View Full Version : Another wheel weight story

Budzilla 19
03-08-2023, 04:31 PM
While out on one of my trips to SE Texas, ( helping out a retired Marine who is down on his luck), I was just going back to his trailer, after returning from the auto parts store, I just happened to see what looked like a small, hole in the wall scrap yard.
So, I turned in, and asked the lady in charge if she had some wheel weights for sale?
Si, senor, we have weights. So, I bought 122 pounds of weights, fast forward to this morning and I processed the weights I bought!

Out of 122 pounds of weights, I got 98 pounds of clean, ready to cast ingots.
$59 total. Yeah, I’ll take that. Cost a little propane, time is not counted in.

They are out there, keep your “skimmer” on high alert, you get ‘em.
On another note, if you are able, help out our veterans, because of their sacrifice, we are able to enjoy our hobby. Just my opinion.


crandall crank
03-08-2023, 06:20 PM
That's a double win-win in my opinion. The best is willing AND actually helping someone less fortunate. Even better that you are helping a veteran, because without their sacrifice and service, who knows what America would be like. The second is the good score of lead.

Winger Ed.
03-08-2023, 06:24 PM
I'm sure you've heard Lead is very hazardous.

You need to let one of us older guys save you from imminent danger and take it off your hands.:bigsmyl2:

03-08-2023, 06:57 PM
Nice score!

03-08-2023, 07:47 PM
I'm sure you've heard Lead is very hazardous.

You need to let one of us older guys save you from imminent danger and take it off your hands.:bigsmyl2:

I am not sure that you are going to want to trust him. He has been known to, uhhh, do things. I take bad lead every day though, to properly recycle. It's green!

Budzilla 19
03-08-2023, 09:34 PM
Crandall crank, I feel it’s just right to help a veteran! Especially the older Vietnam vets,like this guy. He’s not very mechanical minded, but I am. So, I put an injector in his old diesel truck, and just visit with him. We talk almost everyday as he has no one, at all. Kinda crippled up some, so I help him when I can. As for the lead score, I’ve gotten lucky on my trips to the great state of Texas!
Winger Ed, I been in your neck of Texas, it’s a wide open space, for sure! Good place to do your own thing.
Dondiego, if I ever have any bad lead come my way, I’ll be sure and send it to you for proper disposal!
As for the offers of disposal, I sincerely appreciate the concerns for my health! Hahaha, this site is the best place to be!
I’m good,guys, and at 67, I like being known as one the younger guys!, lol

Budzilla 19
03-22-2023, 01:13 PM

After I posted the wheel weight story, with ample concerns for my health as posted by my fellow casters, I decided this;

To clean up the area around one of our big oak trees in the yard, I decided to dig out my old Daddy’s last stash of wheel weights! 311987
This was full running over.So, fast forward three days, and now I’m getting to the bottom of this half drum.
So far:
546 lbs of clean ingots.
I might be done collecting for a minute.
Thanks, Pop! I know he’s up there, looking down, grinning to beat the band!

Oh, and by the way, EVERY ONE OF THEM IS HARD STAMPED! Seems like lately, that same old discussion comes up, how do you mark your ingots?
Some code, number system converted to the alloy as written down on a cheat sheet. Just stamp the blasted things as to what they are, and EVERYONE will know, because when you gone to the casting house in the sky, your family needs to be clear as to what got alloy wise! All right, rant over.
Be safe, gentlemen!

I forgot to mention that these are 35+ years old weights, so no zinc, and I don’t know the exact makeup of them, yet, but I’ll have one ingot pmi’ed and know for sure!

03-22-2023, 01:41 PM
Nice find! I'm sure He's up there with a big smile! But his storage method was to bury them?

Budzilla 19
03-22-2023, 07:15 PM
Lightman, no, his method was to put them in 55 gallon drums, but when his health failed, and one of my siblings “ cleaned up” around the house, he put these out in the rain! Fast forward 5 years, and I go to get my wheel weights,( Dad has passed on by then), them damn things are in a rusted and busted shell of a drum on the ground. I dug em up, put them as you see in a cut drum, then a death in the family put me off track for 4 more years. Just got them out last Sunday,so the oak leaves and the dirt are my fault, actually.
Blew away the dirt and leaves, melTing pot takes care of the rest of the trash! Boy, have I gone through some sawdust and wax!!!!!!
It’s been an adventure for sure! But, they are harder to find now, so I guess it was time to do something!
That’s my story.

03-22-2023, 07:51 PM
That is some good lead to use! I loved it in the 80's!