shingles before are you protected ?

Unfortunately no.

03-23-2023, 11:17 AM
I had about every bad side effect you can have from the shingles shots.
The first one made my arm real sore, as the nurse jammed in the needle and injected me with a quick push of the plunger. Next one I told her to put the needle in slow, and inject it slowly. That one wasn't sore. It was the other after effects that were the problem.

03-23-2023, 11:36 AM
I had my first shingles vaccine about a month or so ago.
I am 68 with a suppressed immune dystem due to three of bouts of cancer and chemotherapy.
No ill effects from the vaccine that I noticed.
Also had Covid vaccine with two boosters, flu vaccine, pneumonia vaccine and tetanus with zero ill effects.
I did have Covid before my initial vaccine and was very ill for two weeks and quite weak for s couple of weeks after the major symptoms went away.
Didn't want to go through that again, so I got the vaccine. My wife and son both had Covid and recovered within a few days but both have lingering side effects. I have had no discernible lingering side effects.

Wayne Smith
03-23-2023, 12:09 PM
Be aware that the shingles shot does not prevent shingles. It does prevent permanent nerve damage from shingles, however. Had both shots and had Chicken Pox as a child so I know I have the virus. I don't know, if you have the chicken pox vaccine, if you need a shingles shot. Check with your MD and ask him or her.

jim 44-40
03-23-2023, 12:25 PM
The injection I got at the VA clinic felt like King Kong punched me in the arm a few times.

03-23-2023, 12:54 PM
I know several people who have experienced shingles. One of my long time friends got shingles and after a period of time the visible rash went away, BUT he was left with ongoing (nerve?) pain that made him miserable every day for the rest of his life. Yes, both Gail and I have had the shingles shot some years ago. Later the two shot one(s) came out and we got them as well. No reaction to any of them other than a bit of soreness at the injection site.

03-23-2023, 02:07 PM
if ever having shingles, (I have) there was no complaints later when my doctor gave me the shots. Second shot was tough though, but only for a couple days. Hope I never get that stuff again!

03-23-2023, 04:53 PM
He asked a question for clarification. No idea how you made the jump to "Making associations between shingles and a chicken pox VACCINATION (especially without evidence) is irresponsible and potentially dangerous." We ask questions to learn.

THIS was his entire post. What's in boldface is what I consider "irresponsible and potentially dangerous". Associating the use of getting a Chicken Pox vaccination with later having Shingles (without considerable evidence) may make would-be users question the use of both vaccines, most likely to the eventual detriment of their health.

Isn't shingles an expression of the chickenpox virus in us, possibly from the chickenpox vaccine most of us got when young? If that's so, why not just get another chickenpox vaccine to boost your immunity?
I had shingles about 4 years ago. Lasted about two weeks on the major symptoms, but think I still have minute outbreaks now and then, very localized and small.

03-23-2023, 05:49 PM
No chicken pox, no shingles shot.

03-23-2023, 05:56 PM
The difference I see between Covid vaccinations and others are that vaccines for flu, pneumonia, and shingles seem to work. Not 100 percent but no treatment is. After watching my FIL deal with shingles in his late 70s, I can deal with a sore shoulder and flu-like symptoms for a few days. BTW, shingles shots are now covered by medicare.

03-23-2023, 06:24 PM
I had shingles after to original one shot vaccine. Was uncomfortable for a weekend. Got the two shot vaccine about 3 years ago , no great problem. Don't know when you got a chicken pox vaccine. I have children that are 44. 42 and 38 years old. They never got chicken pox vaccines. #2 son brought chicken pox home and gave it to brother and sister. At age 50 they wii get the singles shots even if I have to come back from the grave.
Granddaughter has got a chickenpox shot. Grandson at 6 month may be too young. He will get the shot when he is old enough since his parents are very pro vaccine,

03-23-2023, 06:44 PM
I had my first shingles vaccine about a month or so ago.
I am 68 with a suppressed immune dystem due to three of bouts of cancer and chemotherapy.
No ill effects from the vaccine that I noticed.
Also had Covid vaccine with two boosters, flu vaccine, pneumonia vaccine and tetanus with zero ill effects.
I did have Covid before my initial vaccine and was very ill for two weeks and quite weak for s couple of weeks after the major symptoms went away.
Didn't want to go through that again, so I got the vaccine. My wife and son both had Covid and recovered within a few days but both have lingering side effects. I have had no discernible lingering side effects.

Hang in there.

03-23-2023, 09:29 PM
The first shingles shot did not bother me at all. When the 2 shot Shingrex became available my doctor recommended I take it also. The first one hurt a little a couple of days later. Didn't notice anything after the second. Don't remember if I ever had a chickenpox vaccination, but I did have chickenpox, a week and a half or more of constant itching.

Had the flu for the first time I know of last fall. Had a runny nose and a light fever, the fever lasted 2-3 days, the runny nose lasted about 10-12 days. Did not feel like any description of the flu I have ever heard of. I started feeling it a couple of days after my wife showed symptoms. She tested positive for flu and Covid.

03-23-2023, 11:40 PM
I had the flu like symptoms the our the first shot, didn't think anything about it. Nurse never said anything about a possible reaction. Went back for the second one and this person said I could likely feel worse with the second one. I told him i had the chills and such with the first one as well. Sure enough, just like clockwork, almost to the exact hour, I got the same chills and shakes. At least this time I was expecting it.

03-24-2023, 01:46 AM
Just got the the second today. Starting to feel draggy.

Was at the DR for something else , while there I got the covid booster , the pneumonia , and the first shingles shot. talk about getting your butt kicked. was ether freezing or sweating all night. So I figure it can't be any worse than that.

03-24-2023, 04:53 AM
Had Shingles about 10 years ago. Hurt like the dickens. As soon as it started; went to Urgent Care. They gave me the "Shingles Shot" and it was gone two days later. Have not got any additional shots and do not intend to do so. Logic is similar to the Flu shot for me. I can get the shot and be miserable (Flu) for a week each year; or - I can get the Flu every 10 to 15 years and be miserable for a week. The math on not getting the Flu Shot works for me and I look at the Shingles the same way.

Last 3 years of observing the Massive Movement of CDC, NIH, etc... into dictating peoples lives has convinced me that not all "It's Good For You" shots actually meet that definition.

I always get the flu shot. I never get sick, except for a sore arm for a day. I don’t get sick with the flu like I used to. Sick once last winter. I thought it was The unmentionable, but negative after testing. However, I can’t convince my wife to get flu shots. Everyone is different.

03-24-2023, 01:21 PM
I'll not be getting it.
Got the chicken pox shot, and got chicken pox.
Got the flu shot, when it first came out, and got the flu.
Haven't gotten any "preventive" shots since.
Friend got shingles.
Back, butt, back of legs.
Pain walking, sitting, getting up after laying down.
Blisters all over.
He went to a remote beach that had tide pools.
Water would surge in and out churning up the sand.
He would soak in the pool, with nothing on, and it would tale away the scabs.
Felt great after.
While he was in the pool, a cop came by.
Said he was trespassing and demanded he leave.
When he got up, the cops saw his backside.
Explained what he was doing, and the cop told him to keep on doing it.
He would tell others to leave him alone.
After a week he went back to the doctor.
Doctor was amazed at how it was healing.
Explained to the doctor and was told to keep on doing it.
By the next week it was gone.
He went and got the shot.

03-24-2023, 01:30 PM
I had my second shingles shot yesterday, talk about getting my posterior kicked. The lady said I might get mild flu symptoms. I felt awful and though I was going to freeze all night. I was better this morning, just a little weak. Anyone else run into this ?

On the bright side I went to the foot doctor for a follow up for foot surgery. I have a bunion on my left foot. The doctor didn't want to get into breaking bones and resetting then as it might cause more problems than it solved. She did clean out the joint and get rid of the knot that had formed. The stitches were removed and everything is good. My toe does pull to the side but it is much more comfortable with the sore knot gone.

When I first met the doctor I thought they had raided the local high school. She is young and a small lady but sharp as a tack with a great bedside manner.

I am quoting my own post for an update. About the time the shingles side affects wore off I picked up another virus. It has not been a good week.

03-24-2023, 02:55 PM
For the record: Had chicken pox at 9, got the shingles vaccine last year. Neither injection seemed to affect me much, afterward. No shingles, to date, and am grateful.
Sorry, also, if my reaction to possible misinformation was out of proportion, but it tends to propagate when it appears. This helps nobody.

The tide pool bathing anecdote related by ABUNAITOO is fascinating and, scientifically, COULD lead to a more generally applicable treatment. I hope the man's physician gets busy with following that up.

03-25-2023, 11:48 AM
My understanding is that if you had chicken pox, you have the residual virus in your system for life and it can, at any time, MIGHT manifest as shingles. Key word here is MIGHT! Lots of people never get the shot and never get shingles, SO, if you feel lucky------

03-26-2023, 09:00 AM
The way my doctor explained it was if you had Chickenpox in the past, you have the potential to get shingles. He also said that a lot of cases are brought on by stressful situations. Just prior to the case of shingles I got I had had ankle surgery. According to my doctor, that very well could have been the trigger.

It would be interesting to know if there was an increase in shingles during the beginning of the pandemic.

03-26-2023, 05:35 PM
According to the DR (dermatologist) that I spoke with, there was definitely an increase of shingles cases in the past few years. Immune systems are being weakened by certain vaccines and the body can't fight off those dormant viruses.

03-26-2023, 06:52 PM
My understanding is that if you had chicken pox, you have the residual virus in your system for life and it can, at any time, MIGHT manifest as shingles. Key word here is MIGHT! Lots of people never get the shot and never get shingles, SO, if you feel lucky------

It's herpes, so yeah...

kevin c
03-26-2023, 08:03 PM
The docs say stress can suppress the immune system, allowing latent viruses like varicella-zoster to reactivate. Lots of stressors lately: the effects of the past three years on the economy, the development in many of chronic illness, social and political unrest, war initiated by a nuclear power, the list goes on.

Maybe the implication that certain vaccinations weaken the immune system has merit, but, if so, it’d be the first I ever heard of such a thing in any vaccine. Suspicions and speculations by one doctor turn into a broader concern when others note the same, and lead to investigation and conclusions reported after careful analysis, otherwise they remain unproven suspicions and speculations.

Some vaccines do help push down the rate of infections dramatically, usually in a situation where almost everybody susceptible is vaccinated and the infection hasn’t become very widespread and isn’t extremely contagious. It would be tempting but inappropriate to promote a vaccine as a guarantee against infection otherwise. Better to think of them as a way of decreasing severity of the infection, though there are many whose immune systems and native constitutions are enough by themselves (which can only be known after the fact by the passage of time without the shots).

It being a matter of risk versus benefit, I get the vaccinations for my age, not because they’re “recommended”, but because I know what they’re meant to protect against and I judge the risk of the shots smaller than the risk of the infection.

So I got the two shingles shots: sore arm the first time and nothing the second, and no shingles so far. Some other shots, like the flu and others, didn’t stop me getting a bit sick, but I’ll continue with them, since I think that risk is smaller than unvaccinated infection.

03-26-2023, 08:17 PM
I must admit that I wasn't talking about the shingles vaccine (or flu). In fact, the "shot" that I was referring to isn't a vaccine at all, though it's labeled as such (mRNA).

03-27-2023, 11:10 AM
Had my first bought of shingles last fall. Unpleasant to say the least. And the Docs nowdays won't give you anything for the pain. Took about 2 months to get over it. But I remain warry of the vaccines so I will roll the dice.

03-27-2023, 12:39 PM
Yep, got my second shingles shot a few weeks ago. Felt awful for a day and a half, with body pain and ache. I said Shingles would be worse but of course that is not true.

03-27-2023, 06:27 PM
First shot before Christmas, no problem but a sore shoulder . Second shot this past Thursday , I'm still getting over it . Fever , Body Aches , Weak . I think I got the second shot symptoms combined with the crud going around at work .

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

03-27-2023, 06:53 PM
Honestly, these posts sound like horror stories. I don't remember anyone before the early 90's talking a Shingles. I guess we will all have to wait until what the long term effects of vaccine experimentation beholds upon those whom choose to partake.

03-27-2023, 07:35 PM
A contractor friend of mine got shingles. It went onto his genitals, and he was absolutely miserable for several weeks on end. Anyone whos has had chicken pox might want to consider getting the vaccine. I had chicken pox when I was six years old, so I probably need to get vaccinated too.

kevin c
03-28-2023, 02:56 AM
I must admit that I wasn't talking about the shingles vaccine (or flu). In fact, the "shot" that I was referring to isn't a vaccine at all, though it's labeled as such (mRNA).
A general discussion is as close as we’re gonna get for some topics. You can decide if what I said applies generally, specifically or both.

03-28-2023, 05:46 AM
Many years ago I had the shingles and went to the VA to see my DR and he had me take a pill. It went away after a few days and while I seen him . He told me the shot would not help me. Since I got it already. I do not like to take shots if I do not need to. I have enough problems then to have some shot make me worst then I am already.

03-28-2023, 07:13 AM
Honestly, these posts sound like horror stories. I don't remember anyone before the early 90's talking a Shingles. I guess we will all have to wait until what the long term effects of vaccine experimentation beholds upon those whom choose to partake.

I had the original single dose shot about seven years ago and the newer 2 dose shot about a year and a half later. As mention earlier, the only ill affect I had was the sore shoulder.

03-28-2023, 11:05 AM
Honestly, these posts sound like horror stories. I don't remember anyone before the early 90's talking a Shingles. I guess we will all have to wait until what the long term effects of vaccine experimentation beholds upon those whom choose to partake.

Nobody before the 90's took a Shingles vax because the first Shingles vax wasn't licensed until 2006.

I doubt many, if any, of y'all had a Chickenpox vax as kids, either. That one came out in 1995.

03-28-2023, 11:34 AM
Nobody before the 90's took a Shingles vax because the first Shingles vax wasn't licensed until 2006.

I doubt many, if any, of y'all had a Chickenpox vax as kids, either. That one came out in 1995.

Right, but I wasn't talking about the shingles vax, it's like all the sudden the virus became some unbearable problem only after the vax became available. I remember people saying that adult infection of chickenpox for the first time was a nightmare. But nothing ever about shingles for those who have been exposed.

03-28-2023, 11:43 AM
Maybe Scientists should make up a new blood type for everyone who is adding artificial antigens to theirs.

03-28-2023, 11:51 AM
Seems like things become a medical crisis once someone makes a $$$ vaccine or $$$$ pill for something.

03-28-2023, 12:06 PM
Chance of shingles is 33%...

Chance of me having a reaction to the vax that puts me in the hospital is around 90%...

I will roll the dice on getting shingles...

kevin c
03-28-2023, 12:54 PM
Oh, no doubt that any manufacturer will do its best to promote its own products, often to the point of exaggeration. That’s pretty much expected. The informed consumer is best served by finding independent and hopefully less biased sources of information.

The generally accepted understanding of varicella is that, before the vaccine, it would quickly be spread by kids throughout a non immune population, making kids miserable and adults potentially much more ill, leaving immunity behind in just about everybody that is highly protective against future exposure, and which is boosted/maintained by those same exposures (sort of like maintaining a large well trained army because a hostile neighbor tried to invade once and still keeps testing the defense by raiding over the border). Seniors can get nasty first time infections, or, if previously infected, get zoster, as their immune systems weaken with age.

With the chicken pox vaccine, you can prevent the kids’ misery and missed school (which is a significant issue), the potentially serious adult illness, and, with the shingles shot (in some ways almost the same thing as the chicken pox version), the previously unpreventable nastiness of shingles.

Ironically, using the vaccine has led to becoming dependent on it. Without the periodic boosting from exposure to natural varicella circulating among the uninfected, the vaccine induced immunity in kids, never as strong as the natural form to start with, weakens after a few years, making them vulnerable as young adults (“Let’s reduce our big army since our still hostile neighbor hasn’t crossed the border in twenty years”), so now boosters are needed.

I got chicken pox as a kid (unusually, twice). I know how nasty shingles can be so I got the shots. Yeah, big pharma has an agenda - promoting your product to make money is expected in capitalism. That doesn’t mean there aren’t real problems those products address effectively.

03-28-2023, 01:01 PM
Right, but I wasn't talking about the shingles vax, it's like all the sudden the virus became some unbearable problem only after the vax became available. I remember people saying that adult infection of chickenpox for the first time was a nightmare. But nothing ever about shingles for those who have been exposed.

Ah, I see.

So my sister got a nasty bout of shingles in the early 90 and ended up with what is, effectively, permanent nerve damage. So it happened before the vax, and it was still bad.

It's talked about more now because I think people realize better that it can have long-lasting repercussions. And people talk about this type of stuff more now, for whatever reason. And also, obviously, drug companies do marketing...

kevin c
03-28-2023, 01:06 PM
…He went to a remote beach that had tide pools…a cop came by...Said he was trespassing and demanded he leave

Quick off topic.

Say abunaitoo, was I wrong thinking that all the Islands’ beaches and access to them was public?

03-28-2023, 06:10 PM
I am sure that this herpes vaccine is perfectly safe. But I have heard this before.

03-29-2023, 08:10 AM
When I was a kid and when my children were young (oldest is in his mid 40's) the chickenpox vaccine was taking the kids to play with the neighbor kid who had chickenpox. None of my five kids had the chickenpox more than once, although I do know some people who have had it more than once.

As stated before, I still experience very mild discomfort (minor itching) at the site where my bout with shingles started.

If you pay attention to some of the early TV shows and movies, you will occasionally here them complaining about shingles.

03-31-2023, 09:20 AM
Chance of shingles is 33%...

Chance of me having a reaction to the vax that puts me in the hospital is around 90%...

I will roll the dice on getting shingles...

Bingo. Feel the same way as they don't know the "carrier" I am allergic to.