View Full Version : For Thought and Meditation - Thursday, February 23

Pine Baron
02-23-2023, 07:59 AM
Good morning all. I've been called a worrier, and I must admit, I do have my moments. Have a safe and blessed day.

Three Reasons Not to Worry about Money
by Dr. Robert Jeffress

Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?
—Matthew 6:27

Of all the things we worry about, money is often at the top of the list. We are afraid we will not have enough to take care of our needs or the needs of the people we are responsible for. But in Matthew 6, Jesus gave us three reasons why we should not be infected with anxiety over money.

First of all, worry is unnecessary. Look at verses 25–26: “Do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?” In other words, God takes care of His creation, including you and me. Yes, we still have to go to work, just like the birds still have to go out and search for food, but God provides for our needs. Worrying gets us nowhere.

Second, worry is ungodly. Verse 31 says, “Do not worry then, saying, ‘What we will eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things.” Unbelievers worry about their basic provisions because they do not believe in a God who can take care of their needs. But believers should be different.

I am reminded of an old poem: “Said the Robin to the Sparrow, ‘I should really like to know why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so?’ Said the Sparrow to the Robin, ‘Friend, I think that it must be that they have no heavenly Father such as cares for you and me.’” We do have a heavenly Father, and it does not bring glory to God when His own children are worrying about their basic provisions.

Finally, worry is unfruitful. Jesus said, “Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?” (v. 27). Worrying is not going to add a single minute to your life span or a single dollar to your bank account. But it will sap you of your physical, emotional, and spiritual strength. Nineteenth-century minister Alexander McLaren said, “What does your anxiety do? It does not empty tomorrow . . . of its sorrows; but ah! it empties today of its strength.” Worrying does not result in worth.

02-23-2023, 08:28 AM
Amen, I think we all struggle with worry at times.

02-23-2023, 08:33 AM
A very difficult message for me to agree with. In part because I have little faith in God "taking care of me".

I suppose I am being silly having food prepped for months, months of firewood stocked, an emergency generator (nice to have with the 12" of snow and high winds forecast for today), and arms and ammunition to protect it all if thing get "bad".

Does having trust in God to provide food translate into trusting others to provide for us? I stopped giving to our food bank after seeing the abuse by people who could have provided for themselves and choose to take handouts. Was my decision an action against God, did I over react, or did God "open my eyes"?

We are not birds who live by foraging for food. The analogy is silly and it loses the message completely...at least for me. But some of God's creations do "worry" about food. Squirrels put away nuts, and ants are not grasshoppers.

For people who cannot grow food, they must have money to buy it or skills to barter for it. Or be dependent on charity.

I see too many 'living for today' and not worryijng about the future. People like me are expected to "share our good fortune". We are expected to give to "those in need", when "those in need" would not work overtime, pissed away money on toys, or took vacations when people who "are more fortunate" worked hard and made sacrifices.

Not buying into it.

Pine Baron
02-23-2023, 08:51 AM
Well Don, what comes to mind "God puts out the firewood, it's up to us to gather it." I don't think that being prepared, or proactive is the same as "worry". Worry, in this context, implies inaction, and that is not the message. YMMV.

square butte
02-23-2023, 09:01 AM
I struggle with the same stuff Don - I have a wood pile like yours and lots of garden food stored up for ourselves, and perhaps others if need be. The older i get, the more i have to rely on God. I am not so sure it would not have been better to come to that a whole lot earlier in life. Lots of stuff to talk about with that- But you are already thinking about it, and we each have our own process and battles. As i once heard somewhere" More people die from worrying about getting eaten by a bear then actually die from being eaten by a bear". That being said, the world being what it has become these days certainly does not help me out with this issue. The Good Lord does seem to provide when I have run out of ideas and steam

02-23-2023, 09:40 AM
I personally am of the school of thought…

Do all you can, and God will fill in the Gaps. If we truly do all we can and come up short, that’s when God steps in… it’s like the story of the 2 farmers living in a terrible drought. One sat around moaning about the drought and lack of rain, the other prepared his field to receive rain. Which one was showing his faith in God to bring the rain.

02-23-2023, 10:40 AM
I have a neighbor, "St Peggy" who gifted me with a piece of 1x2, painted, with a message on it.

"Good Morning, this is God. I will be handling your problems today"

It is about 2' long so I put it under the TV. It took some time, but it is slowly helping.

There are still things I worry about, my wifes health, etc. But not as much as I used to.

Part of it I think comes from our desire to be proud and stand tall.

To truly accept what the Lord is going to send you, and trust in it, I think you have to be a little humble.

That is not a condition most of us like.