View Full Version : Update 2-4-23

02-04-2023, 11:59 PM
Got to see her today. She was moved from ICU Isolation to Infectious Disease Unit ICU Isolation. Sometime yesterday she went from them being concerned about her catching something from somebody sneezing in another room to being the most infectious Shingles carrier they've ever had in the history of the hospital. The room now is behind a closed air pressure door, not just a curtain. Still requires gown, gloves, mask, headcover. They say that walking into the room, even in PPE is "almost guaranteed" infection. Especially if you haven't had chicken pox, or the shingles vax. I've had neither. WHEE! Her cancer is back with a vengeance. They think the virus has caused heart damage already. They can't treat anything until the infection is under control. She isn't allowed a phone, electronics, TV, etc. Only allowed one-two visitors a day in a narrow window in the morning or evening, and for no more than 15 minutes total (again in full PPE). A 2+ hour drive to see her for no more than 15 minutes each day. They want her resting. No stress, no distractions. That's all the bad news (and it is very bad). The upside is she was lucid, hopeful, and upbeat. She has decided she's going to be fine. That is actually alot, and the very good news. They tried to put actual food in her last night. First bite didn't stay down. However when she went in she couldn't even keep down sips of water. Now she is able to keep down orange juice, and ensure protein shakes. Her color was good instead of her looking like a black and white portrait like when she went in. Thank you all for the continued prayers for her.

Now for me. Last year towards end of summer I had to have the left boob cut open and more than a quart of infection drained, then had to keep washing it out in hot showers multiple times every day until it healed while on antibiotics. When I woke up this morning the damn thing was sore and stiffening up again. So Monday I get to go back to the doctor. If they have to cut me open to drain it again I won't be able to return in see her in the IDU ICU Isolation until it is completely healed. It took a month or more to completely heal last time (it was a deeeep wound last time). I have my Aunt (Good Lord Bless her) taking care of the driving, of me, of my grandmother, and of my wife all at once. My brother is helping out tremendously. It is alot on all of us. I was very very down and discouraged this morning before I saw her. Now I'm feeling more hopeful and upbeat too.

Oh and if anybody needs a dog there are 18 labs, of various ages, people have dumped out on us. We've been feeding them for months (150+ lbs of dog food a week). To add to the problems a couple nights ago they crawled under the house and ripped the ducting feeding heat to the front of the house in two. No heat in the bedrooms... We have no shelter, no vets, no spca, nothing in our area that can help, and I can't/won't kill a good dog just because it is an inconvenience. So I am kinda stuck with them right now on top of it all.

Anyway that is the current laundry list.

As always prayers, smoke, good thoughts, and positive vibes requested. God Bless, and thanks y'all.


02-05-2023, 07:07 AM
Richard, you are in our prayers today.

Pine Baron
02-05-2023, 08:25 AM
Richard. May God's mercy, grace, and comfort be with your wife and you. May He allow His divine healing for her and you. In Jesus name. Amen.

02-05-2023, 09:33 AM
You are a strong man. Stay Strong. Keep the faith. Continue to hold her in your prayers as we will for you both.

02-05-2023, 09:55 AM
We are holding your family up in prayer.

02-05-2023, 04:07 PM
Richard, Sounds like your plate is really full...will continue to pray for you two...just keep us informed!

02-05-2023, 04:32 PM
That is a lot going on. I pray that you will be able to keep your positive outlook, and that both of you will soon be well.

02-05-2023, 05:38 PM
Praying for you both for healing, recovery and peace of mind, in Jesus Name amen.

02-05-2023, 05:59 PM
Prayers for you and your family.

02-05-2023, 10:36 PM
Thank you all. We will be going to see her again tomorrow (Monday), Good Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise. I will keep y'all updated.

God Bless.


02-06-2023, 09:54 AM
God be with you both! And those dogs!

02-06-2023, 01:33 PM
You have a good heart Richard. God's peace be with you.


02-07-2023, 08:31 AM
What Wayne said: ^^^^^^^^^

It was great to hear that things are getting better....prayers for you two to continue!