View Full Version : Back again 2-3-23

02-04-2023, 12:36 AM
I know i haven't been around. I've no right to ask. All I'm asking for is prayer. My wife is back in the hospital with her 3rd bought of cancer. We all prayed and God granted a real miracle last time (2021). I can only ask for prayers again. She was doing ok a week and a few days ago. Last Friday Jan 27th a spot of shingles appeared on her back in the middle left of the spine for the first time ever. it spread around her left ribcage to her stomach. the paint became unbearable in a matter of a couple of days. By Tuesday she couldn't keep food down. By Wednesday night I wouldn't take no for an answer anymore, but she convinced me to wait and get my aunt to take her to the doctor on Thursday morning. By noon Thursday she was in the hospital in our local town, they realized she was "low" on blood but they don't do transfusions so they gave her six units of saline. By five pm she was in the hospital in a major city. When a cancer patient is down 2 and 1/2 quarts from around 4 quarts of blood a human body has normally (give or take) and you fill them full of saline to keep the heart pumping until they can get somewhere else the cancer (which she had been hiding most of from me and refusing to see a doctor for months) goes into "overdrive" or did in her case. Big city hospital gave her 3 units of emergency blood (two O- and one O+ and they won't say why the switch). They saw her clutch her stomach from pain from the shingles, saw a shaky ekg from the pain and panic, and tried to rush her into heart surgery. A consult/warning (via cellphone from the surgeon that was delivered to me via another doctor's private cellphone) that they couldn't give her blood thinners because she would bleed out and that the surgery had a 95% mortality rate without them and needed my permission to proceed caused me to slam on the brakes. We thought they had taken her down the hall for more tests, not to an OR. I told him she wasn't having a heart attack. She was having a panic attack. She wasn't clutching her chest in pain. She was clutching her stomach from the pain of the shingles. He said, and I quote, "Oh! Well that makes me feel much better!" They did vial/infection blood testing and found her immune system had failed. They also hurt her during some of the tests and preparations that I won't go into right now. She was moved to a ICU isolation room where she is now. Due to strict limits of open hours and limits of minutes at a time for solo only visitation that also requires a gown, gloves, mask, and headcover; and me getting ill from fast food last night after not eating and taking meds all day; I wasn't able to go back to see her today. I'm going to try to go in the morning early to see her. I have to get family to drive me as I am very nearly legally blind now, and my hands don't really work like they should anymore. With my medical issues it is going to be a hard journey back and forth, but I don't have a choice. At this point she is lucid, and her kidneys are still functioning. But the cancer is back in force with multiple large tumors, and her immune system is completely shot. She is a walking skeleton. The outlook is bleak. I'll try to keep information posted. So please. Prayers, smoke, happy thoughts, positive vibes... I'll take what I can get for her.

God Bless.


02-04-2023, 07:55 AM
Lord, Good ol Boy needs your help whatever it is that you know best would be helpful. His wife needs your help most urgently now. Bring peace and comfort to them.

Wayne Smith
02-04-2023, 08:46 AM
Lord, we pray your will for Good ol Boy and his wife - you know them and I don't so we ask you do what you know is best.

Pine Baron
02-04-2023, 08:55 AM
Prayers for God's mercy and a stable course.

02-04-2023, 08:59 AM
Heavenly Father we come bringing Richard and his wife to You asking that Your guidance and mercy be upon them, we know that You are the Great Physician and can do anything according to your will. We ask that You give the medical team the answers they need and the compassion to treat her, we ask that You be honored and glorified in all things, Amen!

02-04-2023, 09:13 AM
Prayers sent!

02-04-2023, 09:16 AM
i know what your going thru, my wife is in the same boat and just as stubborn, i have been trying to remember god's will be done but sometimes its hard when its your wife.

02-04-2023, 09:32 AM
heavenly Father, bless and comfort this whole family. Walk with them as Jesus walked with the disciples. visit them with the holy spirit, and give them your peace.


02-04-2023, 07:30 PM
You have every right to ask! The Lord be with you and your wife.

02-04-2023, 07:50 PM
Prayers & thoughts.

02-04-2023, 07:59 PM
Richard, surely there is someone you can reach out to in your time of need to drive you, etc in this critical time. A pastor or friend. No one can help if you don’t pour your heart to them as you have here. Yes I will pray for you Richard and your wife as well.

02-04-2023, 11:36 PM
Thank you all. Imma post an update in a new thread to keep dates kinda current.

God Bless.


02-04-2023, 11:58 PM
May God's mercy and strength of wellness be forthcoming, may his healing touch be with your Wife in her time of need. May all men come forth in prayer, for her and for all those in need.

God Bless,

school of mines
02-05-2023, 10:22 PM
Prying for you no your wife.