View Full Version : Colt Originals & a Belgian contraption?? PIC. Heavy

03-21-2023, 01:46 PM
Hello All, A friend just dropped these at my house because he knew I like historical arms. See Attached pictures. I always like looking over guns like these that have witnessed amazing things throughout history. If only they could talk...

1.) Colt "1849 Pocket Revolver" with Ivory Grip in .31 caliber. S/N 327262 indicates made in 1871: Interesting Marks Under barrel of a set of 3 "Crossed-Keys" (maybe Papal Keys from Vatican service with the Swiss Guard(??) and a Crown on top of a line with "J" and "N" on either side of the line. Mechanical condition is Poor and is missing the "ram" and the loading lever's barrel clip.

2.) Colt "1851 Navy" in .36 cal of course. S/N 10835 indicates 1852 mfg. This old rig was run hard in it's life. It actually looks like it was "brought back to life" at one point as the wedge is fabricated, shaft that the cylinder rides on has been crudely reconditioned and there are marks as though the Frame was hammered (maybe to straighten??) when the Grip frame was off it. Amazingly all the numbers do match after all that abuse. (I think it was Junk at one point and then pressed back into service)

Any / All jump in with comments or historical insights, info., etc.

03-22-2023, 09:03 AM
You've done your research as far as the serial numbers. Those proof marks (crossed keys) are interesting. Great guns. Can you post more pics? Have you, or will you, strip them down?

03-22-2023, 09:14 AM
It is interesting to guess what happened to tese guys before you got them. I once saw two guns at auction. One was an 1860 Colt Army that was blown up, two guns or more put back together to make one paper weight. It sold for $400-500. The other was on off brand, like Manhatten or Merwin & Hulburt, something, full on 45 cal, 6 shot all complete matching and fully shootable but in rough shape-no closet queen but usable right now. Sold for about $150. Always amazes me what people spend money on. Thanks for posting.

03-22-2023, 02:01 PM
Thanks for your comments. See More Pictures I attached here.
Four more of the 1849 Ivory Grip Pocket and 3 more of the very beat-up 1851 Navy.

The Navy 1851 "almost want to tell me" that it was a derelict in some warehouse junk pile when it was found in the South in 1862-1863 and Refurbished to be Issued to the recently Separated States of the Confederacy somewhere... It just looks like has been around the world 5 times on a hard ticket.

Notice the Badly Incorrect screw in the butt of the small .31 cal pocket revolver that is part of the back-strap fastening. It's an old screw but wow, it is wrong ;-)

Thanks for looking in and any more comments to come.