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View Full Version : Buyer backs out of a deal...well...kind of...

03-21-2023, 07:47 AM
Sunday, after getting home from church, I got a call from a gentleman who had won an auction. He had second thoughts. He really had no use for the gun. It was too valuable to shoot, and he would have flipped it at a gun show for a tidy profit as he felt he had stolen it.

We talked about the gun, guns in similar calibers, Savage 340's, shooting, family crap etc etc for about 45 minutes. Just a really good call with a guy I had never met or dealt with before.

Both of us felt that a "deal was a deal". He would buy the gun if I wanted to sell it and he would make a bit of money flipping it. I told him I would sell him the gun if he wanted it. We decided to negate the deal and I would list it on GB

I offered to send him 50% of whatever extra I got when it sold. He said that was not necessary.

The gun was listed Sunday and is already at the minimum price.

My take aways are that there are some very good folks on this site. Either that, or God is sending me proof not everyone is a greedy SOB. I think both.

I have met a "good" man and a new friend I can talk to.

Anyway, whatever I make on this gun will be given to our church. I will leave it in His hands. He works in mysterious ways. Sometimes we need to open our eyes and figure out when He sends us a message.

Before I became a believer, He hit me a couple of times with a 2x4 to get my attention, but I was "too smart" to listen. He got through eventually...He never gives up.

03-21-2023, 07:57 AM
Good stuff man!! ♥️

03-21-2023, 09:25 AM
Sounds like you found a very honest and respectable new friend. Rare as hens teeth these days. Glad to hear about things like this these days. Restores my faith in humanity a bit.

03-21-2023, 10:26 AM
A very nice message Don.

03-21-2023, 11:14 AM
Strangers parting as friends these days has got to be Devine intervention.