View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Saturday, February 25

Pine Baron
02-25-2023, 07:41 AM
Good morning all. I sure needed to be reminded of this today. Have a safe and blessed day.

Big Promises: The Promise of Providence
Dr. David Jeremiah February 25, 2023

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

The oldest Baptist congregation in America, founded in 1638, still meets today in Providence, Rhode Island. Providence was founded by a Puritan theologian named Roger Williams, who, after advocating for the separation of church and state, was exiled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636. The new community he founded was named Providence to recognize God’s gracious direction in leading them there.

Providence is not a biblical word but has evolved into an idea that refers to God’s rule over the affairs of His creation. It is akin to the biblical idea of God’s sovereignty—God’s righteous rule over the affairs of men. For example, God “changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:21). And, in Christ, “all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17, NASB). Such an idea motivated Paul to write Romans 8:28, giving us confidence that God uses everything in our life for good.

Because God is good and sovereign, we can trust Him to work out His divine plans and purposes for creation—including for us personally.

Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to His love, and the future to His providence.

02-25-2023, 08:19 AM
Good lesson and reminder. We need to put our trust in the Lord.

02-25-2023, 09:17 AM
Amen, our God is sovereign over all things.