View Full Version : Doug Guy and Revolver Cylinders

02-11-2023, 01:44 PM
I recently sent three cylinders to Doug for a lot of things to include honing the throats. One, a new stainless Blackhawk 357 wasn't shooting accurately at all. I knew I'd not been shooting for a very long time but this was terrible. Cylinders from a 32 H&R Single Six having small throats and a S&W Model 17 I recently picked up were also sent. Ejecting the spent cases from the 17 was particularly difficult. Doug told me "At the kit gun matches they say there are two kinds of shooters. Ones who have had their cylinders reamed and others who intend to." That is easy to believe. Now the guns not only shoot better but ejection and loading are much smoother. He spent a fair amount of time conversing with me through PMs. It was amazing work and he was great to deal with.

02-11-2023, 01:56 PM
Agreed...He does great work and is an all-around good guy!

02-11-2023, 06:27 PM
I'm on the happy customer list. It seems some guns need a little extra care. Long ago I had another person clean up a Ruger BH .45 cylinder for me and it helped a lot. I'm dusting off a Ruger .480 and getting it ready for some serious shooting. I read DougGuy's description of how Ruger made that cylinder and sent mine to him for correction. It needed work not only in the throats, but in the holes as well. The work was first rate!

02-12-2023, 10:11 AM
ditto to all of the above.

02-12-2023, 10:58 AM
I just recently had a 45 acp barrel done, feeds like it should have done to start with.

02-12-2023, 11:18 AM
I recently sent three cylinders to Doug for a lot of things to include honing the throats. One, a new stainless Blackhawk 357 wasn't shooting accurately at all. I knew I'd not been shooting for a very long time but this was terrible. Cylinders from a 32 H&R Single Six having small throats and a S&W Model 17 I recently picked up were also sent. Ejecting the spent cases from the 17 was particularly difficult. Doug told me "At the kit gun matches they say there are two kinds of shooters. Ones who have had their cylinders reamed and others who intend to." That is easy to believe. Now the guns not only shoot better but ejection and loading are much smoother. He spent a fair amount of time conversing with me through PMs. It was amazing work and he was great to deal with.

You have captured my attention! To wit, I have a couple (both Rugers) of revolvers which might be benefited by his work. I just checked, and "Doug Guy" does not appear as a Vendor Sponsor -- so, my 2nd question is might you have an address/eMail for him? My first question ;) -- is exactly WHAT is the requisite criteria to determine if a trip to him (via mail) is indicated? I do not have pin gauges... pushing/measuring with a micrometer diameters of six different bullets sufficient? And, what re "throats"?

02-12-2023, 01:17 PM
I had Doug ream the cylinder of my S&W mod 63. I hadn't shot it much since I bought it because of the sticky loading and extraction. Now it's like a totally different gun! Everything I load in it chambers and extracts perfectly. I recommend him highly and he's great to deal with. Just send him a PM to get started!

02-12-2023, 06:02 PM
DougGuy does good work, fast turn around excellent communication. Did a 41 magnum cylinder on a Ruger.
Just recently got a S & W K-38, that cylinder may have to visit him!

02-12-2023, 06:11 PM
You have captured my attention! To wit, I have a couple (both Rugers) of revolvers which might be benefited by his work. I just checked, and "Doug Guy" does not appear as a Vendor Sponsor -- so, my 2nd question is might you have an address/eMail for him? My first question ;) -- is exactly WHAT is the requisite criteria to determine if a trip to him (via mail) is indicated? I do not have pin gauges... pushing/measuring with a micrometer diameters of six different bullets sufficient? And, what re "throats"?

I paid my Vendor Sponsor fees every year.. I do NOT like contact information posted or exchanged on an open forum, click the link in my signature to send a PM, this is how I prefer to communicate and do business..

georgerkahn send me a PM describing the caliber and make/model and we will start from there!

Oh I see what you did there, you searched for Doug Guy but the username is DougGuy without the space...


Thanks for the compliments fellas, it's definitely a blessing to be appreciated..

02-12-2023, 09:52 PM
You have captured my attention! To wit, I have a couple (both Rugers) of revolvers which might be benefited by his work. I just checked, and "Doug Guy" does not appear as a Vendor Sponsor -- so, my 2nd question is might you have an address/eMail for him? My first question ;) -- is exactly WHAT is the requisite criteria to determine if a trip to him (via mail) is indicated? I do not have pin gauges... pushing/measuring with a micrometer diameters of six different bullets sufficient? And, what re "throats"?

He responds to PMs. I can send you some pin gauges you can borrow. Just let me know the sizes you need. Please bear in mind they are cheap amazon gauges that only read to 0.001". You can measure the gauges with your micrometer for verification. They are marked. They will get you in the ballpark. They are not machinist quality. I didn't have good luck using calipers. I'll follow up with a PM.

02-12-2023, 11:28 PM
Doug, just curious if castboolit members compose a majority of your customers
Also, if business seems to pick up after we post a thread complimenting your work.

02-14-2023, 11:18 AM
Doug, just curious if castboolit members compose a majority of your customers
Also, if business seems to pick up after we post a thread complimenting your work.

Sometimes it's close to 50/50 with the cylnderhone FB page, but the majority come from castboolits forum.

I don't know that business picks up immediately after a complimentary thread but it certainly helps as it keeps my exposure current. I get a LOT of new members that hear about my work or my name mentioned on other forums and they join here to send a PM. I would hope these new members stay and continue their learning, and begin to contribute.

02-14-2023, 12:34 PM
I sent Doug a cylinder from my FA Model 83 chambered in .357 mag, one throat was a lot looser than the others. He straightened them out and now no more flyers (that aren’t my fault anyway)