View Full Version : Shaky hands

02-20-2023, 01:07 PM
As I get older, I am noticing that my hands are getting shaky. Anyone know any treatment or cures?

02-20-2023, 02:05 PM
Whoever figures the cure for that will be the next billionaire.

02-20-2023, 02:06 PM
I sometimes have such severe shaking in my right hand that I can't even write my name. Other times I'm OK. Just seams to come and go. I've seen several neurologists, no answers. Ruled out Parkinson disease. Sure can be awful frustrating, especially when shooting or trying to do some fine work. Run a wild welding bead! Been having this for 10 years or more, doesn't get any better. I'm 81 now. Feel great otherwise, just slowing down. A 2 hour job takes me all day. But I count my blessings for what I have. Life is good.

Recycled bullet
02-20-2023, 02:06 PM
This helps me tremendously. I started with the blue and red one they are lower tension. Thttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20230220/de9f91ee3d8fc3c05c3591c175c97bdd.jpg

02-20-2023, 02:15 PM
I've been having the samething.
It happens for no reason.
Arthritis is not helping it any.

02-20-2023, 02:25 PM
maybe you need to adjust more carburetors?
My Grandpa ran a gas station/auto repair garage starting in the late 1920s until he passed away in 1977. My Dad would tell me stories of my Grandpa working on cars. One of them was, near the end, Grandpa's hands were very shaky. But the weird thing is, my dad told me, that when Grandpa grabbed the small screwdriver to adjust a carburetor, his hand was shaky until he got within an inch of the carburetor adjustment screw, then his hand quit shaking. He'd adjust the carb, then when he pulled his hand away from the carb, his hand started shaking again.

Grandpa was a drinker, there are a few stories that centered around that.

02-20-2023, 02:31 PM
In my case the cure will probably be death.

Winger Ed.
02-20-2023, 02:39 PM
Dig around researching some of the health food kind of sites.
Some of it could be diet or vitamin deficiency related.

Diet changes may not get rid of it, but maybe help minimize the effects some what.
Not that coffee is a cure--- but for example:
You could have something going on like the people you see all shaky and agitated before they have their morning coffee.

02-20-2023, 07:07 PM
Hand, wrist and forearm exercise has helped me. Gripmaster Prohands for the digits and Captians of Crush for the overall hand, wrist and forearm strength. Also helps the low left shot with the plastic handguns. Every other day is all it takes.

02-20-2023, 07:39 PM
I have peripheral neuropathy, some days are worse than others. I get a bit shaky/wobbly on occasion, Gabapentin medication seems to really help with it.

02-20-2023, 08:34 PM
I have a mild case of my hands shaking but I attribute it to weak muscles because I don’t do hardly any manual labor anymore.

02-20-2023, 09:55 PM
My right hand does the same thing not bad an not all the time . I am 66 years old so it must just be age. I have a friend about 74 years old his hand shakes as well.

02-20-2023, 10:21 PM
Doc says mine is essential tremor and is on left hand only. Father had Parkinsons but mine lays still until I raise it up to do something. Doc claims that means it is not Parkinsons. Neorologist has me on smallest dose of Primidone and that cuts tremor down to less than half. I can live with that at 74 years old. Sons say that action is why I catch more bass than they do.

02-20-2023, 11:34 PM
My dad is 92 & has had this condition for 30 years or so. Doctor says it is called essential tremor, as noted by farmer66. Cause & cure, he hasn't found out yet.
He struggles with silverware & light objects, but manages it well enough to get by. Bigger fish to fry in his mind.

02-21-2023, 08:36 AM
Make sure it's not a vitamin deficiency. I was getting that bad and it stopped when I started on methyl B12 supplements.

02-21-2023, 12:59 PM
I have essential tremor. Had it all my life to some degree. It has increased with age. I take propranolol which is a blood pressure medication. It does not fix the problem but it dose help. Trying to do fine work is a royal pain! It seems like after you reach age 80, things quit working, have to be removed or just fall off! Getting old sucks!

02-21-2023, 03:54 PM
My hands shake as well. I think mine is hereditary, as, by the time my maternal grandfather was 70, his hands shook so much he couldn't drink a cup of coffee or a glass of water, unless he set it on a table, held it with both hands, and tilted it to drink. I'm 76, and my right hand shakes at times. My mother was the same way. I say its just age and, possibly, the chemicals we've been exposed to, or genetic.

Bad Ass Wallace
02-21-2023, 06:03 PM
"Downunder" in Australia we have this stuff called whiskey, a little now and then will settle those shakes.

Easy to spot the 'users' they carry a small flask labelled "Aiming Fluid":kidding:

high standard 40
02-21-2023, 06:42 PM
I have a tremor in my right hand. Age is 72. Propranolol mentioned above is a beta blocker that acts by slowing your pulse rate. I was on a different beta blocker and my doctor suggested switching to Propranolol. It cut my tremor in half. Recently my doctor added Primidone. I just started that and most of my tremor is gone. I've only been on it a two days so we'll see how it goes going forward as far as side effects.

high standard 40
03-16-2023, 06:57 PM
I have a tremor in my right hand. Age is 72. Propranolol mentioned above is a beta blocker that acts by slowing your pulse rate. I was on a different beta blocker and my doctor suggested switching to Propranolol. It cut my tremor in half. Recently my doctor added Primidone. I just started that and most of my tremor is gone. I've only been on it a two days so we'll see how it goes going forward as far as side effects.

I've now been on the above two prescribed medications for a little over three weeks. I had to reduce the originally prescribed dosage level of Primidone as it was causing some dizziness at a level I was not willing to accept. Also my energy level is down a little but the upside is I'm sleeping much better. My tremor has decreased to the point that I can now sign my name and have it be legible. I'd say between 75%-80% elimination of the tremor I had since I started using these two medications. Perhaps this info may help someone but you may not get the same results and your doctor may not approve depending on the other medications you may now be taking.

Winger Ed.
03-16-2023, 07:49 PM
That's good.
I'd keep looking and learning about it too.
Maybe something as simple as an excess of salt or sugar might be making it worse.

Wayne Smith
03-17-2023, 08:14 AM
There is deep brain stimulation for Parkenson's. I don't know if it is used for essential tremors, but it might be. Ask your doctor to check it out. Ten years ago it was research, just last week I heard an advertisement for an application locally. It is out for clinical use.

John Guedry
03-17-2023, 09:23 AM
I shake enough that my signature looks like something done by a drunk monkey.

03-17-2023, 09:33 AM
Taichi, yoga, other exercises, keep moving, sometimes acupressure, maybe acupuncture - all work for many nerve/muscle problems. Mostly I believe in the USE IT or LOSE IT philosophy, I am 73. Sometimes it hurts but just sitting still does not fix much.

Good Cheer
03-17-2023, 09:45 AM
Yeah, that "pain is weakness leaving the body" stuff is for the inexperienced that still believe it.

03-21-2023, 10:21 AM
i have multifocal motor neuropathy (mmn) and have lost a lot of hand strength. Used to have really strong hands from pounding stakes in the ground and popping manhole covers. I may try one of those hand grip thing a ma bobs.....

03-21-2023, 12:10 PM
Check your prescription meds for possible side effects. I had been taking Omeprazole for acid reflux. I can't pinpoint when I started having hand tremors but I can state for sure they stopped very shortly after running out of Omeprazole between refills. It's been over a month now not having the shakes. My symptoms were getting worse about 2 months ago. I was at a Steel Challenge match & was shaking so bad on the first stage I thought the RO might ask me to leave.

03-21-2023, 08:23 PM
My brother and I have familial tremors i'm 63 and he is 74 it gets worse with age, We are both on propranolol and it helps. Its not easy.

03-22-2023, 12:08 AM
I told my neurologist. He called it benign non-essential tremor. I am 73. He said, with all honesty, drink some alcohol. The tremors are not severe enough for medication. I have not tried the alcohol. My shooting is negatively affected but I feel funny drinking some wine and then shooting.

I mentioned this to a friend, and he asked if I remember so-and-so who moved away. I said yes and my friend said the wine worked for him and negated the tremors.

03-22-2023, 01:02 AM
I don’t usually have tremors, but have noticed that when I write things down, my handwriting doesn’t look near as good as it used to. Also the numbers I write down don’t come out looking the way I want a lot of the time.

03-22-2023, 08:15 AM
I’m not very old but struggle with tremors here and there, for me I found out caffeinated beverages was the main culprit. I was boneheaded when my wife said that I should stop caffeine and they’d go away……I finally tried it and she was right as usual haha

03-22-2023, 02:19 PM
There is deep brain stimulation for Parkenson's. I don't know if it is used for essential tremors, but it might be. Ask your doctor to check it out. Ten years ago it was research, just last week I heard an advertisement for an application locally. It is out for clinical use.
It is. My wife had DBS implant surgery in 2021 for her essential (sometimes referred to as familial) tremors. She was on meds for several years, neurologist increased dosage gradually until maxed out and would not control the tremors, they were so bad she couldn't write, put on makeup, put earrings in, etc.

Today her tremors are mostly gone but still show up some if stressed. DBS has improved her life.

MT Gianni
03-22-2023, 02:34 PM
Try making fists and quickly flicking your fingers 10 times in succession. Do the same with your toes. It will strengthen little used muscles.

03-29-2023, 07:00 PM
Doctors are sure pill pushers, but I haven’t found anything as effective to take their place. Exercise might do a world of good they say. I haven’t found one condition, symptom, diseases they couldn’t control, without many side effects. But the money involved!

03-29-2023, 08:50 PM
I have strange symptoms I am 80 and I noticed over the last few years that I had medium amounts of shaking but not very often. Then today I was getting a cavity filled and I have shoulder pain in my right shoulder. So I moved my arm around and it worked for a while. But sometimes I would noticed that some of the positions caused the shake to stop! Figure that one out!
Ole Jack

03-29-2023, 11:48 PM
Going through this with my wife, who’s in her mid-50s. Two years ago, she had several traumatic incidents - dog bite that led to blood poisoning and a week in the hospital, then a few months later, her new car (like, 3600 miles new) was totaled by a driver who refused to yield, breaking Jamie’s wrist in seven places. You guessed it, a few months after that? Covid.

Long story short, over the last 15 months, she’s developed essential tremors, and we’ve spent thousands chasing them. What has finally begun to work was a very strict keto diet and - oddly enough, a diagnosis that she had developed an auto-immune disease known as Hishimoto’s Disease, which usually attacks the thyroid. Now, her doctor has her on several other prescriptions short term, but one of the smoking guns from testing was her hormones were all out of whack. What actually caused the tremors? Some drs. Say it was a weird sort of PTSD from the year we had, some said it was hormone imbalances and the sugar and carbs in her diet. All I can say is within only a few days of watching the foods she ate and the things she drank (neither of us drink alcohol), she began to see improvements in the tremors, and we are both very thankful.


Iowa Fox
04-01-2023, 05:17 AM
I've got it bad. Its embarrassing out in public.

04-02-2023, 12:29 AM
I am 76 and have quieted my hand tremors with tequila and upscale imported beer.