View Full Version : 3D printing

02-02-2023, 12:17 AM
I’m looking for some recommendations for getting some stuff printed, or getting a set up of my own…

I’m wanting to get the Galco Miami Classic hardware copied.
I’m marking a new holster for my set up and would like the “hanger” or whatever they’re called made. My rig is getting pretty rough, I might eventually make a whole new rig and want to make everything, but for now just those pieces.

Thanks for any insight

02-02-2023, 01:32 AM
Two main types available for under $1000.

Filament is the cheapest, $200 to $400 for a good base level. Lots of good materials to chose from. Not all printers can print all materials, you have to research what the printer is capable of. Prints are strong and print quality decent. Filiment is relatively cheap.

Second is resin, starter $400 to $1000 depending on secondary equipment (washer and curing). Printers are $500 range. Materials are mostly brittle but tough. Not like the old SLA. Print quality is awsome. Resin is more expensive.

They both have there pros and cons. Best to make up a 3d part and ask someone to print it. You probably have friends with both.

Chuck S.

Big Tom
02-02-2023, 12:43 PM
The types of plastic you can get will most likely not be good enough to support usage as part of a holster. What are the parts that you need made and do you have a design or .stl file for it?

02-02-2023, 04:07 PM
I’m looking for some recommendations for getting some stuff printed, or getting a set up of my own…

I’m wanting to get the Galco Miami Classic hardware copied.
I’m marking a new holster for my set up and would like the “hanger” or whatever they’re called made. My rig is getting pretty rough, I might eventually make a whole new rig and want to make everything, but for now just those pieces.

Thanks for any insight

That sort of part is usually injection molded, not 3D printed. 3D prints are built up in layers of little blobs of melted plastic, the layers are not usually very well adhered to each other. If you use a filament that can be affected by solvent vapors, you can do "vapor smoothing" which will perhaps make the layers adhere better, but they may also change shape and size of the part.

You might be able to use smoothed 3D prints to make a mold you could cast the parts you need in. The usual way to do that in the hobby casting fraternity is called "Lost Plastic" casting, and it's a variation of lost wax casting. Jewelry and small parts are frequently made as lost wax castings. A friend of mine makes model train parts in metals like stainless steel which he has cast at a foundry in Tulsa, OK, IIRC.

The hobby casters will often pour molten metal into a greensand mold with a plastic model in it, and let the heat of the metal melt our the plastic. If you want these parts done in metal, that would work. If you want them done in plastic, you'd need to burn out the mold like the lost wax casters do, and then force molten plastic into the molds, or make two (or more) piece molds. Which is liable to get pretty complicated.

I've looked at a photo of the type of holster you're talking about. The fitting could be metal or plastic, but I'm guessing plastic from your inquiry. It would be possible to mill or carve out plastic blocks into the parts you need. Also, if you look hard enough, you might be able to buy matching hardware from a vendor in the material of your choice.

I have a 3D printer of my own sitting here moldering at moment, since I've not been able to learn how to design my own parts yet. I bought a Hictop 3DP25 printer in 2018, and shortly after I got it, the manufacturer stopped selling or supporting them. They're a copy of the JGAURORA A5, and newer versions are still in production from other manufacturers. Just looked at their store on Amazon, where I bought mine, and they have a few parts still for sale, but no 3D printers. I'd advise, if you're going to get a printer of your own, to get something that is widely available, and well supported. One of the reasons I bought mine was that it had a roughly 12"x12"x12.5" build volume. Weren't many going that large when I got mine. They're more common now, but you don't need one that big if all you're doing is some small hardware for holsters, but what if you decide you need something bigger next? Here's a place you can probably get more and better answers: https://groups.io/g/3D-Printing-for-Metal-Hobbyists I started the group, but the other guys are keeping it going very nicely. ;)

If you wanted to make your hardware in metal, there are a number of ways to do that, and for casting the parts, here's a good sorce of some basic info: https://www.myheap.com/casting-molding/my-heap-mold-book/chapter-10-steam-casting/steam-casting-lessons.html?showall=1



02-02-2023, 04:22 PM
I just pulled up and looked at the holster and harness. I would NeVEr look to 3d printing for the metal hardware used for those. It is thin, and the plastic, even using carbon fiber filled would break with even limited use. I'd find metal hardware. It will hold up.
I've been 3d printing for over 4 years, and have enough experience with my 3 printers to know when to ge with something else.

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